Windows Phone ListBox Circle Image View - xaml

My Requirement is i need to display my ListBox with Some Images in Circle View like Below image
i search more but i didn't find any thing

In XAML you want to make the circle using an Ellipse control. Then give it an ImageBrush fill.
<ImageBrush ImageSource="YourImage.png"/>


NativeScript/Angular list-picker looks strange with black above and below - what's wrong?

I'm creating a NativeScript/Angular mobile application, and trying to include a list-picker in a form.
What is causing the black background above and below the selected item in my list-picker? How can I make the background transparent?
The selected item area is very small - how can I enlarge it?
Screenshot below:
Here's my list-picker code:
<ListPicker #picker class="picker" [items]="viewData.phoneTypes" [selectedIndex]="selectedIndex" verticalAlignment="center" horizontalAlignment="center" (selectedIndexChange)="selectedIndexChanged(picker)"></ListPicker>
Thanks for your help!

Customize Background color for ScrollBar in Windows Store Apps

I have been trying to customize the Background color of ScrollBar in Windows Stores Apps. But its not working. I have a doubt whether is it a limitation in WinRT?
Thanks in Advance.
My Code Snippet:
If you want to change the Background color of the ScrollBar, you need to change the default style of the Scrollbar and the Blend for Visual Studio can help you implement it very easily.
For how to changing the style of the Scrollbar, please first please right-click the Scrollbar control-->click "Edit Template"-->"Edit a Copy", after that you will see all the style which creates the Scrollbar, then please find the following xaml and change the "Fill" property of the "Rectangle" with the Background color which you want, in this way it will change the Background color of the ScrollBar:
<Rectangle Fill="Yellow" Margin="0" Grid.RowSpan="5" Stroke="{ThemeResource ScrollBarTrackBorderThemeBrush}" StrokeThickness="{ThemeResource ScrollBarTrackBorderThemeThickness}"/>

ImageBrush control cannot be identified using Coded UI cross hair or Inspect.exe

I am automating a windows 8.1 store app using Coded UI test. I have a Imagebrush control where user image will be loaded on service call. The thing is I cannot identify this control using Coded UI Cross hair/Inspect.exe eventhough it have automation id supplied. But the Image control can be identified.
The below XAML have two border elements and within the 1st border element I am having Imagebrush control and in the next border element I am having image control. Here I can identify the Image control but the Imagebrush control cannot be identified. I tried hand coding also but it did not work.
<Border AutomationProperties.AutomationId="123" Tapped="MyProfile_Tapped">
<ImageBrush AutomationProperties.AutomationId="123_4" ImageSource="{Binding Profile.ProfilePhot....... />
<Border AutomationProperties.AutomationId="1234_5">
<Image AutomationProperties.AutomationId="1234_6" Source="ms-appx:///Assets/Images/WatchAlbumLogo.png" />

How to synchronize two scroll viewers

I have a custom WPF control to display a list of items using an ItemsControl. The ItemsPresenter is defined in the template to display the list and it is embedded inside a ScrollViewer for scrolling purposes:
<ControlTemplate TargetType="ItemsControl">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<ScrollViewer Margin="3">
My application creates two instances of the custom control to show the list side by side.
What I want is when user selects an item on the first one, the second control automatically scrolls so that the same item is displayed in the same position relative to the top. To accomplish this I need to know
How to get the position (in pixels) of the selected item in the first control?
How to scroll to the same position in the second control?
Are there any other ways to do this?

Adding transparent filter to Panorama background like Market place

I am trying to add a transparent layer to my panorama background to dim the background image so the content can be displayed regardless of the colours in the images. Just like in the WP7 Market Place or the Pictures Hub on the phone.
I have played with the Opacity Mask. created a transparent image in to be used as opacity mask.
<ImageBrush x:Name="MyOpacityBrush" Stretch="Fill" ImageSource="../Images/imageFilter.png" />
<ImageBrush x:Name="panoramaBrush" ImageSource="../Images/cloudsPanorama.jpg" />
And use it in my Panorama like:
<controls:Panorama x:Name="ViewPanorama" Visibility="Visible" Background="{StaticResource panoramaBrush}" OpacityMask="{StaticResource MyOpacityBrush}" />
However, this dims the whole page including any content displayed as if the transparent image is on top of everything. Is there a trick I am missing here. Perhaps add the opacity to the Grid?
Set the opacity of the background image (in xaml) to 0.6. Black or White text will be readable.
You can just set the opacity of the PNG image that you use as the background image*?
No need for additional masks, etc.
*You can do this in by opening the image and then editing the property of the layer to adjust the opacity.
Use an opacity mask in a brush built with your imageSource
Then use the brush as the background of your Panorama Control