I am using UIImagePickerController on iOS7.
I don't want to use basic camera controls, so I set showsCameraControl=NO;
So, I can see not full screen uiimagepickercontroller on my iPhone5s.
The Camera View frame size is that the size before setting showsCameraControl.
And here is my code that define UIImagePickerController in MainViewController
CustomCamera *imagePickerController = [[CustomCamera alloc] init];
imagePickerController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;
imagePickerController.sourceType = sourceType;
imagePickerController.allowsEditing = NO;
imagePickerController.delegate = self;
imagePickerController.showsCameraControls = NO;
'CustomCamera' is almost same as UIImagePickerController class(has .xib).
How can I solve my problem?
You should read the class reference for UIImagePickerController.
Important: The UIImagePickerController class supports portrait mode
only. This class is intended to be used as-is and does not support
subclassing. The view hierarchy for this class is private and must not
be modified, with one exception. You can assign a custom view to the
cameraOverlayView property and use that view to present additional
information or manage the interactions between the camera interface
and your code.
If you have modifications you wish to make, it must be done solely via cameraOverlayView property. Otherwise, you could use AVFoundation do accomplish this if you want total control over how things look.
How to save photos taken using AVFoundation to Photo Album?
- (UIViewController *)activityViewController
I created a custom UIACtivity that returns a view controller that displays a popup. This allows the user to do some editing before performing the actual activity.
With ios below 8, my background with transparency that looks like an overlay works (I can see my game underneath) but after updating to ios8, the background becomes solid color gray. I checked the UIImageView displaying my overlay image with alpha and it is set to clear. Can someone tell me why the background suddenly becomes solid? I couldn't see the view of my game underneath anymore.
Here's my code:
- (IBAction)didPressShareButton:(id)sender
[_rootViewController presentViewController:[self getActivityViewController] animated:YES completion:nil];
The _rootViewController is the main view controller of my application.
The [self getActivityViewController] returns an instance of UIActivityViewController which includes my custom UIActivity for instagram
My InstagramUIActivity overrides this function to return a custom viewcontroller (see attached image)
- (UIViewController *)activityViewController
dismissalAC = [[InstagramDismissal alloc]init];
presentationAC = [[InstagramPresentation alloc]init];
instagramVC = [[InstagramViewController alloc]initWithInstagramPhoto:_instagramPhoto];
instagramVC.delegate = self;
if ([instagramVC respondsToSelector:#selector(setTransitioningDelegate:)]) {
instagramVC.transitioningDelegate = self;
return instagramVC;
dismissalAC and presentationAC are just objects that implement the UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol so I could have my own transition animation.
When I return my custom view controller, it pops up but along with it is a view with white background. I don't know why.
instagramVC.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen;
instagramVC.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext;
I encountered this problem in my apps too.
Since iOS 8, Apple forbids subclassing nor customizing the subviews of an UIActivityViewController.
If you did so on your app, the app shows an overlay over your view and an empty gray list without any buttons. In this case, you must kill your app to dismiss the UIActivityViewController.
To replace this behavior, I simply creating a view (either programmatically or from storyboard) with the same layout and you can make it appear from bottom of the screen (with an animation). Ask me some example code if needed.
I'm using the following code in my app (viewDidLoad method) to display AdMob ads:
// Create a view of the standard size at the bottom of the screen.
// Available AdSize constants are explained in GADAdSize.h.
bannerView_ = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner];
// Specify the ad's "unit identifier." This is your AdMob Publisher ID.
bannerView_.adUnitID = #"ABC";
// Let the runtime know which UIViewController to restore after taking
// the user wherever the ad goes and add it to the view hierarchy.
bannerView_.rootViewController = self;
[self.view addSubview:bannerView_];
// Initiate a generic request to load it with an ad.
[bannerView_ loadRequest:[GADRequest request]];
If I use that code in another app or in the table view of this app (root view controller), the ad displays ok. Using it in my UIWebView and nothing happens.
Can anyone suggest what the issue might be please?
What do you mean when you say you 'use it in you UIWebView'?
Are you adding the GADBannerView as a subview to your UIWebView? Because that will not work. You'd be better off decreasing the height of your UIWebView and adding the GADBannerView to some type of container view that also contains your UIWebView.
Basically, make the UIWebView and the GADBannerView siblings in the view hierarchy.
I'm trying to get voice over working with an openGL view, specifically from the cocos2d framework.
From the Apple Accessibility guide I followed this section: Make the Contents of Custom Container Views Accessible
I've subclassed the view (CCGLView for cocos2d people), which is a UIView, to implement the informal UIAccessibilityContainer protocol.
UIAccessibilityContainer implementation in my subclassed UIView:
-(NSArray *)accessibilityElements{
return [self.delegate accessibleElements];
return NO;
return [self accessibilityElements].count;
return [[self accessibilityElements] indexOfObject:element];
return [[self accessibilityElements] objectAtIndex:index];
This code is getting called and -(NSArray *)acessibilityElements is returning an array of UIAccessibilityElements. However the voice over controls are not showing up when I touch the screen. Any ideas on what I'm missing or doing wrong?
Other Information:
I'm using a storyboard and adding the CCGLView to the UIView in the storyboard. The _director.view is the CCGLView that I subclassed.
// Add the director as a child view controller.
[self addChildViewController:_director];
// Add the director's OpenGL view, and send it to the back of the view hierarchy so we can place UIKit elements on top of it.
[self.view addSubview:_director.view];
[self.view sendSubviewToBack:_director.view];
For a while I suspected that because I added the subview that this was causing it not to show up, but I also tried subclassing the UIView in the storyboard the same way but it was also not working.
Also this is how I am creating each UIAccessibilityElement in the array.
UIAccessibilityElement *elm = [[UIAccessibilityElement alloc] initWithAccessibilityContainer:view];
elm.accessibilityFrame = f;
elm.accessibilityLabel = t.letter;
elm.isAccessibilityElement = YES;
elm.accessibilityHint = #"Button";
elm.accessibilityValue = t.letter;
elm.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton;
Found a solution that is working now, in case anyone has this problem. -(id)accessibilityElementAtIndex:(NSInteger)index was returning a properUIAccessibilityElement but it looks like it wasn't getting retained by whatever Accessibility API is using it. I made a strong NSArray property to hold the UIAccessibilityElements and now it is working fine.
I want to create an object that I can present modal view, like UIImagePickerController. With UIImagePickerController I create the object, configure it, then present it modally. like:
UIImagePickerController *imagePicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
//Configure the UIImagePickerController
imagePicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;
imagePicker.mediaTypes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: #"public.movie", nil];
imagePicker.videoQuality = UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeMedium;
imagePicker.cameraDevice = UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceRear;
imagePicker.cameraCaptureMode = UIImagePickerControllerCameraCaptureModeVideo;
imagePicker.delegate = self;
imagePicker.allowsEditing = YES;
//Present the Controller
[self presentModalViewController:imagePicker animated:YES];
I want to do the same thing. I want to have a controller I can instantiate, configure, then present it. I am confused on how to proceed with that though. Do I use a standard UIViewControler (looking into UIImagePickerController header I see apple uses UINavigationController)? How do I connect a view to this controller? Is it a story board or just a xib file. I want to build my controller this way because object can be useful to reuse in other projects so I would love to just be able to send it to the other project with documentation on how to configure it and they can just plug it in and it works (basic object orientation). Are there any basic guides on how to do this?
Thank you for reading and the help.
A good place to start with understanding how to do this would be to see Apple's View Controller Programming Guide for iOS. It gives some good examples and different options on how you could get this accomplished.
Also, have you done/found any simple tutorials that show the process of building a simple application?
Good luck.
We've been having trouble with this issue for a while, and just cannot find the answer to it in the docs or online searches..
Our iOS game is based on OpenGL ES, and we are implementing GameCenter turn based gaming. The following code shows a matchmaking UI for creating a turn based match. This code works fine on my iPad 1 and iPad 3. However, it will not work on my iPhone 4S!
[ UPDATE: ] We were using a UIWindow at the top of the View hierarchy, with a GL View / Layer as a sub view. This obscured the new view when it was presented. I can see this window now by adding a UIView into the main window, and the GL view as a child of it. However, I still cannot interact with this view..
This code is from a .mm file where we mix C++ and Objective-C code.
// Configure the match making view, with our own delegate
GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController *mmvc =
[[GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController alloc]
mmvc.showExistingMatches = YES;
// Uses our own delegate.
g_pTurnBasedDelegate = [[TurnBasedDelegate alloc] init];
mmvc.turnBasedMatchmakerDelegate = g_pTurnBasedDelegate;
// Get the main window's root controller and instruct it to show the match making delegate.
if(g_Env && g_Env->m_pWindow)
RefPtr<WindowIOS> pIOSWin = ref_static_cast<WindowIOS>(g_Env->m_pWindow);
UIWindow * pUIWin = (UIWindow *)pIOSWin->GetHandle();
UIViewController * pController = [pUIWin rootViewController];
g_pRootViewController = pController;
[g_pRootViewController presentViewController:mmvc animated:YES completion:nil];
Came back to this issue after a while. The problem was not with the Game Center controllers, but rather with how we were setting up our main application views. This just happened to work on iPad, but not on iPhone.
For our application, we need to initialize the whole view hierarchy in code instead of using a NIB / Storyboard.
Our old initialization steps were:
UIWindow init and make key.
UIWindow addView (our OpenGL window).
UIWindow addView (a touch responder UIView).
UIWindow rootViewController = [[ViewController alloc] init];
Adding our views directly to UIWindow would impede the functionality of View Controllers and cause undefined behavior on iPhone vs. iPad.
Our new initialization steps (to fix these issues if anyone is having them):
UIWindow init and make key.
UIWindow rootViewController = [[ViewController alloc] init];
rootViewController.view = [[GLAndTouchView alloc] init];
Hopefully, anyone stuck with the same problem will find this useful.