How to add a user defined function in QDB Library? - sql

QDB is a database provided by QNX Neutrino package. I went through the QDB documentation to add a user defined SQL function:
I created a source file which had my user define SQL function written in C and qdb_function structure definition. I built it with a make file to create
As suggested by QDB I added Function = in the qdb.cfg. But while running the qdb in the shell prompt, it is giving the error (in bold):
qdb -I basic -V -R set -v -c /etc/sql/qdb.cfg -s de_DE#cldr -o tempstore=/fs/tmpfs
QDB: No script registered for handling corrupt database.
qdb: processing [TempMainAddressBook]Function - Can't access shared library
and qdb is getting exited immediately.
I have tried following things:
made sure sqlite3 library is added in the make file
source code is in strictly in C by using directive : extern "C" to avoid name mangling as the file extension is .cpp. I also tried with .c extension.
given the absolute path of the in qdb.cfg as : Function = udftag#/usr/lib/
qdb_funcion struct is properly defined in library's source code only.
tried without using the static declaration of function(mentioned in the qdb docs)
After trying all hits and trials also, I am getting the same error every time which is Can't access shared library
If any one has any idea to resolve this error please share.

Suggestion 1: run qdb by setting LD_DEBUG=1, like in:
LD_DEBUG=1 qdb command line options
This will output a lot of debug information from the dynamic loader as it attempts to locate and then load the .so files. Check what is the path that it output before the "Can't access" message is displayed.
Suggestion 2: obvious but make sure that the permissions are OK for the .so file. Do you have the execution permission set?
Suggestion 3: check if the error message is identical if you completely remove the .so file from the system
Suggestion 4: increase the number of lower-case 'v'-s. QDB likely supports more, with progressively more verbose information provided as you increase the numbers (6 should be enough for full verbosity)


file strings requires and filename and output variable in cmake

ssl..... utils)
Hello there , I am working on a project where I have a large set of libraries, and have use it like it (shown above). but instead of hardcoding these libraries explicitly,i want write it in a one line.
now I want to write it in a one line for linking, so specifically, what I have tried in the root level I have created a file called "library.lst" and in this .lst file I am giving the path of that library
build/src/con/shared/virtual/umqtt/ umqtt.a"
## write for every library
I am placing this .lst file in the folder called "filelist", e.g filelist/Library.lst where it will take all the libraries and will link.
so what I wrote this In each camkelists.txt where this library used by writing
file(STRINGS ${filelist} library) ,
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT NAME} ${library}),
but when I am running this script I an getting the errors like
"error:- "file strings requires and filename and output variable",
and I also have creates file where I am giving the path of it
" so could you please help me here and also need some explanation on it to understand it in a better way.Thanks in advance.

How do i set up instruction & data memory address when using "riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc"?

I designed RISCV32IM processor, and I used "riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc" to generate code for testing.
However, the PC(instruction memory address) value and data memory address of the generated code had arbitrary values. I used this command:
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32im -mabi=ilp32 -nostartfiles test.c
Can I know if I can set the instruction and data memory address I want?
Thank you for answer.
I designed only HW, and this is my first time using the SW tool chain.
Even if my question is rudimentary, please understand.
The figure is the result of the "-v" option.
enter image description here
I can't modify the script file because I use riscv tool chain in DOCKER environment.
So, I tried to copy the script file (elf32lriscv.x), modify it.
I modified it to 0x10000 ==> 0x00000.
The file name of the copied script is "test5.x".
And it was executed as follows.
What am I doing wrong?
enter image description here
The riscv compiler is using the default linker script to place text and date section... .
If you add -v option to your command line riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -v -march=rv32im -mabi=ilp32 -nostartfiles test.c, you will see the linker script used by collect 2 ( normally it will be -melf32lriscv . you can find the linker script in ${path_to_toolchain}/riscv32-unknown-elf/lib/ldscripts/ (the default one is .x).
You can also use riscv32-unknown-elf-ld --verbose like explained by #Frant. However , you need to be careful if the toolchain was compiled with enable multilib and you compile for rv64 but the default is rv32 or vice versa. It is not the case probably, but to be sure you can specify the arch with -A elf32riscv for an rv32.
To Set the addresses you can create your own linker script or copy and modify the default one. You can only modify the executable start like explained by #Frant or make more modification and place whatever you want where you want.
Once your own linker script ready you can pass it to the linker with -Wl,-T,${own_linker_script }. you command will be riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32im -mabi=ilp32 -nostartfiles test.c -Wl,-T,${own_linker_script }

Run a binary CGI file on the command line with GET params

How can I run a binary cgi file on the command line and provide GET parameters to it?
I understand this task may be straightforward for perl or php files, but I've got a binary cgi file and no documentation for it. I'd like to run it without a web server so that I can evaluate certain problems on some co-workers' machines.
I've tried the following, but to no avail:
QUERY_STRING="foo=bar" ./myfile.cgi
foo=bar ./myfile.cgi
./myfile.cgi foo=bar
./myfile.cgi <<< "foo=bar"
In each case, the script outputs Error in form found<br>Missing foo<br><b></b><br>. (When executed through apache on our server, it returns no error message, only the intended results.)
Specifying the environment variable REQUEST_METHOD=GET in addition to QUERY_STRING=... makes the difference.
Among the tokens output by strings myfile.cgi, there were a number of cgi-related variables which the web server might be expected to set, such as REMOTE_ADDR, SERVER_SOFTWARE, and SERVER_PROTOCOL, but the two aforementioned variables proved enough to get this executable to produce a non-error output.
(For a POST, I've read that the body/params are read from stdin, but I haven't substantiated that personally.)

Testing net/http?

I am a little confused about how to structure a go web app and its tests. I have read the How to Write Go Code but still don't get it. For example, I have a go project called "beacon" with a beacon.go file at the root. Adding a trivial beacon_test.go file (copied verbatim from causes this error:
$ go test
./beacon_test.go:11: main redeclared in this block
previous declaration at ./beacon.go:216
FAIL [build failed]
Sure enough, line 11 is func main(). If I instead change the package main line in my beacon_test.go to package hello, I get this error instead:
can't load package: package found packages main (beacon.go) and hello (beacon_test.go) in /Users/jacob/src/
beacon_test.go has also a function called main() rename it to TestFirst (or any other name you like as long as it starts with Test, note the uppercase T is important). There is no need for that. Just run go test . from inside the package you are working on (the one containing the *.go files). Post the full files if you need more help.

How to provide vsdbcmd deploy command line target dbschema sql command variables?

The Visual Studio (2010) gui provides options for specifying second command variable file for target. I however cant find this option for the command line implementation - vsdbcmd.exe.
Running vsdbcmd deploy for dbschema to dbschema with only source model command variables given results that objects that implement the variables are treated as having changes. Resulting in incorrect(improper) update script.
The command i use currently:
vsdbcmd.exe /a:deploy /dd:- /dsp:sql /model:Source.dbschema /targetmodelfile:Target.dbschema /p:SqlCommandVariablesFile=Database.sqlcmdvars /manifest:Database.deploymanifest /DeploymentScriptFile:UpdateScript.sql /p:TargetDatabase="DatabaseName"
What im looking for is the /p:TargetSqlCommandVariablesFile, if such thing exists ...
The result script is the same as running so GUI compare without specifying the sqlcmd vars for target
I found what looks like full documentation for VSDBCMD.EXE at this link.
I think you may be looking for something like:
In the end i found no info on the possibility to do what I required - checked vsdbcmd libs with IL spy for hidden parameters - didn't find any.
Reached my goal by parsing the dbschema files for both target and current and parsing the cmd variable values directly into them - then doing the compare on modified dbschemas. This approach no longer allows to change sql cmd vars in resulting script (as the values are already baked into code), however this was deemed as acceptable loss.
Not the most beautiful solution but so far i have had no issues with it.