Storing variables between pages VB WP8 -

I have an app that records time as you press a button. So leave office, arrive site, leave site and arrive office. I have created a button that allows the user to input what parts have been used on the job. This takes you to another screen where input takes place. I can pass these variables back to the main page but because I'm using:
NavigationService.Navigate(New Uri("/MainPage.xaml?msg=" & textBox1.Text, UriKind.Relative))
It resets the data that was in main page.
When I use the NavigationService.GoBack(), the data remains.
Is there a way to keep that data when I am navigating away from the main page?

Yes, just keep the data/datacontext/object on App level.
So for example, use an object in App.xaml.vb
Public Shared Property MyBook() As Book
Return m_MyBook
End Get
m_MyBook = Value
End Set
End Property
Private Shared m_MyBook As Book
And in the OnNavigatingFrom event on your page (or even before, wherever you like), save that data
Protected Overrides Sub OnNavigatingFrom(ByVal e As System.Windows.Navigation.NavigatingCancelEventArgs)
App.MyBook = currentBook
End Sub
When navigating back to that page, just check if the App.MyBook is null, if it's not, it means you've cached something before navigating, so just read it and set the current datacontext to it (or however you set your data on the page)
Protected Overrides Sub OnNavigatedTo(ByVal e As System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs)
If (App.MyBook Is Nothing) Then
currentBook = App.MyBook
End If
End Sub
(since you shared no relevant code, my implementation is rather abstract, but the main point is - keep it in the App.xaml.cs and save/load it when you need it)

Store the value in a variable at App.xaml.cs. App.xaml.cs stores variable throughout the lifetime of the app. If the value is being used frequently in other classes/pages too, then as an alternative you can either create a singleton or a static class and use it as a manager for these values. Cluttering App.Xaml.cs is not a good choice, if you have many values to store.


VB.NET 2019 Open a form from another form

I know this appears to be a rather common topic and should have been resolved from earlier posts. But what I am experiencing still does not seem to have a solution online:
I have a form called ExpenseEntry in which there is a sub procedure called Public Sub OpenVoucher.
I want to call this sub from another form for which I use the following code:
Dim ExpForm As New ExpenseEntry
While this works well enough, the problem is everytime I click the button, a new window of ExpenseEntry is launched. As per how I have designed the application, repeat windows is not permissible and only one window should be available at a time.
I have tried various methods to restrict more than one form such as by using a variable to control the form but that gives rise to other issues.
If I use Application.OpenForms but still does not resolve the issue.
I have earlier queried in this regard in the following link:
Textbox not refreshing
I am using VB.NET 2019 which does not allow the launch of default instance of a form like Form.Show. I know this is bad practice but it was easier to manage with that till VB.NET 2017.
Now by creating a form variable and launching that creates an infinite loop where I cannot have just one instance of a form running on a single thread.
The really simple way to handle this is to use the default instance of the form type. In VB, since 2005, each form type has a default instance that you can access via the type name. Read here for more info. In your case, you can do this:
'Display the form if it is not already displayed.
'Activate the form if it is already displayed.
'Do the deed.
That said, default instances are a bit dodgy. They do enable beginners to access forms from anywhere in their project under certain circumstances but they also have limitations that can cause issues. Most importantly though, they help to prevent you learning proper OOP by treating forms differently to other types. If you want to do this the way a proper developer would then simply declare a variable to refer to the current instance of the form:
Private expenseEntryDialogue As ExpenseEntry
When it's time to use the form, you simply check whether that variable refers to a usable instance and use it if it does, otherwise create a new one:
If expenseEntryDialogue Is Nothing OrElse expenseEntryDialogue.IsDisposed Then
expenseEntryDialogue = New ExpenseEntry
End If
A third option would be to implement your own singleton, i.e. a type that can only ever have a single instance. You probably wouldn't do that in VB, given that the default instance is basically a thread-specific singleton and does more automatically but, if you wanted to, you could do this:
Public Class ExpenseEntry
Private Shared _instance As ExpenseEntry
'The one and only instance of the type.
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Instance As ExpenseEntry
If _instance Is Nothing OrElse _instance.IsDisposed Then
_instance = New ExpenseEntry
End If
Return _instance
End Get
End Property
'The constructor is private to prevent external instantiation.
Private Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
End Sub
End Class
and then this:

Label Text not updating even when using Refresh, Invalidate, and DoEvents

My code is designed to be a control system for a 2-axis motion system. I have 2 drives that each output a count of their steps. I can read the device, update a property, and update the text field of a label. However, it does not update the form. When I use a message box, I can display the text value being correct, but nothing updates the label.
I'm happy to try any suggestions, but I've been fighting this for about 16 hours and I'm at my wits end - as evidenced by the clear overkill/terrible coding that is shown in the code. I can't understand why it's not updating.
Additionally, a manual button with all versions seen below to refresh a form doesn't update the control.
Direction, recommendations?
Private Sub PositionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If TraverseController.InvokeRequired Then
New EventHandler(Of EventArgs)(AddressOf PositionChanged), sender, e)
End If
'RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(TraverseController, New System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs("Position"))
TraverseController.lblLinearDrivePosDisp.Text = CStr(_position)
End Sub
Assumption: TraverseController is form's class name.
This looks like a VB default form instance issue. It is apparent that you are trying to properly marshal control interaction back to the UI thread by using checking TraverseController.InvokeRequired. However, due to the way these default instance are created, TraverseController.InvokeRequired is creating a new instance of TraverseController on the secondary thread and all subsequent code is modifying that instance and not the one created on the UI thread.
One way to deal with this is to pass a synchronizing control instance to the class where PositionChanged changed method is defined and check that control's InvokeRequired method instead of TraverseController.InvokeRequired. If the containing class is itself a UI control, then use that class instance (Me.InvokeRequired).

VBA- UserForm.Lable.Caption gets Error 91 Object Not Set

System Description: I have a userform that takes input on an item that is being returned. A user clicks the row of the item that needs to be returned and then clicks a "Check-In button"
My Attempt: I created a button checkin_cmdbutton on the spreadsheet that measures which item is selected by which cell is selected Application.ActiveCell.Row, writes the info into a userform Checkin_Form, the user finishes the rest of the check-in info, and clicks submit.
This code is the event for the button checkin_cmdbutton on the spreadsheet:
Private Sub checkin_cmdbutton_Click()
Set ItemID = Cells(Application.ActiveCell.Row, 1)
Set ItemDescription = Cells(Application.ActiveCell.Row, 2)
If ItemID Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("ID is null, ending...")
Exit Sub
End If
Checkin_Form.itemid_dynamiclabel.Caption = ItemID.Value
Checkin_Form.description_dynamiclabel.Caption = ItemDescription.Value
Checkin_Form.checkin_datepicker.Value = Date
End Sub
Problem: The code throws an error 91 "Object variable or with block variable not set" at Checkin_Form.itemid_dynamiclabel.caption and the following 2 lines. Why is an object on a form throwing this error? I can't declare these, can I?
You shouldn't be explicitly calling UserForm_Initialize - that's an event handler, and there's a reason handlers are Private by default: they're invoked by the event provider, when the event provider deems it necessary - in this case, when the object instance is getting initialized.
The best way to ensure the form gets initialized properly, is to treat it like the object it is, instead of storing global state on its default instance.
A UserForm class is little more than a class module with a designer and a VB_PredeclaredId module attribute. This attribute makes VBA create a global-scope object variable named after the class, and that is how this code is legal:
Except, it shouldn't be.
You DON'T want to store global state in the default instance: that's the very last thing you want, especially if your form involves dynamic controls.
New it up instead.
With New UserForm1
'what follows only executes when the form is closed:
End With
For this to work, you must handle the form's QueryClose event, to prevent the object instance from self-destructing itself when the user clicks the [X] button.
For this to work, you must also avoid destroying the form yourself, e.g. with Unload Me (or worse, Unload UserForm1) calls - say, when the user clicks the [Ok] button. Instead, you Hide (or Me.Hide) the form, so that the caller (the code that New'd it up) can still access the object's state.
From the look of your code - i.e. with the .Show call being the very last thing your macro does, I can tell that you're having the form run the show: this is an anti-pattern that will keep creating problems every time you do that.
Forms don't implement application logic: forms present and collect data. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not the form's job to write to any spreadsheet, or even to know anything about worksheets.
Read this recent article of mine if you want more information about doing forms right.
Now, the actual problem.
Checkin_Form.itemid_dynamiclabel.Caption = ItemID.Value
If that label is dynamic (i.e. created at run-time), then I'm surprised accessing it like this even compiles. First, remove the underscore in the form's name: underscores have a special meaning in VBA - I'm sure you've noticed the pattern by now, of how VBA generates event handlers for a given object:
Private Sub ObjectName_EventName()
End Sub
If ObjectName or EventName has an underscore, you're asking for compile errors at one point or another - one day you'll want to use an Implements statement and discover that your code can't be compiled anymore, if you kept that underscore habit: better lose it now.
If the control is dynamic, you can't do what you're trying to do the way you're doing it.
Dynamic controls need to be accessed through the form's Controls collection:
Dim myLabel As MSForms.Label
Set myLabel = Me.Controls("NameOfTheLabelControl")
Otherwise, you need to keep a reference to the dynamic contols at module-level, in the form's code-behind - you could expose it via a property:
Option Explicit
Dim myLabel As MSForms.Label
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set myLabel = Me.Controls.Add(...)
End Sub
Public Property Get ThatLabel() As MSForms.Label
Set ThatLabel = myLabel
End Property
Or better, use an actual model class, and let the calling code not be bothered with controls at all - see the previously linked article for details.
You're getting that error because your label object instance isn't initialized, i.e. it's Nothing. Since you aren't showing your form's code-behind, we can't really point out why that is the case, but my money is on the form's default instance making you yet another victim of the "hey look how easy it is!" VBA tutorials that teach things wrong.
Implement the worksheet-handling code outside the form, make the form collect data, make the calling code read this data after the form is hidden, and then make the calling code create and destroy the form instance.
Now, with all that said, I've no idea why you think you need a dynamic control for this.
Just shooting in the dark, as far as I really do not know the names of your variables and what they are (a few screenshots will be helpful). Try like this, if your code is in a form (as far as you have _Click I assume it is):
Private Sub checkin_cmdbutton_Click()
Set ItemID = Cells(Application.ActiveCell.Row, 1)
Set ItemDescription = Cells(Application.ActiveCell.Row, 2)
Me.itemid_dynamiclabel.Caption = ItemID.Value
Me.description_dynamiclabel.Caption = ItemDescription.Value
Me.checkin_datepicker.Value = Date
End Sub
And try at least declaring the variables (e.g. ItemID etc) and using Option Explicit on top. get local resource name from control property

How can i get the name of a local resource that has been assigned to a control property like BackgroundImage?
For example, i have a button and i have set the BackgroundImage property to a local resource image.
What i want, is at runtime to get the name of the local resource that has been assigned to BackgroundImage of that button.
If you look at your image:
you can see two things about the way your resources are handled. First, the return is a Bitmap, so once assigned to a button or whatever, you would have a very hard time determining what it is from the image data. The second thing is that the identifiers are actually Properties not just tokens or keys into a collection. The IDE generates these in your Resources.Designer.vb file to provide access to the various resources. Here is the interface to get the bitmap of the French Flag from the resource designer file:
Friend ReadOnly Property FRFlag() As System.Drawing.Bitmap
Dim obj As Object = ResourceManager.GetObject("FRFlag", resourceCulture)
Return CType(obj,System.Drawing.Bitmap)
End Get
End Property
Yours will have things like Property error_button24BUTTON_DISABLED. Like any other property, the name of the property is not part of the return, just the data associated with them.
Since what really matters is the state of the button, not the image being shown, and that Enabled state is very easy to evaluate, not much is lost just using an if statement:
If thisButton.Enabled Then
thisButton.BackGroundImage = My.Resources...
thisButton.BackGroundImage = My.Resources...
End If
You would have had to do something like this to convert "True" for Enabled to "BUTTON_ENABLED" to create the resource "key" if it actually worked the way you thought it did, or was intent on getting it via Reflection.
There are several alternatives. One might be to write an ExtenderProvider to provide various state images for the controls you are working with, subclass them or just use a local Dictionary/HashTable like an Extender would:
Friend Class ButtonImages
' ToDo: load these from My.Resources in the ctor for a given button
' ...
Private Property EnabledImage
Private Property DisabledImage
Public Function GetStateImage(b As Boolean) As Bitmap
If b Then
Return EnabledImage
Return DisabledImage
End If
End Function
End Class
Private myBtnImgs As New Dictionary(of Button, ButtonImages)
thisButton.BackgroundImage = myBtnImgs(thisButton).GetStateImage(thisButton.Enabled)
It is more involved than a simple If statement, but comes close to what you seem to have been looking for.

BringToFront isn't bringing form to the front

I'm trying to set up a button that does the following:
Checks to see if a form is open (and has lost focus). If so, it brings that form to the front.
If not, it opens a new instance of the form.
However, I've tried a few different methods and it will always either create a new form (if I use frm_About.visible as the check) or simply not do anything (with the following code).
Private Sub counter_aboutClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles counter_About.Click
If Application.OpenForms().OfType(Of frm_About).Any Then
Dim oAbout As frm_About
oAbout = New frm_About()
oAbout = Nothing
End If
End Sub
I've heard that there's a bug with BringToFront in certain scenarios, am I hitting that bug?
VB.Net does a terrible thing and creates a default instance of a form (which can be referred to by its class name). This creates endless confusion and headaches - I suggest you read up on default instances (google can find a lot to read about, surely)
In this case, you have a class called frm_About as well as a default instance of that form which is also called frm_About. If you've created a new form of type frm_About then the following code
If Application.OpenForms().OfType(Of frm_About).Any Then
will search your open forms to look for a form of type frm_About and, if it finds one, will attempt to bring the default instance of frm_About to the front - note that the open form can be (an in your case is most likely) not the default instance but any instance created with New frm_About().
To find the actual instance of the form you would have to do something like :
For Each openForm In Application.OpenForms()
If TypeOf (openForm) Is frm_About Then _
CType(openForm, frm_About).BringToFront()