Port Fowarding port 80 [closed] - apache

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I attempted to forward the port 80. I went to canyouseeme.org to test if it works or not, and it said success. After that once I tried to access it from my public IP, it did not work. It showed me my router cPanel. I use xampp for the apache service.

I also enabled port 80 in port triggering and now it works fine on my DLink Router.


Problem with my mc server created on google vps [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have mc server and when I closing the console my server has stopping, What can I do to keep it active 24/7
This question isn't suited for StackOverflow but more of superuser.
You can try using docker containers for the server.
You can do this on all platforms with docker desktop for windows
You can use the screen command on Linux.
It's also recommended to seek a Minecraft host.

Make my server not browsable by IP address [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am setting up an apache server and I would like to so if someone were to try to browse my ip address, it would just not do anything, or return error 403, rather than default to the first virtual host on it.
How do I go about to get that accomplished?
Remove the default vitual host from your configuration or configure error document in default vitual host.

how to access local webserver [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have an apache server, which I want to access from another pc at home. when I access it by using ip address, it show http 403 error. I can ping the web server and I turned off the firewall from the web server. And there is restrict ip address in the apache config. Thanks for help.
Please check your log and apache configuration
Do you add this line
Require all granted
In your configuration?
Maybe this answer will solve your problem,

user -> guacamole <- vnc server [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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how would you set up a server running guacamole to listen for a reverse vnc connection?
I found a better way, not using guacamole, by running a vnc repeater (i used uvnc repeater), which will listen for connection from the vnc servers and viewers, and connect the servers and viewers that use the same id

Where to configure "ServerTokens" and "ServerSignature" for Apache2 on Ubuntu 11.10 server? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Attempting to configure Apache2 on a new Ubuntu 11.10 web server. Changes to a recent version of Apache has shuffled some config variables around.
"ServerTokens" and "ServerSignature" were previously found in apache2.conf; not anymore.
I have read 2 differing views.
Manually add them to the end of the apache2.conf file, or
Are they being addressed in a different file
Can anyone confirm that #1 is right. Thank you.
All security related settings are in /etc/apache2/conf.d/security