Add all Glyphicons to Bootstrap 3 - twitter-bootstrap-3

I'm diggin' the Glyphicons in Bootstrap 3, but it looks like they're not all there! I'd really like to use the building icon, but Googling hasn't turned up much of anything.
Does anyone know how to add the missing Glyphicons to Bootstrap 3?

You can build your own custom font using the free service:
Simply drag your glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg file in, choose the icons you want to use and download a custom font containing only that which you need.
Fontello comes preloaded with the following libraries:
Font Awesome
Modern Pictograms
MFG Labs
Web Symbols
You can also buy the full version of Glyphicons for $59 at

I wanted to use the Glyphicons Pro I'd bought but expanding the current halflings stuff inside bootstrap was messy. So I created a separate css file for each icon set (full, filetypes & social) and copied the way bootstrap initialises them so I could use similar syntax.
<span class="glyphpro glyphpro-download"></span>
<span class="glyphfiles glyphfiles-xml"></span>
<span class="glyphsocial glyphsocial-github"></span>
This way you can load only the ones you want and when you want and you can use the vanilla bootstrap config. Find my files here: Gist#GitHub

I have purchased the full Gylphicons set from and wanted to use all the icons available. If you are using less you may have to do something different I dont know.
What I have done and worked for me after trying various things posted from this thread and others on the stackexchange network is the following:
(1) Backed up my original bootstrap.css file (I have modified mine, plus good idea)
(2) Copied all the glyphicons-regular font files from /web/html_css/fonts directory to the fonts directory where my bootstrap font files are located
(3) Starting on line 263ish of bootstrap.css make the change to reflect like below: (yours might be slightly different)
#font-face {
font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-regular.eot');
src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-regular.eot?#iefix')
format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-regular.woff')
format('woff'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-regular.ttf')
format('truetype'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-regular.svg#glyphiconsregular') format('svg');
They url's should be pointed at the new font files.
(4) If you want all of the glyphs like I did then open up the file in the /web/html_css/css/ directory labeled glyphicons.css and copy all the css for the glyhicons except the part with #font-face{} and the .glyphicon{}
and paste into empty text document.
(5) You will need to do a search and replace (I did anyway) for .glyphicons, mind the (s) at the end and replace with .glyphicon no (s) on the end
(6) Next open up the bootstrap.css file and comment out or remove all the other .glyphicon-whatever styles and paste in your new styles.
(7) You may need to remove the line from the very bottom of the file which point to the file. I didn't have to but you may need to.
(8) Happy Glyphing!
NOTE You should be setup to use all the glyhpicons now. Just keep in mind that some of the names of the glyphicons are different then in the original bootstrap file.
I created a repository for the modified css file:

It would be simpler to just create a custom .png and use css normally.


Empty theme.css when trying to use original Bootstrap 3 files

I tried to adopt the Air theme insinde the current IP.
The problem is that the resulting theme.css stays empty, Ithink due to a compilation error.
I have replaces the original less files of the theme inside the assets/less-subfolder by the twitter Bootstrap less files.
As soon as I include more than ipContent.less and variables.less (for example the original Bootstrap grid.less) the resulting css file becomes empty.
Does anybody have an idea? It's not a file permission issue that's sure.
Something about missing variables I suppose.
Thank you and cheers from Hamburg,

Replace Glyphicons with Font Awesome in CSS using LESS and Grunt

Short version: I would like to use a font set to REPLACE Glyphicons without also including Glyphicons CSS, and without modifying the source bootstrap.less file.
Long version:
Using Bootstrap's own Grunt file and source files as a base, by default a build process will include Glyphicons in the compiled CSS file.
Since I do not plan to use Glyphicons at all, the "lowest hanging fruit" for me is to go ahead and compile this way, but also include the font I will be using (for example, Font Awesome).
However, the more "elegant" way will be to only include the replacement font.
I can modify bootstrap.less, which includes this line:
#import "glyphicons.less";
such that the Font Awesome less file is used instead. However, the problem with this is that I am using Bootstrap as an "untouchable library" not as a modifiable source file. I want to be able to drop in new versions of Bootstrap at a moment's notice without the need to remember to change this modified line.
Does Grunt have the concept of "replace string A with string B in memory before the compile runs"? Or is there another way to accomplish my goal? Or should I just not worry about it and include both sets of compiled CSS?
I think you can use grunt-string-replace

ExtJS 5 Custom Theme Testing

I recently started to create custom theme for ExtJS 5 by Sencha.
Following I managed to create ThemeDemoApp, inherit ext-theme-neptune, change $base-color to green and refresh/rebuild ThemeDemoApp with my-custom-theme. All ok.
My problem is, ThemeDemoApp is quite poor for testing a custom theme. A panel, tab, button and a modal window. That's it?
After bit of googling I bumped into (Why isn't this mentioned in the guide?!) Heading says: View and test every Ext component against bundled Ext Themes, or your own custom themes.
My question is: How? How do I test my own custom theme against this example? Do I have to dig into the source (themes.js) and build such page/application myself?
The examples - including the Theme tester - is included in the ExtJS download.
You can modify the list of themes available by editing the shared/options-toolbar.js file.
To get it to find your theme, you'll either need to name it similar to the others (ext-theme-name), or modify themes.js accordingly.
Or you could just hack the theme.js file to hardcode your theme.
(Ext JS 4 used to create an example page for themes automatically - it doesn't seem to do that now, though)
According to advice at How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? I decided to load both options-toolbar.js and themes.js (with just minor modification - commenting out Ext.onReady(...) function in themes.js) and I used functions getBasicPanel(), getCollapsedPanel(), etc. in my own application to create the same testing page (absolute-layout container that fits the page).
Anyhow, I guess Robert's answer is the correct one - there is no prearranged, ready-to-use functionality from Sencha :-(

Loading custom font in Windows 8 Metro App

I found this link on how to embed custom fonts in XAML apps. Is there some way I can achieve the same while building using JS? The following method did not work.
#font-face {
font-family: "MimicRoman";
src: url("/fonts/MimicRoman.otf") format('opentype');
Looks ok to me, that's how it should work. You are sure the path to the font file is correct and you did also actually use the font-face somewhere? For instance,
body {
font-family: MimicRoman;
Also, you are sure there are no other font-family declarations taking precedence over the declaration you've made? (this can be seen quite easily with the DOM Explorer).
If nothing else works, you might want to test some other font file, just in case that file is corrupt or something (some working examples from here, for instance).

AIR custom transparent chrome problem Flash Builder 4.5.1

I'm re-creating an AIR app with FB 4.5.1. (I've started from scratch, having had trouble importing FB 4 projects).
In the app.xml I have the following defined:
Having done this I still get a full window with titlebar, min, max, and close buttons.
what gives?
I believe you need to create a skin for the application.
This appears in Adobe's forum, and includes an FXP of a functional transparent app:
Setting systemChrome & transparency along with "backgroundAlpha" to "0" would have helped in Flex 3.
But, skinning of components in Flex 4 i.e Spark components is little different and completely customizable.
Following are the steps you need to do make the window transparent.
Set systemChrome to "none" in the XML configuration file
Set transparent to "true" in the XML configuration file
Copy the skin code from <SDK_FOLDER>\frameworks\projects\airframework\src\spark\skins\spark\S parkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin.mxml and paste in a new MXML file.
Set the "alpha" property of "backgroundRect" object inside the skin file to "0".
Assign the newly created skin as the "skinClass" for "s:WindowedApplication" object
Please import the attached FXP file using "File->Import Flex Project" menu and have a look at the code to make it much more clear.
First, I discovered it is easier to interact with app.XML by opening it via "Open With -> Text Editor".
Second, and this is really embarrassing, I had simply failed to remove the comments bracketing
<!-- <systemChrome>none</systemChrome> -->
should have been:
...duh! I knew better, but...
Lastly, for a completely chromeless app, add
to the app header.
that's it!