Is there a known database or a way to retrieve icons of different apps - ios7

I am building some software that requires me to display the icons of different apps, and possible save them on a database so I can look it up on demand?
I know you can get the url scheme but is that all you can do with it ? Or is there a way to get the app icons ?
For instance is there a way to get the icon of angry birds via an API call to the IOS system ?

In a non-jailbroken iPhone, you cannot get it from the OS.
You need to query the iTunes service from Apple to get this info ex:
See this SO post for more detail
Get other application icon image in my Application


Display Traffic in iOS7 app using MapKit

Is there a way I can display Traffic in an iOS7 app using Mapkit? I believe it can be achieved if Google Maps SDK for iOS is used but can it be done using iOS's Mapkit?
I'm sure you've noticed that the MKMapView's showsTraffic is only available on iOS 9+.
mapView.showsTraffic = true
In order to achieve this on a pre-iOS 9 application, you'll need to bring in a map tile from an external source to display the traffic. There are several services that do this, I'm not sure what their pricing/free products are. It looks like Here has a good api for it. Once you find the service you want to use to serve your traffic map tiles, you can integrate them into your map app using an MKTileOverlay:

iOS 7 App Operations Running In Background; Saving a Video Recording In Background

I am currently trying to find the most efficient way to continue a method in the background of my app.
I am probably adding location/gps to my app soon, so I was considering using that flag to keep the app Active in the background. However, I do not want to add that flag yet because I want to post an App Update before I add the location functionality.
I know the exceptions;
Apps that play audible content to the user while in the background, such as a music player app
Apps that keep users informed of their location at all times, such as a navigation app
Apps that support Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Newsstand apps that need to download and process new content
Apps that receive regular updates from external accessories
Besides asking for a more generic idea then these ^, can someone explain the "external accessory" flag please? I am recording video from an outside device. However, I do not know what constitutes an "external accessory".
I also see that iOS7 has introduced new Multi-tasking functionality but I haven't seen any examples that I understand can someone also explain that? Maybe that is a viable solution?
Thanks in advance!

How to open the apple app store internally using a modal segue

I am currently making an app that recommends other apps to download on the apple app store. I assumed that the only way for users to download these linked apps was to call the iTunes URL of the particular app -> the apple app store would then open pushing the original calling app into the background -> then the user would press the download button here as per normal.
Then I was playing with the app "App Hero" and they do something I thought wasn't possible. You can actually download another app to your device without ever leaving the "App Hero" application. I thought this was impossible due to sandboxing. They have a modal segue to what appears to be an embedded app store where you can commence installation of another app. This "embedded" app store doesn't have the usual UITabBar running along the bottom but everything else is basically the same.
Does anyone have any idea how they would have achieved this? It doesn't appear to be a UIWebView, perhaps I am wrong. And is this against any of the apple regulations?
*This is no way an advertisement for "App Hero". I am genuinely impressed/confused how they are able to do this and would love this functionality in my own app if it is allowed.
The class you are looking for is called SKStoreProductViewController. Docs here.

Show an app's live tile in a grid Metro app

I was wondering if it's possible to show an app's live tile in my own MetroStyle app in Windows 8.
Short answer : no.
Longer answer : You can't show another app's live tile directly in your app, but you can probably put together something that looks and feels like a live tile. If the other app is another one of your apps, you can probably send your tile updates to the original app, and also provide the data to the host app (in which you want to show this tile). It shouldn't be too hard to do, and the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone has a HubTile control that givers the basis of something similar for that platform.
If the app whose tile you want to access is not something you control, you won't be able to get any of the "live" data due to the heavily sandboxed nature of Metro apps.

How do access native APIs with Sencha Touch?

If I wanted to create a mobile app that allows the user to take pictures with their phone, record audio notes and record video, how would I do that?
I was browsing through the Sencha Touch 2 API and while I see documentation on video and audio files, it seems like it is just providing a way for me to access files stored on the phone - not actual triggers to record, or take pictures.
Am I missing something?
How would I do what I want?
In order for Sencha Touch to have access to your phone capabilities, you need to use a product like Phone Gap
Unless there is a HTML5 api for doing those sorts of things I don't think you can do that. I know on PhoneGap there are native extensions added into that platform for access to things like microphone, camera, etc. I don't know if Sencha Touch has added any of those sorts of extensions in order for you do this.
Just thinking out of the box here, but you might be able to put Sencha javascript into a Web View from within an Android Java process. Then the Java code could expose an object in its process as an extension point to the Javascript engine for access to Camera, Microphone, what not.