Weird call of Class_Terminate - vba

I really don't know why this is happening:
This hier is a little presentation wrapper:
' Class PPTGenPresentation
Private m_Presentation As Presentation
Public Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_Presentation = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub Class_Terminate()
If Not m_Presentation Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize(ByVal presentationPath As String)
On Error GoTo Error
Set m_Presentation = Presentations.Open(presentationPath, , , msoFalse)
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Could not open " & presentationPath)
End Sub
Public Property Get Instance() As Presentation
' After this line Class_Terminate() gets called somehow ..
Instance = m_Presentation
End Property
After I opened the ppt I want to access the actual presentation by accessing the property:
For Each filePath In filePaths
Set safePresentation = New PPTGenPresentation
safePresentation.Initialize (filePath)
Dim tmp As Presentation
Set tmp = savePresentation.Instance
For Each oSlide In tmp.Slides
Set oShape = oSlide.Shapes(1)
If oShape.HasTextFrame Then
If oShape.TextFrame.HasText Then
MsgBox oShape.TextFrame
End If
End If
But after accessing the property Instance, somehow Class_terminate gets called.
I have no idea why ths is happening. Could somebody explain to me what the problem is?

I have added comments to your code.
Basically, when you use set=new to overwrite an object (as happens in each subsequent iteration through your For Each loop) the previous object has either one of two situations from a theoretical standpoint:
The reference is lost but the object exists and now creates a memory leak
The object is automatically cleaned up and destroyed when the reference is gone
VBA automatically causes the second to be true. When you use "New" again, the first presentation no longer will have any way to refer to it, and so it is cleaned up and destroyed. This calls Class_Terminate
Just a note, in other languages without this sort of code you have now would start causing memory leaks (such as C++).
For Each filePath In filePaths
'Each subsequent iteration the following basically happens:
'when you set the presentation to a new one, you are effectively
'ending the previous version. So for example, the following *basically* happens:
' if not safePresentation is nothing then set safePresentation=nothing
Set safePresentation = New PPTGenPresentation
safePresentation.Initialize (filePath)
Dim tmp As Presentation
Set tmp = savePresentation.Instance
For Each oSlide In tmp.Slides
Set oShape = oSlide.Shapes(1)
To solve this, move Set safePresentation = New PPTGenPresentation above your For Each loop.

It gets called as you have a syntax error in your code and I suspect that you have On Error Resume Next in the calling code.
Public Property Get Instance() As Presentation
' After this line Class_Terminate() gets called somehow ..
Instance = m_Presentation
End Property
Generates an error, which is suppressed by the resume next, try:
Public Property Get Instance() As Presentation
' After this line Class_Terminate() gets called somehow ..
Set Instance = m_Presentation
End Property
You'd be much better off not suppressing errors, and certainly not when testing


Object error when calling application

I'm trying to open an excel document when a user clicks a button. There are multiple buttons that open the same document but I want it to change the worksheet if the document is already opened and not another instance of the document
Public objExcel As Object
Sub Main()
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End Sub
Public Sub QE1_Click()
Call Main
If objExcel Is Nothing Then
objExcel.Visible = True
objExcel.Workbooks.Open "H:\My Documents\Flowchart to Word\Quality and Environmental management system flowchart.xlsm"
objExcel.Worksheets("Project enquiry").Activate
objExcel.Worksheets("Project enquiry").Activate
End If
End Sub
Public Sub QE2_Click()
Call Main
If objExcel Is Nothing Then
objExcel.Visible = True
objExcel.Workbooks.Open "H:\My Documents\Flowchart to Word\Quality and Environmental management system flowchart.xlsm"
objExcel.Worksheets("Order and project release").Activate
objExcel.Worksheets("Order and project release").Activate
End If
End Sub
Running the code gives me the error: Application-defined or object-defined error
Can anyone point out what's causing the error?
This code here:
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Is creating a new Excel Application. Then this one here:
objExcel.Worksheets("Project enquiry").Activate
already assumes that the new application is having a worksheet called Project enquiry, which cannot be true. Thus, you are getting the 1004 error. Refine your business logic and it should work.
In general, try to delete this condition If objExcel Is Nothing Then because objExcel will never be Nothing, you are calling Main which assigns object to it. Then the code may work.
A little upgardes to get your code to work more efficiently:
Option Explicit
Public objExcel As Object
Sub Main()
' don't need to open another instance of Excel, can use the same instance
On Error Resume Next
Set objExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") ' check if there is an open instance of Excel running
On Error GoTo 0
If objExcel Is Nothing Then
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
End Sub
Public Sub QE1_Click()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim sht As Worksheet
If objExcel Is Nothing Then
Main ' call sub that initializes an Excel application object
End If
objExcel.Visible = True
Set wb = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("H:\My Documents\Flowchart to Word\Quality and Environmental management system flowchart.xlsm")
On Error Resume Next
Set sht = wb.Worksheets("Project enquiry")
On Error GoTo 0
If sht Is Nothing Then ' sheet doesn't exist >> raise an error
MsgBox "Workbook doesn't have a sheet named 'Project enquiry'", vbCritical, "Sheet critical error"
Else ' sheet object created successfully
sht.Activate ' <-- NOT SURE why you need to use Activate ?
End If
End Sub
Note: same modifications should be applied to Sub QE2_Click().
If you want to control an Office application from within a different one - Excel from within Word, for example, you first need to decide whether you want to write your code using Intellisense and what's called "early-binding" or whether you want to use "late-binding", which does not have Intellisense but has the advantage that you don't need to rely on a link to the other (Excel) VBA code library.
In order to use early-binding you must go to Tools/References in the VBA editor and activate the checkbox next to the entry for the other application (Excel). Only then can you use something like Dim wb As Workbook.
If you don't want to use early-binding, then you must declare things as Dim wb as Object, same as you've done for the Excel.Application.
In order have code decide whether it needs to use an running instance of the other application (Excel) or start a new instance, use the method GetObject. This can be used to pick up any running instance, or to check for a specific file.
Set ojbExcel = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
Set objExcel = GetObject("H:\My Documents\Flowchart to Word\Quality and Environmental management system flowchart.xlsm")
If what you're looking for with GetObject isn't currently available, you'll get an error which you can check and subsequently use CreateObject in order to start the application.
Option Explicit
Public objExcel As Object
Sub Main()
''' Try to re-use an existing instance
' If that instance does not exist, an error will be generated
' So temporarily turn off error messages
On Error Resume Next
' check if there is an open instance of Excel running
Set objExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
' Turn error messages back on
On Error GoTo 0
If objExcel Is Nothing Then
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
End Sub
Note that you should usually not turn off error-messaging - you need a really good reason to do so and you should turn it on again as soon as possible.
If all your buttons are essentially the same - in the two procedures you show everything is the same except the Else step - then you can cut down on the duplicate code. (That will also make maintenance simpler if you don't have to make changes in all the procedures).
Also, since the Else action is the same as the last action in the If you can simply put that after End If.
Private Sub ActivateWorksheet(wsName as String)
If objExcel Is Nothing Then
objExcel.Visible = True
objExcel.Workbooks.Open "H:\My Documents\Flowchart to Word\Quality and Environmental management system flowchart.xlsm"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub QE1_Click()
Call Main
ActivateWorksheet "Project enquiry"
End Sub
Public Sub QE2_Click()
Call Main
ActivateWorksheet "Order and project release"
End Sub

VBA Class() buliding same object class structur in excel as in outlook

what I want to achieve is to build the same class structer as I have in Outlook. Means:
sFilename = item.Attachments.item(i).Filename '"myTFile.txt"
I have written code in Outlook. I cannot change and test while Outlook is running so I try to write the code upfront in Excel and I try to build the class structur the same as in outlook that I donĀ“t have to change the code afterwards, so for instance:
sFileName = item.Attachments.item(i).Filename
I tried with Properties Get in that way:
Building classes:
clsMail with content:
Property Get item() As clsItem
Set item = New clsItem
End Property
clsItem with content:
Property Get Sender() As String
sFileName = "myFile.txt"
Dim objFSO As Object: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(sFileName) Then
Dim objShell As Object, objFolder As Object, objFolderItem As Object
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application"): Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(sPathEDIportalLogs)
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName("myFile.txt")
Sender = Split(objFolder.GetDetailsOf(objFolderItem, 10), "\")(1)
End If
End Property
Property Get ReceivedTime() As Date
ReceivedTime = Date
End Property
Property Get Subject() As String
Subject = "Subject Text"
End Property
Property Get Attachments() As clsAttachments
Set Attachments = New clsAttachments
End Property
So far so good till item.Attachments
But now I am struggeling with the rest item(i).Filename
Again item and as array. I tried a lot but get it not done.
Who can help.
I'm hitting an out of stack space error:
You're recursing. Infinitely.
item(0) is calling into your getter.
which is accessing item(0).
which is calling into your getter.
which is accessing item(0).
Sort-of-unrelated, but very important side note: Accessing a getter should NEVER change anything. It's a horrible code practice. It'll shoot you in the foot more than you'll ever imagine.
Don't do it.. :)

Can't get value from DatePicker

I have a DatePicker control on a worksheet. When I'm in the embedded code for the worksheet, I can access the control's value as follows:
Public Sub showValue()
Debug.Print Me.DTPicker21.value
End Sub
I would like to get the value from a module. Code here:
Sub getDate()
Dim obj As Object
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Tool interface")
For Each obj In sht.OLEObjects
If obj.Name = "DTPicker21" Then
Debug.Print obj.value
End If
End Sub
When I run this, the obj.value triggers this error:
Object doesn't support this property or method
I checked the list of properties for obj using this procedure, and there is no value property. How can I get the date value that's been set in the DatePicker?
I don't know all of the details, but some of the OLEObjects require that you first access their Object property, then you can access other properties. I think the OLEObject serves as a container, then the "sub-object" is the actual object with which you want to interact. For example, if you run the following two lines of code, you will see that the first returns OleObject and the second returns DTPicker:
Debug.Print "Obj: " & TypeName(obj)
Debug.Print "Obj.Object: " & TypeName(obj.Object)
In your case, try the following code change to remove the error(note the Debug line):
Sub getDate()
Dim obj As Object
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Tool interface")
For Each obj In sht.OLEObjects
If obj.Name = "DTPicker21" Then
Debug.Print obj.Object.Value
End If
End Sub

Declare a Workbook as a Global variable

I am starting to write a code that will become applicable to multiple workbooks, but always uses the same reference workbook. The code will have many subs, and as I am trying to avoid to dim a variable to the reference workbook in every sub I would like to declare them Global.
First I had:
Global Locations As Excel.Workbook
Set Locations = Workbooks.Open("M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx")
Which gave me:
"Compile error: Invalid outside procedure"
After some googling I found the following bit of code somewhere:
Public Const Locations As Excel.Workbook = "Workbooks.Open("M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx")"
Which gave me:
"Compile error: Expected: type name"
Public Const Locations As Excel.Workbook = "Workbooks.Open('M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx')"
(Single quotation marks within the Workbooks.Open statement) results as the same error as when using double quotation marks.
Who knows what I am doing wrong?
I also tried to declare the variables in the "ThisWorkbook", following this answer using:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim Locations As Excel.Workbook
Dim MergeBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim TotalRowsMerged As String
Locations = Workbooks.Open("M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx")
MergeBook = Workbooks.Open("M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\DURUM IT yields merged.xlsm")
TotalRowsMerged = MergeBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Sub
But then it returns an
"Object Required"
within my module.
I now have this which works, but has the downside of having to copy the SET lines into every Sub, there has to be a better way to do this?
Global Locations As Workbook
Global MergeBook As Workbook
Global TotalRowsMerged As String
Sub Fill_CZ_Array()
Set Locations = Application.Workbooks("locXws.xlsx")
Set MergeBook = Application.Workbooks("DURUM IT yields merged.xlsm")
TotalRowsMerged = MergeBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
I think the most universal way for workbook global variable would be creating a module with a Public Property Get procedure. You can refer to it without calling any code first, and you don't have to worry if the file is open or not.
Here is the sample module code for one of the variables:
Private wLocations As Workbook
Public Property Get Locations() As Workbook
Const sPath As String = "M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx"
Dim sFile As String
If wLocations Is Nothing Then
'extract file name from full path
sFile = Dir(sPath)
On Error Resume Next
'check if the file is already open
Set wLocations = Workbooks(sFile)
If wLocations Is Nothing Then
Set wLocations = Workbooks.Open(sPath)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Set Locations = wLocations
End Property
You can use it anywhere in the code as a global variable:
Sub Test()
Debug.Print Locations.Worksheets.Count
End Sub
Your question implies that you want a global workbook constant, not a variable. Because VBA doesn't allow objects to be initialised outside of a procedure, you can't have an object constant. The best you can do is have a public workbook variable that's initialised in an event.
You can declare a global variable, but you can't execute code to assign a value outside of a procedure:
Public myBook As Excel.Workbook
Sub AssignWorkbook()
Set myBook = Workbooks.Open("C:\SomeBook.xlsx") '// <~~ valid, inside sub
End Sub
Sub TestItWorked()
MsgBox myBook.Name
End Sub
So in a normal module you could have:
Public myBook As Excel.Workbook
And in your Workbook_Open() event:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set myBook = Workbooks.Open("C:\SomeOtherBook.xlsx")
End Sub
Then you can use myBook elsewhere in your code without having to re-assign it.
It might be worth having a look at Chip Pearson's article about variable scope in VBA here
what you want is some sort of Factory with static properties, for example in a separate module
Private m_WkbLocations As Workbook
Private m_WkbMergeBook As Workbook
Public Property Get LOCATIONS() As Workbook
If m_WkbLocations Is Nothing Then
Set m_WkbLocations= Workbooks.Open("wherever")
End If
Set LOCATIONS = m_WkbLocations
End Property
Public Property Get MERGEBOOK () As Workbook
If m_WkbMergeBook Is Nothing Then
Set m_WkbMergeBook = Workbooks.Open("wherever")
End If
Set MERGEBOOK = m_WkbMergeBook
End Property
To use, just call the property where & when you need it, no extra variables (or Sets for them) required.
TotalRowsMerged = MERGEBOOK.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
This is the best I can come up with until now. The result is that there is now only one place to change the name of the file, however I still need to copy the SET function within every subroutine. Not completely ideal yet, but better then nothing.
Public Const DESTBOOK = "DURUM IT yields merged.xlsm"
Global Locations As Workbook
Global MergeBook As Workbook
Global TotalRowsMerged As String
Sub Fill_CZ_Array()
Set Locations = Application.Workbooks("locXws.xlsx")
Set MergeBook = Application.Workbooks(DESTBOOK)
TotalRowsMerged = MergeBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
Whenever I run into this, I declare wb as a public constant string:
public wb as string = "c:\location"
Then, throughout the code in the project, you can refer to
This is the sort of thing I usually do when I have global variables that need to be properly initialized:
In a general code module put the following code:
Public Initialized As Boolean
Public Locations As Workbook
Sub Initialize()
If Initialized Then Exit Sub
Const fname As String = "M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx"
On Error Resume Next
Set Locations = Workbooks(Dir(fname))
On Error GoTo 0
If Locations Is Nothing Then
Set Locations = Workbooks.Open(fname)
End If
Initialized = True
End Sub
Then in the workbook's code module put:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
Furthermore, in any "gateway" sub or function (e.g. event-handlers, UDFs, etc.) which might launch your code, put Initialize (or maybe: If Not Initialized Then Initialize) as the first line. Typically most subs won't be directly launched and can rely on Locations being properly set by the caller. If you need to test something which won't run properly if the variable isn't set then you can just type initialize directly in the Immediate Window.
You could also do it with a class module and rely on the class initialiser to do the work for you when it gets used in the module:
Class module called cLocations:
Public Workbook As Workbook
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Workbook = Workbooks.Open("C:\Temp\temp.xlsx")
End Sub
And where you like in your module, or anywhere for that matter:
Dim Locations As New cLocations
Sub dosomething()
Locations.Workbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value = "Hello World"
End Sub
And then, you can just use Locations.Workbook to refer to the locations workbook, and ThisWorkbook to refer to the workbook the code is running in and ActiveWorkbook to refer to the workbook that has focus. This way you could run your code from one workbook (ThisWorkbook), using the locations workbook (Locations.Workbook) as a reference and iterate over other workbooks (ActiveWorkbook) to add another level of automation.
If you step through the code, you will see that the class is only initialised when you hit a line of code that requires it, not when the workbook is loaded.
I must add though, in this case I think if you give us a slightly bigger picture of what you are trying to achieve we might be able to give you a solution to a better problem than the one you have hit while coding.
You could also take this a step further, and abstract to the application level, keep the locations workbook hidden, and even provide intellisense for named sheets if you know their position or their name explicitly:
Class module:
Private App As Application
Public Workbook As Workbook
Public NamedSheet As Worksheet
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set App = New Application
App.Visible = False
App.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Workbook = App.Workbooks.Open("C:\Temp\temp.xlsx") 'maybe open read only too?
Set NamedSheet = Workbook.Sheets("SomethingIKnowTheNameOfExplicitly")
End Sub
Public Sub DoSomeWork()
'ThisWorkbook refers to the one the code is running in, not the one we opened in the initialise
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value = Wb.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value
End Sub
Public Function GetSomeInfo() As String
GetSomeInfo = NamedSheet.Range("RangeIKnowTheNameOfExplicitly")
End Function
And then in your module, the first time you use the variable it will be initialised in one line of code:
Dim Locations As New cLocations
Dim SomeInfo
Sub DoSomething()
SomeInfo = Locations.GetSomeInfo 'Initialised here, other subs wont re-initialise
Locations.Workbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value = _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value
Locations.NamedSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "Hello World!"
End Sub
This solution will work only if you know the numbers and names of all the worksheets that you will use from referenced workbook.
In your module, declare worksheet public variable for all your worksheets as follows:
Public sht1 As Worksheet
Public sht2 As Worksheet
Public sht3 As Worksheet
Instantiate these public variables in the application load event.
Sub Workbook_Open()
Workbooks.Open ("your referenced workbook")
'Instantiate the public variables
Set sht1 = Workbooks("Test.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1")
Set sht2 = Workbooks("Test.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet2")
Set sht3 = Workbooks("Test.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet3")
End Sub
Now you can refer these global worksheets in your sub.
For example:
Sub test()
MsgBox sht1.Range("A1").Value
MsgBox sht2.Range("A1").Value
MsgBox sht3.Range("A1").Value
End Sub
If you create a Module say ExcelMod and within that Module you have a public function or subroutine Initialize() and another one called Terminate() you can initialize and terminate Module level variables using those routines. For example I have used this before: (Note that module variables are the first thing declared at the top of the module.)
Dim excelApp As Object, wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Sub Initialize()
Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("C:\SomeOtherBook.xlsx")
End Sub
Sub Terminate()
Set excelApp = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
End Sub
The variables are part of the entire module and only get initialized and terminated with these subroutines. You can pass the variables in and out of the module as you wish and use them in ALL of this modules subroutines without having to set again. If you need to use in another module you will need to pass it to that module as you normally would.
Also as others have mentioned you can use the workbook_Open event to call the initialization sub to create the objects and set them only once if needed.
Is this what you are after?
If I understand your question correctly, you are creating a code that should work on the application level and not on workbook level. In this case why don't you create an add-in.
All the code inside the add-in will have access to all the open workbooks at application level.
You might want to create an Add-In, or use a Class module to work with properties, ...
But I'm not sure it'll be that cleaner than a simple declaration in a regular module and a call to that procedure at workbook's open will do the trick just fine too .
(I have been using this method for quite some times and haven't been bothered)
So you can use this in a (dedicated or not) regular module :
'Set the path to your files
Public Const DESTBOOK = "M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\DURUM IT yields merged.xlsm"
Public Const LOCBOOK = "M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx"
'Declare all global and public variables
Global Locations As Workbook
Global MergeBook As Workbook
Global TotalRowsMerged As String
'Set all variable (Procedure call from Workbook_Open)
Sub Set_All_Global_Variables()
Set Locations = Set_Wbk(LOCBOOK)
Set MergeBook = Set_Wbk(DESTBOOK)
TotalRowsMerged = MergeBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Sub
'Function to check if the workbook is already open or not
Function Set_Wbk(ByVal Wbk_Path As String) As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Set Set_Wbk = Workbooks(Dir(Wbk_Path))
On Error GoTo 0
If Set_Wbk Is Nothing Then
Set Set_Wbk = Workbooks.Open(Wbk_Path)
End If
End Function
And call the procedure setting all the variables in the ThisWorkbook module :
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

PowerPoint Add-In Loss of RibbonUI

I have been struggling to identify the cause of an error in a PPT Add-in that is distributed across about 40 end users.
Problem: loss of the ribbon state/loss of the ribbonUI object.
For some users, eventually the Rib object becomes Nothing.
Users assure me they are not getting any run-time errors nor script errors (from COM object that we also invoke through this add-in). An unhandled error, if user hits End would expectedly cause the state loss.
None of the users have been able to reliably reproduce the scenario which causes the observed failure. This is what makes it very difficult to troubleshoot. I am hoping against hope that there is something obvious that I'm missing, or that I didn't anticipate.
How I currently handle loss or RibbonUI
In attempt to combat this, I store the object pointer to the ribbon in THREE places, this seems like overkill to me but it is still apparently not sufficient:
A class object called cbRibbon has a property .RibbonUI which is assigned; Set cbRibbon.RibbonUI = Rib during the ribbon's onLoad callback procedure. So we have a byRef copy of the object itself. If the ribbon is nothing, theoretically I can Set rib = cbRibbon.RibbonUI and this works unless cbRibbon object is also out of scope.
The cbRibbon object has property .Pointer which is assigned: cbRibbon.Pointer = ObjPtr(Rib).
A CustomDocumentProperty called "RibbonPointer" is also used to store a reference to the object pointer. (Note: This persists even beyond state loss)
So you can see I've given some thought to this in attempt to replicate the way of storing this pointer the way one might store it in a hidden worksheet/range in Excel.
Additional information
I can see from robust client-side logging that this the error appears to happen usually but not always during the procedure below, which is used to refresh/invalidate the ribbon and its controls.
This procedure is called any time I need to dynamically refresh the ribbon or part of its controls:
Call RefreshRibbon(id)
The error appears to (sometimes, I can't stress this enough: the error cannot be replicated on-demand) happen during a full refresh, which is called like:
Call RefreshRibbon("")
This is the procedure that does the invalidation:
Sub RefreshRibbon(id As String)
If Rib Is Nothing Then
If RibbonError(id) Then GoTo ErrorExit
End If
Select Case id
Case vbNullString, "", "RibbonUI"
Call Logger.LogEvent("RefreshRibbon: Rib.Invalidate", Array("RibbonUI", _
"Ribbon:" & CStr(Not Rib Is Nothing), _
"Pointer:" & ObjPtr(Rib)))
Case Else
Call Logger.LogEvent("RefreshRibbon: Rib.InvalidateControl", Array(id, _
"Ribbon:" & CStr(Not Rib Is Nothing), _
"Pointer:" & ObjPtr(Rib)))
Rib.InvalidateControl id
End Select
Exit Sub
End Sub
As you can see, the very first thing I do in this procedure is test the Rib object for Nothing-ness. If this evaluates to True, then the RibbonUI object has somehow been lost.
The error function then attempts to re-instantiate the ribbon: first from cbRibbon.RibbonUI, then from the cbRibbon.Pointer and if both of those fails, then from the CustomDocumentProperties("RibbonPointer") value. If neither of these succeeds, then we display a fatal error and the user is prompted to close the PowerPoint application. If any one of these succeeds, then the ribbon is reloaded programmatically and everything continues to work.
Here is the code for that procedure. Note that it calls several other procedures which I have not included code for. These are helper functions or logger functions. The .GetPointer method actually invokes the WinAPI CopyMemory function to reload the object from its pointer value.
Function RibbonError(id As String) As Boolean
'Checks for state loss of the ribbon
Dim ret As Boolean
If id = vbNullString Then id = "RibbonUI"
Call Logger.LogEvent("RibbonError", Array("Checking for Error with Ribbon" & vbCrLf & _
"id: " & id, _
"Pointer: " & ObjPtr(Rib), _
"cbPointer: " & cbRibbon.Pointer))
If Not Rib Is Nothing Then
GoTo EarlyExit
End If
On Error Resume Next
'Attempt to restore from class object:
Set Rib = cbRibbon.ribbonUI
'Attempt to restore from Pointer reference if that fails:
If Rib Is Nothing Then
'Call Logger.LogEvent("Attempt to Restore from cbRibbon", Array(cbRibbon.Pointer))
If Not CLng(cbRibbon.Pointer) = 0 Then
Set Rib = cbRibbon.GetRibbon(cbRibbon.Pointer)
End If
End If
'Attempt to restore from CDP
If Rib Is Nothing Then
'Call Logger.LogEvent("Attempt to Restore from CDP", Array(MyDoc.CustomDocumentProperties("RibbonPointer")))
If HasCustomProperty("RibbonPointer") Then
cbRibbon.Pointer = CLng(MyDoc.CustomDocumentProperties("RibbonPointer"))
Set Rib = cbRibbon.GetRibbon(cbRibbon.Pointer)
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
If Rib Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "Pointer value was: " & cbRibbon.Pointer
'Since we can't restore from an invalid pointer, erase this in the CDP
' a value of "0" will set Rib = Nothing, anything else will crash the appliation
Call SetCustomProperty("RibbonPointer", "0")
'Reload the restored ribbon:
Call RibbonOnLoad(Rib)
Call SetCustomProperty("RibbonPointer", ObjPtr(Rib))
cbRibbon.Pointer = ObjPtr(Rib)
End If
'Make sure the ribbon exists or was able to be restored
ret = (Rib Is Nothing)
If ret Then
'Inform the user
MsgBox "A fatal error has been encountered. Please save & restart the presentation", vbCritical, Application.Name
'Log the event to file
Call Logger.LogEvent("RibbonError", Array("FATAL ERROR"))
Call ReleaseTrap
End If
RibbonError = ret
End Function
All of this works perfectly well in theory and in fact I can straight-up kill run-time (by invoking the End statement or otherwise) and these procedures reset the ribbon as expected.
So, what am I missing?
OK I forgot about this... while I still have not pinpointed the error I have some ideas that users are simply not reporting unhandled runtime errors and instead they're hitting "End" when prompted by PowerPoint.
I'm reasonably certain that is the cause and I have confirmation that in many cases, that sort of error precedes the "crash", so I'm updating to resolve that soon.
Otherwise, here is the method I ultimately have been using for several months, with success.
Create a procedure that writes the Pointer value of the ribbon on the user's machine. I didn't want to do this, but ultimately had to:
Sub LogRibbon(pointer As Long)
'Writes the ribbon pointer to a text file
Dim filename As String
Dim FF As Integer
filename = "C:\users\" & Environ("username") & "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\pointer.txt"
FF = FreeFile
Open filename For Output As FF
Print #FF, pointer
Close FF
End Sub
In the ribbon's _OnLoad event handler, I call the LogRibbon procedure:
Public Rib As IRibbonUI
Public cbRibbon As New cRibbonProperties
Sub RibbonOnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Set Rib = ribbon
Call LogRibbon(ObjPtr(Rib))
'Store the properties so we can easily access them later
cbRibbon.ribbonUI = Rib
End Sub
I created a class object to store some information about the ribbon to avoid repeated and slow calls to an external API, but for this purpose you can create a class that stores just the pointer value. That is referenced above in the cbRibbon.ribbonUI = Rib. This GetRibbon method of this class uses the CopyMemory function from WinAPI to restore the object from it's pointer.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"RtlMoveMemory" (destination As Any, source As Any, _
ByVal length As Long)
'example ported from Excel:
Private pControls As Object
Private pRibbonUI As IRibbonUI
Private pPointer As Long
Sub Class_Initialize()
'Elsewhere I add some controls to this dictionary so taht I can invoke their event procedures programmatically:
Set pControls = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set pRibbonUI = Rib
Call SaveRibbonPointer(Rib)
pConnected = False
End Sub
'hold a reference to the ribbon itself
Public Property Let ribbonUI(iRib As IRibbonUI)
'Set RibbonUI to property for later use
Set pRibbonUI = iRib
End Property
Public Property Get ribbonUI() As IRibbonUI
'Retrieve RibbonUI from property for use
Set ribbonUI = pRibbonUI
End Property
Public Sub SaveRibbonPointer(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Dim lngRibPtr As Long
' Store the custom ribbon UI Id in a static variable.
' This is done once during load of UI.
lngRibPtr = ObjPtr(ribbon)
cbRibbon.pointer = lngRibPtr
End Sub
Function GetRibbon(lngRibPtr As Long) As Object
'Uses CopyMemory function to re-load a ribbon that
' has been inadvertently lost due to run-time error/etc.
Dim filename As String
Dim ret As Long
Dim objRibbon As Object
filename = "C:\users\" & Environ("username") & "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\pointer.txt"
On Error Resume Next
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(filename)
ret = .OpenAsTextStream.ReadLine
End With
On Error GoTo 0
If lngRibPtr = 0 Then
lngRibPtr = ret
End If
CopyMemory objRibbon, lngRibPtr, 4
Set GetRibbon = objRibbon
' clean up invalid object
CopyMemory objRibbon, 0&, 4
Set objRibbon = Nothing
End Function
' Store the pointer reference to the RibbonUI
Public Property Let pointer(p As Long)
pPointer = p
End Property
Public Property Get pointer() As Long
pointer = pPointer
End Property
'Dictionary of control properties for Dropdowns/ComboBox
Public Property Let properties(p As Object)
Set pProperties = p
End Property
Public Property Get properties() As Object
Set properties = pProperties
End Property
Then, I have a function which checks for loss of ribbon, and restores from the pointer value. This one actually invokes the OnLoad procedure, which we can do since we have an object variable (or class object property) representing the Ribbon object).
Function RibbonError(id As String) As Boolean
'Checks for state loss of the ribbon
Dim ret As Boolean
Dim ptr As Long
Dim src As String
On Error Resume Next
If Not Rib Is Nothing Then
GoTo EarlyExit
End If
If Rib is Nothing then
ptr = GetPointerFile
cbRibbon.pointer = ptr
Set Rib = cbRibbon.GetRibbon(ptr)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'make sure the ribbon has been restored or exists:
ret = (Rib is Nothing)
If Not ret then
'Reload the restored ribbon by invoking the OnLoad procedure
' we can only do this because we have a handle on the Ribbon object now
Call RibbonOnLoad(Rib)
cbRibbon.pointer = ObjPtr(Rib) 'store the new pointer
MsgBox "A fatal error has been encountered.", vbCritical
End If
RibbonError = ret
End Function
Call on the RibbonError function any time you are going to refresh the ribbon through either Invalidate or InvalidateControl methods.
The code above may not 100% compile -- I had to modify it and trim some stuff out, so let me know if you have any problems trying to implement it!
Found the real solution: Credit
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"RtlMoveMemory" (destination As Any, source As Any, _
ByVal length As Long)
Public Sub ribbon L o a ded(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
' Store pointer to IRibbonUI
Dim lngRibPtr As Long
' Store the custom ribbon UI Id in a static variable.
' This is done once during load of UI. I.e. during workbook open.
Set guiRibbon = ribbon
lngRibPtr = ObjPtr(ribbon)
' Write pointer to worksheet for safe keeping
Tabelle2.Range("A1").Value = lngRibPtr
End Sub
Function GetRibbon(lngRibPtr as Long) As Object
Dim objRibbon As Object
CopyMemory objRibbon, lngRibPtr, 4
Set GetRibbon = objRibbon
' clean up invalid object
CopyMemory objRibbon, 0&, 4
Set objRibbon = Nothing
End Function
Public Sub DoButton(ByVal control As IRibbonControl)
' The onAction callback for btn1 and btn2
' Toggle state
Toggle12 = Not Toggle12
' Invalidate the ribbon UI so that the enabled-states get reloaded
If Not (guiRibbon Is Nothing) Then
' Invalidate will force the UI to reload and thereby ask for their enabled-states
guiRibbon.Invalidate 'Control ("tabCustom") InvalidateControl does not work reliably
Set guiRibbon = GetRibbon(CLng(Tabelle2.Range("A1").Value))
' The static guiRibbon-variable was meanwhile lost
' MsgBox "Due to a design flaw in the architecture of the MS ribbon UI you have to close " & _
' "and reopen this workbook." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
' "Very sorry about that.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly
MsgBox "Hopefully this is sorted now?"
' Note: In the help we can find
' guiRibbon.Refresh
' but unfortunately this is not implemented.
' It is exactly what we should have instead of that brute force reload mechanism.
End If
End Sub