List drive created by truecrypt programe - truecrypt

I am writing a program by MFC. I need a list drive is created by truecrypt. But I don't know to detect when a new virtual drive is created by truecrypt? Can you help me?


Teachable machine on PC

Hi there i am pretty new to programming, but is it possible to use Google's teachable machine in command prompt on PC? Or it is a special application?
My plan is that.
One folder contains the image 1
Other Folder contains image 2
Then it teaches it self with the images in folder two
Then i have a third folder and only keep the images the third folder which are 50% more likely image 1 or image 2.
Just like on their website but in local pc, and mass scale.
Is it possible or it is too hard just asking :D

Using VBA can I access another computer's desktop that is on the same network as me?

I finished a program for one of my colleagues but the final section of the program needs to start an executable file which is on a different PC. In this case the PC being used is called SYS1-PC and it needs to tell EDITING-PC that it should double click an executable file on its desktop.
I thought it might be something like this:
RDPWindow = Shell("C:\Users\FORMAT.PLIM\Desktop\testing.exe /v:" & "[IP ADDRESS]", 1)
But I just get file not found. Now I am not sure does that mean it has found the computer or does that mean it looked for that on my own C drive?
Cheers for any help

VBA Code to point to BoxSync

I have a program that I need to run, which I have written it in VBA.
Currently I am pointing to folders in C: drive and our A drive.
This is all being structured and i need to run of Box Sync, this is however user account based.
Could anyone give me any pointers how to go about using Box Sync to point to?
Many thanks.
I have resolved this assigning variable to Environ("USERPROFILE") + hardocoding rest of the link.

How to make files accessible to all users on Visual Basic app

I am attempting to make an instructional app for the call canter that I work at. Part of the code allows users to display information through the use of several files in our directory with drop down combo boxes.
For instance, a small portion of the code is similar to this (I did not save the app and bring it home so I am going off memory):
If cboGlossaryTerm.SelectedItem("MSN")Then
End If
I put the pdf files in My Resources and the Word files are added under the Solution folder.
I am using filepaths in the code as well.
(I attempted to save the pdf files in the Solutions folder but the pdf was not compatible.
With me adding the files this way, will users who do not have access to the S drive folder be able to display the files? Also, will the files remain accessible in the program if they are deleted from the S drive? If not, how should I be referencing the files in my project? Do I have to reference the pdf files from My Resources? If so, how do I do that in an If-Then statement similar to the one above?
from what you have there it doesn't look like the pdfs in the S:\ would be available to anyone who doesn't have the drive mapped on their local machine.
as for if the files are deleted, if they are being loaded from the S:\ then when they are deleted from there the program will not be able to find them to load them.
if the program is being installed on the local machines you might want to look at just including the pdfs in the installer and accessing them through the program files path.

ScanSnap Integration

I am currently trying to figure out how to integrate with the fujitsu scansnap scanner and have found no details from fujitsu on how the fujitsu scansnap manager calls your application and send the file to your application.
1.) do the pass a parameter with the filename when they launch your process?
2.) do you just have to look in the target directory?
If anyone has information regarding this type of integration or knows where to get the "white paper" information, I would really appreciate it.
You have 2 options, the old XP and model right after that (the larger multi paper models) would pass the temp file their file was saved to as the first parameter after the exe name on a custom program -- otherwise yes you can just scan the scan folder, make sure to move the file after it's done scanning so you don't view it again.