windows 8 store FTP -

I'm building a windows store application in, and when I try to get the certification, so I can publish it in the store, it fails the API test, because it doesn't accept the fact that I used AlexPilotti's FTPSClient dll.
The only thing I have to do is to upload a small video to the ftp server. Pretty simple, right? It's working properly, both in PC and Tablet, the only problem is the certification.
I had to use AlexPilotti's FTPSClient dll because "ftpwebrequest" is gone from Windows Store.
So, I wonder if there is anything else I can try, maybe a windows store compatible dll?
I have tried BackgroundTransfer, but apparently it only works with HTTP and HTTPS, not FTP.
I've been trying to find an answer for a few days now, but what I find never seems to work.
Thanks in advance!

Found this example by searching but didn't test it. Google is a programmers best friend.
Public Async Function FTP_Uploader(ftpURL As String, filename As String, username As String, password As String, UploadText As String) As Task(Of Boolean)
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(ftpURL + "/" + filename)
request.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(username.Trim(), password.Trim())
request.Method = "STOR"
Dim buffer As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(UploadText)
Dim requestStream As Stream = Await request.GetRequestStreamAsync()
Await requestStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
Await requestStream.FlushAsync()
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try End Function


Uploading an image to a site via their API

I have a bot running in an online game which the staff use to draw out the map's levels. It uploads these pics to Imgur using its API, but Imgur isn't always up and running so I'd like to add a 2nd host as a backup plan.
I discovered this site which looks like a fine choice:
To get an API key, sign up (fast, no confirmation needed) then go to "My Account" by clicking your name on the top right.
Looking at the API info, it looks like I just need to send a HTTP POST to "" and include the "api_token" and "file" parameters.
When I upload to Imgur, I write the image to a MemoryStream then convert that to a Base64String:
So I tried the same thing for this:
Public Function UploadBoringHost(Dim bm as Bitmap) As String
'Write image to memorystream
Dim bytImage As Byte()
Using stream As New System.IO.MemoryStream
bm.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
bytImage = stream.ToArray
End Using
Using client As New WebClient
Dim reqparm As New Specialized.NameValueCollection
reqparm.Add("api_token", strApiKey)
reqparm.Add("file", Convert.ToBase64String(bytImage))
Dim responsebytes = client.UploadValues("", "POST", reqparm)
Dim responsebody = (New Text.UTF8Encoding).GetString(responsebytes)
End Using
End Function
Trying it this way, I get the following web exception: "The remote server returned an error: (422) Unprocessable Entity"
My only guess is that it's expecting the image data to be passed through in some other format. Any ideas?

twilio nuget package not sending SMS message in

Does the twilio helper library package NOT work in I can get it to work in c# web app but not web app.
In a web application project the following code doesnt send an sms message and when stepping through with the debugger, errs on the send message line and brings up a file dialog asking for access to core.cs. The twilio library's were installed via nuget.
Public Shared Sub SendAuthCodeViaSms(ByVal number As String)
Dim twilioAccountInfo As Dictionary(Of String, String) = XmlParse.GetAccountInfoFromXmlFile("twilio")
Dim accountSid As String = twilioAccountInfo("username")
Dim authToken As String = twilioAccountInfo("password")
If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(accountSid) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken)) Then
Dim client = New TwilioRestClient(accountSid, authToken)
client.SendMessage(TwilioSendNumber, ToNumber, "Testmessage from My Twilio number")
'log error and alert developer
End If
End Sub
But in a C# web API project the same code sends the message as expected.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
const string AccountSid = "mysid";
const string AuthToken = "mytoken";
var twilio = new TwilioRestClient(AccountSid, AuthToken);
var message = twilio.SendMessage(TwilioSendNumber,ToNumber,"text message from twilio");
and all the sid's and tokens and phone number formats are correct, otherwise the c# one wouldnt send and I wouldnt get to the client.SendMessage part of version (client.SendSMSMessage produces the same result)
Twilio evangelist here.
I tried our your code by creating a simple VB console app and it worked for me.
The only thing I can think of is that either you are not getting your Twilio credentials correctly when parsing the XML, or the phone number you are passing into the function is not formatted correctly.
I'd suggest putting the result of call to SendMessage() into a variable and checking to see if RestException property is null:
Dim result = client.SendMessage(TwilioSendNumber, ToNumber, "Testmessage from My Twilio number")
If (Not IsNothing(result.RestException)) Then
' Something bad happened
If Twilio returns a status code greater than 400, then that will show up as an exception in the RestException property and will give you a clue as to whats going on.
If that does not work, you can always break out a tool like Fiddler to watch and see if the library is making the property HTTP request and Twilio is returning the proper result.
Hope that helps.

Ignore user input while Uploading to FTP

I'm developing a windows store app, and I'm uploading a file to an FTP server with WebRequest, since it was the only work around I could find, with the limitations that I had.
When the application is uploading the video, which takes a few minutes, if the user taps the screen the app will crash. If no input is made, it will work fine.
When I was using Alex Pilotti's FTPS Client DLL, this didn't happen, but I couldn't get the certification for windows store using this DLL.
In my PC, this doesn't happen. It will wait until the video is uploaded and then execute the user input, but in the tablet it's a different story, maybe because it has less processing power/memory, it just crashes.
I was thinking: maybe there is a way to ignore all user input while the upload is happening.
I know it's not the best way, to take control from the user like that, but it would do the job and it would only be for a few minutes.
I've been googling, but I can't find a way to do this.
I'll leave my code below, just in case:
Public Async Function uploadFile(filename As String, file As StorageFile) As Task(Of Boolean)
Dim ftpURL As String = ""
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(ftpURL + "/" + filename)
request.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("user", "pass")
request.Method = "STOR"
Dim buffer As Byte() = Await ReadFileToBinary(filename, file)
Dim requestStream As Stream = Await request.GetRequestStreamAsync()
Await requestStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
Await requestStream.FlushAsync()
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
I fixed this issue with a very simple line of code:
Await Task.Run(Function() uploadFile(filename, file))
Worked for me.

Can somebody give me an example of getting the content of a page from a URL in for windows 8?

I am very new to vb/.net and I'm trying to do something that I can do easily in classic vb. I want to get the source html for a webpage from the URL.
I'm using in Visual Studio Express for Windows 8.
I've read loads of stuff that talk about HttpWebRequest, but I can't get it to work properly.
I did at one point have it returning the html header, but I want to content of the page. Now, I can't even get it back to giving me the header. Ultimately, I want to process the html returned which I'll do (to begin with) the old-fashioned way and process the returned html as a string, but for now I'd like to just get the page.
The code I've got is:
Dim URL As String = ""
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(New Uri(URL))
txtHTML.Text = request.GetRequestStreamAsync().ToString()
Can anyone help me with an example to get me going please?
You're trying to use an Async method in a synchronous way, which won't make any sense. If you're using .NET 4.5, you can try marking the calling method with Async and then using the Await keyword when calling GetRequestStreamAsync.
Public Sub MyDownloaderMethod()
Dim URL As String = ""
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest
= System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(New Uri(URL))
' Use the Await keyword wait for the async task to complete.
Dim response = request.GetResponseAsync()
txtHTML.Text = response.GetResponseStream().ToString()
End Function
See the following MSDN article for more information on async programming with the Await keyword:
You are receiving your error because you're trying to get the Request stream (what you send the server), and what you really want is the Response stream (what the server sends back to you). I've updated my code to get the WebResponse from your WebRequest and then retrieve the stream from that.
Public Shared Function GetWebPageString(ByVal address As Uri) As String
Using client As New Net.WebClient()
Return client.DownloadString(address)
End Using
End Function
There is also DownloadStringAsync if you don't want to block
request.GetRequestStreamAsync() is probably not a method. I think you're cribbing code from a site where someone wrote their own add-on methods to HttpWebRequest. Try request.GetResponse() to return a response object, then in the response object you can inspect the stream and convert it to text if you need to.
This worked for me in VB.Net 4.5
Public Async Sub GetHTML()
Dim PageHTML as string
Dim client As New HttpClient
Dim getStringTask As Task(Of String) = client.GetStringAsync(PageURL)
PageHTML = Await getStringTask
End Sub

Windows Phone VB Web Request

does anybody has an idea how I can perform an asynchronus Post Request in VB.Net for Windows Phone 8?
I tried a lot but nothing worked... also this didn't work.
Thanks a lot.
I had to figure this out for myself a while ago. Let me see what I can do to help.
Posting a web request is actually simpler than that link shows. Here's what I do.
First, I create a MultipartFormDataContent:
Dim form as New MultipartFormDataContent()
Next, I add each string I want to send like this:
form.Add(New StringContent("String to sent"), "name of the string you are sending")
Next, create a HttpClient:
Dim httpClient as HttpClient = new HttpClient()
Next, we'll create a HttpResponseMessage and post your information to the url of your choice:
Dim response as HttpResponseMessage = Await httpClient.PostAsync("", form)
Then, I usually need the response as a string, so I read the response to a string:
Dim responseString as String = Await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
This will give you the response you wanted, if that's what you wanted.
Here's an example of a method I use:
Public Async Function GetItems() As Task
Dim getUrl As String = ""
Dim responseText As String = String.Empty
Dim detailType As String = "complete"
Dim httpClient As HttpClient = New HttpClient()
Dim form As New MultipartFormDataContent()
form.Add(New StringContent(roamingSettings.Values("ConsumerKey").ToString()), "consumer_key")
form.Add(New StringContent(roamingSettings.Values("access_token").ToString()), "access_token")
form.Add(New StringContent(detailType.ToString()), "detailType")
Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = Await httpClient.PostAsync(getUrl, form)
responseText = Await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
If you aren't using the Http client libraries, you need to install them like this:
What you need to do to use the HttpClient, is to navigate in Visual Studio, go to Tools->Library Package Manager->Manage Nuget Packages for this solution. When there, search the online section for HttpClient and make sure you have "Include Prerelease" selected in the listbox above the results. (Default is set to "Stable Only")
Then install the package with the ID of Microsoft.Net.Http
Then you'll need to add an Import statement at the beginning of the document you are using it in.
Let me know if this is what you were looking for.