Salesforce UserInfo session type in APEX - authentication

I would like to know if there is a way to find out in APEX when an particular user is logged in directly or via the "Login As" feature from the organization's user list.
The UserInfo class doesn't seem to provide any methods for this purpose and i need to know this in my apex code.
thanks in advance

Something is tracking that your session previously belonged to another user so that the "Logged in as XYZ (" message can be displayed in the Salesforce UI.
I suspect this would be cookie based. If this is the case, you could try and isolate it by tracking the cookie changes when you login as another user. If you can find it then you can check for the presence of this cookie in Apex using
Cookie counter = ApexPages.currentPage().getCookies().get('loginAsCookieHere');

As far as I know this isn't possible with salesforce.


Is there a way to know that Keycloak's user account management page was opened from the client?

I am using Keycloak to secure my application but I am using an extra database too. I am holding my users in both of them. Thus whevener a change is made to a user, the user needs to be updated in both the Keycloak db and my db. Thus whenever the application's main page loads, I update the user (everytime). Because maybe the user was changed from the Keycloak User Account Management service. And I need to put the change in the db.
But I don't want to do this everytime the app loads. I would like to know if there's a way to know Keycloak acocunt page was opened by the user. (So that I can update the users only then) Maybe Keycloak returns a parameter or smt? I don't know.
If anyone can help, I would be grateful.

How do get userIdentity of current login request from list of all login users identities?

I want to restrict user for multiple login at a same time. Am following custom authentication method from below link
To achieve, I wanted know whether current login request is already logged in or not from some other device(session). Where or from which method am going get these details?
Please let me know how to get and return error custom message from this java file to adapter's calling method.
I don't believe any of the built-in APIs will provide what you are looking for.
Instead, I think you need to create your own implementation from scratch. Meaning, create some database to store the current status of each user. Update it every time, check the status whenever someone tries to login ...

Use Liferay to authenticate users from separate standalone application

I'm trying to get my standalone webapplication to use my Liferay 6.2 as "user store". That means I want the user to log in to Liferay and then be able to move on to another application with some credentials and user specific information passed as well. Moving on and passing information is already working, the issue I'm having right now is making sure the user-object that is passed on is the user that is actually logged in right now.
I use the LFR_SESSION_STATE_ cookie do determine the logged in user. But when I log in again with another user I get a second cookie with a different user-id. So now I need to make sure that I'm passing the correct user. The USER_UUID cookie does not contain the same uuid as provided by Liferay (as of now I didn't check if it's a hash of the uuid).
Long story short, I'm looking for a way to recognize the currently logged in user and be able to pass the credentials and additional information to my application.
I will take care of security concerns like manipulated cookies etc. subsequently. Maybe that will raise another question wenn I get to that point ;-)
I'd really appriciate any help or push in the right direction.
Thanks in advance guys ... sebastian
Some possibilities:
Make your application a portlet application
Publish your Liferay Database through LDAP (EE only) and use a separate SSO application
Create a Liferay-Hook that sets a cookie (to "/") containing the required user information - encryption and signatures are on yourself. You can create hooks that get executed on every successful login

What is the most secured way to check if a user is already logged in?

I have read many questions like my question title, none of them give me a solution.
I am implement a website (using struts2 framework) and I dont know what is the most secure way to check if user is already logged or not. My site has the payment feature, so I should really be careful about this.
All the solution I have read are similar like this:
// Is there a "user" object stored in the user's HttpSession?
Object user = session.getAttribute (USER_HANDLE);
if (user == null) {
// The user has not logged in yet.
else {
// the user has logged in
I was wondering is there any chance some bad guys can create a fake session object like the user object and then can logged in the system without a valid password?
I also want to know is it practice way, at every required logged in page, not just check the user object is not null, but also check the username and password in the database?
Maybe you should use a security framework like spring security or Apache Shiro.
Security issues are always based on your requirements, in simple which kind of security you want ,because there are various layers of security regarding web. But as you have mentioned, This you can achieve using Struts2-Interceptors, because It provides you terminology to perform some essential operation before and after your action is called.For example refer this link.

GITkit "Account Chooser" Questions

Has anyone successfully implemented the Google Identity Toolkit, an implementation of an Account Chooser. I followed the initial steps here, but I still have a few questions, as I don't quite know how to handle the entire data flow. I'm using Clojure / Compojure in the back-end:
A) don't quite understand how ID Provider authentication, fits into my data model
when implementing the callbackURL, what data should I expect, and
how's that session state managed by GITkit (and all Account Choosers)
B) Is there a way to set this up the 'callbackURL' for development.
the identity provider would need a URL that it can redirect back to
C) How can the GITkit / Account Chooser workflow let my users register an account that's native to my app?
Thanks in advance
The questions aren't entirely clear, but I've done an implementation of GITkit in ruby and can give you some pointers.
A) The callback URL is what handles the assertion from the identity providers. Rightnow GITKit only does OpenID, so the URL will contain an OpenID response either in the query parameters or as the POST body. You'll need to do a few things:
1) Call verifyAssertion in the gitkit API and pass the params/post body. This will return a JSON response that contains the user details (assuming assertion is valid). There are some other checks you should do as well
2) Decide what to do with the assertion. If it is an existing user, most likely you'll just establish a session and save the user ID. If it's a new user, you can either create a new account and start a session immediately, or defer that and redirect them to a signup page.
3) Render HTML/JS to notify the widget. There are different status codes and data you can return that changes the flow.
GITKit itself doesn't really manage session state, that's up to your app. Some of the reference implementations have code to help, but it's not part of the API. The widget does have some state that you can control with JS (add account, show as logged in, etc) and uses local storage in the browser.
The docs give some details and example code for how this should be implemented.
B) Of course. The URL is just configured in the javascript widget when you call setConfig() It can be set to localhost or any staging server for development. So long as your browser can reach it you're OK.
C) By "native", I assume you mean where they're signing up with just a username/password instead of using an IDP. If so, the user just has to enter their email address when logging in. If that email address matches a known IDP it'll attempt to authenticate with OpenID, otherwise if it's a new user it'll redirect to whatever signup page you configured in the widget. That signup page would just ask the user to create a password like you normally would. You should also return whether or not accounts are 'legacy' (password) accounts in the userStatus checks.
Hope that helps.
For anyone's future reference. I was able to resolve the issue. You can follow this thread of how's it's done in Clojure.
I got it working with Ring/Compojure, and another fellow showed me his solution in Webnoir.