Transforming app from iOS6 to iOS7 [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i want to change iOS6 application to iOS7.(i.e)i want iOS7 compatibility. I am using customised navigation bar and native tabbar in my application. When i run my application in iOS7 simulator,view is moving up. I have set the DELTA Y value to 20. After that also i unable to get the uiview and uiobjects in correct position.
Can someone help me?.
Help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

You have to set Delta Y to -20 not 20! Also regarding the UIControls check autolayout constraints. If you set all this app properly, your app will play nice in both iOS 6 and 7.

Try Setting self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone for iOS 7. If this doesn't work ,additionally set delta to 64 pixels as it seems you are using UINavigationController and for that you have to set it to 20+44 .


how to move from animation to an activity in kotlin? [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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In my project/test app so far I have managed to implement an animation from Lottie animations that displays without any problem. But when the animation is over it doesnt change to another activity. It simply just stays on screen.
Been trying to figure out how to make it so that once the animation has finished,it will automatically be moved to the main fragment ( with Username, password ect) but so far I cant figure it out.
Anyone got a solution/ tips ?
val intent = Intent(this,
}, 3000)

How can I create a gif with more than 256 colors like this one? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Bonjour ! this is my first question !
I'm trying some UI animation in Photoshop, and I want to export in GIF file. But, GIF can't support more than 256 colors right ? So my quality is really low...
I think I found a gif with 32697 colors on this website, so is it possible ?...
If someone can explain me how it's work... I'm pretty lost.
Thanks for your answer.
True-color GIFs are a hack that uses the animated GIF format, puts a 256 color square in each frame, offset from all previous frames, makes each frame not disappear when the next frame appears, and loops only once. Few programs other than web browsers display such images correctly. The files are very large as a result and not suitable for web use.
Try PNG instead.

Background color is seen while performing dojo transition [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There is a problem in my app.I am using worklight v 6.0 and dojo framework.For testing i am using galaxy tab 2 . There is a white space coming between two header when transition occurs. What should i do to resolve this problem.
By reducing the width of the first page you can reduce this error.
The background color is set to header color. So that when the transition happens the white screen is not seen.

Stream video from HDMI in to NSView [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What I am trying to accomplish is to take a video stream in through HDMI port on my macbook pro and display the video inside a NSView or window.
My end goal is to do something like this:
dvd player -- HDMI in --> computer -> apply overlay to video -- HDMI out --> tv
I am not sure if I will be able to stream the video out the other side so if I can simply get it to:
dvd player -- HDMI in --> computer -> apply overlay to video --> display in NSView or window
I will be satisfied. I have download the apple example code for applying an overlay to a quicktime video which is trivial, it is the input streaming part I am lost on. I'm guessing a way to say it would be that I need my computer act as a "pass through device"? for video. Not sure if this is a correct way to say that I'm trying to do. Any help or point in the right direction would be much appreciated!
Use AVFoundation which works exactly like it does on iOS.
Apple documentation will walk you through connecting AVCaptureDevice to the AVCaptureOutput (your AVPlayer hooked up to a UI).

iOS: "Flip-Clock" animation - how to? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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currently I´m working on an App where I like to implement a nice "flip-clock"-animation for numbers (like this:
It is realy hard to find a resource for an animation like this one I´m looking for. One of the best I found was this one:
But I´m not very trusted with CoreAnimation. So it is hard to dive into the article I found.
The article didnt describe all pieces in detail. As consequence (for me ;))the problem is that I have no idea where I have to start...
Did anyone know a good article / resource / place where I can find a better explained solution for such an animation?
Or can someone help me to understand this article better?
Thank you!
You can apply a 3D transform on a UIView layer to rotate about any of the axis (or combination)...
CATransform3DMakeRotation(<#CGFloat angle#>, <#CGFloat x#>, <#CGFloat y#>, <#CGFloat z#>)
This will rotate the view it is applied to by the angle (given in radians).. specify either 0 or 1 for the x, y and z values to decided whether or not to apply the angle rotation to that axis.
Now of course you can animate this transform by creating a normal UIVIew beginAnimations block, setting the transform and commiting the animation block.
To set the transform, use [myView.layer setTransform:myTransform];