How to Get a data from a table and insert another table in YII form - yii

I am newbe in YII. Apologies for simple and stupid question.
I messed up my system. In that Case I need your help to clear the concept :: my question is :::
How to Get a data from a table and insert another table in YII form ::::
means---> I want to get data and view in form field --> how can I do that ??
please help me out

Generate a model using gii. It will do all what you need and hopefully you can get the code for that.
Use Above changing your host and port to see Gii.
You have to Enable Gii in the Config file before doing this

$modelA = ModelA:;model()->find('somecondition');
$modelB= new ModelB();
$modelB->attribute1 = $modelA->attribute1;
$modelB->attribute2 = $modelA->attribute2;
$modelB->attribute3 = $modelA->attribute3;
$modelB->attribute4 = $modelA->attribute4;
$modelB->attribute5 = $modelA->attribute5;
Try this..


Build Basket Session from $_POST["sku"] & $_POST["qty"]

I'm really struggling here so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a list of products on a page, each product has a form which posts two fields to a basket-controller.php
can somebody please show me how to create a session called basket-items with each post creating a separate sub array? I want to be able to work with the arrays via the sku value to then add other info from the db etc. thanks
figured it out
$_SESSION['basket'][$_POST['add-to-basket-sku']]['name'] = $_POST['add-to-basket-name'];
$_SESSION['basket'][$_POST['add-to-basket-sku']]['price'] = $_POST['add-to-basket-price'];
$_SESSION['basket'][$_POST['add-to-basket-sku']]['qty'] = $_POST['add-to-basket-qty'];

can there be a tooltip with data from the database

I need to know can there be a tooltip populated with data from database to be displayed in the tooltip.
something like the tooltip should contain
name stauts
abc active
xyz active
pqr active
name and status are retrived from db
I need this tooltip onmouseover, am using CJSON decoded to render the content
i did go google but hardly did find that i would throughly understand and implement.
can anyone out there has any ideas for what am looking.
There is a extension named yii-bootstrap, which described clearly here.
For using tooltip easily in this extension, just look here.
I use cluetip for this. Its not related to Yii but will give you some idea :
function renderInfoTips(opts){
var elements=$('#'+opts.form).get(0).elements;
for(i=0; i<;i++){
var clue_opts={arrows:true,splitTitle: '|',closePosition: 'title',sticky:true,dropShadow:false,mouseOutClose:true,
onShow:function(ct, ci){
if(!$.browser.webkit) $(ct).css('top',$(ct).position().top- 30+'px');
function setInfoTipsJavascript($form_id,infotips){
if (count($this->infotips) <1 ) return '';
//get all tip names
//get tips details from db
$query="select name, description from infotips where FIND_IN_SET(name ,'$names_csv')";
//run the query, in Yii you have to use InfoTipsModel , I have skipped that portion
//$infotipS , lets say this is query object
$this->infotips[$tip['name']]['tip']="<a href='javascript:void(0)' class='infotip' title='|{$tip['description']}'> </a>";
$script="\nrenderInfoTips({\"form\":'{$form_id}', \"tips\":{$tips}});\n\n";
echo $script;
I am sharing this hoping this will give u some idea. Its obvious you have to : create infotips table, a model for that, and create a widget etc to fetch infotips related to your form fields . As someone suggested, if you are using Bootstrap, you have better way to do that.

Locate database entry based on ID from another database entry in rails

I've been digging around a little trying to figure out how I should locate the "tweet_id" in my #savedtweets table and then locate that same "tweet_id" in my #newtweets table from a controller, so far I'ved tried something like this;
#stweet = Savedtweet.find(params[:id])
#newtweet = Newtweet.where(:tweet_id => #stweet.tweet_id)
#newtweet.status = 'new'
Basically I need to change the string "saved" in my Newtweets table to "new" based on the current Savedtweet ID. I just can't figure it out. If I do the following in console;
#stweet = Savedtweet.first
#newtweet = Newtweet.where(:tweet_id => #stweet.tweet_id)
It finds the right one. I've got to be close just not there yet. :)
You could do:
Newtweet.find_by_tweet_id(#stweet.tweet_id).update_attribute(:status, 'new')
The reason your code isn't working is because Newtweet.where() returns an array of objects. It should be Newtweet.where().first, though Newtweet.find_by_tweet_id is the preferred method.

Return newly inserted row without having to Submit to database

I need to find a way to get the newly insert row, without previously having to save to the database.
Is there a way? Or I need to keep the whole collection of row in a separated array?
Is this example I adding a row to the table tblConfig, but when I look back in the table the new row is not there.
tblConfig Config = new tblConfig { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Code ="new config code" };
var Data = from dd in CTX.tblConfig select dd;
this.dataGridView1.DataSource = Data;
After some research , I'll do the work by attaching my LINQ query to a BindingSource object, witch will help me handle with insertion update and so.
Thanks for everyone, for your help :)
Could you add that manually like this?
this.dataGridView1.DataSource = CTX.tblConfig.Execute(MergeOption.AppendOnly);

Does CDbcommand method queryAll() in yii return indexed entries only?

I am trying to retrieve data from a simple mySql table tbl_u_type which has just two columns, 'tid' and 'type'.
I want to use a direct SQL query instead of the Model logic. I used:
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
$userArray = $command->select('type')->from('tbl_u_type')->queryAll();
return $userArray;
But in the dropdown list it automatically shows an index number along with the required entry. Is there any way I can avoid the index number?
To make an array of data usable in a dropdown, use the CHtml::listData() method. If I understand the question right, this should get you going. Something like this:
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
$userArray = $command->select('tid, type')->from('tbl_u_type')->queryAll();
echo CHtml::dropdownlist('my_dropdown','',CHtml::listData($userArray,'tid','type'));
You can also do this with the Model if you have one set up for the tbl_u_type table:
$users = UType::model()->findall();
echo CHtml::dropdownlist('my_dropdown','',CHtml::listData($users ,'tid','type'));
I hope that gets you on the right track. I didn't test my code here, as usual, so watch out for that. ;) Good luck!