Multiple of same result even with group by - sql

Alright so say I have a 'product_catalog', and 'orders' tables. Each order has the product_catalog_id as a foreign key. What I want to return as the query results is the product_code (name of the product associated with a specific product_catalog_id) + a count of how many of each product_code have been ordered. That's easy enough with something like this (Oracle SQL):
SELECT pc.product_code,
COUNT(*) as count
FROM orders o
join product_catalog pc on pc.product_catalog_id = o.product_catalog_id
GROUP BY pc.product_code
but I also want to print various pieces of information from the order table such as total of all monthly charges for that product_code. That would seem easy enough with something like this:
(o.monthly_base_charge*count(*)) as "Monthly Fee"
but the problem is that there have been various monthly fees for the same product_code over time. If I add the above line in and add 'o.monthly_base_charge' to the group by statement, then it will print out a unique row for every variation of pricing for that product_code. How do I get it to ignore those price variations and just add together every entry with that product code?

It is a little unclear what you are asking. My best guess is that you want the sum of the monthly base charge:
SELECT pc.product_code,
COUNT(*) as count,
sum(o.monthly_base_charge) as "Monthly Fee"
FROM orders o join
product_catalog pc
on pc.product_catalog_id = o.product_catalog_id
GROUP BY pc.product_code
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you want. What happens if you have two orders in the same month for the same product?

You may need to do something like this since SQL will not be able to know which monthly base charge to multiply by the count.
SELECT pc.product_code,
COUNT(*) as count,
(min(o.monthly_base_charge)*count(*)) as "Monthly Fee"
FROM orders o
join product_catalog pc on pc.product_catalog_id = o.product_catalog_id
GROUP BY pc.product_code
Or you will need to add o.monthly_base_charge to the group by in order for sql to know how to determine the count()
GROUP BY pc.product_code, o.monthly_base_charge


Get the product of two values from two different tables

If anyone can help me figure out where I am going wrong with this SQL that would be great. Please see my attempt to answer it below. I have answer how I think it should be answered but I am very confused by the exam advice below, which says I should use a SUM function? I have googled this and I do not see how a SUM function can help here when I need get the product of two values in this case. Or am I missing something major?
Question: TotalValue is a column in Order relation that contains derived data representing total value (amount) of each order. Write a SQL SELECT statement that computes a value for this column.
My answer:
SELECT Product.ProductPrice * OrderLine.QuantityOrdered AS Total_Value
FROM Product,
GROUP BY Product;
Advice from exam paper:
This is a straightforward question. Tip: you need to use the SUM function. Also, note that you can take the sum of various records set using the GROUP BY clause.
Ok your question became a lot clearer once I clicked on the the hyperlink (blue text).
Each order is going to be made up of a quantity of 1 or more products.
So there could be 3 Product A and 5 Product B etc.
So you have to get the total for each product which is your Price * Quantity, but then you need to add them all together which is where the SUM comes in.
3 * ProductA Price (e.g. €5) = 15
5 * ProductB Price (e.g. €4) = 20
Total Value = 35
So you need to use the Product, Order and OrderLine tables.
Something like (I haven't tested it):
SELECT SUM(Product.ProductPrice * OrderLine.QuantityOrdered) FROM Product, Order, OrderLine
WHERE Order.OrderID = OrderLine.OrderID
AND Product.ProductID = OrerLine.ProductID
GROUP BY Order.OrderID
This should return rows containing the totalValue for each order - the GROUP BY clause causes the SUM to SUM over each group - not the entire rows.
For a single order you would need add (before the GROUP BY) "AND Order.OrderID = XXXXX" where XXXXX is the actual orders OrderId.

SQL: How to use sum in group by

SELECT idteam,
SUM(COUNT('X') * price) as TOTAL
JOIN COSTS ON (job = categ AND to_number(to_char(REP,'YYYY')) = year)
GROUP BY idteam, job, price, TOTAL
I don't know why if I write TOTAL in GROUP BY and sql sends me error.. Identifier invalid.
I don't know how can I resolve that.
The column "TOTAL" is an alias for SUM(COUNT('X') * price).
It cannot be used as a column identifier in the GROUP BY clause. You must say GROUP BY SUM(COUNT('X') * price), because "TOTAL" is unknown/not a column, at the time of grouping.
After using GROUPING, you can refer to "TOTAL" in a HAVING clause.
In any case, the version/type of SQL your are using, doesn't allow it.
Additionally, why are you COUNTing 'X'? That X is a fixed value, and does not depend on any of your columns. If you would like to count each row, just use Count(1) or Count(*). Also, you don't need to SUM a COUNT. A COUNT is already summed.
You should post the structure of both REP and COSTS. Your linked image doesn't have enough info to support the query you wrote.
-- job, /* not selected since it would need to be grouped*/
sum(price) as 'theSUM'
from REP
join COSTS
on REP.categ = COSTS.job
and COSTS.year = 2016
group by idteam
order by idteam

Select inside select

A newbie here. So please be kind :-)
I have 2 Tables namely Item & Item Entries.
Relation is: Item.No = ItemEntries.No.
In Item Entries Table I have Columns as Qty, Entry type, Purchase Amount, Sales Amount
I like to have a report which shows as below,
Item No. | Opening Quantity | Purchase Amount | Sales Amount
To calculate Opening Inventory I summed up the quantity field and the result is as expected. No problem in that. Now From that dataset I like to run a sub query which Calculates/Sum the Purchase amount for an Item that is a part of first dataset and similarly for Sales Amount.
Select(Item No.,Sum(IE.Quantity) As Quantity, Select(......Purchase Amount),Select(....Sales Amount)
I hope I was able to clear my doubts to you guys.
Something like :
SELECT ItemNo, sum(quantity), purchaseAmount, SalesAmount FROM Item i INNER JOIN ItemEntities ie on = GROUP BY ItemNo, PurchaseAmount, SalesAmount;
I believe (if I understand what you want) that this is the solution to your problem
Select Item.No ,
Sum(IE.Quantity) As Quantity,
(Select(......Purchase Amount)) As ColumnName1 ,
(Select(....Sales Amount)) As ColumnName2
From your need to "sum the purchase amount for an item that is part of the first dataset and similarly for Sales Amount" I think what you're trying to achieve is one row for each item on the Item table with a sum for each of the Qty, Sales Amount and Purchase Amount. If so, then you can simply use a 'group by' clause which groups results together which have matching values for the columns specified.
SELECT, SUM(IE.qty), SUM(IE.purchase_amount), SUM(IE.sales_amount)
FROM item I JOIN item_entries IE
ON =
See the group_by_clause for more details and some examples.
N.B. The join from the item tables isn't strictly required in this example, but if you're producing a report I suspect you might want to get things like a description - in which case you'll need to add those columns to the group by clause too.
You might need the sum of three columns from
ItemEntries table(Qty,PurchaseAmount,SalesAmount) for each Item.No
Select A.No,
From Item A,
Itementries B
Where A.No = B.No
Group By A.No;

Your Query does not include the specified expression, how to fix it?

I don't understand why my sql is not running,
it pop out a window say
"Your query does not include the specified expression ' SUM(SaleRecord.Number)*(product.Price' as part of an aggregate function"
SELECT SUM(SaleRecord.Number)*(Product.Price) AS TotalIncome
FROM Product, SaleRecord
WHERE Product.ProductID=SaleRecord.SaleProduct;
Product.Price is not part of the aggregate. Presumably, you intend:
SELECT SUM(SaleRecord.Number * Product.Price) AS TotalIncome
ON Product.ProductID=SaleRecord.SaleProduct;
Note that I also fixed the archaic join syntax.
You asked in my previous answer:
"thank you, I just make some mistake, now it is working. And sorry to
bother you more, I want to select the product who sell the most out,
how can I do it, I try to add MAX(xxx) on it, and it don't work"
Now, I am by no means an expert, but there are two processes going on. Your language is confusing so I'm going to assume you want to know which product sells the most in $$ terms (rather than count. For example, you might sell 1,000 $0.50 products, equallying $500 total sales, or 10 $500 products, totallying $5000. If you want the count or the dollar value, then the method changes slightly).
So the first process is to get the total sales of each product, which I outlined above. Then you want to nest that inside a second query, where you then select the max. I'll give you the code and then explain it:
SELECT ProductID, MAX(TotalSale)
SELECT P.ProductID, SUM(S.Number)*P.Price AS TotalSale
FROM Products as P, SaleRecords as S
WHERE product.Productid = SaleRecord.SaleProduct
GROUP BY Product.ProductID
It's easiest to imagine this as querying a query. Your first query is in the FROM() statement. That will run and give you the output of total sale per product. Then the second query is ran (the top most SELECT line) that selects the productID and the sale amount that is the largest among all the products.
Your teacher may not like this since nesting queries is a little advanced (though completely intuitive IMO). Hopefully this helps!
You brackets are wrong - for each row you want to multiply the price by the number, and only then sum them:
SELECT SUM(SaleRecord.Number * Product.Price) AS TotalIncome
FROM Product, SaleRecord
WHERE Product.ProductID = SaleRecord.SaleProduct;
You have a bracket error:
SELECT SUM(SaleRecord.Number * Product.Price) AS TotalIncome
SaleRecord ON Product.ProductID = SaleRecord.SaleProduct;
This is because you're not indicating which column to group by. The line you wrote is:
SUM(SaleRecord.Number) * Product.Price
Which sums all of the sale quantities (regardless of differences in product ID) and multiplies it by the price right? Well what if you have multiple products with different prices? Basically, you are doing a one to many match, where you have a total that is the sum of all the sales, multiplied by multiple prices. What you need is a group by command. I would modify your code to say:
SELECT Product.ProductID, SUM(SaleRecord.Number)*Product.Price AS TotalSales
FROM Product, SaleRecord
WHERE product.Productid = SaleRecord.SaleProduct
GROUP BY Product.ProductID
That should take care of it, telling the dbms to group each product together, sum the number of sales and then multiply by the price of that product.
You can nest that inside another query to get total Income:
SELECT SUM(TotalIncome)
FROM ( **the above code here)
EDIT: Or you can do it like the ways listed above where your query creates a TotalIncome for each ORDER, and then sums them all together. my way creates a total sale for each PRODUCT and then sums all the products

SQL for price difference calculation

I've got two tables that I'm trying to grab data from. The first is a 'titles' table, which represents product information (name, unique ID, etc). The second is a 'prices' table which collects price information for various currencies (each product can have multiple historic entries in the prices table).
I've written a fairly long-winded SQL statement to grab the latest price changes across products, but there are some issues that hopefully more experienced users will be able to help me out with:
prices.timestamp < p.timestamp
prices.timestamp DESC
LIMIT 1) AS last_value
prices AS p
titles AS t
t.row_id =
prices.timestamp < p.timestamp
prices.timestamp DESC
p.timestamp DESC,
last_value DESC
LIMIT 0, 25"
The first issue I've run into is that, while this query works, titles appear multiple times in the same listing. While this is expected, I'd ideally like only the latest price change to be displayed for the title. To solve this, I tried GROUPING by the titles 'id' (note the: GROUP BY above). Unfortunately, while I'd expect the GROUP to respect the ORDER BY (which orders the latest price changes in DESC order), the results seem to remove the latest changes and show the GROUP'd titles with earlier price values.
Secondly, is there any better way to grab the last price of each item (currently I grab the current value, and then run a subquery to grab the 'last_value' - which effectively represents the value before the current price change). At the moment I run two subqueries: one to grab the second to last known price, and again to ensure that a previous price exists in the database (otherwise there's no point in listing the title as having a price change).
Any help would be appreciated!
How about this:
SELECT,, titles.type, prices.value, MAX(prices.timestamp)
FROM titles, prices
WHERE prices.row_id = AND'US';
Mind you, I don't have MySQL installed so I couldn't try this query.
[Edit:] I think it won't work 'cause it'll always display the last price entered for all the items because it'll always choose the highest timestamp from the prices table, maybe a group by will do, I'm really sleepy now and I can't think straight;
[Edit2:] How about this:
(SELECT max(report_run_date) as maxdate, report_name
FROM report_history
GROUP BY report_name) maxresults
SELECT,, titles.type, prices.value,
(SELECT MAX(prices.timestamp) as maxtimestamp FROM prices GROUP BY prices.row_id)
FROM titles, prices
WHERE prices.row_id = AND'US';