How can you set up multiple web clients on one machine - webrtc

Is there any way to do this? I am working on a webRTC application and of course I need to test it. For that I need a connection between at least 2 peers and those peers can't be the same. For the work I had i used an old laptop but I need to test also the functionality of multiple connections and for that I would need another machine. Is there any way around this? I tried using different browsers, windows or tabs but it all didn't work.

You can try VM : install two or more linux in virtual box for example


Can WebRTC be used to broadcast from one machine and view on another machine?

I have been trying to work with WebRTC for live streaming it on one machine and view it on another machine. The thing is i am able to broadcast and view it on same machine, but with different machines it not working. Can anyone guide me through it to stream from one machine and view it on another?
One of possible issues: if your machines are not in the same network then you have to use STUN/TURN server so that the machines could find each other. You can try to use these:
Also this example of using STUN might be helpful:

Running single application on a virtual environment

I don't know whether this is possible but would like to give it a go and see if someone knows something about it.
I work with applications that fix phones and sometime it happens that driver of one application can conflict with another.
I was wondering if is possible to create multiple virtual machines (lightweight) that can host a single software and just drivers related to it so I can isolate the environment from other software.
Let's say I want to create one virtual machine that when I turn on, it will only open a samsung app,it will have it's own drivers, dedicated small space and device connection ability.
I want to do this with multiple software.
I heard of virtual machines like virtual box but thought they are too heavy for running a single app.
How about docker or something similar? can they work for this purpose?
NOTE: I want to run software that run on win 7 only.
Docker runs only on Linux; you will need sort of "full virtualization" software to run it on Windows!
I know of several VM software for Windows, but all of them are rather heavy for running a single app. Also, I think you need separate Windows license for each "guest" ("child") Windows installation.

Can jenkins slave connect to multiple servers?

We have several parallel development groups working on different things in separate environments. Each group has a jenkins server/2 windows slaves setup that is executing selenium nunit tests.
Is it possible to to have all the slave instances in a pool that each of the jenkins servers can pick from? We are using the JNLP b/c there are issues with some of the browser tests that require running in an interactive desktop. I thought perhaps I could start a JNLP for each server instance on each machine, but that seemed the wrong way as each server would have no knowledge of other servers use of it. Is there any way to make a slave available to multiple servers?
I don't think you can do what you are looking for.
You can run multiple slaves on one computer, but as you said, there is no way to keep multiple servers from trying to access the same desktop.
A better solution is probably to combine your Jenkins servers. You can use the security settings and views to set it so that regular users are not even aware of the other projects being run in parallel- while allowing one Jenkins server to coordinate all of the builds (which is what you want).
You may want to check with CloudBees Ops Center (, in particular, the Share Executors (Slaves) Between Masters feature. That would do exactly what you want, but for a bit of a price.

How to simulate a large network of machines for testing?

Currently, I am writing an application that utilizes WMI to scan all the computers on our Active Directory network.
I'm interested in testing the program against all flavors of Windows machines in a testing environment.
Is there a way to similuate this environment in VMware or something?
Any ideas?
VMWare works well and can host many virtual computers on a single physical computer. You can also put the virtual computers on your active directory network.
If your goal is to set up a separate large network for testing that has it's own AD server you can look into Amazon EC2 for testing. The advantage here is once you setup your set of servers, you can turn them on and off as needed and only pay for the time actually used ($0.12 per hour).
You can use network simulation:
and good GPL tool is
You have two options.
You probably have it right, with VMWare this is easy, try looking for cloning tools. If you plan on copying and pasting the image, you will get several problems (computer Guids repeated, Network Computer Names repeated, etc)
You can also "mock" the WMI response by wrapping the WMI methods that you want to call and implementing an interface, using Rhino Mock or NMock if you are working in .NET (which I assume you are).

Using laptop as a second programming monitor

The joys of multimonitor programming are countless, I think there are about 5 blog posts on Coding Horror on the topic alone!
I often code in Windows on my main machine, and have my Mac laptop set up to the side. I use the Mac both to compile Mac builds but also as my "reference web browser". There's no KVM or anything.
However a casual conversation at a conference led me to the question, could I use two independent machines to share windows? Literally move some windows from one machine to another, so I could use one PC's display as "overflow" from the other.
Some googling suddenly shows that this is possible in some situations for sure:
Synergy and Maxivista
My question is whether any programmers have tried such a setup. We have unique needs especially with multiple text windows and editors, and this kind of tool may be a huge win or a huge hassle.
This solution feels like a combination of easy KVM switching AND multiple monitors.. it sounds like a programming dream! So advice or especially reports of actual experience in a programming environment would be greatly useful before I invest in the rather complex setup.
Sounds like I'm asking for something that doesn't exist! It's kind of combination of a software KVM and VNC. But the VNC would need to break out the app windows and allow individual manipulation (like that maxivista commercial tool, which is Vista only).
Thanks for all the feedback. Looks like there's demand for a cool app if anyone has the drive to be first in this new nich!
Synergy doesn't allow you to move windows between machines (that would require a silly amount of work behind the scenes), but it does allow you to share a keyboard and mouse between two machines so they "appear" to be all one machine, but actually run separately.
I personally use Input Director, as I found it more stable than Synergy. I have my laptop with an external monitor to the right, and my desktop to the left as an Input Director slave. My desktop runs a different O/S and is basically my guinea pig box for testing stuff and for anything I need to keep running when I leave the office. Cut + paste is pretty seamless, so I can quite happily fire up an RDP session to a server on my desktop, and cut+paste SQL scripts from that to my laptop.
It's a very useful thing to have if you have a few physical boxes and monitors kicking around :)
I've actually managed to use spare notebook as a second monitor to Desktop PC. This allows to move windows to second PC, but not vise-versa.
Solution would work basically with any OS.
The only requirement is a spare VGA (or DVI-I/DVI-A) port on server PC.
Make a dummy VGA plug
This will also work for DVI-I/DVI-A port + DVI-VGA adapter
Detect virtual monitor with your OS. Monitor will be detected as very generic monitor, so you can set up any resolution. Set it to slave PC resolution.
Use any remote control software to connect from slave to server PC. Set it to display only "virtual" monitor.
That's all. Your slave PC is a second monitor for server PC.
I've used this on Windows 7 + TeamViewer. I've additionally set up Mouse Without Borders (Microsoft Synergy analog) to be able to use slave PC with same mouse&keyboard, though this is not required if you intend to transform it to monitor-only.
Xdmx - Distributed Multihead X Project (linux only)
Provides native X display on external machines, no VNC cons.
The following is not exactly what you want, but pretty close:
You can start a VNC server on the Windows machine, which will let you "export" its graphical screen.
Then, unplug the monitor from the Windows machine and use it as external laptop monitor instead, with your Mac laptop.
There, on your Mac, you just connect to the VNC session using Chicken of the VNC, which will give you the graphical screen content of the Windows machine as a Mac window (interactively, so you can actually control the windows machine as if you were working on it directly). You can put that on the external monitor, and you can also put other windows there, so you really have a shared environment.
I believe this solution also lets you copy and paste content from the Windows screen to Mac windows and vice versa.
I use MaxiVista on WinXP while programming. It works fantastically and lets me add a third screen to my multi-monitor configuration.
There is hope, here for windows users: Looks like a work-in-progress and only supports windows 2000 - windows 7, but he's looking for help with windows 7 - 8.
Unfortunately, synergy doesn't allow moving windows across screens currently. It only forwards mouse&keyboard events from one set of physical devices to different computers.
Yes, and I love it. It allows you get past 2 screens on a laptop, and really I find 3 a great amount.
If your main machine is a Mac you want ScreenRecycler. You can then use monitors on other Mac, Windows, and Linux machines (anything with a VNC client). You will want something better than the Mac's crappy windows management though. I suggest Many Tricks' Moom and Witch.
On Windows, as #LachlanG said, MaxiVista works great. And it supports adding monitors from Windows, Mac, and Linux machines.
I am reusing my old laptop as a second monitor to see the live preview while coding. I am using SpaceDesk, which is free.
I use barrier and open source fork of synergy. Its a little hard to use but works really well. (To find it just search google for 'barrier github').