Some times Yii Email validation show error message when we use domain name based email or company email address. how to fix it in yii framework?
You can try to use your own custom validation rule for e-mail addresses using regular expression.
Where are located the email message on AWS, it is in Cognito?
When a user ask to change his email, it calls this function:
But I can't find where to change the email message (the body, the content).
Currently is a custom message that the previous developer did but I can't find where is it
You can customise email verification messages under the Message Templates heading in the Messaging tab of your user pool.(For small changes)
Need fully customise use the following link
You cant change your email address if the email address is your credential. if you use a username as a credential then you can update the email.
I want the ability to use an api to input an email address such as get back a cloaked email address such as (preferably with being our own domain) and finally getting stats on emails sent to the cloaked address.
if you want it on your own domain that maes it easier. set up an MX record and your own mailserver, and then use the mail servers API to set up whatever random looking addresses you want.
Some malservers (eg exim) can be configured to look in an SQL database to do the lookups for forwarding the mail, I'm not aware of any standardised API for requesting or configuring forwarders, the closest to a standard I've seen is /etc/aliases
In yii I am creating registration form. After successful registration I want to generate confirmation code and also want to send registration confirmation email to same user. So how can I do this?
Check mail extensions in yii Link
You can this using a mailer say swift mailer or phpmailer, add them in your project, include the mailer file in your submit page.
do something like this require_once(LIB_DIR.'/phpmailer/mail-wrapper.php'); and call function email() or sendEmail() pass subject, sender address, body, attachment to it and its done.
Also use Gmail as your SMTP server to avoid spamming and other troubles of mail delivery etc . Gmail as SMTP
The yii user extension has this confirmation email functionality built in:
As Ajet said, using gmail as SMTP makes a lot of sense.
I already have a free user account into cloudbees.
Now I need to setup the account of my approved FOSS project. I couldn't use my personal email for this. This means that I need to create an specific email for the open source project?
We (cloudbees) also can convert your FREE account to FOSS if you wish. please then reply to your approval email asking for the conversion
Many email providers (such as Google) will deliver email to an account if the address includes the account name followed by some delimiter and some arbitrary characters.
So if your email address is, you will receive mail from,, etc. In this way, you can create multiple unique accounts on CloudBees which all map to a single email inbox.
This probably works on all the other webmail providers, but that's a guess.
I would like to create a feedback form for users to give feedback for the app. Is there access to the users email address from the app? can the app ask for permissions? If I don't have access how can i hyperlink to the users email client for a windows8 app store app?
If you want to open up the users mail client you can do something like this:
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(" Feedback"));
That's what I've used for our support link and it opened up the Mail app with the subject set correctly :o)
You can get the user's email address by getting the principal name - this is documented to be typically the address but you cant be sure so use an email validator to check If its actually the email address. If not prompt the user to enter it for you.
var principalName = await Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.GetPrincipalNameAsync();
The best you can do is ask them for their email address or use the Contact Picker. Like John mentioned you may be able to get a valid email address from the display name but do not rely on this to be true as its not an email address field.