SaveAs file name with new format in current folder - vba

I have setup the following macro in a Word Template to save my file to the place where the template is current saved, but in a sub-folder with a new name and file format. Each time I run the macro I get a "Command failed" Error.
Here is my code:
pathName = ActiveDocument.Path & "\Periodic Count\CaseManager_CSV.txt"
ActiveDocument.SaveAs fileName:=pathName, FileFormat:=wdFormatText

I think the reason of your problem stem from unsaved document which doesn't have a path. As a result your pathName variable value is only like this: "\Periodic Count\CaseManager_CSV.txt" which is incorrect.
As you mentioned you want to save in the subfolder of the folder where your template is saved. Possibly you should modify pathName variable in this way:
pathName = ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.Path & "\Periodic Count\CaseManager_CSV.txt"


MS Project can't change filname bevor save

I have the following question:
It seems that I cannot change the name of a project file before it is saved. The following code does not work. Does anyone have a better idea? I am using Project 2016
DateToday = Format(Now, "YYYY-MM-DD")
Set Test = Application.Projects.Add(False, PTP_Template, False)
Test.Name = DateToday & " SomeMoreTest"
I would like to change the file name so that users already have the correct file name in the file save dialog.
Thanks for any suggestion
It seems that I cannot change the name of a project file before it is
That is correct. The Project Name property is read-only just as it is with Excel, Word, etc.
The way around this would be to create a macro to save the file for the user. So instead of the user going to File: Save As, they would need to run the macro.

VBA not working in 2016 as it did in 2013: suggested file name (InitialFileName) not showing up

I have a code to export an Excel tab and save it as a new file with a preset file name. The user has the option to review the file name before saving. This is what I have been using:
InitialName = SaveString & UniqueString
fileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=InitialName)
If fileSaveName <> False Then
Export.SaveAs (fileSavename)
End If
SaveString is the save folder, and UniqueString is the specific file name, which changes each month. The user clicks Export, the tab is prepared, and the Save As folder pops up in the correct folder with the suggested file name. As long as the user hits "Save," then the exported tab is saved in the SaveString folder with the UniqueString name (with .xlsx already included in UniqueString).
Since upgrading to Office 2016, the UniqueString suggested file name no longer shows up. The Save As pop-up still opens in the SaveString folder, but there is no suggested file name. If the user isn't careful to manually add .xlsx to the end of the file name, then the file type is an unusable "File."
I've opened Excel 2013 in a virtual setting and run the code side-by-side, and it works perfectly in the older version. Does anyone have insight as to why this change happened, and how to correct it?
It appears that you now need to include a file filter that matches the initial name you provide, so the following will possibly work:
fileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=InitialName, _
FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xlsx),*.xlsx")

vba dir function error 5174

I have been getting a runtime error 5174. In the directory there are .docx and .docm files. I have tried to add .doc files, as I read .docx are not supported by the dir function. Following adding the file, the code will go through all files in the directory like it should. If I run it again, it will fail with an error 5174. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
sMyDir = "C:\weekly\" & "*.doc?"
sDocName = Dir(sMyDir)
While sDocName <> ""
Documents.Open FileName:=sDocName, Visible:=False
' Does stuff
sDocName = Dir()
Error 5174 indicates file not found, which means it is possible that the directory is incorrect. Try using LIKE:
sMyDir LIKE "C:\weekly\" & "*.doc?"
Edit: Your sDocName does not provide with a full path as well
The result was the Dir function returns the file name only. So when I used the open method I added the path before the variable which stored the filename. I just needed to read the documentation on the Dir function.

How do I specify the file path in vba code in powerpoint 2011 for mac?

I want to access an image file in my VBA code for PowerPoint 2011 for Mac.
I have used both "/" and ":" as separator but it didn't work.
It works only when I save both .pptm file and the image file in the same folder and specify the relative path for the image file as below:
Dim strPath As String
strPath = "image.png"
But if I try saving the file at a different location than the .pptm file and provide the full path for the StrPath as:
strPath = "Users:Me:Desktop:image.png"
it throws a runtime error saying "the specified file wasn't found".
I have kept in mind the case sensitivity in case of Mac but nothing seems to be working for me.
Can anyone please help me in finding the possible workaround so that I can save the .pptm file and the image file at different locations on Mac?
Presentations.Open "Macintosh HD:Users:Me:Desktop:filename.ext"
Substitute appropriate strings for the name of the HD, your user name and the file.

FORMTEXT Appearing in Word File Name Generated from Protected Form-Field Value and BookMark for VB Script

I am using the following VB Script in a Word 2010 Doc saved as a Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Template that is protected for form fields:
Sub SaveWithBkMarkedText()
'This code saves the Word file using the bookmark value for Maintenance Memo.
'The file is also saved to a folder in KnowHow for files related to this template.
Dim FileName As String
FileName = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("mmn").Range.Text
'Use the C:\ code when saving the file locally
ActiveDocument.SaveAs "C:\Download\TemplatesFolders\" & FileName & ".doc"
MsgBox "Your Draft has been saved to KnowHow's Release Documentation site." & _
&vbCrLf & "The file name uses the MM that you included earlier: " & FileName, _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Draft Saved to Minerva"
End Sub
The value entered into the Form Field for a FORMTEXT legacy-form object uses the Bookmark as the file name. Example, if the user enters 12345 as the value, the file is saved using this value as the filename: 12345.doc. This worked fine until a week ago when the filename is now being Prefixed with FORMTEXT 12345.doc. I have tried using this same VB script in older versions of Word on a different machine, and created from a NEW Template with the script added in from scratch, and the same issue is appearing on that machine as well. Prior to this, I was able to update my template with NO problem, but now I can't update this one FORMTEXT field without it affecting the whole file. I can update any other FORMTEXT in the template that does not use the Bookmark value as the file name, and it works. Also, I have tried changing the Bookmark Reference to another FORMTEXT object, as well as saving the file as a .DOCX and the same problem occurs regardless. What is causing the FORMTEXT to appear in the filename?
You have to un-protect the document (template) and then make the VBA programming. Once it is done, then you can protect it again (for filling forms) and you will not see the "FORMTEXT" in the filename when you run the macro.
Hope it helps.
To the OP, did you resolve this issue? I'm now having the same problem, I'm using form field text with bookmarks and using to get the bookmark.text which is now prefixed with FORMTEXT, just using a bookmark on it own and its OK, no prefix. I'm going to try and remove the first 9 characters from the result using code, a workaround, yes but it might work.
Know this is an old thread but ran into same issue. As a workaround...
Replace FORMTEXT with null "". In OP circumstance:
Dim FileName As String
FileName = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("mmn").Range.Text
FileName = Replace(FileName, "FORMTEXT ", "")
Not a "fix" for the issue or elegant but it works.
Had the same issue. Simply delete current bookmark and add a new one. If that does not work than instead of using the following:
FileName = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("mmn").Range.Text
try using:
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="mmn"
Filename = Selection.Text