limit to insert rows into a table (Oracle) - sql

In Oracle pl/sql, I have join few tables and insert into another table, which would result in Thousands/Lakhs or it could be in millions. Can insert as
insert into tableA
select * from tableB;
Will there be any chance of failure because of number of rows ?
Or is there a better way to insert values in case of more no of records.
Thanks in Advance

Well, everything is finite inside the machine, so if that select returns too many rows, it for sure won't work (although there must be maaany rows, the number is dependent on your storage and memory size, your OS, and maybe other things).
If you think your query can surpass the limit, then do the insertion in batches, and commit after each batch. Of course you need to be aware you must do something if at 50% of the inserts you decide you need to cancel the process (as a rollback will not be useful here).

My recommended steps are different because performance typically increases when you load more data in one SQL statement using SQL or PL/SQL:
I would recommend checking the size of your rollback segment (RBS segment) and possibly bring online a larger dedicated one for such transaction.
For inserts, you can say something like 'rollback consumed' = 'amount of data inserted'. You know the typical row width from the database statistics (see user_tables after analyze table tableB compute statistics for table for all columns for all indexes).
Determine how many rows you can insert per iteration.
Insert this amount of data in big insert and commit.
Locking normally is not an issue with insert, since what does not yet exist can't be locked :-)
When running on partitioned tables, you might want to consider different scenarios allowing the (sub)partitions to distribute the work together. When using SQL*Loader by loading from text files, you might use different approach too, such as direct path which adds preformatted data blocks to the database without the SQL engine instead of letting the RDBMS handle the SQL.

To create limited number of rows you can use ROW_NUM which is a pseudo column .
for example to create table with 10,000 rows from another table having 50,000 rows you can use.
insert into new_table_name select * from old_table_name where row_num<10000;


ORACLE 11g SET COLUMN NULL for specific Partition of large table

I have a Composite-List-List partitioned table with 19 Columns and about 400 million rows. Once a week new data is inserted in this table and before the insert I need to set the values of 2 columns to null for specific partitions.
Obvious approach would be something like the following where COLUMN_1 is the partition criteria:
Of course this would be awfully slow.
My second thought was to use CTAS for every partition that I need to set those two columns to null and then use EXCHANGE PARTITION to update the data in my big table. Unfortunately that wouldn’t work because it´s a Composite-Partition.
I could use the same approach with subpartitions but then I would have to use CATS about 8000 times and drop those tables afterwards every week. I guess that would not pass the upcoming code-review.
May somebody has another idea how to performantly solve this?
PS: I’m using ORACLE 11g as database.
PPS: Sorry for my bad English…..
You've ruled out updating through DDL (switch partitions), so this lets us with only DML to consider.
I don't think that it's actually that bad an update with a table so heavily partitioned. You can easily split the update in 8k mini updates (each a single tiny partition):
Each subpartition would contain 15k rows to be updated on average so the update would be relatively tiny.
While it still represents a very big amount of work, it should be easy to set to run in parallel, hopefully during hours where database activity is very light. Also the individual updates are easy to restart if one of them fails (rows locked?) whereas a 120M update would take such a long time to rollback in case of error.
If I were to update almost 90% of rows in table, I would check feasibility/duration of just inserting to another table of same structure (less redo, no row chaining/migration, bypass cache and so on via direct insert. drop indexes and triggers first. exclude columns to leave them null in target table), rename the tables to "swap" them, rebuild indexes and triggers, then drop the old table.
From my experience in data warehousing, plain direct insert is better than update/delete. More steps needed but it's done in less time overall. I agree, partition swap is easier said than done when you have to process most of the table and just makes it more complex for the ETL developer (logic/algorithm bound to what's in the physical layer), we haven't encountered need to do partition swaps so far.
I would also isolate this table in its own tablespaces, then alternate storage between these two tablespaces (insert to 2nd drop table from 1st, vice-versa in next run, resize empty tablespace to reclaim space).

Is bulk insert atomic?

I have table with auto increment primary key. I want insert a bunch of data into it and get keys for each of them without additional queries.
INSERT INTO table (value) VALUES (x),(y),(z);
Could MySQL guarantee, that all data would be inserted in one continuous ordered flow, so I can easily compute id's for each element?
id(z) = last_id;
id(y) = last_id - 1;
id(x) = last_id - 2;
If you begin a transaction and then insert data into a table, that whole table will become locked to that transaction (unless you start playing with transaction isolation levels and/or locking hints).
That is bascially the point of transactions. To prevent external operations altering (in anyway) that which you are operating on.
This kind of "Table Lock" is the default behaviour in most cases.
In unusual circumstances you can find the the RDBMS has had certain options set that mean the 'normal' default (Table Locking) behaviour is not what happens for that particular install. If this is the case, you should be able to override the default by specifying that you want a Table Lock as part of the INSERT statement.
I have a lot of experience on MS-SQL Server and patchy experience on many other RDBMSs. In none of that time have I found any guarantee that an insert will occur in a specific order.
One reason for this is that the SELECT portion of the INSERT may be computed in parallel. That would mean the data to be inserted is ready out-of-order.
Equally where particularly large volumes of data are being inserted, the RDBMS may identify that the new data will span several pages of memory or disk space. Again, this may lead to parallelised operation.
As far as I am aware, MySQL has a row_number() type of function, that you could specify in the SELECT query, the result of which you can store in the database. You would then be able to rely upon That field (constructed by you) but not the auto-increment id field (constructed by the RDBMS).
As far as i know, this will work in pretty much all SQL-engines out there.

Select million+ records while huge insert is running

I am trying to extract application log file from a single table. The select query statement is pretty straightforward.
select top 200000 *
from dbo.transactionlog
where rowid>7
and rowid <700000 and
The query time for above select is above 5 mins. Is it considered long? While the select is running, the bulk insertion is also running.
Actually, I am having serious problem on my current Production logging database,
Basically, we only have one table (transactionlog). all the application log will be insert into this table. For Project like AmWINS, base on select count result, we have about 800K++ records inserted per day. The insertion of record are running 24 hours daily in Production environment. User would like to extract data from the table if user want to check the transaction logs. Therefore, we need to select the records out from the table if necessary.
I tried to simulate on UAT enviroment to pump in the volumn as per Production which already grow up to 10millions records until today. and while i try to extract records, at the same time, I simulate with a bulk insertion to make it look like as per production environment. It took like 5 mins just to extract 200k records.
During the extraction running, I monitor on the SQL phyiscal server CPU is spike up to 95%.
the tables have 13 fields and a identity turn on(rowid) with bigint. rowid is the PK.
Indexes are create on Date, Project, module and RefNumber.
the tables are created on rowlock and pagelock enabled.
I am using SQL server 2005.
Hope you guys can give me some professional advices to enlighten me. Thanks.
It may be possible for you to use the "Nolock" table hint, as described here:
Table Hints MSDN
Your SQL would become something like this:
select top 200000 * from dbo.transactionlog with (no lock) ...
This would achieve better performance if you aren't concerned about the complete accuracy of the data returned.
What are you doing with the 200,000 rows? Are you running this over a network? Depending on the width of your table, just getting that amount of data across the network could be the bulk of the time spent.
It depends on your hardware. Pulling 200000 rows out while there is data being inserted requires some serious IO, so unless you have a 30+disk system, it will be slow.
Also, is your rowID column indexed? This will help with the select, but could slow down the bulk insert.
I am not sure, but doesn't bulk insert in MS SQL lock the whole table?
As ck already said. Indexing is important. So make sure you have an appropriate index ready. I would not only set an index on rowId but also on Project. Also I would rewrite the where-clause to:
WHERE Project = 'AmWINS' AND rowid BETWEEN 8 AND 699999
Reason: I guess Project is more restrictive than rowid and - correct me, if I'm wrong - BETWEEN is faster than a < and > comparison.
You could also export this as a local dat or sql file.
No amount of indexing will help here because it's a SELECT * query so it's most likely a PK scan or an horrendous bookup lookup
And the TOP is meaningless because there is no ORDER BY.
The simultaneous insert is probably misleading as far as I can tell, unless the table only has 2 columns and the bulk insert is locking the whole table. With a simple int IDENTITY column the insert and select may not interfere with each other too.
Especially if the bulk insert is only a few 1000s of rows (or even 10,000s)
Edit. The TOP and rowid values do not imply a million plus

How to quickly duplicate rows in SQL

Edit: Im running SQL Server 2008
I have about 400,000 rows in my table. I would like to duplicate these rows until my table has 160 million rows or so. I have been using an statement like this:
INSERT INTO [DB].[dbo].[Sales]
SELECT [TotalCost]
FROM [DB].[dbo].[Sales]
This process is very slow. and i have to re-issue the query some large number of times Is there a better way to do this?
To do this many inserts you will want to disable all indexes and constraints (including foreign keys) and then run a series of:
SELECT fields FROM mytable
If you need to specify ID, pick some number like 80,000,000 and include in the SELECT list ID+80000000. Run as many times as necessary (no more than 10 since it should double each time).
Also, don't run within a transaction. The overhead of doing so over such a huge dataset will be enormous. You'll probably run out of resources (rollback segments or whatever your database uses) anyway.
Then re-enable all the constraints and indexes. This will take a long time but overall it will be quicker than adding to indexes and checking constraints on a per-row basis.
Since each time you run that command it will double the size of your table, you would only need to run it about 9 times (400,000 * 29 = 204,800,000). Yes, it might take a while because copying that much data takes some time.
The speed of the insert will depend on a number of things...the physical disk speed, indexes, etc. I would recommend removing all indexes from the table and adding them back when you're done. If the table is heavily indexed then that should help quite a bit.
You should be able to repeatedly run that query in a loop until the desired number of rows is achieved. Every time you run it you'll double the data, so you'll end up with:
After nine executions.
You don't state your SQL database, but most have a bulk loading tool to handle this scenario. Check the docs. If you have to do it with INSERTs, remove all indexes from the table first and reapply them after the data is INSERTed; this will generally be much faster than indexing during insertion.
this may still take a while to run... you might want to turn off logging while you create your data.
INSERT INTO [DB].[dbo].[Sales] (
[TotalCost] ,[SalesAmount] ,[ETLLoadID]
,[LoadDate] ,[UpdateDate]
SELECT s.[TotalCost] ,s.[SalesAmount] ,s.[ETLLoadID]
,s.[LoadDate] ,s.[UpdateDate]
FROM [DB].[dbo].[Sales] s (NOLOCK)
CROSS JOIN (SELECT TOP 400 totalcost FROM [DB].[dbo].[Sales] (NOLOCK)) o

Oracle SQL technique to avoid filling trans log

Newish to Oracle programming (from Sybase and MS SQL Server). What is the "Oracle way" to avoid filling the trans log with large updates?
In my specific case, I'm doing an update of potentially a very large number of rows. Here's my approach:
UPDATE my_table
SET a_col = null
WHERE my_table_id IN
(SELECT my_table_id FROM my_table WHERE some_col < some_val and rownum < 1000)
...where I execute this inside a loop until the updated row count is zero,
Is this the best approach?
The amount of updates to the redo and undo logs will not at all be reduced if you break up the UPDATE in multiple runs of, say 1000 records. On top of it, the total query time will be most likely be higher compared to running a single large SQL.
There's no real way to address the UNDO/REDO log issue in UPDATEs. With INSERTs and CREATE TABLEs you can use a DIRECT aka APPEND option, but I guess this doesn't easily work for you.
Depends on the percent of rows almost as much as the number. And it also depends on if the update makes the row longer than before. i.e. going from null to 200bytes in every row. This could have an effect on your performance - chained rows.
Either way, you might want to try this.
Build a new table with the column corrected as part of the select instead of an update. You can build that new table via CTAS (Create Table as Select) which can avoid logging.
Drop the original table.
Rename the new table.
Reindex, repoint contrainst, rebuild triggers, recompile packages, etc.
you can avoid a lot of logging this way.
Any UPDATE is going to generate redo. Realistically, a single UPDATE that updates all the rows is going to generate the smallest total amount of redo and run for the shortest period of time.
Assuming you are updating the vast majority of the rows in the table, if there are any indexes that use A_COL, you may be better off disabling those indexes before the update and then doing a rebuild of those indexes with NOLOGGING specified after the massive UPDATE statement. In addition, if there are any triggers or foreign keys that would need to be fired/ validated as a result of the update, getting rid of those temporarily might be helpful.