how to Deploy the sencha touch app to iOS app in windows7 - sencha-touch

I'm using sencha touch 2.2.1
I have doubt to config a sencha app to iOS app in windows7.
I already deployed the sencha touch app to android app its works well. My problem is I don't have MAC-OS. so, can I deploy sencha app to iOS app in windows7 alone with apple-ID, certificate path and key values in sencha config file.
pls anyone tell me thanks in advance...

This should work. Just set up a packager.json file as it is described here and use sencha app build native in your command line to build your native iOS app.
If it does not work you could use the PhoneGap-Cloud-Build-Service. You'll find information about how to set up cordova / phonegap in this video.

You will need to build all your apps in XCode 5 from February 1st which will require a mac.
I saw this service yesterday which I haven't looked into myself, but may allow you to compile apps in the cloud using one of their macs, rather than have to buy one yourself at great cost :


React Native, build for iOS

I have an app made with React Native that is already working on for Android.
I'm working on Debian 10.
For Android I build my app-release.aab file with this command:
bash android/gradlew --project-dir android --project-prop MYAPP_UPLOAD_STORE_FILE=my-key.keystore --project-prop MYAPP_UPLOAD_KEY_ALIAS=my-key --project-prop MYAPP_UPLOAD_STORE_PASSWORD=mypassword --project-prop MYAPP_UPLOAD_KEY_PASSWORD=mypassword clean bundleRelease
I've been creating this bundle for like a year with no problems, but now I have a task that is "now we want the iOS version"
What do I need to create this iOS version? I'm pretty lost, I have never created nothing for iOS, I just have this React Native app that works ok on Android.
I've been reading some mediums, youtube videos, and some questions here in Stackoverflow but they talk about that it's possible to create the app for both Android and iOS but I can't find a source of clear information about what I need for.
Do I need a Mac?
How should I create the bundle for iOS?
First, if you want to publish to the iOS app store, you need to buy a paid Apple Developer Program, regardless if you have a Mac or not.
Okay, if you have a Mac there is a good amount of documentation: and more. The below is if you do not have a Mac, or do not want to develop on it.
No Mac
You cannot build macOS apps locally without a Mac.
That being said, you could look at CI/CD, for example, Github Actions or Travis CI, as running macOS on them is possible. If you are already pushing your code to Github, I recommend Github Actions. If you do not want to use CI/CD, you can use Expo. With Expo, you can build your app on their servers, and all you need is a paid Apple Developer Program (no Mac).
With vanilla react-native for local development/builds you will need a Mac as Xcode (free) is required for iOS builds. It's propriety software to macOS. You will also need an Apple Developer account to setup development/distribution certificates for deployments.
You can then use Xcode and the iOS certificates/provisions to generate a bundle for iOS.

How to build .IPA file for testing in react-native?

I have build a project in react-native, for now I am testing the android app by using Expo Client App. I am using Visual Code in Ubuntu 18.04.
So the problem is, now I want to test the project for IOS, but unfortunately i can't test the app, because I don't have MAC OS.
Can anyone tell me the alternative solution of testing react-native project on IOS?
And if somehow there is a solution of creating IPA,then can I use that IPA in IOS without uploading it in AppStore?
You can use snack :
Snack lets you run complete react native project in a web browser,you can set it up on your local machine directly use it from which also let's you test for android and ios as well

Can we use a signle ionic-4 app for mobile and desktops

I am developing an ionic-4 app, Ionic provides cross platform apps but I am a bit confused and my confusion is can I use a single ionic-4 application for mobiles(e.g. Android and IOS) and desktops browsers(Chrome, firefox etc.) as website. Is it possible by using ionic version 4.
Yes, Ionic 4 provides a single code for the execution of multiple platforms.
Ionic Doc
here is help for you. You can check everything.
Yes, you can use Ionic for Android, IOS and Browser. Once the coding is done, you can add any platform to make its build. For example, if you add Android platform then you can take an Android build(APK).Before that you need to setup an environment for that . For example, you need Android studio for taking Android build and Xcode for taking IOS build. It's all depends on the platform that you use.
Please go through Ionic documentation and Youtube tutorials to get a correct picture.
Thank you

how to make phonegap build of sencha app to run on blackberry device

I develop a sencha touch application. Its working fine.
Now i want to deploy/ run this application on blackberry simulator.
i found many question related to this but i did not get what to do exactly.
Please someone help me how to do this?
How to make phonegap build of sencha application to run on blackberry simulator.
Thank's in advance.
Follow phonegap's instructions for setting up a blackberry environment.
Build your project and move the entire contents of the built directory into the same folder that phonegap normally puts its index.html.
Follow phonegap's blackberry build instructions.

How to optimize Sencha Touch 2.0 performance on iPad?

I am trying to optimize the performance of a Sencha Touch 2.0 app on iPad device.
Please point out some way for doing this.
Is any tools are available for iPad to test the performance of web app??
For your first question, this link may help:
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance?
About performance inspection, you can just use Developer Tools of your iPad's Safari. Here is a good tutorial to get started:
Are you going to deploy the app as an iPad native or are you going to use it within the web browser?
Whatever the case, if you are going to deploy as native, it will automatically be optimised and no unnecessary files will be loaded.
If you are going to use it within a web browser, I suggest deploying it as production and not loading the whole source.
This can be achieved by navigating to your sencha touch 2 app and running the following sdk command:
sencha app build production
Then you should load that page within your browser.