Creating a list of all the dates between a range and then insert it - sql

I have a problem were I need to insert a set of dates (one row for each date) that come from a date range that comes in to me as an ical format. I also need to insert the date if the date does not exist.
I'm happy manipulating the date formats so converting the incoming 20131201T000000 to smalldatetime is ok and I can build the SQL Not Exits as separate bits but how do I go about listing all the dates between 20131201 and 20140101 and then go about inserting them into the table if Not Exists along with some other data.
One idea I had would be to count the days using DateDiff which will give me a total number of days in the range and then I could DateAdd one day at a time and insert for each date until the DateDiff total is reached. However, it seems to be that its a very messy and long winded way to go about it and I would find it challenging to say the least.
Is there another method that someone could walk me through or point me in the right direction of?

In my opinion you are much better off letting SQL Server determine the set of dates that are missing than to create a set of dates, then pull back all of the existing dates in the table to compare them to your set, then insert the ones that don't match. By doing this you are taking what SQL Server is really, really good at, tossing it in the mud, and re-inventing a wheel that is now quite non-circular.
So I suggest you do this in SQL Server.
Imagine you have an existing table with some dates:
CREATE TABLE dbo.MyTable(TheDate DATE);
And it has some existing days in the specified range:
INSERT dbo.MyTable(TheDate) VALUES
You can easily derive a set without using loops as follows.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GenerateDates
#start CHAR(17),
#end CHAR(17)
DECLARE #s DATE = LEFT(#start, 8), #e DATE = LEFT(#end, 8);
;WITH x(d) AS
SELECT TOP (#d) DATEADD(DAY, number, #s)
FROM master..spt_values
WHERE type = N'P' ORDER BY number
-- INSERT dbo.MyTable(TheDate)
(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.MyTable WHERE TheDate = x.d);
Sample usage:
EXEC dbo.GenerateDates
#start = '20131201T000000',
#end = '20140101T000000';
When you are happy this is giving the output you expect, alter the procedure and uncomment the INSERT.
(Also it would be best if you just pass date values from your app, instead of these 17-character strings, but I was working with what you have.)

Well lets see. You have a date called beginDate and date called endDate. Lets get all they days between those dates into list:
List<DateTime> betweenDates = new List<DateTime>();
var currentDate = beginDate;
while(currentDate <= endDate)
currentDate = currentDate.AddDays(1);
Then lets fetch all the rows that are already in database:
// var datesInDb = SELECT DATE FROM TABLE_X WHERE DATE BETWEEN (beginDate, EndDate);
Now we have dates from database and all the dates that should be in database. Lets substract dates from database from our betweenDates
var datesWhichShouldBeInsertedIntoDB = betweenDates.Any(day => datesInDb.Contains(day) == false);
then insert datesWhichShouldBeInsertedIntoDB


SQL query based on two values in a column with a date range

So here is what I'm attempting to accomplish. I want to have returned all rows within a specified date range where the value in a column is one value 'C' or another 'X'. I'm not huge in SQL and much more comfortable in scriptwriting for excel or google sheets. I would assume there's a pretty simple solution but here is what I have written so far that's not working.
Declare #FromDate DateTime
Declare #ToDate DateTime
Set #FromDate='20201027'
Set #ToDAte ='20201102'
select * from oehdr where OrderStatus='C' or OrderStatus='X'
The errors I've received have been "Invalid SQL, No Memory" and a script error when I modify the current attempt.
There's not enough info in the question. We don't know the name of the date column, or whether the time is included, or whether the ToDate value is inclusive of the whole day. It's not even 100% clear exactly what DB you're using, as there's some conflicting info with the question.
But I'll do the best I can making some guessues:
Declare #FromDate DateTime = '20201027'
Declare #ToDate DateTime = '20201102'
FROM oehdr
WHERE OrderStatus IN ('C', 'X')
AND OrderDate >= #FromDate AND OrderDate < DATEADD(day, 1, #ToDate)
Notice I did not use the BETWEEN operator. BETWEEN is inclusive at both ends of the range, which is rarely what I want for dates. Instead, when I want the full day, I add one day and use an exclusive condition for the end of the range.

Query Datetime Declaration

I'm having trouble with a Datetime column in a table while adding declaration on a stored procedure.
I want to set #EventTime as a day of the week without modifying the column..
More like a catch.
For example:
declare #EventTime datetime
set #EventTime = (select EventTime
from _LogClients
where ClientID = #ClientID)
if (#EventTime like '%2-2%) -- As a day of a week not as a numerical date.
- - Datetime preview:2019-01-22 17:47:00
Any help regarding that matter?
The EventTime is used on a Stored Procedure which runs on a certain event that occur.. However, the database is a Game one, so the logger is based on the server files, I need to know if I'm able to make the EventTime declaration able to read the datetime from the column as weekday in order to execute a certain query for that day (Not SQL Agent based though.. that's a different story).
I'm not sure from your question if you are trying to get the numerical representation of the actual day of the week (like Sunday would be "1", Monday as "2", etc.. ) or if you just need the day of the week as a word from a date.
Here is your code modified to use the word for the day of the week (please note you could have used the DateName within the select statement but then you'd need to change the type of #EventTime to a nVarchar() or nchar) :
declare #EventTime datetime
set #EventTime = (select EventTime
from _LogClients
where ClientID = #ClientID)
if (DATENAME(dw,#EventTime) like '%Tuesday%)
If you wanted the numerical equivalent use:
if (DATEPART(dw,#EventTime) = '1' -- Testing for Sunday day name

Is there a way to persist dateparts Week and DayOfWeek in computed column?

To speed and simplify aggregation of data queries for a dashboard, I have added these additional date columns as computed columns derived from a date field when the record is inserted.
These 3 are created from (CONVERT([varchar],[DateCreated], (112))) or a substring of such. Persisting works. No problem.
However, with these 2, I receive the error
Cannot be persisted because the column is non-deterministic.
If cannot persist, I'm afraid the cost would be too great with large table (500K rows). Is there a work-around?
EIDT: Sorry, I was not using GetDate() in my real code. I should have changed that to a standard field, [DateCreated]. I updated my code above. Even with a standard date field that is known when the record is created, I get the same error.
Ok, I found a solution to the Week datepart. Use (datepart, ISO_WEEK, [datefield]) instead of (datepart, week, [datefield]) and you can persist the value. One more reason to hate on the nuances of time however, “The numbering systems of different countries/regions might not comply with the ISO standard.”
The solution I went with for the DayOfWeek was to create an after update trigger as suggested by #Jeroen_Mostert
Now that you have the week part sorted, you can also create a (much simpler than it would be for the week) function for the weekday bit:
-- Monday is always 1 and so on
create function WeekdayAbsolute(#d datetime)
returns int
with schemabinding, returns null on null input
declare #b int;
-- The zero date (i.e. cast(0 as datetime)) was Monday. Therefore...
set #b = 1 + ((datediff(d, #d - #d, #d)) % 7);
if #b > 7 set #b = #b - 7;
return #b;
and use it in the column expression.

SQL . The SP or function should calculate the next date for friday

I need to write a store procedure that will return a next friday date on a given date? for example - if the date is 05/12/2011, then it should return next friday date as 05/13/2011. If you pass, 05/16/2011, then it should return the date is 5/20/2011 (Friday). If you pass friday as the date, then it should return the same date.
I'd make this a scalar UDF as it is easier to consume the output.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetNextFriday(
This is for SQL Server 2008. To use in 2005, just change the date fields to your preference for datetime to date conversions. It also assumes you are not changing the default week begin value.
DECLARE #PassedDate date = '5/21/2011';
Similar to the top answer, but without using ##DATEFIRST in the solution:
DECLARE #Today DATETIME = GETDATE(); -- any date
DECLARE #DaysUntilFriday SMALLINT = (13 - #WeekdayIndex) % 7;
DECLARE #UpcomingFridayDate DATETIME = DATEADD(DAY, #DaysUntilFriday, #Today);
SELECT #UpcomingFridayDate ;
Great solutions here, but I also recommend looking at time tables: you can generate them easily in Analysis server, and they can be indexed to be very fast, giving you lots of easy ways to get next week days (among other things).
You can find out more about them here
In our case, the same solution would be
Select MIN(PK_Date) from Time Where PK_Date > #SomeDate AND Day_Of_Week= 6
And of course when you're doing this for a large recordset, you can also do joins for maximum speed & efficiency.

A better way? Have date in query always use a date in the current year without maintenance

SELECT Date_Received, DateAdd(Year, DateDiff(year, Cast('3/01/2010 12:00:00AM' as DateTime) ,
GetDate())-1, Cast('3/01/2010 12:00:00AM' as DateTime)) as minimum_date
FROM [Volunteers].[dbo].[Applications]
WHERE Date_received >= DateAdd(Year, DateDiff(year, Cast('3/01/2010 12:00:00AM' as DateTime),
GetDate())-1, Cast('3/01/2010 12:00:00AM' as DateTime))
In several subqueries where I need to check that a date is within an acceptable range. I need to avoid using a simple constant as I really don't want to update it or a config file each new school year.
My current solution is to enter the date into the query and use some complicated DATEADD tricks to get the current year(or previous year) into the date I am using in the comparison. The exact code is above. Is there a cleaner way for me to do this?
The business requirement is to find applications submitted between 3/01 and 7/31.
We are running background checks and it costs us money for each check we do. Identifying applications submitted during this time period helps us determine if we should do a full, partial or no background check. I will also need to check if dates concerning the previous year.
We will be doing this every year and we need to know if they were in the current year. Maintaining the queries each year to update the dates is not something I want to do.
So I am looking for a good technique to keep the year parts of the dates relevant without having to update the query or a config file.
Old TSQL trick: cast the date to a string in a format that starts with the four-digit year, using substring to take the first four characters of that, cast it back to a date.
Actually, the reason that it's an old TSQL trick is that, if I recall correctly, there wasn't a year() function back then. Given that there's one now, using year( getdate() ) , as others' have answered, is probably the better answer.
will give you the current year.
If you need to query by month and year a lot, you should also consider making those properties into persisted, computed fields:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Applications
ADD DateReceivedMonth AS MONTH(Date_Received) PERSISTED
ALTER TABLE dbo.Applications
ADD DateReceivedYear AS YEAR(Date_Received) PERSISTED
SQL Server will now extract the MONTH and YEAR part of your Date_Received and place them into two new columns. Those are persisted, e.g. stored along side with your table data. SQL Server will make sure to keep them up to date automatically, e.g. if you change Date_Received, those two new columns will be recomputed (but not on every SELECT).
Now, your queries might be a lot easier:
SELECT (list of fields)
FROM dbo.Applications
WHERE DateReceivedYear = 2010 AND DateReceivedMonth BETWEEN 3 AND 7
Since these are persisted fields, you can even put an index on them to speed up queries against them!
Is there any reason you cannot simply use the Year function?
Select Date_Received
, Year(GetDate())
- Year('3/01/2010 12:00:00AM') - 1
+ Year('3/01/2010 12:00:00AM')
From [Volunteers].[dbo].[Applications]
Where Date_received >= ( Year(GetDate())
- Year('3/01/2010 12:00:00AM') - 1
+ Year('3/01/2080 12:00:00AM') )
Another way would be to use a common-table expression
With Years As
Select Year(GetDate()) As CurrentYear
, Year('3/01/2010 12:00:00AM') As ParamYear
, Year('3/01/2080 12:00:00AM') As BoundaryYear
Select Date_Received
, CurrentYear - Years.ParamYear - 1 + Years.ParamYear
From [Volunteers].[dbo].[Applications]
Cross Join Years
Where Date_received >= ( Years.CurrentYear
- Years.ParamYear - 1 + Years.BoundaryYear )
TSQL Function returns four digit year dependent on year. This behaves much like the standard SQL YEAR functions [Thomas - nod] which 'CAN' be tweaked using sp_configure on the advanced options, however, the code below is provided as a framework for CUSTOM requirements and can be modified as required. e.g. return as int, use with standard DATETIME functions in SQL to achieve what is needed. e.g. When working with "dirty" data I had to migrate, I used it with the PATINDEX() function to strip non-numeric values etc.
-- =============================================
-- Author: Andrew McLintock
-- Create date: 13 July 2016
-- Description: Return 4-digit YEAR
-- =============================================
SELECT Staging.fn_4year('06')
SELECT Staging.fn_4year('56')
SELECT Staging.fn_4year('99')
SELECT Staging.fn_4year('1906')
SELECT Staging.fn_4year('2025')
CREATE FUNCTION Staging.fn_4year
#year_in varchar (4)
RETURNS varchar(4)
DECLARE #yeartmp int, #Retval varchar(4)
SET #yeartmp = CAST(REPLACE(#year_in,' ','') AS INT)
IF LEN(CAST(#yeartmp AS Varchar)) = 4
Return cast(#yeartmp as varchar(4))
IF LEN(#year_in) = 2
SET #Retval = CAST(iif(#yeartmp > 49, #yeartmp + 1900, #yeartmp + 2000) AS varchar(4))
RETURN #Retval
Consider keeping a set of datetime variables help readability and maintainability. I'm not sure I've captured all your requirements, especially with reference to 'previous year'. If it's as simple as finding applications submitted between 3/01 and 7/31, then this should work. If you need to determine those that were submitted Aug 1 (last year) through Feb 28 (current year), this solution could be modified to suit.
DECLARE #Start smalldatetime, #End smalldatetime, #CurrYear char(4)
SELECT #CurrYear = YEAR(getdate())
SELECT #Start = CAST( 'mar 1 ' + #CurrYear as smalldatetime),
#End = CAST( 'jul 31 ' + #CurrYear as smalldatetime)
FROM Applications
WHERE Date_Received