Access the glassfish server web application remotely - glassfish

I am able to access an application on glassfish server locally via http://localhost:8080/domain1 or http://<machine-ip>:8080/domain1. However, I am unable to access it from another remote machine.
When I put http://<machine-ip>:8080/domain1 in a browser, connection timed out.
Firewall is off on both machines and I have also add machine-ip to /etc/hosts file. I can ping glassfish server machine I am using redhat enterprise 6.3 linux on which glassfish is installed.
Please tell how to access it via IP. DO we need to change any configuration file?
Any help would be really appreciated.

This might be a problem because of Selinux policy being in enforcing mode.
Try changing it to passive or disabled mode and then try accessing your server.


Web access to Gluu v4.0 server, installed on Ubuntu 20 machine

I have installed Gluu server version 4.0 on an Ubuntu ver.20 powered machine. After running setup script I am able to login to server from command line and according to Gluu docs I should be able to access UI from web browser using this pattern https://<hostname-where-gluu-server-installed>.
But this doesn't work. I have enabled port 443. Both browser and server are on the same machine. Thanks in advance for your answers!
Gluu must be deployed on a server or VM with a static IP Address. The static IP address should resolve to a computer hostname which can be achieved by adding an entry to the DNS server or in /etc/hosts.
More information on official Gluu docs:

Remote Debug Weblogic Clustered Servers

I have a java application which is currently deployed in weblogic clustered environment with 2 managed servers. Would like to enable remote debugging for me to investigate further the issue on session data replication. I followed the steps provided here. After restarting the 2 managed servers, it seems the configuration has no effect. I used the same debug config below in my 2 managed servers.
-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8457,server=y,suspend=n
I also tried adding the below line on each managed server startup script.
export debugFlag=true
export DEBUG_PORT=8457
I use telnet command and got this error: Could not open connection to the host, on port 8457: Connect failed.
Linux firewall is already disabled.
Has anyone already encountered this issue? In addition, how to use it for me to enable debug in my IDE (e.g. Eclipse/IntelliJ)
Thanks in advance for the help.
This is already resolved. As advised by #devwebcl, I put the additional script below in my
export JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8457,server=y,suspend=n"
I put the same argument (e.g. -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8457,server=y,suspend=n) in the Server Start argument section on each managed server in weblogic admin console.
It will make sure that either you start your managed server via weblogic admin console or via shell startup script of each managed server, the same argument will be picked up.

Apache Guacamole-Creating New connection to Windows PC

I have successfully installed Apache Guacamole on my DigitalOcean VPS.
Now I need to create a new connection to my windows 10 pc.
I cannot get that to work.
I am very confused what settings I need to fill in to connect to the pc.
Here are screenshots of the settings I can fill in. I am going to use RDP and am unsure how to find the domain, host, etc of my pc. Maybe there is other settings I need to fill in too?
Please help as I have been trying for weeks. Thank You.
New Connection Settings Picture
New Connection Settings Picture
First, make sure that both tomcat and guacd services are running. Usually, both are installed on the same machine.
On the settings page, select RDP as the protocol (in the images you have posted, VNC is selected). Next, in the "Parameters" section, enter hostname ip and RDP port (3389 is the default). If guacd is on the same host as tomcat, there is no need to enter anything in the "Guacamole proxy parameter" section.
The settings page is a bit different when RDP is selected, but you should also populate windows username, password and domain of the remote PC where you want to connect. The parameters are the same as the one you are normally using to logon to this PC.
Also, make sure that the remote windows 10 PC is accessible from the DigitalOcean VPS. You may test this by logging to the VPS machine and issue the following in the terminal
telnet <remote windows pc ip> 3389
If you can connect with telnet, this means that remote PC RDP server is accessible; otherwise, you have to check for network related issues (firewall, different lans...).
If everything above is ok, then please post the tomcat log (catalina.out) and guacd log (usually in /var/log/syslog).

Bitnami WildFly 10.0.1 on Google Compute Engine can't access management interface

I have recently launched the Bitnami Wildfly on Google Compute Engine. I have done all the configuration and everythings is working fine except for the management interface which give an error message:
The management interface could not be loaded.
Authentication required.
I know i have to create a tunnel via SSH with Putty, I did that and I am able to access the server terminal. The Tunnel i created is to allow connections via localhost:9999 from the remote port 9990.
I have also tried editing standalone.xml and changed the interface to accept connection on , that too did not work.
Kindly assist.
Solved: It appears that when configuring the tunnel use instead of localhost:9990, I guess this is because the standalone.xml is configured to accept connections on

How to configure Glassfish that I can use admin service remote with security enabled and local with security disabled

I need a way to use Glassfish admin service (REST call to deploy and configre) from a remote machine and from local machine (command line and applications).
It is clear that for remote access it is necessary to enable secure admin. If we enable secure admin it will break all local access from applications. These application can not be changed to using https to access the admin service. Only thing I can change is that we can use a different port.
I see two possible ways for me:
Using a hack. So I can administrate with secure administrate disable. So I can use plan http. For use a possible solution, because this machine used internally in a test environment.
Configure Glassfish that we can use admin service remote via secure access https and from a local environment with http.
We prefer solution 1, because it fit better in our environment and we have lesser effort. At the moment I see no way or exist a solution (not for production)?
I tried something for solution 2, simular to http-listener-1 http-listener-2. So use two ports 4848 for local unsecure access and as example 4949 for remote secure access.But I always fail with configuration. So I start with a step by step configuration. First enable admin interface oon two ports and as second step I want to add the secure access to the new port admin-listener. But I got only one of the ports working.Please can anyone help me with target configuration? Any domain.xml will be welcome.
Thanks florian
You can try to use SSH and run asadmin utilities from remote machine.