Custom Shapes from sprites - shapes

I've been working in a project lately and it's almost done so I was wondering if there is an easy way to make an sprite into a turtle shape. e.g.: I'd like to use a pokémon sprite for my turtle. But Turtle Shape Editor errors when I try to load the .png file.
Any ideas? Thanks!

This is not possible.
At least, unless you modify NetLogo yourself (hard), or unless you write an extension (easier). And even if you write an extension, you can't really make turtle shapes actually do what you want; you have to fake it. See discussion at, where I write, "consider writing an extension primitive that renders a raster shape directly to the drawing layer..."
It's an often-requested feature; we've just never gotten around to it.


Imagemap usage in qml

Is there any way to build an image map with qml (qt quick) components directly without importing html code?And I want to it's coordinates be same as html imagemap's coordinates(I dont want to recalculate my image map coords).
my shape is rectangular.tnx
No, there is no way. MouseAreas are always rectangular.
You would need to provide a some kind of collision detection function, to check whether your click happened inside of your object, described by the coordinates.
For this you can implement any of the algorithmns out there, in a way, that it supports your coordinate format. The right choice depends on the characteristics of your objects, like:
Is it a circle?
Is it a regular shape?
Is it convex?
Is it concave?
There are many good pages on collision detection, though a performant implementation might be tricky - especially in QtQuicks JS, so you probably want to do it in C++.
Another shot you might take, is dropping your coordinates, and produce masks that can be used with the solution provided here: (coming from an official example)

Blender, using compositing for light sources

I am in the blender compositing panel and i was using cycles at the time and i found my self making blurs and glares for lights in my scene, however what if i wanted to make two differant emmision objects but have one with differant properties than the other, because i found that when you use compositing it effects the entire image in the mask. i have tried moving too differant layers... but nothing worked. i dont know but masks might work... i havnt tried masks yet.
if any of that made any sense, any opinions would be amazing
thanks -Adam
the most recent update for blender was used "2.78"

java3d simple way to translate object

I am making my first program using Java3D. I have setup some transformGroups that I now need to move in calculated directions. When I looked this up, I found interpolators and alpha objects and waveforms and couldn't understand a word of it. I have done this in the past in OpenGL using simple vectors and frame refreshment. Is there a similar simple way in Java3d? Thanks.
There's no reason you couldn't do it with vectors and frame refresh in Java3D as well.
A simple way would be to attach a behavior to the scenegraph with a WakeupOnElapsedFrames(0) condition, and then have it update the needed transform every frame.
As its simplest, that is was the interpolators are doing for you. Once you get that working, it will probably make more sense as to how you could do it with interpolators.

How to create JPEG image on iOS from scratch

I'm trying to create an objective C classe for my iPad application which can convert a powerpoint file to a jpeg file.
Accordingly i've to read into the pptx format to see how the file is structured and create an image, from scratch, in which i can say this element goes there, this one here, this text there.
But actually i've no idea how to do this, if the best way is to use a already existing framework in iOS or an additional library?
Thanks to everyone ;)
The fastest way to visualize elements is, to me, OpenGL ES. You can use mobile GPU to visualize then there is CIImage for managing image.
Take a look at Quartz 2D, the drawing engine used as the main workhorse for 2D graphics on iOS. It gives you all the primitives for drawing shapes, fills, text and other objects you need to render the presentation.

Translate Colors to Image?

Im not sure how else I should approach it, but if I was to (in my mac application) have a grid of NSViews, which the user can change the colour of each, is it possible to then translate this, so now I have been given a colour for each pixel by the user, make this into an exportable image?
I honestly can't think of how else to do this. I don't want to go ahead an realise I have taken a rather foolish path.
The idea is I will have a grid of squares which the user can paint, a colour in each square, a square representing a pixel in the final image. So they paint with like a paint bucket filling each one, then export it into an actual image file.
Any help much appreciated, thanks.
A grid of NSViews sounds really heavy for what you're doing. Why not write one single custom view that checks the mouse position and modifies the data appropriately? Then you'd write a custom drawing method to fill the custom view, and you could use the same exact draw method to write to an NSImage which you could export.
You'll need to do a bit o' math. For each "pixel", call -set on the appropriate NSColor, then use NSBezierPath's -fillRect method. It may help you to get out a pencil & paper to figure out the math for the rect origins & sizes.
Check for help if you've never done custom drawing before. It's really not that bad, just takes a little reading. :)