What is dojo equivalent of $('body')? - dojo

The following methods returns object
but we can not addClass on it (or any other operation) ?

Please see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/query.html for information on using dojo/query especialy with AMD. dojo/query returns NodeList - an array just like $('.someSelector'). Note that to do something like $('body').addClass('class') you'll need to require dojo/NodeList-dom.
So basic example of adding class using dojo/query (and AMD) would be
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"], function(query){
For the full list of NodeList methods see Dojo docs. Methods could be defined in different modules so look for "Defined by dojo/NodeList-dom" below method name.

In the current versions of Dojo (see 1.9), the technology has changed. To access the body, one would now code:
require(["dojo/_base/window"], function(win) {
var myBody = win.body();
To add a class, one would code:
require(["dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom-class", function(win, domClass) {
domClass.add(win.body(), "someClass");
See also:


Cant access helper methods inside mongoose schema

My directory looks like bellow
My helper module is like
module.exports = {
check: function() {
return 'check';
I want to access helper module inside userModel.js. So I put like
var helper = require('.././controllers/helper');
Then I do console.log(helper.check()); but it shows error helper.check is not a function Or if I do console.log(helper); only it returns {}. How to access the helper module inside models? Thank you.
Since you said it returns {}, can you please check in your helper module that you have imported userModel.js. Because it forms circular dependencies and sometimes result empty json.

How to document an web component with jsdoc3

What would be the way to document a web component using jsdoc3
Here is an example of web component registered with x-tag.
lifecycle : {
created : function(){
accessors : {
code : {
attribute : true
domain : {
attribute : true
Since X-Tag is also just JavaScript, you can simply use the corresponding annotations provided by jsdoc. So things like #memberof etc.
However, Web Components syntax can have its own kind of additional meaning. For example you probably want an annotation for #element or #lifecycleCallback and stuff like this. This is not provided by jsdoc and therefore e.g. Polymer uses it's own documentation annotation using core-component-page.
You either use what jsdoc provides and see what annotations fit best for your use case, or you use something like dgeni which lets you build a documentation tool pipe entirely from scratch, so you have full control over your annotations etc.

dojo 1.7 QueryReadStore parameters

I am new to Dojo, I am using QueryReadStore as the store for loading my TreeGrid, working fine. But the QueryReadStore appends some paramters to the url, parameters like parentId, count, sort etc., I have looked at this link http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.7/dojox/data/QueryReadStore.html, but not able to understand.
Parameters are getting passed like this servlet/DataHandler?start=0&count=25
How to manipulate the parameters, like I want to set the value for parentId paramters so that I only get that particular row details.
In theory you wold have to create a new class by extending the "dojox.data.QueryReadStore", in the link you posted have an example for doing exactly what you want. See if you get it now(changed a bit):
dojo.declare("custom.MyReadStore", dojox.data.QueryReadStore, {
//append here your custom parameters:
var qs = {p1:"This is parameter 1",
request.serverQuery = qs;
// Call superclasses' fetch
return this.inherited("fetch", arguments);
So When come to create the QueryReadStore you actually create a object with the class you defined. something like this:
var queryReadStore = new custom.MyReadStore({args...})
Explore the request parameter passed to the function to see what else you can do.

Angular dynamic factory

I'm trying to use a single controller to list multiple similar collections so I can call different templates with the same controller. In fact, right now I have 6 controllers for listing and another 6 for forms but they're all duplicates.
I've made a non-functional plunker just to show how I intend it to work. I've avoided declaring routeProviders because knowing it wouldn't work I tried to make it as straight to the point as I could.
I've seen on stackoverflow how to declare a class with a dynamic name:
var str = "MyClass";
var obj = new window[str];
But as I have not been able to find where it's stored I'm not able to retrieve it.
Does anyone have a hint on how to do this?
You can use Angular's injector to return the service instance you want. For example:
app.controller('NodeListCtrl', function($scope, $location, $injector) {
var modelName = $location.path().split("/")[1];
$scope.modelName = modelName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + modelName.slice(1);
$scope.nodes = $injector.get($scope.modelName).query();
Note: Don't forget to add the $injector to the controller's function signature.
jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/bmleite/Mvk2y/

AMD and Dojo 1.7 questions

Simple question.
Does AMD DOJO implementation support these type of declarations?
return new Widget({name:"mainApp",template:plain});
Load non-modules, let's say underscore.js
require(['dir/underscore.js'], function(){
_.reduce ...
Yes, but the precise syntax is different to that used in the question.
The Dojo Loader (1.7)
The plugin for loading character data is dojo/text.
The extension should not be used when loading a JavaScript library and the location of the file is set via either a relative of the dojotoolkit base or a packages location declaration in dojoConfig:
require(['underscore'], function( _ ){
_.reduce ...
Configure the namespace in the Dojo configuration to avoid messy import paths - see dojoConfig in the loader documentation.
Also, consider using the dojo/global module and/or defining a Dojo module as a wrapper for Underscore.js:
define(['dojo/global', 'underscore'], function(global){
return global._
With the above consideration, you must have loaded the actual .js file manually. If in conjunction with the dojo/text plugin, one would create a wrapper which also loads the required JS and evaluates it, following could do the trick.
/var/www/dojo-release-1.7/ext_lib/_.js - this sample file is hierachially placed in a library namespace, alongside dojo, dijit, dojox
define(['dojo/global', 'dojo/text!./Underscore.js'], function(global, scriptContents){
return global._ // '_' is the evaluated reference from window['_']
* Alternatively, wrap even further to maintain a closure scope thus hiding _ from global
* - so adapt global.eval to simply eval
* - remove above return statement
* - return a dojo declared module with a getInstance simple method
function get_ () { return _ };
var __Underscore = declare('ext_lib._', [/*mixins - none*/], {
getInstance: get_
// practical 'static' reference too, callable by 'ext_lib.getInstance' without creating a 'new ext_lib._'
__Underscore.getInstance = get_;
return __Underscore;
A sample of defining own modules using declare here
Note: this code is untested; feel free to add corrections.