How to test workflow errors - sharepoint 2010 - sharepoint-2010

My work flow is showing error while run, I dont know how to see the error description
somebody please tell me how to see the error

Look your logs with ULS Viewer. You can filter message level by click the icons in the middle. This can tell you what is going on inside SharePoint.

Look into SharePoint's ULS logs. You can change the granularity of information being logged from the Central Administration. However, errors such as unhandled exceptions are usually logged by default anyway.


Google OAuth2 Demo fails with 403 ["message": "Cannot determine user location for geographically restricted operation."]

While I was checking out some of the Google public APIs for OAuth2, encountered above error message.
I basically didn't change a lot, tried not to add anything invalid as well
but when it goes to Step 3. Configure request to API; it's failing.
When I clicked on the link from the first screenshot, it takes me to the website where I get the second screenshot.
Has anyone worked on this resolved, or anyone who's knowledgeable in this area can help with this?
Thank you in advance!!

Azure App Insights, is there a way to query for thread count details?

this question is mostly for DevOps experts, in app insights.
So I found I have an issue on my app, it seems some threads are being created and not released, causing the thread count to increase and ending at some point in the "CGI error", which usually happens when you exceed your quota in any resource.
I already identified the exceeded resource is thread count thanks to this Metrics option, which gives you a graphical representation on how it is being consumed (and released when an app restart happens)
I would like to have some details on this, not the grouped information but the actual information that is giving this graph, any lead would help me to understand which place is creating and not releasing threads, a namespace, a class name, anything.
Is there another place where I could get this information in a very detailed way? AppInsight queries seems to lack this metric.
Thanks in advance.
AFAIK there is no direct way to do this. The only way that I can see is by adding custom logging inside your application and sending the logs to a Log Analytics Workspace.
Inside your function app in the portal go to 'Diagnostic settings' and connect to your log analytics workspace (if it doesn't exist create one).
Inside the log analytics workspace you will find your custom logs either under a 'Custom Logs' tab or under 'Application Insights' tab, after this find the correct field and parse, something like:
| extend d=parse_json(customDimensions)
| extend processSessionId=d.processSessionId
For Azure related topics there is also a decent Q&A platform here:
For KSQL this is a handy page:
Hope this helps somewhat

All crashes with insights no longer show details?

I have a number of crashes in the dashboard that are denoted as having insights. Great!
Unfortunately every single one of those crashes shows "Hmm, we could not fetch session information" when I click for Issue Details. Showing neither insights nor any other useful information.
Is there a workaround? Or is this a bad Crashlytics dashboard update?
Please check that your Fabric admin did not delete or disable a build. Doing so can cause this symptom.

Can NOT re-publish my Game

So yesterday I Unpublished my Game from Game Services tab because was crashing.
Today I solve some issues and I'm trying to publish it again.
When I select the option "Re-Publish Game" on top-left selector I get:
"You currently don't have the necessary rights to republish this game. Please ask the owner of the 'Unknown Project' project to grant you access."
Game Services: Ready to republish but without permission(?)
The project now called "Unknown Project" contains a link to IAM-ADMIN, where I can see this:
IAM: You don't have permissions to perform the action on the selected resource.
1. I'm able to create a "New Release" from "All applications->Release management" without any issue.. BUT, I can NOT edit the same Application in "Game Services". In other words, the game still published but not editable from Game Services.
Please, some help! Thanks a lot!
You may check in this documentation that the app may be rejected due to a violation of Google Play policies. More information about the violation is available near the top of your app's pages on the Play Console. Once you make a change to your app to address the violation, you can submit it again. You may also refer with this SO thread: How to give access to Google Play Developer Console Game services page to other accounts?. It stated that from this link, you can configure permissions without problems. You have to sign in as the account owner to have full access to all games.

Execution cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound)

I keep getting the errror "Execution 'APPLICATION ID' cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound)" using SQL Server Reporting. It keeps happening for the same user, with the same application ID. While it happens for some other users it happens a lot for this one user. I have tried increasing the session timeout as menetioned here: The users don't say they are experiencing any problems, just us web developers can see them in the exception reporting.
Any thoughts?
We got around this issue with a client by clearing his web cache and deleting his cookies. Weird...
I just resolved this specific error for one user. This user could not run any reports using the report URL from her PC. She could run reports from other PCs though. I discovered that this user had not modified certain IE Internet\Scripting settings nor had this user downloaded the RSClientPrint ActiveX control. Not sure which of these was causing the problem, but when properly set and the user downloaded the RSClientPrint ActiveX control the error went away. Please note that my resolution might not work for you. I have a personal document with the needed settings but could not post them here. You will need to look in Books Online to obtain the internet settings necessary for running reports.
I have answered this in another thread
I hope this helps.