jsf myfaces 2.2 failure - apache

I think I have found an error with the current (snapshot) JSF 2.0 Myfaces 2.2 Version; I think I am not the only one having this issue:
when I want to create a link with the following style:
<h:link outcome="../../test" />
I get following error:
PM org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.util.OutcomeTargetUtils
getOutcomeTargetHref Warning: Could not determine NavigationCase for
UIOutcomeTarget component {Component-Path : [Class:
javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: ..
When i try it with an old snapshop version (e.g. 2013-04-24), the links are created correctly, also when the outcome-site is in the same folder as the linking file.
anyone else having this problem or is there a way to fix this? I dont't want to switch back to the old version because it has much more serious problems than this link issue

It is a bug caused by the new JSF 2.2 spec, which enforces the use of ResourceHandler.createViewResource(...), and that code internally has a check to avoid ../ or ./ in the resourceName. It has been fixed on MYFACES-3839.


How to create an aurelia 1.0 app that can be deployed at any root location

I am trying to work out how to deploy an aurelia app, it runs in development with au run. but I need to deploy it into a path which is not the root of the web-site. ie at '/site' not '/'
when I deploy I get an exception from the router: ERROR [app-router] Error: Route not found: /site/
I think it may be that I need to specify a baseURL in one or more places?
but can't see how I can:
make it work in the development environment at /
make it work in the deployed environment at /[any-site-path]
avoid building in knowledge of '/[any-site-path]' to my development environment or bundles, as the path wont be known until someone comes to deploy the code?
i found this question but that seems to apply to an out of date version of the code.
I am using Aurelia 1.0 and building using the au-cli
Any pointers would be useful.
Looks like this is a bug that has been fixed in a more recent version.
I have just gone through and applied the latest versions of:
"aurelia-bootstrapper": "^1.0.0" -> "^2.1.1"
"aurelia-cli": "^0.24.0" -> "^0.26.1"
"aurelia-tools": "^0.2.2" -> "^1.0.0"
And i can now deploy my application to a site sub folder without specifying any url content in the code or html files!
So I can satisfy all 3 of the criteria in my question.
Note the aurelia-cli update (0.25.0) requires a change to the main.(ts/js) as mentioned in the release notes.

Error installing bundle in Mura (Mura newbie)

Just to preface this, I'm a Mura newbie.
I am attempting to create a new site in Mura 6.2 by importing the 'MuraBootstrap3' bundle - https://github.com/blueriver/MuraBootstrap3Bundle .
Once I create the site and import the bundle, I immediately get the following error message:
It appears to be an issue with SQL executing the insert command, but I'm not entirely sure why. Am I missing something in the setup? What am I not doing correctly?
Edit: I should mention that The database has already been setup and my default installation is running just fine.
Guust was correct, however the bundle you're looking for is here:
The bundle you've downloaded is for Mura 7.
I believe the last version of the bundle for Mura 6.x is the following commit:
This is the file I believe you'll need:

typo3 update 4.7 -> 6.2 - broken backend

I've performed an update from typo3 4.7.20 to 6.2.15. The process worked fine and there were no critical errors while running the install tool.
The frontend looks fine but the backend is broken:
I've removed all uncompatible extensions before I run the update. I've also checked all settings in the installationtool und deleted the temp/cache folder first.
I've got the feeling that the error is caused by the TemplaVoila! extension, I'm using v. 1.9.8. Firebug does not shows any error.
Does anyone had a similar problem and have already solved it?
Thank you very much!
I have come across this one multiple times. More often it is because there is a broken TBE_STYLES. I suggest you look around for $TBE_STYLES in your typo3conf folder and disable it for the time being. Most likely it will be in the extTables.php or some other file which is included dynamically.
seems BE is working, but you css does not got loaded.
check your 'web inspecter' to see if you get errors on loading CSS.
clear your cache (remove everything in typo3temp) and try again

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.activemq.util.IdGenerator

I am trying to use ActiveMQ 5.10.0 with SoapUI 4.6 and Hermes 1.14. I get the error below when I try and add a queue. I presume Hermes can't find the type IdGenerator in any of the loaded jars. Which are:
Does anyone know where this class is defined? I looked for activemq-util.jar in the binary distribution but I did not find such a file.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.activemq.util.IdGenerator
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.getClientIdGenerator(ActiveMQConnectionFactory.java:969)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.createActiveMQConnection(ActiveMQConnectionFactory.java:363)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.createActiveMQConnection(ActiveMQConnectionFactory.java:331)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.createActiveMQConnection(ActiveMQConnectionFactory.java:303)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(ActiveMQConnectionFactory.java:260)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionManagerSupport.createConnection(ConnectionManagerSupport.java:147)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionManagerSupport.createConnection(ConnectionManagerSupport.java:92)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionSharedManager.reconnect(ConnectionSharedManager.java:81)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionSharedManager.connect(ConnectionSharedManager.java:91)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionSharedManager.getConnection(ConnectionSharedManager.java:104)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionSharedManager.getObject(ConnectionSharedManager.java:142)
at hermes.impl.jms.ThreadLocalSessionManager.connect(ThreadLocalSessionManager.java:190)
at hermes.impl.jms.ThreadLocalSessionManager.getSession(ThreadLocalSessionManager.java:570)
at hermes.impl.jms.AbstractSessionManager.getDestination(AbstractSessionManager.java:460)
at hermes.impl.DefaultHermesImpl.getDestination(DefaultHermesImpl.java:367)
at hermes.browser.tasks.BrowseDestinationTask.invoke(BrowseDestinationTask.java:141)
at hermes.browser.tasks.TaskSupport.run(TaskSupport.java:175)
at hermes.browser.tasks.ThreadPool.run(ThreadPool.java:170)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
This is very old but in case anyone else is trying to get this spun up... don't use the built in HermesJMS that comes with SoapUI. Apparently there's a bug in it that doesn't play nice with ActiveMQ v5.8 and following [I tried 5.11 & 5.13 and had the issue. The cheating fix is to install the standalone [I had to get it from sourceforge].
The sourceforge jar is installed with [assuming version 1.14]: java -jar hermes-installer-1.14.jar
Once installed you can tie this version to soapui or launch it with the bat/sh file. I still had issues with ActiveMQ version 5.13 but version 5.11 worked for me.
The IdGenerator class is located in the activemq-client jar. Here is the result of a search in the source tree:
There's been no recent changes so I'd guess that the error is misleading and that it's actually some other missing dependency that's being loaded when the class is created. Is there more information in the log or a 'caused by exception' ?
For whom it may interest. This is kind of common issue I come accross from time to time. I call it jar version incompatibility. I was getting exception in title and other funny exceptions when using latest (but not actively developed) hermes 1.14 and currently latest Apache Active MQ 5.14. I've found out after a long struggle that it is fixed by using an older version of Active MQ - like 5.3.

Glassfish needs restart after deploy with ICEFaces

i have a strange problem. I have an ICEFaces(1.8.2) + Facelets application im working on and every time i make a change to it and deploy i must restart Glassfish(2.1.1) else i get a "java.lang.ClassCastException" on my entities. The error message is :
java.lang.ClassCastException: za.co.africanpulse.rms.frontend.domain.Menuheader cannot be cast to za.co.africanpulse.rms.frontend.domain.Menuheader
If i restart Glassfish as said above all is ok... but this is getting kinda irratating. I dont quite know what exactly you would like me to post so that my problem is easier identified / understood. Anyways any help will be most appreciated.
Many many thanks
You should probably open an issue with the GlassFish project: https://glassfish.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectIssues.
StackOverflow isn't really designed to be a bug reporting/analysis tool.
That said... someone might have run into this and you could 'Get Lucky'...
Edit 1:
For example, this query: http://www.google.com/search?q=glassfish+icefaces+facelet+classcastexception
Netted this hit: http://seamframework.org/Community/HelpOnSeam220ICEfaces181AndGlassfish21
which looks like it may be useful.
When the web.xml servlet version is below 2.5 and jsf is still at 1.1 specified in the faces-config.xml then strange persistence related issues will arise. In my case entities could not be cast to themselves..???
After changing servlet version and jsf version i could successfully inject EntityManagers into my DAOs...