Dynatree or Fancytree for production? - dynatree

I am looking for a javascript solution which can unordered list to a treeview with checkboxes.
So far the best one I have seen is Dynatree. However, looking at the page and the fiddle , I learned that there is a designated successor named Fancytree.
I am planning to implement the solution in a production environment.
Which is the best library to use?

As of today (nov. 2013) Dynatree is the stable version.
While the core functionality in Fancytree is already pretty stable too, there still may be some changes to the API and markup. I am planning to release Fancytree early next year.
So if you want to be on the save side, use Dynatree.
If you are fine with core functionality, want to help to test and improve this open source project and are ready to modify your code every now and then: use Fancytree.
(Disclaimer: I am the author of both.)
Update 2014-05-01
Today I released v2.0.0

Dynatree is EOL. Last commit was on 19 Aug 2016.
I will support Dynatree for a while, but no new features will be added.
It is recommended to migrate to Fancytree. It's easy: see also the migration hints.


New versions of Sencha Touch

I was doing a bit research and I came across this comment.
I have been working with Sencha products since Ext2. Throughout all
these years I have been rewriting my code numerous time just to adapt
to their freaking changing coding pattern.
From the troublesome Class.superclass.method.call() to the new
me.callParent(), till the recent adoption of initialize & removal of
initComponent in ST2, I would suggest you to go for the newest release
since whatever in the past will not be reuse again. Learn the new
coding style, don't waste time on the old structure. It won't help you
much, considering our web is changing very fast and ST1 and ST2 is
pretty disjoint as well.
While 1.1 is good old solid (much like Ext), v2 is much fun to work
with with the auto loader.
I'm ok with change, but I don't feel like revising my application every 6months or so.
My question is: how often does Sencha bring out a new version? (Can be EXTJS or Touch).
I did already try to find it on the website of Sencha but I think previous versions are banned to the dark ages or something.
There isn't a public road map available but like any software that is still growing, expect newer versions to be released. With the mobile space changing at a rapid pace, the Sencha team has to address those changes and meet the needs of their customers. It shouldn't be a deterrent from using Sencha products. In fact, with the release of ST2 and many adoptions from Ext JS4, they have not only simplified their path/direction but made it easier for us developers.
A very quick google for ext js wiki.
A very quick google for sencha touch wiki.

Is there a Dojo calendar similar to the JQuery plugin FullCalendar?

I'm looking a Dojo based calendar that can display events spanning across days in a month view exactly like the JQuery plugin FullCalendar
I work primarily in Dojo and I don't want to load JQuery if I don't need to.
This thread is a bit old now but I wanted to raise that there's now a candidate widget written by me for dojo 1.8+ that does exactly what you need: https://github.com/damiengarbarino/dojo-calendar
I tried to use the dojoc project and finally developed my own widget.
It is heavily customizable, has mouse, keyboard and even touch support, right to left display support, date formatting, custom views etc.
Documentation is available at: http://livedocs.dojotoolkit.org/dojox/calendar
I've been searching for something similiar recently and the best I can find is the 'dojoc' library. It appears to have been apart of the full dojotoolkit at some point but I can't seem to find a whole lot of information on it.
A test page showing it is on the author's website here. The github page for it is here. So far my attempts to locally use it have failed miserably. It seems to be built against an older version of dojo as well since it hasn't been updated in a while.
Although the Dojo 1.8 calendar widget looks promising, the documentation linked here http://livedocs.dojotoolkit.org/dojox/calendar is not up to scratch. Possibly the widget itself is also not ready for general use.
For example, it is proving difficult to prevent a particular event from being edited.
I realise 1.8 is not out yet. I trust the calendar widget and documentation will be better by the time 1.8 is released.

Update core data

I relased version 1 in appstore that contain coredata database , in version 2 I added new fields to the database how to modify dynamically the old database , with keeping the data
I already did without versioning and don't have the old version , and the application will crash on the customer ipad
any suggestion please
take a look at the Core Data Model Versioning and Data Migration Programming Guide
I would encourage you to start using source control. XCode 4 has SVN and Git built in, you should give it a try - both are pretty easy to learn, and prepares you for when you need to have multiple people working on a project. Having your code in source control would have made this a straightforward problem to fix, you can get previous versions of any file at any point in time.
The WWDC 2011 videos have some good content on using source control effectively and efficiently as well.

Is there something similar to Source Code Outliner Power Toy for VS2010?

I absolutely love the Source Code Ouliner power toy that I use in VS2005 but am upgrading to 2010 and it seems they haven't yet released a new version. Is there anything similar that shows you a basic outline of the file you are currently navigating?
ReSharper, amongst many other features, has a File Structure window which does the same as Source Outliner.
For a free one, try the Solution Navigator in the Microsoft Productivity Power Tools.
Like you, I found this a totally great plug in that saved on the order of minutes per day. No more searching for functions! Luckily Source Outliner has been re-created for VS2010 and is still free. However, sbohlen updated it and it now runs on the (free) DXCore environment. I have been using it ever since I upgraded to VS2010.
You can read along as I got this set up, downloaded all the parts and got it running.
The download is here:
You will also need the DXCore community installer from http://www.devexpress.com
But as a ReSharper user for years now, I will use the File Structure - same sort of view and already built in to R#.

Worth Upgrading from Intellij Idea7 to Idea8?

I use Intellij Idea 7 for Java dev. My dev is 'limited' to all J2SE features plus light JSP, Servlets, and super light usage of JPA. No J2EE, no massive use of random frameworks, etc.
Is it worth upgrading to ver 8? "Worth it" to me means better "core functionality" in terms of speed (ESPECIALLY startup speed), memory utilization (seems like it starts having serious problems with four or more projects open), and auto bug-finding.
More frameworks supported and more languages supported (other than perhaps Haskell and C++), and more refactorings don't interest me at this time.
A while back, I installed a preview version of 8 and it seemed -exactly- the same as 7, as far as my needs were concerned.
Anyone loving the upgrade to 8, and if so, why?
It also seems to be easier to configure a new project over top of a complex collection of existing code.
For example, something that you would naturally configure into 5 or more modules.
There is a really beautiful go to/create test wizard that is bound to ctrl-shift-T. Worth the upgrade by itself
The best way to tell is to check out the list of new features and decide for yourself. I haven't discovered any single feature so far that by itself is worth upgrading - the simplified UML view is quite nice, as is the improved Maven integration. The UI feels a bit more streamlined and faster. It seems like most of the attention has gone into non-Java features like better Flex support (which I am really thankful for as I don't like FlexBuilder but I haven't had a chance to use yet).
IntelliJ 8 has a configure plugins feature that allows you to disable plugins with dependencies. Nothing trial and error couldn't replicate, but it is nice.
Startup is only marginally slower. But indexing once opened is a lot faster than before, even unnoticeable for most projects, except after a commit to Subversion. It seems a commit to subversion triggers the indexing twice.
I am working on the Diana-EAP build - but 8 has git integration built in. The EAP has better git integration than the 8.0.1 release - it looks like that is something they are really focusing on.
Definitely not! Seems that the variables defined in our custom taglibs are no longer able to be used in the jsp (worked in 7.0.4). All red. No auto complete.
Oh, and the new settings menu is horrendous!
Some benefits of IntelliJ IDEA 8:
IDEA 8 supports Subversion 1.5 new functionality - e.g. merge tracking, which may be useful especially if your team (like ours) uses a lot of development branches and thus merging is frequent.
One detail I appreciated about IDEA 8: As you probably know, IDEA has had changelists for pretty long now, built on top of any underlying version control system - this is a really useful feature. So, now that Subversion itself supports changeslists, IDEA's changelist implementation has been changed so that it is perfectly compatible with Subversion's native changeslists. (For example, you'll be able to work with any changelists created in IDEA also when using svn command line tools directly.)
Edit: in your case, perhaps it is not worthwhile to upgrade. For me, at least, startup and file indexing seems to be somewhat slower in 8 than 7. [But for me personally the upgrade was definitely worth it, because it solved a long-standing VCS problem with IDEA 7 - it could hang "waiting for VCS sync to finish" for an hour or whatever after hitting Ctrl-K.]