how to delete the records which is inserted 1 day ago - sql

I dont have proper timestamp in table; is it possible to delete 1 day old logs even now?
I have a column name as SESSION_IN which is basically a VARCHAR datatype, and the value will be like
2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355
is there any way to trim the number after ; and is it possible to compare with "sysdate" identifier?
This SP should compare all the session IDs with current datetime and it should delete if it is older then 1 day.

You can igonre time part and convert date into required format somthing like this
SYSDATE - to_date('date_col','YYYY-DD-MM')
then you can perform operations.

Use the Substring function to extract the datetime portion from the record, then use convert to datetime to cast it to datetime, and then finally use datediff to check if it was inserted yesterday. Use all these caluses in a
WHERE ___ query

For Oracle you could use something like this:
TRUNC(to_timestamp(SUBSTR('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,
instr('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355', ';')-1
Which gives you just the date portion of your input string. Just subtract the amount of days you want to log at the end.

Hope following query helps you:
Select Convert(Datetime,Substring('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,23)), DateDiff(dd,Convert(Datetime,Substring('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,23)),Getdate())


Oracle SQL - convert a varchar2 into a date

I have a problem with converting a varchar2 fields into a date format.
I got 2 columns with the datatyp varchar2, one is called qtime the other is called ztime. Both fields contain strings in this format (f.e. 152015 -> would be a timestamp 15:20:15).
For reporting reasons I need to convert this fields into a date format, afterwards I want to substract (qtime-ztime) the fields an convert them into the format [hh] (f.e. after the operation 01:20:00 would be -> 01). Is it possible to to this within Oracle SQL 12c? The biggest problem for me right now is that I don't get those Strings converted into a date format.
select TO_DATE(qtime,'MM/DD/YYYY hh24:mi:ss') just gives me
ORA-01861:"literal does not match format string"
select TO_DATE(qtime,'hh24mmss') gives me a wrong Date
select TO_TIMESTAMP(qtime,'hh24mmss') gives me a wrong Date
01.03.2018 BUT the correct time with f.e. 15:20:15,0000000
Thank you in advance, any help is appreciated
Note: I only have reading rights on the database Oracle 12c, so I need to to this within Statements
"The Database contains another column with the correct date for each time"
The missing piece of the puzzle! Concatenate the two columns to get something which can be converted to an Oracle DATE:
select to_date(qdate||qtime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as qdatetime
, to_date(zdate||ztime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as zdatetime
from your_table
Once you have done that you can perform arithmetic of the dates e.g.
select id
, zdatetime - qdatetime as time_diff
from ( select id
, to_date(qdate||qtime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as qdatetime
, to_date(zdate||ztime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as zdatetime
from your_table
If you want the number of hours in the difference you can include this expression in the projection of the outer query:
, extract( hour from (zdatetime - qdatetime) day to second) as hrs_ela
First off, if you are trying to convert a varchar2 into a date without specifying neither day nor month, it will default to the first day of the current month:
If you specify a date value without a date, then the default date is the first day of the current month.
You can read up more here
Also in 2nd and 3rd your example, you are using 'hh24mmss' for specifying hour, minute and second components, but do note that correct format for minutes is 'mi' and not 'mm', which is used for months.
So the solution is to concatenate both date and time component when creating the date as the other answer suggested, tho I would recommend using a single date field as it can store the information you need.

get four digit year from oracle date

I have a table A, which has a column fromdate.
select to_date(fromdate,'DD-Mon-YYYY') from A
returns value as 31-AUG-99
But I need to know whether the date is 31-AUG-1999 or 31-AUG-2099
Is there any one to help?
Use to_char function to get the date in character format.
Try this:
select to_char(fromdate,'DD-Mon-YYYY') from A;
Or if you want to want it in date then you have to change nls date settings.
alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-Mon-YYYY'
before executing your original posted query.

How to take differece between 2 dates of different format in SQL

I have a table with a LOAD_STRT_DTM colum. This is a date column and values are like this - 18-JUL-14 AM.
I want to find the data which came before 5 days.
My logic is -
Select * from Table where 24 *(To_DATE(Sysdate,'DD-MM-YY') - To_DATE(LOAD_STRT_DTM,'DD-MM-YY')) >120
The issue is -
Select (To_DATE(Sysdate,'DD-MM-YY') - To_DATE(LOAD_STRT_DTM,'DD-MM-YY')) from table
This query should give the NumberOfDays between two dates. But this is not working, I Doubt, the issue is because of the format of the LOAD_STRT_DTM colum.
Please let me know where i am doint it wrong.
If your column is DATE datatype everything is ok, just shoot an:
select * from table where LOAD_STRT_DTM > sysdate - 5;
No need to convert dates to DATE datatype.
You don't have to convert a DATE into a DATE again. IT is already a DATE. You just need to use it for date calculations. You use TO_DATE to convert a STRING into a DATE.
For example, if you have a string value like '18-JUL-14', then you would need to convert it into date using TO_DATE. Since your column is DATE data type, you just need to use as it is.
This is a date column
I want to find the data which came before 5 days.
Simply use the filter predicate as:
WHERE load_strt_dtm > SYSDATE - 5;
NOTE : SYSDATE has both date and time elements, so it will filter based on the time too. If you want to use only the date part in the filter criteria, then you could use TRUNC. IT would truncate the time element.
I have answered a similar question, have a look at this
It looks like LOAD_STRT_DTM is a TIMESTAMP rather than a DATE, given the number of decimal points following the seconds. The only thing you have to be cautious about is that Oracle will convert a DATE to a TIMESTAMP implicitly where one of the operands is a TIMESTAMP. So the solution
WHERE load_strt_dtm > SYSDATE - 5
will work; as will
WHERE load_strt_dtm + 5 > SYSDATE
but the following will not:
WHERE SYSDATE - load_start_dtm < 5
the reason being that TIMESTAMP arithmetic produces an INTERVAL rather than a NUMBER.
first convert two dates to same format select datediff(dd,convert(varchar(20),'2015-01-01',112),convert(varchar(20),'01-10-2015',112))

MONTHS_BETWEEN error and to create flags

1.I got an error which says, 'a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected'
Also, how to handle nulls.. I want to put a default date if the date_column is null in table_A.
After calculating months between dates, I want to categorize the records with date range with a case statement..
For example..
if months_between for set of records is 22..I want to put a flag,'0-24', for all those records..
similarly, if months_between is 34.. I want to put a flag,'24-48', for all the records which fall under this range..
To add to previous answer you can avoid null like this:
SELECT months_between(trunc(SYSDATE), nvl(TO_DATE(DATE_COLUMN,'DD-MM-YYYY'), sysdate))
If your DATE_COLUMN is date type than You don't need to use TO_DATE()
So You'll get somthing like this
SELECT months_between(trunc(SYSDATE), nvl(trunc(DATE_COLUMN), sysdate))
For the second part of Your question You may try something like this:
trunc(months_between(trunc(SYSDATE), trunc(DATE_COLUMN))),
(trunc(months_between(trunc(SYSDATE), trunc(DATE_COLUMN))/24)*24)||'-'||((trunc(months_between(trunc(SYSDATE), trunc(DATE_COLUMN))/24)*24)+24)
FROM your_table
You don't need to convert sysdate to a date. Try this:
The problem is that the default format for a date in Oracle uses the month name. When you say to_date(sysdate, . . .), the first argument is converted to a string and then back to a date.
By the way, the trunc() is irrelevant, but you seemed to want to extract the day portion of sysdate so I left it in.
If date_column is already a date, just use:
SELECT months_between(trunc(SYSDATE), DATE_COLUMN)
This works, if you have null values in the date_column and want to pass a default date.
select months_between(SYSDATE,coalesce(DATE_COLUMN,to_date('01-01-2014','DD-MM-YYYY'))) DIFF from TABLE_A;

check for dates syntax - teradata SQL

I am trying to check for dates but after running the query below, it displays no result. Could someone recommend me the correct syntax?
WHERE end_dt=12/31/9999
12/31/9999 might look like a date for you but for the database it's a calculation:
12 divided by 31 divided by 9999 and because this involves INTEGER division this results in an INTEGER 0
So finally you compare a DATE to an INT and this results in typecasting the DATE to a INT.
The only reliable way to write a date literal in Teradata is DATE followed by a string with a YYYY-MM-DD format:
DATE '9999-12-31'
Similar for TIME '12:34:56.1' and TIMESTAMP '2014-08-20 12:34:56.1'
Is it a date column? Then try where end_dt = '9999-12-31'.
The question you ask is not very clear. The date you specify is language dependent.