Webmatrix paging - inclusion of array causing problems? - sql

var pageSize = 6;
var totalPages = 0;
var count = 0;
var page = UrlData[0].IsInt() ? UrlData[0].AsInt() : 1;
var offset = (page -1) * pageSize;
string selectQueryString = "SELECT * FROM PropertyInfo ";
//some (if) statements which append various (where) clauses to the query
selectQueryString += "ORDER BY NumBedrooms DESC OFFSET #0 ROWS FETCH NEXT #1 ROWS ONLY;";
string[] argArray = argList.ToArray();
So then i try and piece it all together by defining the values of #0 and #1
queryResults = db.Query(selectQueryString, argArray, offset, pageSize);
But this gives me the error "No mapping exists from object type System.String[] to a known managed provider native type."
any ideas what i'm doing wrong?

I don't believe that you can combine passing an array and parameter list together - either switch all parameters into the array, or switch them all to use #0, #1 style ordinals.
Also, as a side note, the line:
var page = UrlData[0].IsInt() ? UrlData[0].AsInt() : 1;
Can be simplified using the default parameter of AsInt() with:
var page = UrlData[0].AsInt(1);


How to loop parameterized query

In my situation, one of the query with params needs to be looped through based on the length of request object.
string Query = QM.FindQuery("12");
int paramCnt = Count * 2;
SqlParameter[] sqlParam = new SqlParameter[1 + paramCnt];
sqlParam[0] = new SqlParameter("#NUMBER", SqlDbType.Char);
sqlParam[0].Value = Convert.ToString(StudRequest.STUDNUMBER);
for (int Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++)
Query = QM.FindQuery("2");
DM.ExecuteNonQuery(Queries.ToString(), sqlParam);
Now in above case, how to handle Param1 & Param2. Or any other alternative way to handle the query with SQLparams

How to build SELECT * WHERE using collection of conditions

I want to build a SELECT statement using a list of conditions that come from the query string of a REST api. I wrote this function, but maybe it is vulnerable to SQL injection. Can someone tell me if this is vulnerable how to fix it? Perhaps I should use some kind of SQLBuilder package? or is there a way to do it with just dotNet. I'm using dotNet 4.6.1
string BuildSelect(NameValueCollection query)
var result = "SELECT * FROM MYTABLE";
if (query.Count == 0) return result;
var logic = " WHERE ";
foreach (string key in query)
foreach (string v in query.GetValues(key))
result += logic + key + " = " + v;
logic = " AND ";
return result;
Yes it is vulnerable to SQL injection attack. You could build your query to use parameters instead (you are simply using an = check only).
Since you know the tablename, that means you also know what the columns (keys) can be. Thus, you could loop your columns, if the collection has that key then add it to the where as a parameterized statement BUT value part is NOT passed as a string, you parse it to the type it should be (or let the backend do the conversion and get error if cannot be converted). In pseudocode:
List<string> clauses = new List<string>();
var result = "SELECT * FROM MYTABLE";
foreach( var col in myTable.Columns )
if (query.ContainsKey(col.Name))
clauses.Add( $"{col.Name} = #{col.Name}";
string v = query[col.Name];
command.Parameters.Add( $"#{col.Name}", col.Type).Value = typeParse(v);
if (clauses.Any())
result += " WHERE " + string.Join( " AND ", clauses );
return result;

Why can I not use Continuation when using a proxy class to access MS CRM 2013?

So I have a standard service reference proxy calss for MS CRM 2013 (i.e. right-click add reference etc...) I then found the limitation that CRM data calls limit to 50 results and I wanted to get the full list of results. I found two methods, one looks more correct, but doesn't seem to work. I was wondering why it didn't and/or if there was something I'm doing incorrectly.
Basic setup and process
crmService = new CrmServiceReference.MyContext(new Uri(crmWebServicesUrl));
crmService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var accountAnnotations = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountNumber = accountNumber).Select(a => a.Account_Annotation).FirstOrDefault();
Using Continuation (something I want to work, but looks like it doesn't)
while (accountAnnotations.Continuation != null)
using that method .Continuation is always null and accountAnnotations.Count is always 50 (but there are more than 50 records)
After struggling with .Continutation for a while I've come up with the following alternative method (but it seems "not good")
var accountAnnotationData = accountAnnotations.ToList();
var accountAnnotationFinal = accountAnnotations.ToList();
var index = 1;
while (accountAnnotationData.Count == 50)
accountAnnotationData = (from a in crmService.AnnotationSet
where a.ObjectId.Id == accountAnnotationData.First().ObjectId.Id
select a).Skip(50 * index).ToList();
accountAnnotationFinal = accountAnnotationFinal.Union(accountAnnotationData).ToList();
So the second method seems to work, but for any number of reasons it doesn't seem like the best. Is there a reason .Continuation is always null? Is there some setup step I'm missing or some nice way to do this?
The way to get the records from CRM is to use paging here is an example with a query expression but you can also use fetchXML if you want
// Query using the paging cookie.
// Define the paging attributes.
// The number of records per page to retrieve.
int fetchCount = 3;
// Initialize the page number.
int pageNumber = 1;
// Initialize the number of records.
int recordCount = 0;
// Define the condition expression for retrieving records.
ConditionExpression pagecondition = new ConditionExpression();
pagecondition.AttributeName = "address1_stateorprovince";
pagecondition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal;
// Define the order expression to retrieve the records.
OrderExpression order = new OrderExpression();
order.AttributeName = "name";
order.OrderType = OrderType.Ascending;
// Create the query expression and add condition.
QueryExpression pagequery = new QueryExpression();
pagequery.EntityName = "account";
pagequery.ColumnSet.AddColumns("name", "address1_stateorprovince", "emailaddress1", "accountid");
// Assign the pageinfo properties to the query expression.
pagequery.PageInfo = new PagingInfo();
pagequery.PageInfo.Count = fetchCount;
pagequery.PageInfo.PageNumber = pageNumber;
// The current paging cookie. When retrieving the first page,
// pagingCookie should be null.
pagequery.PageInfo.PagingCookie = null;
Console.WriteLine("#\tAccount Name\t\t\tEmail Address");while (true)
// Retrieve the page.
EntityCollection results = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(pagequery);
if (results.Entities != null)
// Retrieve all records from the result set.
foreach (Account acct in results.Entities)
// Check for more records, if it returns true.
if (results.MoreRecords)
// Increment the page number to retrieve the next page.
// Set the paging cookie to the paging cookie returned from current results.
pagequery.PageInfo.PagingCookie = results.PagingCookie;
// If no more records are in the result nodes, exit the loop.

How to sort a List<dynamic> containing ExpandoObjects

I have a list which contains a dictionary of ExpandoObjects. Im binding this to a grid but now I want to sort the list.
var rows = new List<dynamic>();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
dynamic expandy = new ExpandoObject();
var dictionary = (IDictionary<string, object>)expandy;
dictionary.Add("ID", i);
dictionary.Add("Name", "Name" + i);
So looking at the test code above how would I sort rows (ascending or decending) say on "ID" or "Name" or any other property that I dynamically add?
A bit more info, I'm looking to sort it like this (this doesnt work);
var newOrder = from r in rows
orderby ("Name") ascending
select r;
Not sure how I missed this but anyway this works,
var newOrder = rows.OrderByDescending(x => x["Name"]);
WooHoo's answer does not work for Dynamic.ExpandoObject; this works:
var newOrder = rows.OrderByDescending(x =>((IDictionary<string,object>)x)["Name"]);

NHibernate query count

I am new to NHibernate and I want to have a count of rows from database. Below is my code,
SearchTemplate template = new SearchTemplate();
template.Criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(hotel));
template.Criteria.Add(Restrictions.Lt("CheckOutDate", SelDate) || Restrictions.Eq("CheckOutDate", SelDate));
template.Criteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Canceled", "False"));
int count = template.Criteria.SetProjection(Projections.Count("ID"));
It gives me an error when I try to compile app that says
"Cannot implicitly convert type 'NHibernate.Criterion.DetachedCriteria' to 'int'"
I want to have a count of rows of the table hotel..
You want to use GetExecutableCriteria:
SearchTemplate template = new SearchTemplate();
template.Criteria = DetachedCriteria.For(typeof(hotel));
template.Criteria.Add(Restrictions.Lt("CheckOutDate", SelDate) || Restrictions.Eq("CheckOutDate", SelDate));
template.Criteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Canceled", "False"));
var count = DoCount(template.Criteria, session /* your session */);
public long DoCount(DetachedCriteria criteria, ISession session)
return Convert.ToInt64(criteria.GetExecutableCriteria(session)
On a side note, you should take a look at using NHibernate.Linq:
var result = (from h in Session.Linq<Hotel>()
where h.CheckOutDate <= SelDate
where h.Canceled != true
select h).Count();
More information here.