Why is RP using browser as a mediator, Why can't RP redirect directly to IP before authentication and vice versa after authentication?
I came up with some reasons but couldn't convince myself.. so asking you :)
1) RP and IP cannot keep a line of connection (against: what if RP calls STS web service and gets the data in response)
2) To manage cookies/session(against: but can't RP finally return the cookie? And the browser returns it in each request thus maintaining a session),
3) It is the browsers responsibility to pass the credentials to IP because of data protection policy(good one)
4) IP needs to know who the caller is (against: why?)
Because it is a very typical scenario that RP cannot directly communicate with the IdP, e.g. RP is external, user and IdP are on the intranet.
Another reason is SSO - you need to be able to set a cookie between browser and IdP.
I have been looking in to the Active and passive federations. Thanks to Eugene.S. In passive federation the login window needs to be provided by lDP. So a web service call from RP to lDp wont provide the login window to the browser(caller). Hence browser redirect is needed in passive federation.
Another amazing find in passive federation is that RP never looks into users credentials. It only is interested in token/cookie. if not found then the user goes to lDP and provides credentials there. As mentioned by the author in comments (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mcsuksoldev/archive/2010/07/07/windows-identity-foundation-101-s-ws-federation-passive-requestor-profile-part-1-of-2.aspx)
In Active federation browser never leaves RP. RP gets users credentials and post to lDP. For this action to happen RP needs to have a web service client. Web service runs in lDP(STS). There is one thing that bugged me still. If the RP can get the users credentials, why should it ask lDP for its validity? Why cant RP do what lDP is about to do. Eg: RP can ask active directory directly instead of asking ADFS to do it(old windows authentication :P). But then 'leastprivilege' enlightened us about RP being external. So I hope lDP is used for security reasons, to have a single point of contact and to separate authentication from all applications (RPs)
So we now have the justification for the browser redirect and also for the no-browser-redirect-but-WS-call!!
Another question starts to arise now. Why is there two federations: active and passive. When to use what? I am going to find that out, if not I post it as a new question.
I'm working in microservices environment, where each service authenticates using OpenID Connect to an authentication service (local IdP), based on Users I keep locally on my Database.
Now, I want these services to be able to authenticate using Azure, Google, etc.
Can (and should) I modify my authentication service to allow redirection to another IdP, and replace or chain the token to my proprietary token for my services?
Is there a simpler way?
How can I allow users to login both using name / password OR external IdP?
I'm doing some research on the topic by myself as well and from what I've found until now, it seems that there is a urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange grant type that should allow exchanging external idp token to an internal one as described in some spec.
It should be supported as part of the openid connect /token endpoint so as long as the local idp supports it, I guess that this should be the best practice to achieve what you are looking for.
I'm currently looking into mitreid-connect idp implementation as local idp and some of my requirements is to also allow SSO with third parties while being able to issue a local token from the external user identity.
Will update as it goes...
If you manage all the SP (your microservices) it's definitely easier to implement it on your common IDP.
But if the SP are external ones (like existing services you just installed) and they already implements the public IDP you want to use, it was be a bit harder to pass through your current IDP without problem.
I'm guessing you are in the first case (you made all your SP) so I will elaborate it:
When your current IDP will authenticate user on others public IDP, it will get some information (email, name, etc.) and you can normalize those in your answer, to be sure your SP are completely agnostic of which original IDP was used. It will be better for you if the future to debug this setup. And of course to add a new public IDP...
But if you need to use some specific call to original IDP, (let says Youtube API for example) you could have a agnostic API on your common IDP which will forward to the appropriate proprietary API of original IDP, or deny the request if the IDP does not have a video system.
Or you could give original token to your SP, in a custom field or scope of your oidc token, so for example an SP dedicated to video could directly call Youtube API with the google user token.
I recently did a similar setup for my company. I would like to share the overall structure to give an idea about our solution. Hope it helps:
Our authentication server is an node express server with following properties:
Hosts static login screens to allow authentication against local database via email + password, as well as provides links to authenticate with external OAuth2 providers.
Both local and external authentication requests are forwarded to Passport.js Authentication strategies
After successful login, both local and external Passport.js strategies respond to a callback. Upon this response, a session object is created via express-session and a cookie is sent.
At this point, cookies can be used to exchange JWT's, so that authentication against stateless API's can be possible with Bearer Access Tokens.
I have a basic user database with username(email) and password. The users are able to sign in to a website of mine with these credentials. From the website they get a link to different services they have access to, but with different username/passwords. So they click the link "Open My Service X" and they have to login with their service unique login credentials. I do have the users service login-username. So I can map local-user <=> service-user.
I want SSO between service X which has support for SAML and my website.
I want the users to login with their user/password in my database, then single sign on towards service X where service X has support for SAML. I don't want a user to be able to sign up for a new user account to my website using the SAML support in service X. The user must already have an account in my database.
So my question might be rather vague, but I'm having a hard time to grasp how this can be achieved?
I was thinking of letting my webapp become a SAML identity provider, so that the SSO request are transferred back to my webapp and verified for their service-user. Would that be correct approach?
You're on the right track with your SAML IdP. There are basically three parts involved. Your email database (the identities), your existing application front end and the remote services which support SAML. Usually it's SAML2 these days.
To get single sign-on (SSO) across your portfolio of apps (your own app and the remote services) you could install an IdP like the Shibboleth IdP and convert your app to use it instead of using email/password to login. That would take a fair amount of work as you'd have to convert your app into a SAML SP, just like the remote services.
An easier way might be to only use the IdP for SAML to the remote services and get the IdP to recognise that your users are already logged in with their email/password. Cookie? So the IdP should never display a login page as it would recognise your app's cookie and match that with a user in the database. It then releases SAML attributes to the remote service based on that user's information. That also covers your use case of not allowing account creation via SAML from a remote service.
That would mean you might end up with the following URLs:
Your users login with the first URL as normal and the remote services use the second URL. That way your app cookie will be visible to the /idp endpoint but you'd need to write code to match that with a user in the database.
There will be login page via OpenID controlled by an extension. Can I ask for URL and pass in the extension and then pass it OP by use of extension? If no what kind of data can be transferred to OP from RP by an extension? If yes, how scalable it is, do I have to write separate code of each OP, or will the standard help me?
Also in unlikely case of XY problem - I need some sort of data that will allow me to authenticate OpenID user offline (after at least one successful online login). So if I was the one to provide login and password text fields I would be able to use user's password hash it and use for offline auth. And yes I need to use OpenID rather that other system, because this is the requirement. Sorry, It's kind of ugly problem.
I don't think you're supposed to pass a user id/password to the OpenID provider (or at least not password). The idea behind OpenID is that the provider takes care of the login, thus the web application utilizing OpenID will have no knowledge of the login credentials. OpenID provides you with some authorization information, such as the nickname, fullname, email, etc. This information, coupled with the OpenID of the user itself, should be enough provide you with unique authentication for that user without the need to have a password.
Your application needs to allow the user to go to the OpenID provider's page, enter their credentials there, and once authenticated you will get a response from OpenID indicating whether the authentication is successful and subsequently providing you with the user's information.
Like I mentioned in my comments: the OpenID standard does not define a way in which you can send a password to an OpenID provider. So you can't use the OpenID standard in the manner you're envisioning it.
Update 2.0
Let's take myOpenID for example: in order to use myOpenID as an OpenID provider you have to register your domain with OpenID. Alternately, you can enable OpenID for your website by contacting Janrian (the owners of myOpenID), but I'm going to say you're still going to have to register a website with them. In either case, you must have a landing page on your domain, or on your website, which accepts an authentication response from the OpenID provider (in this case myOpenID). So let's look at what's required:
You must spoof a web browser when you're making the web request to the myOpenID provider.
In that web request, you have fill in the form which takes in the client's password (again, you have to spoof the client doing that).
You have to have a service of some sort running on a website registered with an OpenID provider (such as myOpenID).
You will have to send a message (HTTP) to the service that you're expecting an authentication response for a specific user (and provide it with a way to call you back when the user is authenticated).
That service will take any incoming authentication response from the OpenID provider.
The service will match that authentication with the user ID that you told it to expect in step 4.
The service will send your application the authentication response (callback).
You must accept the authentication response from that service.
The hardest part will probably be step 1 and 2, but there should be plenty of tutorials online that can show you how to do this (sorry I didn't have time to look up specific ones).
In any case, that's how I would imagine you may be able to do this, but it's far from trivial and I've never seen it done before.
Part of the reason why OpenID is so popular is exactly because people don't have to share their credentials with the service provider (i.e. your app), they only share it with the OpenID provider. The other thing you should think about is whether or not users will agree to use the OpenID in the manner that you want them to use it. In other words, one of the main reasons why people use OpenID providers is so that they avoid doing exactly what you're asking them to do: give you their password!
Update 3.0
You can register your domain with myOpenID by going to the new domain registration page: https://www.myopenid.com/new_domain
So a bit of background, I'm working on an existing web application which has a set of users, who are able to log in via a traditional login screen with a user name and password, etc.
Recently we've managed to score a client (who have their own Intranet site), who are wanting to be able to have their users log into their Intranet site, and then have their users click a link on their Intranet which redirects to our application and logs them into it automatically.
I've had two suggestions on how to implement this so far:
Create a URL which takes 2 parameters (which are "username" and "password") and have the Intranet site pass those parameters to us (our connection is via SSL/TLS so it's all encrypted). This would work fine, but it seems a little "hacky", and also means that the logins and passwords have to be the same on both systems (and having to write some kind of web service which can update the passwords for users - which also seems a bit insecure)
Provide a token to the Intranet, so when the client clicks on a link on the Intranet, it sends the token to us, along with the user name (and no password) which means they're authenticated. Again, this sounds a bit hacky as isn't that essentially the same as providing everyone with the same password to log in?
So to summarise, I'm after the following things:
A way for the users who are already authenticated on the Intranet to log into our system without too much messing around, and without using an external system to authenticate, i.e. LDAP / Kerberos
Something which isn't too specific to this client, and can easily be implemented by other Intranets to log in
Both of your suggested options are insecure, even if you use SSL. Never pass credentials on a URL, put them in the HTTP request by using POST.
There is a standard called SAML and this can be used to solve your problem. The challenge is choosing which version to implement. I would choose SAML 2.0.
Google Apps implements a flavor of SAML 2.0 and allow you to authenticate using your intranet credentials. In the case of your application, you would be the service provider and your client would be the identity provider. As long as you implement the standard correctly you should be able to support any new client (identity provider). Here is a list of SAML implementations you might want to take a look at. If you need the client to pass over information in addition to the authentication information then SAML can facilitate this with metadata.
You will still need to implement SSL to encrypt network traffic.
I hate to answer my own question, but I hate even more a question with no answer. In the end we went with a very similar implementation of SalesForce's delegated authentication SSO implementation.
Essentially the solution has a trusted site, known as the delegated authentication authority, who has a list of users who are logged into the company intranet.
When the user logs into the company intranet, and they click a link to our application, the company intranet will pass the user name and a generated token (which expires after a set amount of time) to our application.
Our application will then check if the user name is on our site, and if so, send the username / token (along with the source IP and a few other parameters) to the delegated authentication authority. If all those items match on the delegated authentication authority, it returns true and the user can log in. If it returns false the user is denied access.
We've found this system to work quite well, and even implemented a couple of extra security features like SSL, client side certificates, VPN tunnel, and even restricting the IP addresses which can access the site and the delegated authentication authority.
I know it's bad form to answer your own question but I hope this helps someone else who might be having the same problem ...
OpenID authentication is inherently browser based. If I wanted to allow an OpenID user to authenticate against an API for use in alternative clients, is there an accepted best practice for that?
So if a user tried to log in with their OpenID into an iPhone app, for instance, how would that work? The only thing I can think of generating an API token of some sort for them and get the user to manually enter it somewhere. This approach is not user friendly.
This is the way sites like Basecamp work, but it still seems clunky to me.
The problem you're seeing is not unique to OpenID. Any password-less authentication scheme can have this problem. OAuth (http://oauth.net/) is a solution that is an open standard that is quickly gaining traction on a lot of web sites. It is totally independent of how the user authenticates, so their OpenID Provider does not need to support or even be aware that your site (the "service provider" in OAuth terms) is using OAuth. Your API client can be web based or even a local application!
The process would be something like this:
the user: someone who has an account with your web site.
service provider: your web site, which has a programmatic API that requires some credential to access.
consumer: the client, whether web or local application, that needs access to the service provider's API.
The user is at the consumer. He indicates he wants to access data at the service provider.
The user is either redirected (if the consumer is a web site) or a browser is popped up (if the consumer is a local app) and the user sees the service provider web site.
The user is either already logged into the Service Provider via a persistent cookie, or the user must first log into the Service Provider however that is done (OpenID in your case).
The Service Provider then asks the user: "Consumer (some consumer) wants access to your data (or our API, or whatever). Do you want to authorize this? (yes/no)
User confirms, and the browser window closes or is redirected back to the Consumer site.
Via some OAuth protocol magic, the consumer now has a secret credential that it can use to access your API and access whatever user-private information you just authorized.
Obviously I can't include the whole OAuth spec here, but you can see hopefully from the above that this should solve your problem. OAuth libraries exist to make adding support for it easy.
If you happen to be using ASP.NET, I suggest http://dotnetopenid.googlecode.com/ as it recently added OAuth support (v3.0 beta 1).
Neither OpenID nor OAuth define how a user authenticates. They define how the consumer directs the user agent to the authentication provider, how the user agent is directed back, and how the consumer can verify the identity that the user authenticated as.
The actual method used to authenticate is out of band for both schemes.
There are differences between OpenID and OAuth, but both require that the consumer use HTTP redirects and callback URLs. They're both browser based. If your app speaks HTTP, it can do either. However, a main point is that the user is only entering credentials into a trusted app.
What you want is not possible with OpenID. OpenID is based on the premise that you (the iPhone app) only want to know about your users that their OpenID-provider trusts them. They never authenticate themselves to you.
Good OpenID-providers in fact even prevent that you mediate the authentication process (as this would expose users to a possible attack - by you!): they demand that users login with them directly and refuse login-by-referral.
See: this related question
The problem is that the openid spec has no standard provision for authentication with the provider, so the provider can elect that authentication happens via a phone call or whatever.
Hopefully more providers embrace OAuth. Alternatively you could hand code the authentication for a few of the bigger sites.