Include preferences from a topic - twiki

How to include preferences from another topic in Foswiki 1.1.9? This approach doesn't work for me:
* Set FOO = 1
Value for FOO is %FOO%
Output of Sandbox.UseFoo
Value for FOO is %FOO%

Another possibility would be to use SpreadSheet variables to accomplish something similar. Unlike Foswiki Preferences, spreadsheet variables can be set in an included topic and then used in the including topic. I've seen this used to centralize a number of calculations into a separate include topic which can then be referenced in a number of topics.
I wrote up an example from a past life. See

No, that's not possible. * Set lists can't be %INCLUDed. However the upcoming Foswiki-1.2.0 will have a macro-equivalent to * Set which in fact will
allow you to %INCLUDE them as you described. See


CHM/HHP: maximum length of variable names in [ALIAS] section

What is the maximum length of variable names in the [ALIAS] section of HHP files?
I have found a CHM/HHP specification right here:
That page only talks about the length of the overall line, though (and not about the length of the variable name). Very specific question, I know. Still, someone may be able to point me somewhere.
As far as I know never asked before and I never heard about limitations. But I think this is because nobody used long variable names in this place so far.
The purpose of the two files e.g. alias.h and map.h is to ease the coordination between developer and help author. The mapping file links an ID to the map number - typically this can be easily created by the developer and passed to the help author. Then the help author creates an alias file linking the IDs to the topic names. That was the idea behind years (decades) ago by Ralph Walden (ex Microsoft).
Please note HTMLHelp is about 20 years old and these context ID strings inside a alias.h file were derived from WinHelp as a predecessor of HTMLHelp.
You'll find some further Information at Creating Context-Sensitive Help for Applications.
In general I'd recommend to use ID's with a fixed format because of the better legibility like shown below:
; alias.h file example for HTMLHelp (CHM)
; All IDH's > 10000 for better format
; last edited: 2006-07-09
I'd recommend to use less than 1024 bytes per line.

CMD specifying columns to save?

I looked at a code by someone previously and saw them do code that went like:
set Today=%DATE:~0,3%
And if the variable (%DATE%) was executed (echo %DATE%) it would come out with the first 3 letters of the date it was, this worked for other commands such as %TIME%, etc... But I was wondering if it was possible to specify what it takes instead of a first section, the reason I want this is cause I am attempting to make a logging system that logs with the times and date, though the %time% variable consists of colons, which can't be put as folder names,
Some attempts:
set Today=%TIME:~0,2 ~4,5%
set Today=%TIME:~0,2:4,5%
The list goes on, so to specify in more detail what I want, it is simply a way to take only the numbers of the %time% variable, or to remove the colons with a filtering method, if either are possible or you have a suggestion, please go ahead and tell me.
Thanks for reading. :)
You can't specify multiple regions from the variable but it is very easy to accomplish what you want:
set Today=%TIME:~0,2%%TIME:~3,2%
I assume you see the pattern...
Remember that DATE and TIME might look different on different locals so this may work fine on your local system but not if you go to a different system or change your local settings!
Reference: set /?

TSearch2 - dots explosion

Following conversion
SELECT to_tsvector('english', '');
returns this:
Why does TSearch2 engine didn't return something like this?
'google':2, 'com':1
Or how can i make the engine to return the exploded string as i wrote above?
I just need "" to be foundable by "google".
Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy solution.
Denis is correct in that the parser is recognizing it as a hostname, which is why it doesn't break it up.
There are 3 other things you can do, off the top of my head.
You can disable the host parsing in the database. See postgres documentation for details. E.g. something like ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION your_parser_config
DROP MAPPING FOR url, url_path
You can write your own custom dictionary.
You can pre-parse your data before it's inserted into the database in some manner (maybe splitting all domains before going into the database).
I had a similar issue to you last year and opted for solution (2), above.
My solution was to write a custom dictionary that splits words up on non-word characters. A custom dictionary is a lot easier & quicker to write than a new parser. You still have to write C tho :)
The dictionary I wrote would return something like '':4, 'com':3, 'facebook':2, 'www':1' for the '' domain (we had a unique-ish scenario, hence the 4 results instead of 3).
The trouble with a custom dictionary is that you will no longer get stemming (ie: will come out as www, books and com). I believe there is some work (which may have been completed) to allow chaining of dictionaries which would solve this problem.
First off in case you're not aware, tsearch2 is deprecated in favor of the built-in functionality:
As for your actual question, gets recognized as a host by the parser:
If you don't want this to occur, you'll need to pre-process your text accordingly (or use a custom parser).

Is there any way I can define a variable in LaTeX?

In LaTeX, how can I define a string variable whose content is used instead of the variable in the compiled PDF?
Let's say I'm writing a tech doc on a software and I want to define the package name in the preamble or somewhere so that if its name changes, I don't have to replace it in a lot of places but only in one place.
add the following to you preamble:
\newcommand{\newCommandName}{text to insert}
Then you can just use \newCommandName{} in the text
For more info on \newcommand, see e.g. wikibooks
Use \def command:
\def \variable {Something that's better to use as a variable}
Be aware that \def overrides preexisting macros without any warnings and therefore can cause various subtle errors. To overcome this either use namespaced variables like my_var or fall back to \newcommand, \renewcommand commands instead.
For variables describing distances, you would use \newlength (and manipulate the values with \setlength, \addlength, \settoheight, \settolength and \settodepth).
Similarly you have access to \newcounter for things like section and figure numbers which should increment throughout the document. I've used this one in the past to provide code samples that were numbered separatly of other figures...
Also of note is \makebox which allows you to store a bit of laid-out document for later re-use (and for use with \settolength...).
If you want to use \newcommand, you can also include \usepackage{xspace} and define command by \newcommand{\newCommandName}{text to insert\xspace}.
This can allow you to just use \newCommandName rather than \newCommandName{}.
For more detail,
I think you probably want to use a token list for this purpose:
to set up the token list
to assign the name:
\packagename={New Name for the package}
to put the name into your output:

What's bad about the VB With/End With keyword?

In this question, a user commented to never use the With block in VB. Why?
"Never" is a strong word.
I think it fine as long as you don't abuse it (like nesting)
IMHO - this is better:
With MyCommand.Parameters
.Count = 1
.Item(0).ParameterName = "#baz"
.Item(0).Value = fuz
End With
MyCommand.Parameters.Count = 1
MyCommand.Parameters.Item(0).ParameterName = "#baz"
MyCommand.Parameters.Item(0).Value = fuz
There is nothing wrong about the With keyword. It's true that it may reduce readibility when nested but the solution is simply don't use nested With.
There may be namespace problems in Delphi, which doesn't enforce a leading dot but that issue simply doesn't exist in VB.NET so the people that are posting rants about Delphi are losing their time in this question.
I think the real reason many people don't like the With keyword is that is not included in C* languages and many programmers automatically think that every feature not included in his/her favourite language is bad.
It's just not helpful compared to other options.
If you really miss it you can create a one or two character alias for your object instead. The alias only takes one line to setup, rather than two for the With block (With + End With lines).
The alias also gives you a quick mouse-over reference for the type of the variable. It provides a hook for the IDE to help you jump back to the top of the block if you want (though if the block is that large you have other problems). It can be passed as an argument to functions. And you can use it to reference an index property.
So we have an alternative that gives more function with less code.
Also see this question:
Why is the with() construct not included in C#, when it is really cool in VB.NET?
The with keyword is only sideswiped in a passing reference here in an hilarious article by the wonderful Verity Stob, but it's worth it for the vitriol: See the paragraph that starts
While we are on identifier confusion. The with keyword...
Worth reading the entire article!
The With keyword also provides another benefit - the object(s) in the With statement only need to be "qualified" once, which can improve performance. Check out the information on MSDN here:
So by all means, use it.