Error installing sql server 2012 Entreprise Edition - sql-server-2012

I m trying to install sql server 2012 entrprise (or Express ) edition in my computer but i get the this error message:
The operating system on this computer does not meet the minimum requirements for SQL Server 2012. For Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 operating systems, Service pack 2 or later is required. For windows 7 or windows server 2008 R2, Service pack 1 or later is required. For more information, see Hardware and software requirements for installing SQL Server 2012 at***
I read the requirements of microsoft but i didn't find a solution.
I have windows 7 Integral Edition & below are my system informations,
-- processor - Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700 # 2.53 GHz
-- RAM - 3 GB
-- System type - 32 bit OS
(.Net Framework 4.5 is available - PowerShell is installed & i am using Visual studio ultimate 2012 )

As per Microsoft's requirements page (which is linked in the error message):
SQL Server Enterprise Edition requires Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 SP2. It will not install on Windows 7.
SQL Server Express Edition (which is a very different thing to Enterprise Edition) will install on Windows 7 but it requires a minimum of Windows 7 SP 1, which it seems you don't have. If so, you must install Windows 7 service pack 1.


Localdb bcryptkeyderivation error

I built a Windows Forms app with Visual Studio and I am trying to install it on another Windows 7 computer with Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express LocalDB.
After I start the app and try to “login”, I get an error from sqlservr.exe that says:
cannot find entry point, bcryptkeyderivation, bcrypt.dll.
I tried it on another pc with Windows 10 and there were no errors.
Your edit pretty much sums it up.
SQL Server 2017 Express LocalDB isn't supported on Windows 7. The SqlLocalDB.msi installer for me but when I tried to start an instance it would give the "BCryptKeyDerivation could not be located" error. Anecdotally 2016 is supposedly not supported, but it installed and default instances run for me.
Per Microsoft :
Supported Operating System:
Windows 10 , Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows
Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
Some additional information indicating that you'll need at least Windows 8
BCryptKeyDerivation function
The BCryptKeyDerivation function derives a key without requiring a
secret agreement. It is similar in functionality to BCryptDeriveKey
but does not require a BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE value as input.
Minimum supported client
Windows 8 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps | UWP apps]

Can Reporting services be installed on a Windows server 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise edition

Am currently working through the mspress book to do the exam 70-462 and one of the questions asks what versions of sql and windows server reporting services can be installed on.
I was quite shocked to find that it said that Reporting services cannot be installed on a windows server 2008 R2 SP1 for SQL Enterprise edition.
I really dont see how this could be the case and having trawled through the msdn documentation cannot find any evidence to support this.
Can anyone shine any light on whether this is the case?
You should be able to install it on Windows Server 2008 R2 according to the following paragraph found on the link below it:
"Starting in SQL Server 2008 R2, the Reporting Services component no longer supports Itanium-based servers running Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2003 R2. Reporting Services continues to support other 64-bit operating systems, including Windows Server°2008 for Itanium-Based Systems and Windows Server°2008°R2 for Itanium-Based Systems. To upgrade to SQL Server 2008 R2 from a SQL Server 2008 installation with Reporting Services on an Itanium-based system edition of Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2003 R2, you must first upgrade the operating system."
It is under: Processor, Memory, and Operating System Requirements.

What version of JET does Windows Server 2003 ENT SP2 use?

Normally when you look software on Wikipedia you can find information regarding the version numbers of a product and what the differences are between versions.
In the JET Wikipedia page I found the corresponding MS Access version and expected to find the corresponding JET engine version number...but it was not there, instead a there is dash!
Scanning the text of the article a bit I find that:
"Jet has been included in every version of Windows from Windows 2000 to
Windows 7...Access 2003 relied on the Jet
engine component of the operating system for its data storage and
query processing."
- Wikipedia, Microsoft Jet Database
At this point I'm not certain if the versions of Windows 2000-7 includes the Windows Server versions as well.
And if it does include them, then what version of JET would MS Access use on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2?
Msjet40.dll Jet 4.0 release level
4.0.2927.4 Service Pack 3 (SP3)
4.0.3714.7 Service Pack 4 (SP4)
4.0.4431.1 or
4.0.4431.3 Service Pack 5 (SP5)
4.0.6218.0 Service Pack 6 (SP6)
4.0.6807.0 Service Pack 6 (SP6) shipped only with Windows Server 2003
4.0.7328.0 Service Pack 7 (SP7)
4.0.8015.0 Service Pack 8 (SP8)
4.0.8618.0 Windows XP SP2 and Security Bulletin MS04-014
4.0.9025.0 Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4
4.0.9505.0 Windows Server 2003 SP2
4.0.9511.0 Windows XP SP3 and Security Bulletin MS08-028
4.0.9635.0 Windows Vista
4.0.9704.0 Windows Vista SP1 and Windows Server 2008
How to determine the current release level of Jet 4.0

Migrate Windows Server 2003 to 2008 & Data Loss

I would like to know if I migrate from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008 (x64) do I have to reinstall all applications in new Operating System or I will be able to simply upgrade the OS without any data loss.
Check out this MS Technet Forum thread.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2003 R2 can both be upgraded in-place to Windows Server 2008, as long as you keep the following in mind:
The Windows Server 2003 patchlevel should be at least Service Pack 1
You can't upgrade across architectures (x86, x64 & Itanium)
Standard Edition can be upgraded to both Standard and Enterprise Edition
Enterprise Edition can be upgraded to Enterprise Edition only
Datacenter Edition can be upgraded to Datacenter Edition only
This might be your preferred option when:
Your Active Directory Domain Controllers can still last three to five years economically and technically)
You worked hard to get your Active Directory in the shape it's in.
Your servers are in tip-top shape.

SQL Server Enterprise Manager Download? (Or Windows 7 equivalent?)

I maintain a couple of older sites running SQL Server 2000 and 2005. On my old XP box I was using SQL Server Enterprise Manager to access them.
I'm now on a Windows 7 box. Is that product still available for download/install and will it run on Windows 7? I can't seem to find a download for that specific component.
Or is there an alternative for Windows 7? I tried install SQL Server 2008 Manager Express, but the fails halfway through on Windows 7. I do have XP running in Virtual Box so could get by with Enterprise Manager if I could figure out where to install it from.
Enterprise Manager only supports up to sql server 2000. You can't use it to access sql server 2005. Instead, you need Sql Server Management Studio. You can download the express edition here:
I'm running both management studio and windows 7 just fine.
As for enterprise manager, it was never available for download. You had to install it from the media that came with sql server. Similarly, if you want a non-express edition of management studio you need to install it when running setup for sql server.