not found (404) error in dnn - module

I have created a module named "Module Example" on cristoc for dnn and after build that I want to make the release of that module. It show me an error below.
Error 2 The "MSBuild.Community.Tasks.XmlRead" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\inetpub\wwwroot\websites\\DesktopModules\Module Example\\packages\MSBuildTasks.\tools\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\inetpub\wwwroot\websites\\DesktopModules\Module Example\packages\MSBuildTasks.\tools\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.
Then I have to try some nuggets to Install like "nuget install packages.config" and "Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json". After installing both nugets, click on build and make release of this module and release created successfully at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\websites\\DesktopModules\Module Example\install and release name Module_Example_00.00.01_Source it is a zip folder. After that for installing this module on dnn environment, I open my dnn site "" and after login on it, hover on host and click on extension and after that click on Install extension button and browse the location of the folder and click on "Next" button. But after that an error occur on installing this module.
Failure File specified in the dnn could not be found in the zip file: - C:\inetpub\wwwroot\websites\\Install\Temp\1cjkvd5v\bin\Module_Example.dll
And my on DNN environment Not found(404) error also comes. Why? I don't understand what happens. Kindly suggest me waiting for reply. Thanks

I don't know those components but I think the generated package is a source package inspite of the release package you're waiting for.
Then, it probably doesn't contain the corresponding generated assembly. I suggest you to open the zip to verify the presence of "Module_Example.dll".
Does this dll exist in your development environnment? Does your ascx use "codebehind" or "codefile"? With codefile mode, you don't need to upload the dll but the source file ( ou C#).
I hope it helps you.


How to load a dll in Karaf container?

I have a dll which provides a simple functionality (called HelloCpp.dll) and
I need to access to the content of this library from Karaf container via REST calls.
I created a simple maven bundle which provides the REST api and a class (HelloJNI) which loads HelloCpp.dll using: System.loadLibrary("HelloCpp");
I have also addressed this dll in my POM file using: <Bundle-NativeCode>HelloCpp.dll</Bundle-NativeCode>
I have coppied the dll in both project directory and also karaf/lib folder.
I can successfuly install the bundle and I don't receive any compilation error as well, but when I deploy my bundle into Karaf container and try to start bundle, I get this error message: No matching native libraries found.
Could you please help me to solve the problem? Maybe I don't address the dll correctly in the POM file.
Thanks in advance,

Reference VB.NET DLL in Kofax Document Validation Script

We are working on a validation script for Kofax Capture 9.0 / 10.0 in VB.NET 3.5.
We know how to create a script using the Admin Module, and how to get it operational.
The problem is that we need to reference a dll, located on a remote machine. (GAC is no option) This dll holds abstract classes we need in each validation script.
Even when putting the dlls locally (copy local), the Validation Module (index.exe) immediately throws the "cannot find reference" exception, even though the project compiled perfectly.
I guess the basic question comes down to: where do we put the dlls, in order for the Validation Module to find them?
The simple answer is to put the dll in the same folder as the application because this is one of the places which .NET will probe when trying to find it. The Validation module is run from the Capture bin directory which will be something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\CaptureSS\ServLib\Bin\". This would need to be done on each client using Validation.
If you have a more complicated scenario, you could look implementing the AppDomain.AssemblyResolve Event and using Assembly.LoadFile to get the assembly from a custom location, but the using the bin path is less complicated.
If you end up having further trouble, you can troubleshoot by using the Assembly Binding Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe) which can tell you more details about why the assembly failed to load and where .NET tried to search for it. Assembly loading can fail for reasons other than just the path.
For more detail on how .NET loads assemblies, see the following:
How the Runtime Locates Assemblies
Locating the Assembly through Codebases or Probing
We found a solution: add all library files as "links" to the project. (Add --> Existing File --> small arrow next to "Add" --> Add as Link)
This ensures the files are compiled when you build the project. The Kofax Validation Module can now find the files, whereas when referencing the file, it could not. Why it could not, remains a mystery...

Problems registering a dll

I am trying to register a .dll file but I am getting an error. The .dll is in the SysWOW64 folder, through the command line I then cd \Windows\SysWOW64 and run the following command regsvr32 php_sdo.dll
I then get the following error:
"The module "php_sdo.dll" failed to load.
Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path of debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent.DLL files.
The specified module could not be found"
This kind of failure often occurs when one of the dependency of the DLL one wants to register (which physically means, that the program that attempts to register the DLL internally calls LoadLibrary) is missing. You can have a look at the dependency (tree) of your DLL using Dependency Walker.

Error 'TF215097:...Cannot create unknown type for...' custom CodeActivity [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
TFS 2010 Custom Build Activity TF215097 error
I'm trying to create a CustomActivity to run after each successful build.
I've followed the exact steps of several tutorials
And all have lead me to the same result - The build fails after several seconds with this error:
TF215097: An error occurred while initializing a build for build definition
\MyCompany\Dev - Client: Cannot create unknown type '{clr-
I came down to a point where I have removed all custom references I had in the CodeActivity project and commented out all of the code.
I have added the output dll to the TFS, and I have the following post build script in the project's properties:
"$(DevEnvDir)\TF.exe" checkout "$/MyCompany/Development/Djenne/Dev/Tools/BuildProcess/Output/$(TargetFileName)"
copy /Y "$(TargetPath)" "C:\tfs2010\MyCompany\Dev\Tools\BuildProcess\Output\$(TargetFileName)"
"$(DevEnvDir)\TF.exe" checkin "$/MyCompany/Development/Djenne/Dev/Tools/BuildProcess/Output/$(TargetFileName)"
I've made sure that the namespace in the workflow xaml is correct for the custom CodeActivity.
I have no idea what else can I try,
Please help!
EDIT: I'm adding more descriptions about what I've already tried:
The CodeActivity class already have the attribute:
The CodeActivity class is contained inside an Activity Library project.
Here is the ProjectTypeGuids tag inside the csproj file:
In the custom workflow xaml I've added my CodeActivity right after "Get Impacted Tests, Index Sources and Publish Symbols"
I currently don'e have any InArgument nor OutArgument in my CodeActivity.
These are the references in my CodeActivity project:
In "Build Controller Properties" I have set the "Version control path to custom assemblies" with the same TFS path as my post build script:
In my Build Definition I've set "Build process template" with my custom workflow xaml.
Thank you guys for the answers, do you have any more thoughts?
Ok, I got this thing figured out.
Here's what worked for me:
I've installed my dll to the GAC in the build server, ran the build and suddenly it worked!
gacutil.exe /i buildtasks
Afterwards, I've uninstalled the dll from the GAC, and it keeps working even still.
gacutil.exe /u buildtasks
Another thing, my project had several references which I also had to checkin in the same directory as the CodeActivity dll itself.
So to do that I've changed my project's post build script:
cd "C:\tfs2010\Djenne\Dev\Tools\BuildProcess\Output\"
"$(DevEnvDir)\TF.exe" checkout "$/TradeNetworks/Development/Djenne/Dev/Tools/BuildProcess/Output/*.*"
xcopy "$(TargetDir)*.*" "C:\tfs2010\Djenne\Dev\Tools\BuildProcess\Output\" /E /R /C /Y
The only thing left to do now is to figure out how to debug this damn thing.
But that's an issue for another question.
Thanks to everybody who helped,
Hope this will help anyone in the future as well.
One more thing I've noticed is every time I edit my custom workflow, it regenerates the xaml and removes the ";assembly=BuildTasks" suffix from the custom CodeActivity namespace (xmlns).
So after every change I need to edit the xaml to fix it over and over again, otherwise the same error reoccurres.
You have to decorate your class with the BuildActivity attribute. See at the bottom. There is an UPDATE section with more information.
Where is assembly of your CustomActivity? You must add this assembly to source control and introduce it to the Build Controller you are using. For this:
Right click on Builds node.
Select Manage build controllers.
Click properties.
In the "Version control path to custom assemblies" section, introduce your assembly.
I had this exact same problem. The reason was that I had compiled the library with the custom activities against the x86 platform and the Build Controller was running off of a 64-bit Windows 2008 VM. Switching the target platform to AnyCPU allowed the build controller to immediately utilize the library without having to add it to the GAC.
The problem may be related to the output dll being in TFS.
What could happen is the following:
TFS does a get latest
The output dll is fetched and is read only
TFS tries to build
The build tries to write to the dll
Since the dll is read only you get an exception Setup Issue

While creating the setup for application I am getting the following warning:
"Warning 1 'msado15.dll' should be excluded because its source file 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado15.dll" is under Windows System File Protection.
Please suggest me how to over come this type of issue.
This is a classic case of IDE components not talking to each other.
One component says "you reference msado15.dll in your code, therefore I should include it in the project".
An unrelated component says "msado15.dll is on my list of protected DLLs, therefore I should warn you not to include it".
However, no component thinks like a human and says "hang on, this DLL is part of the framework, therefore I should silently remove it from the installer".
It's up to you to do the last part yourself.
That means that file is normally already on the operating system, so it should not be necessary to install it. If you remove the user's original protected file in your app uninstall, it can cause problems on the user machine.