SQL outer join in combination with MAX function in right table - sql

I have an SQL question based on below table structure.
Database is currently in MS Access, with plans to migrate to SQL Server. Query should work in both DBMS'es.
I want to get devName and the latest dswSW_Version, based on dswTimestamp, for the device in question. If no SW history exists, I want to just return the devName.
The closest I could get was:
SELECT dev.devname, dsw1.dswsw_version
FROM device_sw_history AS dsw1 RIGHT JOIN device AS dev
ON dsw1.dswdevid = dev.devid
WHERE dsw1.dswtimestamp = (SELECT MAX(dswtimestamp) FROM device_sw_history AS dsw2 WHERE dsw1.dswdevid = dsw2.dswdevid)
AND devid = #devid
But nothing is returned for devid = 2, due to MAX returning null. I want to return Apple, null.
Is there a way to construct this statement without using a UNION and still return devname even if no SW history exists ?
devid devname
1 Samsung
2 Apple
dswid dswdevid dswtimestamp dswsw_version
1 1 5/dec/13 One
2 1 6/dec/13 Two
Thank you !

Just put your condition in the on clause:
SELECT dev.devname, dsw1.dswsw_version
FROM device_sw_history AS dsw1 RIGHT JOIN device AS dev
ON dsw1.dswdevid = dev.devid
AND dsw1.dswtimestamp = (SELECT MAX(dswtimestamp) FROM device_sw_history AS dsw2 WHERE dsw1.dswdevid = dsw2.dswdevid)
WHERE devid = #devid
For inner joins the on and where clauses are identical, and putting a condition in one or the other is merely a question of style and readability. Outer joins introduce a difference between on and where, the on clause only applies to one table, while the where clause applies to their combination.

On SQL Server, a simple subquery should do the trick:
(SELECT TOP 1 dswsw_version FROM device_sw_history WHERE dswdevid = devid
ORDER BY dswtimestamp DESC)
FROM device
This will return all the device names from device, even those that does not have an entry in device_sw_history.


Sub-query works but would a join or other alternative be better?

I am trying to select rows from one table where the id referenced in those rows matches the unique id from another table that relates to it like so:
FROM booklet_tickets
WHERE bookletId = (SELECT id
FROM booklets
WHERE bookletNum = 2000
AND seasonId = 9
AND bookletTypeId = 3)
With the bookletNum/seasonId/bookletTypeId being filled in by a user form and inserted into the query.
This works and returns what I want but seems messy. Is a join better to use in this type of scenario?
If there is even a possibility for your subquery to return multiple value you should use in instead:
FROM booklet_tickets
WHERE bookletId in (SELECT id
FROM booklets
WHERE bookletNum = 2000
AND seasonId = 9
AND bookletTypeId = 3)
But I would prefer exists over in :
FROM booklet_tickets bt
FROM booklets b
WHERE bookletNum = 2000
AND seasonId = 9
AND bookletTypeId = 3
AND b.id = bt.bookletId)
It is not possible to give a "Yes it's better" or "no it's not" answer for this type of scenario.
My personal rule of thumb if number of rows in a table is less than 1 million, I do not care optimising "SELECT WHERE IN" types of queries as SQL Server Query Optimizer is smart enough to pick an appropriate plan for the query.
In reality however you often need more values from a joined table in the final resultset so a JOIN with a filter WHERE clause might make more sense, such as:
SELECT BT.*, B.SeasonId
FROM booklet_tickes BT
INNER JOIN booklets B ON BT.bookletId = B.id
WHERE B.bookletNum = 2000
AND B.seasonId = 9
AND B.bookletTypeId = 3
To me it comes down to a question of style rather than anything else, write your code so that it'll be easier for you to understand it months later. So pick a certain style and then stick to it :)
The question however is old as the time itself :)
SQL JOIN vs IN performance?

MAX function not working in Oracle statement

I have the following statement using MAX(woq.wq_version) and it keeps returning two results.
SELECT woq.wo_number, woq.quote_amount, MAX(woq.wq_version) version
FROM ba_view_wo_quote woq
LEFT JOIN sm_header smh
ON woq.woo_auto_key = smh.woo_auto_key
WHERE woq.woo_auto_key = smh.woo_auto_key
AND woq.wo_number = 'WO1110885'
AND woq.quote_amount <> '0'
HAVING woq.wq_version = MAX(woq.wq_version)
GROUP BY woq.wq_version, woq.quote_amount, woq.wo_number
I keep receiving these results:
It sounds like you just want
select woq.wo_number,
woq.wq_version version
from ba_view_wo_quote woq
left join sm_header smh on woq.woo_auto_key=smh.woo_auto_key
where woq.wo_number = 'WO1110885'
and woq.quote_amount<>'0'
order by woq.quote_amount desc
fetch first 1 row only
If that isn't what you're looking for, it would be helpful to update your question with a reproducible test case that shows us what your tables look like, what your data looks like, and what results you want for that data.
Note that it doesn't make sense to duplicate the same condition in the on clause of your join and in the where clause so I got rid of the where clause condition.

Going from SQLite to SAP ASE/SQL Server need some assistance on query rewrite

I wrote the following query in SQLite, which works fine, but have found out the office utilizes SAP ASE (Sybase SQL Server) and it does not display the same result there.
max(dm12_maf_note.maf_note) as Last_Note,
dm12_maf_note.note_dttm as Time_of_Note,
left join
dm12_maf_note on dm04_maf.mcn = dm12_maf_note.mcn
where dm04_maf.ty_maf_cd = 'TD'
group by dm04_maf.mcn
I believe it is not performing group by correctly as it isn't giving me the last note for each mcn (primary key) it is giving me every note for each mcn.
Any guidance for this would be appreciated.
An ANSI compliant group by query will have all non-aggregate columns (from the select/projection list) also in the group by clause. While many RDBMSs will allow non-ANSI compliant group by queries (like in this question), how each RDBMS chooses to process said non-ANSI compliant group by query is up for grabs (ie, there is no guarantee of getting the same result across different RDBMSs).
Some assumptions:
OP mentions wanting to display just the 'last note'; for now we'll assume that max(maf_note) is sufficient to determine the 'last note' for a given mcn value
the other non-aggregate columns (eg, wc_cd, buno_serno, note_dttm and orignr) should come from the same row that produces last note = max(maf_note)`
Since SAP (Sybase) ASE does not support windows functions nor ROW_NUMBER(), one idea would be to use a sub-query to find the 'last note' and then join this into the main query to pull the rest of the desired values, eg:
select dm1.mcn,
dmn1.note_dttm as Time_of_Note,
from dm04_maf dm1
join dm12_maf_note dmn1
on dm1.mcn = dmn1.mcn
join (select dm2.mcn,
max(dmn2.maf_note) as Last_Note
from dm04_maf dm2
join dm12_maf_note dmn2
on dm2.mcn = dmn2.mcn
where dm2.ty_maf_cd = 'TD'
group by dm2.mcn
) dt
on dm1.mcn = dt.mcn
and dmn1.maf_note = dt.Last_Note
where dm1.ty_maf_cd = 'TD'
the extra dm1.ty_maf_cd = 'TD' is likely redundant; will leave it up to the OP to decide on whether to keep or remove
(obviously) may need to come back and tweak based on validity of the assumptions and/or updates to the question
With ROW_NUMBER() window function:
select t.mcn, t.wc_cd, t.buno_serno,
t.maf_note as Last_Note,
t.note_dttm as Time_of_Note,
from (
select d04.mcn, d04.wc_cd, d04.buno_serno,
d12.maf_note, d12.note_dttm, d12.orignr,
row_number() over (partition by d04.mcn order by d12.maf_note desc) rn
from dm04_maf d04 left join dm12_maf_note d12
on d04.mcn = d12.mcn
where d04.ty_maf_cd = 'TD'
) t
where t.rn = 1

SQL GROUP BY function returning incorrect SUM amount

I've been working on this problem, researching what I could be doing wrong but I can't seem to find an answer or fault in the code that I've written. I'm currently extracting data from a MS SQL Server database, with a WHERE clause successfully filtering the results to what I want. I get roughly 4 rows per employee, and want to add together a value column. The moment I add the GROUP BY clause against the employee ID, and put a SUM against the value, I'm getting a number that is completely wrong. I suspect the SQL code is ignoring my WHERE clause.
Below is a small selection of data:
hr_empl_code hr_doll_paid
1 20.5
1 51.25
1 102.49
1 560
I expect that a GROUP BY and SUM clause would give me the value of 734.24. The value I'm given is 211461.12. Through troubleshooting, I added a COUNT(*) column to my query to work out how many lines it's running against, and it's giving a result of 1152, furthering reinforces my belief that it's ignoring my WHERE clause.
My SQL code is as below. Most of it has been generated by the front-end application that I'm running it from, so there is some additional code in there that I believe does assist the query.
hrtempnm T000,
qmvempms T001,
hrtmspay T166,
hrtpaytp T175,
hrtptype T177
WHERE 1 = 1
AND T000.hr_empl_code = T001.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_empl_code = T166.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_empl_code = T175.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_ploy_ment = T166.hr_ploy_ment
AND T001.hr_ploy_ment = T175.hr_ploy_ment
AND T175.hr_paym_code = T177.hr_paym_code
AND T166.hr_pyrl_code = 'f' AND T166.hr_paid_dati = 20180404
AND (T175.hr_paym_type = 'd' OR T175.hr_paym_type = 't')
GROUP BY T000.hr_empl_code
ORDER BY hr_empl_code
I'm really lost where it could be going wrong. I have stripped out the additional WHERE AND and brought it down to just T166.hr_empl_code = T175.hr_empl_code, but it doesn't make a different.
By no means am I any expert in SQL Server and queries, but I have decent grasp on the technology. Any help would be very appreciated!
Group by is not wrong, how you are using it is wrong.
hrtempnm T000
inner join (SELECT
SUM(hr_doll_paid) as totPaid
hrtpaytp T175
where hr_paym_type = 'd' OR hr_paym_type = 't'
GROUP BY hr_empl_code
) T on t.hr_empl_code = T000.hr_empl_code
where exists
(select * from qmvempms T001,
hrtmspay T166,
hrtpaytp T175,
hrtptype T177
WHERE T000.hr_empl_code = T001.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_empl_code = T166.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_empl_code = T175.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_ploy_ment = T166.hr_ploy_ment
AND T001.hr_ploy_ment = T175.hr_ploy_ment
AND T175.hr_paym_code = T177.hr_paym_code
AND T166.hr_pyrl_code = 'f' AND T166.hr_paid_dati = 20180404
ORDER BY hr_empl_code
Note: It would be more clear if you have used joins instead of old style joining with where.

Whats wrong with this nested query?

I am trying to write a query to return the id of the latest version of a market index stored in a database.
SELECT miv.market_index_id market_index_id from ref_market_index_version miv
INNER JOIN ref_market_index mi ON miv.market_index_id = mi.id
WHERE mi.short_name='dow30'
AND miv.version_num = (SELECT MAX(m1.version_num) FROM ref_market_index_version m1 INNER JOIN ref_market_index m2 ON m1.market_index_id = m2.id )
The above SQL statement can be (roughly) translated into the form:
WHERE mi.short_name='some name'
AND miv.version_num = SOME NUMBER
What I don't understand is that when I supply an actual number (instead of a sub query), the SQL statement works - also, when I test the SUB query used to determine the latest version number, that also works - however, when I attempt to use the result returned by sub query in the outer (parent?) query, it returns 0 rows - what am I doing wrong here?
Incidentally, I also tried an IN CLAUSE instead of the strict equality match i.e.
... AND miv.version_num IN (SUB QUERY)
That also resulted in 0 rows, although as before, when running the parent query with a hard coded version number, I get 1 row returned (as expected).
BTW I am using postgeresql, but I prefer the solution to be db agnostic.
The problem is probably that the max(version_num) doesn't exist for 'dow30'.
Try the following correlated subquery:
SELECT miv.market_index_id market_index_id
from ref_market_index_version miv INNER JOIN
ref_market_index mi
ON miv.market_index_id = mi.id
WHERE mi.short_name='dow30' AND
miv.version_num = (SELECT MAX(m1.version_num)
FROM ref_market_index_version m1 INNER JOIN
ref_market_index m2
ON m1.market_index_id = m2.id
where m1.short_name = 'dow30'
I added the where clause in the subquery.