TFS API: Creating a new folder? - api

Are there any ways to create new Team Project in TFS Server by using TFS API? I'm trying to create a new code to intergate to TFS server automatically.

The issue has been resolved by using TFPT.exe (using .bat file)
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2012 Power Tools
TFPT.exe createTeamProject /collection:[TEAM COLLECTION] /TeamProject:[TEAM PROJECT] /ProcessTemplate:"Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2.2" /SourceControl:New /log:[LOG FILE] /verbose /noreports /noportal
Thanks for your help!

As far as I know creating team projects through the API is not supported. But you can use Team Foundation Power Tools cmd line interface to create projects. There are a few posts out there regarding the usage.
Team Foundation Power Tool Command Line (tfpt.exe)
A companion tool to “tf.exe” that offers additional version control
commands, work item tracking, and team project manipulation. Some
commands invoke a graphical user interface when run.
Run tfpt.exe /? to find a list of the supported commands:
Command Description


Problem with using "Database Administration Tool Extensions for Windows" in Azure Data Studio

I want to Generate Script in Azure Data Studio by using Database Administration Tool Extensions for Windows as it is mentioned in these a,b questions.
However, after installing the Database Administration Tool Extensions for Windows, when I right-click on the database, the following items is appeared without generate Script.
Would you please guide me? thanks

Building SSIS Packages in Visual Studio

I think this is about as basic question as I can have, but what version of Microsoft Visual Studio and what packages do I need to install in order to create SSIS Packages that I can install in SQL Server to run in scheduled jobs? I have done this before, but now whenever I download Visual Studio my toolbox is empty and I cant seem to find any of my data flow tasks no matter what I install. Any help would be much appreciated as this basic task has me a bit frustrated.
For VS2017 and earlier versions, you can easily find it after creating an SSIS project.
In a solution where includes SSIS project:
For VS2019, as this document states the required functionality to enable Analysis Services, Integration Services, and Reporting Services projects has moved into the respective Visual Studio extensions.
To find SSIS Toolbox in your VS2019:
Download the extension for SSIS here
Create a new SSIS project and you can find the ToolBox

Continous integration of a Windows application using Jenkins

I am having a Windows application which was created on VB.Net and Visual Studio 2008, The application is somewhat big and is around 10 years old. The repository we are using is TFS. I am having a task to create an automatic build for this Windows application and I choose the Jenkins CI for it.
My plan is to build the project solution using MS Build plugin and then publish it and deploy the solution to IIS path.
I have given the below MS Build query to build using Jenkins and get the solution code from TFS and the output was successful:
/t:AppProcSolution /p:Configuration=Release /maxcpucount
But I need publish the same AppProcSolution. Could I do it by passing any other parameters to the above script or should I need to use MS deploy etc. I am totally new to automatic integration. Is it possible for me get the published solution to a particular folder? Almost all the .Net integration using Jenkins tutorial available on the Internet is for deployment to GitHub etc. So if someone has any guidelines to help please provide me a solution.
MSDeploy is good for server application deployments like web applications/sites, SQL server databases or Windows Services.
When you say "Windows application" I assume you mean a WinForm or desktop client application. The best tool for this, in my opinion, is ClickOnce:
You could also use a Setup project in VS:

TFS 2013 API Project Creation

Can't seem to find an answer to this on MSDN or on here, does the Team Foundation Server 2013 API expose any methods to allow Project Creation? and if so in which classes?
No: project creation is a complex process involving many modules (DLLs). In fact, it requires Visual Studio (or Team Explorer) the same or newer version of TFS.
If you need to automate, you may use the tfpt createteamproject command line tool.
Update 2016-07-22: Since TFS 2015 Update 2 it is possible to create a project using the REST API.

Build/Deploy SSRS with TFS 2010

I am trying to build and deploy an SSRS project (rptproj) but MSBuild does not support this project type. What can I use to build and deploy this project?
I looks like I can use RS.EXE and Dev Env. What are the benefits of each?
It actually is recommended to install Visual Studio on the TFS Build machine to support building various types of projects that MSBuild alone does not support. You don't have to worry about licensing because as long as you have a Visual Studio license then you can put it on all of your machines.
You can find more details here.