How to request same parameter twice in query string? -

I am trying to request the following query string url: api/item?name=storm&name=prest
I am using the following code below and I cannot get the code to work.
public class ItemController : ApiController
private cdwEntities db = new cdwEntities();
public HttpResponseMessage Get([FromUri] Query query)
var data = db.database_ICs.AsQueryable();
if ( != null)
**data = data.Where(c => c.Name.Split("&").Contains(;**
if (!= null)
data = data.Where(c => c.ID==;
if (!data.Any())
var message = string.Format("No data was found");
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, message);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);
Any help would be very much appreciated.

You can use post Api and send array of [name].
name = [item1,item2....]
public void Post([FromBody] List<string> name) {

You can not pass same name key in Querystring. Browser/Code did not identified which is correct value, if you want multiple value then pass as a object.


How to return a Json object error on ASP.Net Core Restful Cotroller?

I have a ASP.NET controller that controls a schedule (as I'm Brazilian, schedule in Portuguese means Agendamento).
The thing is, I can't allow scheduling the same room (in Portuguese Sala) being taken twice at the same time.
So in the POST request I check the DB to see if that room has already being taken and if it has I want to return only a Json object { "error": "You can't do that." }.
If the request does not have any problem then the insert should be done and the inserted object has to be returned.
public async Task<ActionResult<Agendamento>> PostAgendamento(Agendamento agendamento)
var agendamentosJaExistentes = await _context.Agendamentos.Include(ag => ag.Sala)
.Where(ag =>
ag.SalaId == agendamento.SalaId &&
(agendamento.PeriodoInicial >= ag.PeriodoInicial && agendamento.PeriodoInicial <= ag.PeriodoFinal)
(agendamento.PeriodoFinal >= ag.PeriodoInicial && agendamento.PeriodoFinal <= ag.PeriodoFinal)
if (agendamentosJaExistentes != null)
return ??? JSON OBJECT ???
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return CreatedAtAction("GetAgendamento", new { id = agendamento.Id }, agendamento);
Can you guys help me?
Add NewtonsoftJson support
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Return JsonObject
if (agendamentosJaExistentes != null)
return new ObjectResult(Error("You can't do that.")); //???JSON OBJECT???
400 Bad Request response status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error.
public class ReturnJson
public string Status { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
public static ReturnJson Error(string responseMessage, string responseCode = "400")
ReturnJson returnJson = new ReturnJson()
Status = responseCode,
Message = responseMessage ?? string.Empty
return returnJson;
Test Result:
For RESTful api one of the best practice is to return errors aligning with HTTP status code. For this specific case probably HTTP 500 (instead of 200 success with an error body) makes more sense.
You can do so by this:
var result = new
Error = "Room already booked",
return this.StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, result);
This is a simple way that am using (DoteNet Core 3.x)
return Json(new { error = "Your error message " , status = 405 });

What is the best possible way to send custom error responses in .net core web api

I'm making a .net Core WebApi using .Net Core 2.2. The API is ready but the failure message and response is where I'm stuck at.
Right now, I'm getting respose like below
"empName":"Conroy, Deborah",
I created a json formatter class and wrote the below code
public class SuperJsonOutputFormatter : JsonOutputFormatter
public SuperJsonOutputFormatter(
JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings,
ArrayPool<char> charPool) : base(serializerSettings, charPool)
public override async Task WriteResponseBodyAsync(
OutputFormatterWriteContext context,
Encoding selectedEncoding)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
if (selectedEncoding == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(selectedEncoding));
using (TextWriter writer =
var rewrittenValue = new
resultCode = context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode,
resultMessage =
result = context.Object
this.WriteObject(writer, rewrittenValue);
await writer.FlushAsync();
I expect all the error codes to be sent as generic error messages like the JSON below.
"status" : True,
"error" : null,
"data" : {
"empName":"Conroy, Deborah",
FOR OTHER STATUS LIKE 404, 500, 400, 204
"status" : False,
"error" : {
"error code" : 404,
"error description" : Not Found
"data" : null
I expect all the error codes to be sent as generic error messages like the JSON below
You're almost there. What you need to do is enabling your SuperJsonOutputFormatter.
A Little Change to Your Formatter
Firstly, your formatter didn't return a json with the same schema as you want. So I create a dummy class to hold the information for error code and error description:
public class ErrorDescription{
public ErrorDescription(HttpStatusCode statusCode)
this.Code = (int)statusCode;
this.Description = statusCode.ToString();
[JsonProperty("error code")]
public int Code {get;set;}
[JsonProperty("error description")]
public string Description {get;set;}
And change your WriteResponseBodyAsync() method as below:
using (TextWriter writer = context.WriterFactory(context.HttpContext.Response.Body, selectedEncoding)) {
var statusCode = context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode;
var rewrittenValue = new {
status = IsSucceeded(statusCode),
error = IsSucceeded(statusCode) ? null : new ErrorDescription((HttpStatusCode)statusCode),
data = context.Object,
this.WriteObject(writer, rewrittenValue);
await writer.FlushAsync();
Here the IsSucceeded(statusCode) is a simple helper method that you can custom as you need:
private bool IsSucceeded(int statusCode){
// I don't think 204 indicates that's an error.
// However, you could comment out it if you like
if(statusCode >= 400 /* || statusCode==204 */ ) { return false; }
return true;
Enable your Formatter
Secondly, to enable your custom Formatter, you have two approaches: One way is to register it as an global Formatter, the other way is to enable it for particular Controller or Action. Personally, I believe the 2nd way is better. So I create a Action Filter to enable your formatter.
Here's an implementation of the Filter that enables your custom formatter dynamically:
public class SuperJsonOutputFormatterFilter : IAsyncActionFilter{
private readonly SuperJsonOutputFormatter _formatter;
// inject your SuperJsonOutputFormatter service
public SuperJsonOutputFormatterFilter(SuperJsonOutputFormatter formatter){
this._formatter = formatter;
// a helper method that provides an ObjectResult wrapper over the raw object
private ObjectResult WrapObjectResult(ActionExecutedContext context, object obj){
var wrapper = new ObjectResult(obj);
context.Result= wrapper;
return wrapper;
public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
ActionExecutedContext resultContext = await next();
// in case we get a 500
if(resultContext.Exception != null && ! resultContext.ExceptionHandled){
var ewrapper = this.WrapObjectResult(resultContext, new {});
ewrapper.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
resultContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
else {
case BadRequestObjectResult b : // 400 with an object
var bwrapper=this.WrapObjectResult(resultContext,b.Value);
bwrapper.StatusCode = b.StatusCode;
case NotFoundObjectResult n : // 404 with an object
var nwrapper=this.WrapObjectResult(resultContext,n.Value);
nwrapper.StatusCode = n.StatusCode;
case ObjectResult o : // plain object
case JsonResult j : // plain json
case StatusCodeResult s: // other statusCodeResult(including NotFound,NoContent,...), you might want to custom this case
var swrapper = this.WrapObjectResult(resultContext, new {});
swrapper.StatusCode = s.StatusCode;
And don't forget to register your formatter as a service :
Finally, when you want to enable your formatter, just add a [TypeFilter(typeof(SuperJsonOutputFormatterFilter))] annotation for the controller or action.
Let's create an action method for Test:
public IActionResult Test(int status)
// test json result(200)
if(status == 200){ return Json(new { Id = 1, }); }
// test 400 object result
else if(status == 400){ return BadRequest( new {}); }
// test 404 object result
else if(status == 404){ return NotFound(new { Id = 1, }); }
// test exception
else if(status == 500){ throw new Exception("unexpected exception"); }
// test status code result
else if(status == 204){ return new StatusCodeResult(204); }
// test normal object result(200)
var raw = new ObjectResult(new XModel{
empName = "Conroy, Deborah",
primaryFingerprint = null,
secondaryFingerprint= null,
return raw;

RavenDB querying metadata

I want to prevent documents from being deleted in my project and I decided to use metadata to mark document as Archived. I used below code to do that:
public class DeleteDocumentListener : IDocumentDeleteListener
public void BeforeDelete(string key, object entityInstance, RavenJObject metadata)
metadata.Add("Archived", true);
throw new NotSupportedException();
After that I wanted to alter query to return only documents which have Archived metadata value set to false:
using (var session = _store.OpenSession())
var query = session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<Cutter>()
.WhereEquals("#metadata.Archived", false);
Unfortunately this query return empty result set. It occurs that if Document doesn't have this metadata property then above condition is treated as false. It wasn't what I expected.
How can I compose query to return Documents which don't have metadata property or this property has some value ?
You can solve it by creating an index for you Cutter documents and then query against that:
public class ArchivedIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Cutter>
public class QueryModel
public bool Archived { get; set; }
public ArchivedIndex()
Map = documents => from doc in documents
select new QueryModel
Archived = MetadataFor(doc)["Archived"] != null && MetadataFor(doc).Value<bool>("Archived")
Then query it like this:
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
var cutters = session.Query<ArchivedIndex.QueryModel, ArchivedIndex>()
.Where(x => x.Archived == false)
Hope this helps!
Quick side note. To create the index, the following code may need to be run:
new ArchivedIndex().Execute(session.Advanced.DocumentStore);

Web API Help pages - customizing Property documentation

I have my web api and I added the web api help pages to auto-generate my documentation. It's working great for methods where my parameters are listed out, but I have a method like this:
public SessionResult PostLogin(CreateSessionCommand request)
And, on my help page, it is only listing the command parameter in the properties section. However, in the sample request section, it lists out all of the properties of my CreateSessionCommand class.
Name | Description | Additional information
request | No documentation available. | Define this parameter in the request body.
I would like it instead to list all of the properties in my CreateSessionCommand class. Is there an easy way to do this?
So, I managed to devise a workaround for this problem, in case anyone is interested.
In HelpPageConfigurationExtensions.cs I added the following extension method:
public static void AlterApiDescription(this ApiDescription apiDescription, HttpConfiguration config)
var docProvider = config.Services.GetDocumentationProvider();
var addParams = new List<ApiParameterDescription>();
var removeParams = new List<ApiParameterDescription>();
foreach (var param in apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions)
var type = param.ParameterDescriptor.ParameterType;
//string is some special case that is not a primitive type
//also, compare by full name because the type returned does not seem to match the types generated by typeof
bool isPrimitive = type.IsPrimitive || String.Compare(type.FullName, typeof(string).FullName) == 0;
if (!isPrimitive)
var properties = from p in param.ParameterDescriptor.ParameterType.GetProperties()
let s = p.SetMethod
where s.IsPublic
select p;
foreach (var property in properties)
var documentation = docProvider.GetDocumentation(new System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpParameterDescriptor()
ActionDescriptor = param.ParameterDescriptor.ActionDescriptor,
ParameterInfo = new CustomParameterInfo(property)
addParams.Add(new ApiParameterDescription()
Documentation = documentation,
Name = property.Name,
Source = ApiParameterSource.FromBody,
ParameterDescriptor = param.ParameterDescriptor
//since this is a complex type, select it to be removed from the api description
//add in our new items
foreach (var item in addParams)
//remove the complex types
foreach (var item in removeParams)
And here is the Parameter info instanced class I use
internal class CustomParameterInfo : ParameterInfo
public CustomParameterInfo(PropertyInfo prop)
base.NameImpl = prop.Name;
Then, we call the extension in another method inside the extensions class
public static HelpPageApiModel GetHelpPageApiModel(this HttpConfiguration config, string apiDescriptionId)
object model;
string modelId = ApiModelPrefix + apiDescriptionId;
if (!config.Properties.TryGetValue(modelId, out model))
Collection<ApiDescription> apiDescriptions = config.Services.GetApiExplorer().ApiDescriptions;
ApiDescription apiDescription = apiDescriptions.FirstOrDefault(api => String.Equals(api.GetFriendlyId(), apiDescriptionId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (apiDescription != null)
HelpPageSampleGenerator sampleGenerator = config.GetHelpPageSampleGenerator();
model = GenerateApiModel(apiDescription, sampleGenerator);
config.Properties.TryAdd(modelId, model);
return (HelpPageApiModel)model;
The comments that are used for this must be added to the controller method and not the properties of the class object. This might be because my object is part of an outside library
this should go as an addition to #Josh answer. If you want not only to list properties from the model class, but also include documentation for each property, Areas/HelpPage/XmlDocumentationProvider.cs file should be modified as follows:
public virtual string GetDocumentation(HttpParameterDescriptor parameterDescriptor)
ReflectedHttpParameterDescriptor reflectedParameterDescriptor = parameterDescriptor as ReflectedHttpParameterDescriptor;
if (reflectedParameterDescriptor != null)
if (reflectedParameterDescriptor.ParameterInfo is CustomParameterInfo)
const string PropertyExpression = "/doc/members/member[#name='P:{0}']";
var pi = (CustomParameterInfo) reflectedParameterDescriptor.ParameterInfo;
string selectExpression = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, PropertyExpression, pi.Prop.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + pi.Prop.Name);
XPathNavigator methodNode = _documentNavigator.SelectSingleNode(selectExpression);
if (methodNode != null)
return methodNode.Value.Trim();
XPathNavigator methodNode = GetMethodNode(reflectedParameterDescriptor.ActionDescriptor);
if (methodNode != null)
string parameterName = reflectedParameterDescriptor.ParameterInfo.Name;
XPathNavigator parameterNode = methodNode.SelectSingleNode(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ParameterExpression, parameterName));
if (parameterNode != null)
return parameterNode.Value.Trim();
return null;
and CustomParameterInfo class should keep property info as well:
internal class CustomParameterInfo : ParameterInfo
public PropertyInfo Prop { get; private set; }
public CustomParameterInfo(PropertyInfo prop)
Prop = prop;
base.NameImpl = prop.Name;
This is currently not supported out of the box. Following bug is kind of related to that:

send parameter to windows azure mobile server script in c# for Windows 8 Store app

I modified the "Read" operation on my Windows Azure Mobile Services Preview table (named "Item") as follows:
function read(query, user, request)
var howRead;
if(howRead == "unique")
var sqlUnique = "SELECT DISTINCT ? FROM Item WHERE qProjectCode = ?";
else if (howRead == "column")
var sqlColumn = "SELECT ? FROM Item WHERE qProjectCode = ?";
else if (howRead == "all")
var sqlAll = "SELECT * FROM Item WHERE qProjectCode = ?";
This simply species when I want a unique list of a single column's values returned, all items in a single column, or all columns, respectively, all while limiting the read to those records with a given project code.
Right now, this works in C#, but scans the entire table (with other project codes) and always returns all columns. This is inherently inefficient.
var client = new MobileServiceClient("[https path", "[key]");
var table = client.GetTable<Item>();
var query1 = table.Where(w => w.QProjectCode == qgv.projCode && w.QRecord == (int)lbRecord.Items[uStartRecordIndex]);
var query1Enum = await query1.ToEnumerableAsync();
foreach (var i in query1Enum)
// process data
How do I alter the c# code to deal with the Javascript code? Feel free to critique the overall approach, since I am not a great programmer and can always use advice!
A few things:
In your server code, the mssql calls are not doing anything (useful). If you want to get their results, you need to pass a callback (the call is asynchronous) to it.
Most of your scenarios can be accomplished at the client side. The only for which you'll need server code is the one with the DISTINCT modifier.
For that scenario, you'll need to pass a custom parameter to the server script. You can use the WithParameters method in the MobileServiceTableQuery<T> object to define parameters to pass to the service.
Assuming this data class:
public class Item
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Other { get; set; }
public string ProjectCode { get; set; }
The code below can be used to accomplish the scenarios 2 and 3 at the client side only (no script needed at the server side). The other one will need some script, which I'll cover later.
Task<IEnumerable<string>> ReadingByColumn(IMobileServiceTable<Item> table, string projectCode)
return table
.Where(i => i.ProjectCode == projectCode)
.Select(i => i.Name)
Task<IEnumerable<Item>> ReadingAll(IMobileServiceTable<Item> table, string projectCode)
return table.Where(i => i.ProjectCode == projectCode).ToEnumerableAsync();
Task<IEnumerable<string>> ReadingByColumnUnique(IMobileServiceTable<Item> table, string projectCode)
var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "howRead", "unique" },
{ "projectCode", projectCode },
{ "column", "Name" },
return table
.Select(i => i.Name)
Now, to support the last method (which takes the parameters, we'll need to do this on the server script:
function read(query, user, request)
var howRead = request.parameters.howRead;
if (howRead) {
if (howRead === 'unique') {
var column = request.parameters.column; // WARNING: CHECK FOR SQL INJECTION HERE!!! DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION!!!
var sqlUnique = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' + column + ' FROM Item WHERE ProjectCode = ?';
mssql.query(sqlUnique, [request.parameters.projectCode], {
success: function(distinctColumns) {
var results = {
var result = [];
result[column] = item; // mapping to the object shape
return result;
request.respond(statusCodes.OK, results);
} else {
request.respond(statusCodes.BAD_REQUEST, {error: 'Script does not support option ' + howRead});
} else {
// no server-side action needed