row is not inserting due to SP2-0552 error - sql

I was trying to insert a row in a table. The below given error occurred while inserting
I don't know for what reason it occurred
SQL> insert into priya1 values ('CB','000304105000','A023596','MSC','A',05/7/2013
5:33:57 AM);
SP2-0552: Bind variable "33" not declared.

The error occurs because your date string is not correct, it is not even a string and because in many cases it will not be recognized as a date. Don't depend on defaults for date formats that happen to be in effect, make sure that your code always works by specifying what you insert.
In this case use:
create table z (z date);
insert into z (z) values (to_date('05/7/2013 5:33:57 AM','dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss am'));
1 rij is aangemaakt.

i found an another way for this problem i solved using the given below query and then i inserted rows without adding to_date
alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss am';

it may be case when data contains single quote also produces this error for date column. in that case replace single quote with two single quotes. then record will insert

put the date time value in single quote
insert into priya1 values ('CB','000304105000','A023596','MSC','A','05/7/2013
5:33:57 AM');


DBMS date command [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Not a valid month while inserting data in oracle
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
whenever I'm trying to insert this query I'm getting an error.
CREATE TABLE dateOfBirth(dateOfBirth date);
INSERT INTO dateOfBirth(dateOfBirth)VALUES('1967-11-17');
I'm getting this error:
ORA-01843: not a valid month
Let me try your code:
SQL> CREATE TABLE dateOfBirth(dateOfBirth date);
Table created.
SQL> INSERT INTO dateOfBirth(dateOfBirth)VALUES('1967-11-17');
INSERT INTO dateOfBirth(dateOfBirth)VALUES('1967-11-17')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
Doesn't work either, but - failed with a different error.
Basically, that's what happens (I mean - you get errors) when you're trying to enter a string into a date datatype column. Although it is clear at the first glance that - if you're inserting '1967-11-17' into dateOfBirth - that someone was born on 17th of November 1967. Oracle, unfortunately, isn't that enthusiastic about it. It will try to implicitly convert string to date, but - as you can see, in both your and my case it miserably failed.
Besides, what if you tried to enter e.g. 12-07-05. What is what in this string? Is 12 year (could be), month (could be) or day (could be as well)? The same goes for 07 and 05. Simply, don't do that, don't rely on implicit conversion from anything to something else.
So, what can you do about it? Obviously, insert a valid DATE datatype value! How? For example:
use date literal which always looks like date 'yyyy-mm-dd':
SQL> insert into dateofbirth (dateofbirth) values (date '1967-11-17');
1 row created.
or, use to_date function with appropriate format mask:
SQL> insert into dateofbirth (dateofbirth) values (to_date('17.11.1967', ''));
1 row created.
or, alter session and set date format so that Oracle recognizes it (as you'll see, your "initial" insert will now succeed):
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
Session altered.
SQL> INSERT INTO dateOfBirth(dateOfBirth)VALUES('1967-11-17');
1 row created.
Quite a few options. Therefore, if you take control over it, there'll be no problem at all.
Your insert statement tries to squeeze a string into a date column. Oracle must use implicit conversion in order to allow this to happen, this will use the sessions NLS parameters. In your example, the implicit conversion does not work with the string you have given it.
Implicit conversion is an easy way to end up with corrupt data or errors (as you are seeing now), you should always use explicit conversion so that you can be sure the string is being converted with the correct date format no matter what the session's settings are:
CREATE TABLE dateOfBirth(dateOfBirth date);
INSERT INTO dateOfBirth(dateOfBirth)VALUES(to_date('1967-11-17','yyyy-mm-dd'));
Once the data is stored in the table as a date, it can be displayed with whatever date format you prefer:
select to_char(dateOfBirth,'dd/mm/yyyy') dateOfBirth from dateOfBirth;
Or you can leave it up to the client's session settings to decide how to display it (making it the responsibility of the client to make it correct).
select dateOfBirth from dateOfBirth;

insert timestamp oracle

I have a table with the following format:
-I want to insert a timestamp in the following format: e.g. 2020-07-27T23:33:41.427330
-I'm getting the following error:
SQL> insert into perflog(REQ_TIME) VALUES(2020-07-27T23:33:41.427330);
SP2-0552: Bind variable "33" not declared.
I don't get how to declare the timestamp in order to insert dates like the above. Sorry if it is a noob question but I'm a begginer.
Simply wrapping your value in single quotes isn't enough:
insert into perflog(REQ_TIME) VALUES('2020-07-27T23:33:41.427330');
ORA-01843: not a valid month
The actual error you get will depend on your session's NLS settings (and it's possible it would work - for you, if you set your session up in a certain way - but then not necessarily for anyone else.)
Oracle has timestamp literals which you can use instead of to_timestamp(), but unfortunately they don't allow the "T":
insert into perflog(REQ_TIME) VALUES(TIMESTAMP '2020-07-27T23:33:41.427330');
ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
and you can't remove it within the call (e.g. with replace) as that then isn't a literal; so you would have to change the "T" to a space externally:
insert into perflog(REQ_TIME) VALUES(TIMESTAMP '2020-07-27 23:33:41.427330');
If you're stuck with a string with that format then use an explicitly to_timestamp() call to convert your string to the data type you want, supplying the matching format mask, including a character-literal `"T"':
insert into perflog(REQ_TIME)
VALUES(TO_TIMESTAMP('2020-07-27T23:33:41.427330', 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF6'));
It's worth noting that timestamps (and dates) do not have a specific human-readable format when stored in the database. Oracle uses one of several internal representations, depending on the flavour of datetime you're using. Your client, IDE or application will format that as a readable string when you query the data, usually using your session NLS settings again. To get the data back as a string in a specific format you should use to_char() with the appropriate format supplied.
db<>fiddle with some examples.
Use a timestamp literal using a space character instead of a T:
insert into perflog(REQ_TIME) VALUES( TIMESTAMP '2020-07-27 23:33:41.427330');

Column of Date type and inserting value into it

Hi I created a table in which one column is of date type and also works as PK. I tried to insert value 2009-01-07 into this column and had this error. Isn't Date default format yyyy-mm-dd? I don't understand this.
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
This is my query:
Values ('2009-01-07', other column values)
Your value '2009-01-07' should be converted.
Date literals are always a deep source of troubles... Best was, to use either
Unseparated: 20090107
ODBC : {d'2009-01-07'}
ISO8601 : 2009-01-07T00:00:00
But your format is short ISO 8601 and should work...
Some possible reasons:
Other values in your VALUES list
a trigger
a constraint
As a_horse_with_no_name stated in comment: Without a column list after INSERT INTO Table(col1, col2, ...) There is a great risk to state your values in a different order thus pairing values with the wrong columns...
Invalid (but good looking) dates such as 2016-06-31
Or a - well known - issue with SQL-Server. Sometimes the order of execution is absolutely not the way one expected it. There are several issues with conversion errors...
What you can try
Use ODBC format (which is treated as DATETIME immediately)
DECLARE a variable with this value and put it in place
Thank you all for the prompt replies. I read and tried all of them and found out why.
'2009-01-07' can be inserted into a Column with "Date" as data type if no CONSTRAINT has issue with that;
my problem was caused by a CHECK constraint on that column.
Originally I set CONSTRAINT as
Column_Name = 'Wednesday'
After I modified it to
DATEName(dw,[Column_Name]) = 'Wednesday'
the inserting began to work.
Thanks again.

ORA-00917: Missing Comma SQL Oracle error

I am using Oracle SQL and have just altered a table and added a column named Date_Employed
ALTER TABLE Employees ADD Date_Employed date;
My problem is that whenever I try to insert a value into the Date_Employed column i get an error ORA-00917: Missing comma when I type in the code below
INSERT INTO Employees(Date_Employed) VALUES (26 September 2001);
I would like to know whether the method I am using to try to input data into the column is correct? and if it is not, what is the correct way to insert date data into the column?
Also, I would like to know, why I am getting the error I described?
Use a proper date format for Oracle and enclose it in single quotes:
INSERT INTO Employees(Date_Employed)
VALUES (DATE '2001-09-26');
Employees (Date_Employed)
(TO_DATE('2003/05/03 21:02:44', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'));
You are getting error because oracle is not able to understand the date format you have given.

How to Insert table column values: month & day from column datetype

I'm using Oracle 11g Schema
I want to select the month and day from a date concatenate it and put it into a column.
The syntax I have here makes sense but its throwing an error of..
"SQL Error: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis"
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Some points first...
Your table name has a space in in
Your not enough columns error is caused by you having more than one column in the table
You really shouldn't be doing this at all
If ret_date is a column don't encapsulate it in quotation marks (') as you won't be able to convert the string 'ret_date' into a date.
However, assuming ret_date is a string that looks like 13-06-2012
insert into ob_select_lst12_spg_wed (my_column)
If ret_date is a date data-type then you can remove the inner conversion.
insert into ob_select_lst12_spg_wed (my_column)
to_char and to_date both make use of datetime format models, which have a number of options.
Please don't do this though. Always store dates as dates
From your comments ret_date is a date and the column wed is a character. You're getting the error bind variable not declared because you haven't specified the variable. I'm going to assume that ret_date is in another table as it's a date, in which case lose the values key-word and insert directly from that table:
insert into ob_select_lst12_spg (wed)
select to_char(ret_date,'mmdd')
from the_other_table
This shouldn't be required though, you can always convert a date into whatever you want on exit from the database. If you don't store it as a date in the database then it's easy for errors and incorrect values to creep in. I personally would change the column wed to a date, in which case your query becomes the very simple:
insert into ob_select_list12_spg (wed)
select ret_date
from the_other_table
You can then use the correct datetime format model for your needs when selecting from the database.
Sample query to get date, month from date column:
Select ((To_Char(to_date('01-FEB-73','dd-mon-yy'), 'MM'))
||( To_Char(to_date('01-JAN-73','dd-mon-yy'), 'dd')))
from dual;
if RET_DATE is date datatype then use
insert into table_name (columname)
Select ((To_Char(RET_DATE, 'MM'))
||( To_Char(RET_DATE, 'dd')))
from dual;
You are missing extra parentheses. Number of opened ( was 8 and closed ) was 5
Make sure other columns are not required (i.e. Allow NULLs)