Ridiculously slow simultaneous publish/consume rate with RabbitMQ - rabbitmq

I'm evaluating RabbitMQ and while the general impression (of AMQP as such, and also RabbitMQ) is positive, I'm not very impressed by the result.
I'm attempting to publish and consume messages simultaneously and have achieved very poor message rates. I have a durable direct exchange, which is bound to a durable queue and I publish persistent messages to that exchange. The average size of the message body is about 1000 bytes.
My publishing happens roughly as follows:
AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder bldr = new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder();
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection conn = null;
Channel channel = null;
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); //com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
try {
conn = factory.newConnection();
channel = conn.createChannel();
} catch (IOException e) {}
for(Message m : messageList) { //the size of messageList happens to be 9945
try {
channel.basicPublish("exchange", "", bldr.deliveryMode(2).contentType("application/json").build(), mapper.writeValueAsBytes(cm));
} catch (Exception e) {}
try {
} catch (Exception e1) {}
And consuming messages from the bound queue happens as so:
AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder bldr = new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder();
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection conn = null;
Channel channel = null;
try {
conn = factory.newConnection();
channel = conn.createChannel();
while (true) {
GetResponse r = channel.basicGet("rawDataQueue", false);
channel.basicAck(r.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false);
} catch (IOException e) {}
The problem is that when the message publisher (or several of them) and consumer (or several of them) run simultaneously then the publisher(s) appear to run at full throttle and the RabbitMQ management web interface shows a publishing rate of, say, ~2...3K messages per second, but a consumption rate of 0.5...3 per consumer. When the publisher(s) finish then I get a consumption rate of, say, 300...600 messages per consumer. When not setting the QOS prefetch value for the Java client, then a little less, when setting it to 100 or 250, then a bit more.
When experimenting with throttling the consumers somewhat, I have managed to achieve simultaneous numbers like ~400 published and ~50 consumed messages per second which is marginally better but only marginally.
Here's, a quote from the RabbitMQ blog entry which claims that queues are fastest when they're empty which very well may be, but slowing the consumption rate to a crawl when there are a few thousand persistent messages sitting in the queue is still rather unacceptable.
Higher QOS prefetching values may help a bit but are IMHO not a solution as such.
What, if anything, can be done to achieve reasonable throughput rates (2 consumed messages per consumer per second is not reasonable in any circumstance)? This is only a simple one direct exchange - one binding - one queue situation, should I expect more performance degradation with more complicated configurations? When searching around the internet there have also been suggestions to drop durability, but I'm afraid in my case that is not an option. I'd be very happy if somebody would point out that I'm stupid and that there is an evident and straightforward solution of some kind :)

Have you tried with the autoAck option? That should improve your performance. It is much faster than getting the messages one by one and ack'ing them. Increasing the prefetch count should make it even better too.
Also, what is the size of the messages you are sending and consuming including headers? Are you experiencing any flow-control in the broker?
Another question, are you creating a connection and channel every time you send/get a message? If so, that's wrong. You should be creating a connection once, and use a channel per thread (probably in a thread-local fashion) to send and receive messages. You can have multiple channels per connection. There is no official documentation about this, but if you read articles and forums this seems to be the best performance practice.
Last thing, have you considered using the basicConsume instead of basicGet? It should also make it faster.
Based on my experience, I have been able to run a cluster sending and consuming at rates around 20000 messages per second with non-persistent messages. I guess that if you are using durable and persistent messages the performance would decrease a little, but not 10x.

Operating system could schedule your process to the next time slot, if sleep is used. This could create significant performance decrease.


Akka.NET with persistence dropping messages when CPU in under high pressure?

I make some performance testing of my PoC. What I saw is my actor is not receiving all messages that are sent to him and the performance is very low. I sent around 150k messages to my app, and it causes a peak on my processor to reach 100% utilization. But when I stop sending requests 2/3 of messages are not delivered to the actor. Here is a simple metrics from app insights:
To prove I have almost the same number of event persistent in mongo that my actor received messages.
Secondly, performance of processing messages is very disappointing. I get around 300 messages per second.
I know Akka.NET message delivery is at most once by default but I don't get any error saying that message were dropped.
Here is code:
Cluster shard registration:
services.AddSingleton<ValueCoordinatorProvider>(provider =>
var shardRegion = ClusterSharding.Get(_actorSystem).Start(
typeName: "values-actor",
entityProps: _actorSystem.DI().Props<ValueActor>(),
settings: ClusterShardingSettings.Create(_actorSystem),
messageExtractor: new ValueShardMsgRouter());
return () => shardRegion;
public class ValueController : ControllerBase
private readonly IActorRef _valueCoordinator;
public ValueController(ValueCoordinatorProvider valueCoordinatorProvider)
_valueCoordinator = valuenCoordinatorProvider();
public Task<IActionResult> PostAsync(Message message)
return Task.FromResult((IActionResult)Ok());
public class ValueActor : ReceivePersistentActor
public override string PersistenceId { get; }
private decimal _currentValue;
public ValueActor()
PersistenceId = Context.Self.Path.Name;
private void Handle(Message message)
var accepted = new ValueAccepted(message.ValueId, message.Value);
Persist(accepted, valueAccepted =>
_currentValue = valueAccepted.BidValue;
Message router.
public sealed class ValueShardMsgRouter : HashCodeMessageExtractor
public const int DefaultShardCount = 1_000_000_000;
public ValueShardMsgRouter() : this(DefaultShardCount)
public ValueShardMsgRouter(int maxNumberOfShards) : base(maxNumberOfShards)
public override string EntityId(object message)
return message switch
IWithValueId valueMsg => valueMsg.ValueId,
_ => null
akka {
stdout-loglevel = ERROR
loglevel = ERROR
actor {
debug {
unhandled = on
provider = cluster
serializers {
hyperion = "Akka.Serialization.HyperionSerializer, Akka.Serialization.Hyperion"
serialization-bindings {
"System.Object" = hyperion
deployment {
/valuesRouter {
router = consistent-hashing-group
routees.paths = ["/values"]
cluster {
enabled = on
remote {
dot-netty.tcp {
hostname = "desktop-j45ou76"
port = 5054
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://valuessystem#desktop-j45ou76:5054"]
persistence {
journal {
plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.mongodb"
mongodb {
class = "Akka.Persistence.MongoDb.Journal.MongoDbJournal, Akka.Persistence.MongoDb"
connection-string = "mongodb://localhost:27017/akkanet"
auto-initialize = off
plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
collection = "EventJournal"
metadata-collection = "Metadata"
legacy-serialization = off
snapshot-store {
plugin = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.mongodb"
mongodb {
class = "Akka.Persistence.MongoDb.Snapshot.MongoDbSnapshotStore, Akka.Persistence.MongoDb"
connection-string = "mongodb://localhost:27017/akkanet"
auto-initialize = off
plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
collection = "SnapshotStore"
legacy-serialization = off
So there are two issues going on here: actor performance and missing messages.
It's not clear from your writeup, but I'm going to make an assumption: 100% of these messages are going to a single actor.
Actor Performance
The end-to-end throughput of a single actor depends on:
The amount of work it takes to route the message to the actor (i.e. through the sharding system, hierarchy, over the network, etc)
The amount of time it takes the actor to process a single message, as this determines the rate at which a mailbox can be emptied; and
Any flow control that affects which messages can be processed when - i.e. if an actor uses stashing and behavior switching, the amount of time an actor spends stashing messages while waiting for its state to change will have a cumulative impact on the end-to-end processing time for all stashed messages.
You will have poor performance due to item 3 on this list. The design that you are implementing calls Persist and blocks the actor from doing any additional processing until the message is successfully persisted. All other messages sent to the actor are stashed internally until the previous one is successfully persisted.
Akka.Persistence offers four options for persisting messages from the point of view of a single actor:
Persist - highest consistency (no other messages can be processed until persistence is confirmed), lowest performance;
PersistAsync - lower consistency, much higher performance. Doesn't wait for the message to be persisted before processing the next message in the mailbox. Allows multiple messages from a single persistent actor to be processed concurrently in-flight - the order in which those events are persisted will be preserved (because they're sent to the internal Akka.Persistence journal IActorRef in that order) but the actor will continue to process additional messages before the persisted ones are confirmed. This means you probably have to modify your actor's in-memory state before you call PersistAsync and not after the fact.
PersistAll - high consistency, but batches multiple persistent events at once. Same ordering and control flow semantics as Persist - but you're just persisting an array of messages together.
PersistAllAsync - highest performance. Same semantics as PersistAsync but it's an atomic batch of messages in an array being persisted together.
To get an idea as to how the performance characteristics of Akka.Persistence changes with each of these methods, take a look at the detailed benchmark data the Akka.NET organization has put together around Akka.Persistence.Linq2Db, the new high performance RDBMS Akka.Persistence library: https://github.com/akkadotnet/Akka.Persistence.Linq2Db#performance - it's a difference between 15,000 per second and 250 per second on SQL; the write performance is likely even higher in a system like MongoDB.
One of the key properties of Akka.Persistence is that it intentionally routes all of the persistence commands through a set of centralized "journal" and "snapshot" actors on each node in a cluster - so messages from multiple persistent actors can be batched together across a small number of concurrent database connections. There are many users running hundreds of thousands of persistent actors simultaneously - if each actor had their own unique connection to the database it would melt even the most robustly vertically scaled database instances on Earth. This connection pooling / sharing is why the individual persistent actors rely on flow control.
You'll see similar performance using any persistent actor framework (i.e. Orleans, Service Fabric) because they all employ a similar design for the same reasons Akka.NET does.
To improve your performance, you will need to either batch received messages together and persist them in a group with PersistAll (think of this as de-bouncing) or use asynchronous persistence semantics using PersistAsync.
You'll also see better aggregate performance if you spread your workload out across many concurrent actors with different entity ids - that way you can benefit from actor concurrency and parallelism.
Missing Messages
There could be any number of reasons why this might occur - most often it's going to be the result of:
Actors being terminated (not the same as restarting) and dumping all of their messages into the DeadLetter collection;
Network disruptions resulting in dropped connections - this can happen when nodes are sitting at 100% CPU - messages that are queued for delivery at the time can be dropped; and
The Akka.Persistence journal receiving timeouts back from the database will result in persistent actors terminating themselves due to loss of consistency.
You should look for the following in your logs:
DeadLetter warnings / counts
OpenCircuitBreakerExceptions coming from Akka.Persistence
You'll usually see both of those appear together - I suspect that's what is happening to your system. The other possibility could be Akka.Remote throwing DisassociationExceptions, which I would also look for.
You can fix the Akka.Remote issues by changing the heartbeat values for the Akka.Cluster failure-detector in configuration https://getakka.net/articles/configuration/akka.cluster.html:
akka.cluster.failure-detector {
# FQCN of the failure detector implementation.
# It must implement akka.remote.FailureDetector and have
# a public constructor with a com.typesafe.config.Config and
# akka.actor.EventStream parameter.
implementation-class = "Akka.Remote.PhiAccrualFailureDetector, Akka.Remote"
# How often keep-alive heartbeat messages should be sent to each connection.
heartbeat-interval = 1 s
# Defines the failure detector threshold.
# A low threshold is prone to generate many wrong suspicions but ensures
# a quick detection in the event of a real crash. Conversely, a high
# threshold generates fewer mistakes but needs more time to detect
# actual crashes.
threshold = 8.0
# Number of the samples of inter-heartbeat arrival times to adaptively
# calculate the failure timeout for connections.
max-sample-size = 1000
# Minimum standard deviation to use for the normal distribution in
# AccrualFailureDetector. Too low standard deviation might result in
# too much sensitivity for sudden, but normal, deviations in heartbeat
# inter arrival times.
min-std-deviation = 100 ms
# Number of potentially lost/delayed heartbeats that will be
# accepted before considering it to be an anomaly.
# This margin is important to be able to survive sudden, occasional,
# pauses in heartbeat arrivals, due to for example garbage collect or
# network drop.
acceptable-heartbeat-pause = 3 s
# Number of member nodes that each member will send heartbeat messages to,
# i.e. each node will be monitored by this number of other nodes.
monitored-by-nr-of-members = 9
# After the heartbeat request has been sent the first failure detection
# will start after this period, even though no heartbeat mesage has
# been received.
expected-response-after = 1 s
Bump the acceptable-heartbeat-pause = 3 s value to something larger like 10,20,30 if needed.
Sharding Configuration
One last thing I want to point out with your code - the shard count is way too high. You should have about ~10 shards per node. Reduce it to something reasonable.

How to handle Not authorized to access topic ... in Kafka Streams

Situation is the following.
We have setup SSL + ACLs in Kafka Broker.
We are setting up stream, which reads messages from two topics:
KStream<String, String> stringInput
= kBuilder.stream( STRING_SERDE, STRING_SERDE, inTopicName );
.filter( streamFilter::passOrFilterMessages )
.map( processor )
.to( outTopicName );
It is done like two times (in the loop).
Then we are setting general error handler:
streams.setUncaughtExceptionHandler( ( Thread t, Throwable e ) -> {
synchronized ( this ) {
LOG.fatal( ... );
Problem is the following. If for example in one topic certificate is no more valid. The stream is throwing exception Not authorized to access topics ...
So far so good.
But the exception is handled by general error handler, so the complete application stops even if the second topic has no problems.
The question is, how to handle this exception per topic?
How to avoid situation that at some moment complete application stops due to the problem that one single topic has problems with authorization?
I understand that if Broker is not available, then complete app may stop. But if only one topic is not available, then single stream shall stop, and not complete application, or?
By design, Kafka Streams treats the topology a one and cannot distinguish between both parts. For your specific case, as you loop and build to independent pipelines, you could run two KafkaStreams instances in parallel (within the same application/JVM) to isolate both from each other. Thus, if one fails, the other one is not affected. You would need to use two different application.id for both instances.

Jedis getResource() is taking lot of time

I am trying to use sentinal redis to get/set keys from redis. I was trying to stress test my setup with about 2000 concurrent requests.
i used sentinel to put a single key on redis and then I executed 1000 concurrent get requests from redis.
But the underlying jedis used my sentinel is blocking call on getResource() (pool size is 500) and the overall average response time that I am achieving is around 500 ms, but my target was about 10 ms.
I am attaching sample of jvisualvm snapshot here
redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.getResource() 98.02227 4.0845232601E7 ms 4779
redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedis.get() 1.6894469 703981.381 ms 141
org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter() 0.12820946 53424.035 ms 6875
org.springframework.core.serializer.support.DeserializingConverter.convert() 0.046286926 19287.457 ms 4
redis.clients.jedis.JedisSentinelPool.returnResource() 0.04444578 18520.263 ms 4
org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept() 0.035538 14808.45 ms 11430
May anyone help to debug further into the issue?
From JedisSentinelPool implementation of getResource() from Jedis sources (2.6.2):
public Jedis getResource() {
while (true) {
Jedis jedis = super.getResource();
// get a reference because it can change concurrently
final HostAndPort master = currentHostMaster;
final HostAndPort connection = new HostAndPort(jedis.getClient().getHost(), jedis.getClient()
if (master.equals(connection)) {
// connected to the correct master
return jedis;
} else {
Note the while(true) and the returnBrokenResource(jedis), it means that it tries to get a jedis resource randomly from the pool that is indeed connected to the correct master and retries if it is not the good one. It is a dirty check and also a blocking call.
The super.getResource() call refers to JedisPool traditionnal implementation that is actually based on Apache Commons Pool (2.0). It does a lot to get an object from the pool, and I think it even repairs fail connections for instance. With a lot of contention on your pool, as probably in your stress test, it can probably take a lot of time to get a resource from the pool, just to see it is not connected to the correct master, so you end up calling it again, adding contention, slowing getting the resource etc...
You should check all the jedis instances in your pool to see if there's a lot of 'bad' connections.
Maybe you should give up using a common pool for your stress test (only create Jedis instances manually connected to the correct node, and close them nicely), or setting multiple ones to mitigate the cost of looking to "dirty" unchecked jedis resources.
Also with a pool of 500 jedis instances, you can't emulate 1000 concurrent queries, you need at least 1000.

RabbitMQ Prefetch

Up until now, my RabbitMQ consumer clients have used a prefetch value of 1. I'm looking to increase the value in order to gain performance. If I set the value to 2, will the RabbitMQ server send each consumer 2 messages at once such that I will need to parse the two messages and store the second one in a List until the first is processed and acknowledged? Or will the API handle this behind the scenes?
I'm using the Java AMQP client library:
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
QueueingConsumer consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel);
channel.basicConsume(CONSUME_QUEUE_NAME, false, consumer);
while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
try {
QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = consumer.nextDelivery();
String m = new String(delivery.getBody(), "UTF-8");
// Will m contain two messages? Will I have to each message and keep track of them within a List?
The api handles this behind the scenes, so there are no worries there for you.
Regarding which message gets where, RMQ will just deliver by using round robin, that is if you have the queue: 1 2 3 4 5 6 and consumer1 and consumer2.
consumer1 will have 1 3 5
consumer2 will have 2 4 6
Should the connection die to any of your consumers the prefetched messages will be redelivered to the active consumers using the same delivery method.
This should be interesting reading and a good starting point to figure more exactly what happens:
Tutorial no.2 which I'm sure you've read
The api internally queue messages in a blocking queue.
Setting the prefetch count more than 1 is actually a good idea since your worker need not wait for each and every message to arrive. It can read up to N messages (where N is the prefetch count). It can start working on a message as soon as it has finished the previous one.
Also, you have the option to acknowledge multiple messages at once instead of acknowledging individually.
channel.basicAck(lastDeliveryTag, true);
boolean true indicates to acknowledge all the messages upto and including the supplied lastDeliveryTag

How to enforce message queue sequence with multiple WCF service instances

I want to create a WCF service which uses an MSMQ binding as I have a high volume of notifications the service is to process. It is important that clients are not held up by the service and that the notifications are processed in the order they are raised, hence the queue implementation.
Another consideration is resilience. I know I could cluster MSMQ itself to make the queue more robust, but I want to be able to run an instance of my service on different servers, so if a server crashes notifications do not build up in the queue but another server carries on processing.
I have experimented with the MSMQ binding and found that you can have multiple instances of a service listening on the same queue, and left to themselves they end up doing a sort of round-robin with the load spread across the available services. This is great, but I end up losing the sequencing of the queue as different instances take a different amount of time to process the request.
I've been using a simple console app to experiment, which is the epic code dump below. When it's run I get an output like this:
host1 open
host2 open
S1: 01
S1: 03
S1: 05
S2: 02
S1: 06
S1: 08
S1: 09
S2: 04
S1: 10
host1 closed
S2: 07
host2 closed
What I want to happen is:
host1 open
host2 open
S1: 01
<pause while S2 completes>
S2: 02
S1: 03
<pause while S2 completes>
S2: 04
S1: 05
S1: 06
I would have thought that as S2 has not completed, it might still fail and return the message it was processing to the queue. Therefore S1 should not be allowed to pull another message off of the queue. My queue us transactional and I have tried setting TransactionScopeRequired = true on the service but to no avail.
Is this even possible? Am I going about it the wrong way? Is there some other way to build a failover service without some kind of central synchronisation mechanism?
class WcfMsmqProgram
private const string QueueName = "testq1";
static void Main()
// Create a transactional queue
string qPath = ".\\private$\\" + QueueName;
if (!MessageQueue.Exists(qPath))
MessageQueue.Create(qPath, true);
new MessageQueue(qPath).Purge();
// S1 processes as fast as it can
IService s1 = new ServiceImpl("S1");
// S2 is slow
IService s2 = new ServiceImpl("S2", 2000);
// MSMQ binding
NetMsmqBinding binding = new NetMsmqBinding(NetMsmqSecurityMode.None);
// Host S1
ServiceHost host1 = new ServiceHost(s1, new Uri("net.msmq://localhost/private"));
ConfigureService(host1, binding);
Console.WriteLine("host1 open");
// Host S2
ServiceHost host2 = new ServiceHost(s2, new Uri("net.msmq://localhost/private"));
ConfigureService(host2, binding);
Console.WriteLine("host2 open");
// Create a client
ChannelFactory<IService> factory = new ChannelFactory<IService>(binding, new EndpointAddress("net.msmq://localhost/private/" + QueueName));
IService client = factory.CreateChannel();
// Periodically call the service with a new number
int counter = 1;
using (Timer t = new Timer(o => client.EchoNumber(counter++), null, 0, 500))
// Enter to stop
Console.WriteLine("host1 closed");
Console.WriteLine("host2 closed");
// Wait for exit
static void ConfigureService(ServiceHost host, NetMsmqBinding binding)
var endpoint = host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IService), binding, QueueName);
interface IService
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void EchoNumber(int number);
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)]
class ServiceImpl : IService
public ServiceImpl(string name, int sleep = 0)
this.name = name;
this.sleep = sleep;
private string name;
private int sleep;
public void EchoNumber(int number)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1:00}", this.name, number);
You are trying to manually create a service bus. Why don't you try to use an existing one?
NServiceBus, MassTransit, ServiceStack
At least 2 of those work with MSMQ.
Furthermore, if you absolutely need order it may actually be for another reason - you want to be able to send a message and you don't want dependent messages to be processed before the first message. You are looking for the Saga Pattern. NServiceBus and MassTransit both will allow you to manage Sagas easily, they will both allow you to simply trigger the initial message and then trigger the remaining messages based on conditions. It will allow you to implement the plumping of your distributed application a snap.
You can then even scale up to thousands of clients, queue servers and message processors without having to write a single line of code nor have any issues.
We tried to implement our own service bus over msmq here, we gave up because another issue kept creeping up. We went with NServiceBus but MassTransit is also an excellent product (it's 100% open source, NServiceBus isn't). ServiceStack is awesome at making APIs and using Message Queues - I'm sure you could use it to make Services that act as Queue front-ends in minutes.
Oh, did I mention that in the case of NSB and MT both only require under 10 lines of code to fully implement queues, senders and handlers?
----- ADDED -----
Udi Dahan (one of the main contributers of NServiceBus) talks about this in:
"In-Order Messaging a Myth" by Udi Dahan
"Message Ordering: Is it Cost Effective?" with Udi Dahan
Chris Patterson (one of the main contributers of Mass Transit)
"Using Sagas to ensure proper sequential message order" question
StackOverflow questions/answers:
"Preserve message order when consuming MSMQ messages in a WCF application"
----- QUESTION -----
I must say that I'm baffled as to why you need to guarantee message order - would you be in the same position if you were using an HTTP/SOAP protocol? My guess is no, then why is it a problem in MSMQ?
Good luck, hope this helps,
Ensuring in-order delivery of messages is one of the de-facto sticky issues with high volume messaging.
In an ideal world, your message destinations should be able to handle out-of-order messaging. This can be achieved by ensuring that your message source includes some kind of sequencing information. Again ideally this takes the form of some kind of x-of-n batch stamp (message 1 of 10, 2 of 10, etc). Your message destination is then required to assemble the data into order once it has been delivered.
However, in the real world there often is no scope for changing downstream systems to handle messages arriving out of order. In this instance you have two choices:
Go entirely single threaded - actually you can usually find some kind of 'grouping id' which means you can go single-threaded in a for-each-group sense, meaning you still have concurrency across different message groups.
Implement a re-sequencer wrapper around each of your consumer systems you want to receive in-order messages.
Neither solution is very nice, but that's the only way I think you can have concurrency and in-order message delivery.