NServicebus 4.2 logs warning about message not found in registry? - nservicebus

Hi we have recently upgraded to NSB 4.2 from 3.5.
After the upgrade NSB logs a warning
Message header 'SomeNamespace.ISomeEvent__impl, NServiceBus.Scheduling.Messages__impl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' was mapped to type 'SomeNamespace.ISomeEvent__impl' but that type was not found in the message registry, please make sure the same message registration conventions are used in all endpoints, specially if you are using unobtrusive mode. MessageId: 37cbec38-7957-4b7a-b313-804f6ed3b6fd\37679827
If i debug i can see we have a entry in message registry for SomeNamespace.ISomeEvent
But the type it looks for is SomeNamespace.ISomeEvent__impl.
We have not changed our unobtrusive settings after the upgrade, so question is what has changed?
I can see the logging has changed in change set 5f1c72ba, seems the file has been renamed or something so cant seem to see full history.
Have we always had the problem, but only recently logging behavior in NSB has changed?


Raven Migration issue with NServiceBus 7x (Method not found)

I tried looking for some descriptive answer but didn’t found one.
What I did
Upgraded NserviceBus from 5x to 7x
This implicitly upgraded nugets:
NserviceBus.RavenDb (3x to 5x)
RavenDb.Client (3.0 to 3.5.5)
Raven.Abstractions (3.5.5)
RavenDb client build is 35247. So cannot upgrade RavenDbClient nuget to higher version.
RunTime error. "System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: Raven.Abstractions.Data.BatchResult"
The service handling messages is also having some already processed RavenMigrations (inheriting from Migration). I tried to test them (by changing id and find out that Migrations crash with some error as shown in image underneath:
Scratching my head on this error for a while now. Any hints what could be wrong?
Note: This error was not happining with RavenDb.Client nuget 3.0

ASP.NET Core configurations issue with rc1 vs rc2 and more

I am using the DotNetCore.1.0.0-VS2015Tools.Preview2.exe with Visual Studio Update 3.
I am unable to migrate code to read settings in the appsettings.json file from an MVC6 app.
The code uses the #inject Microsoft.Extensions.OptionsModel.IOptions Settings syntax in a razor file to read the configuration.
The only version of Microsoft.Extensions.OptionsModel.IOptions available is rc1, whereas the Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions version is rc2.
Therefore I am getting the 'ambiguous call' error referred to in a related .net github issue:
Error CS0121 The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties:
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.OptionsServiceCollectionExtensions.Configure and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.OptionsConfigurationServiceCollectionExtensions.Configure. This error is about using ANY rc1 version concurrently with any rc2 version of any library/component listed in project.json.
leaving out the Microsoft.Extensions.OptionsModel.Options part I get this further error:
Could not load type 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionExtensions' from assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'.
Of course, I realize this is part of the worst (or most visible) release mess in ms-land history. And such is the cost of progress. But I still would like to know the answer, please.

Defining userDao in AppFuse 3.5

I am following the tutorials on http://appfuse.org/display/APF/Tutorials and I am confused on the "Register a personDao bean definition" section.
If it is necessary to register dao beans in the applicationContext.xml (or in applicationContext-dao.xml as I have seen it in an older version of an AppFuse application that I've been working with)... why is it not necessary to also register the userDao bean in the same way?
I have an alternate motive for asking this question as well...
I've been trying to port an application from an older version of the AppFuse framework (same application I mentioned above). But when I attempt to navigate to any page other than the ones that come with the original code, I get "Page not found" errors. Which is why I have gone back to the tutorials... I really want to get a handle on this since I am taking over someone else's code and they are no longer available for comment.
In addition, when adding the personDao to applicationContext.xml, IDEA complains "Required properties missing: 'sessionFactory'". When adding the line: , it then complains "Cannot resolve bean 'sessionFactory'"
It isn't necessary to register the userDao bean because it's already been done for you. The applicationContext-dao.xml file is included in the appfuse-hibernate (or appfuse-jpa) JAR file and it's imported into tests and in web.xml.
In it, it has the following:
<!-- Activates scanning of #Repository -->
<context:component-scan base-package="org.appfuse.dao"/>
You can see the file online at http://source.appfuse.org/browse/~br=release-3.5.0/appfuse/data/hibernate/src/main/resources/applicationContext-dao.xml?r=7486012b603604294be9384475b3750865c93bb6

Issue with GlobalExceptionHandler Sharepoint 2010

I have a fatal error which I do not know how to solve,even after several days of trying.
The error that i have is :
"Could not load file or assembly 'GlobalExceptionHandler, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ed6585c9914bae60' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."
For more details:
-I had never before seen this error but when I deployed a project I encountered the error cited above...
-So ,after this change, I assume that the action mentioned before caused me this error.
-For this, I executed orders at "Windows PowerShell" as: stsadm-o-name deletesolution solutionName.wsp to remove the solution completely.
-After that, I made sure that the project I deployed ​​is no longer in my server.
-Later, when I logged to the" Sharepoint Central Administration" on port 24427. ,in hoping not to see the error anymore ,i saw that the error has not disappeared .
So , now i no longer have access to the " Sharepoint Central Administration",as the error remains.
I will be grateful to any proposal from you.
Thank you & sorry for my english. .
Please try out below few steps:-
1.Deploy the assembly to GAC or copy the dll to the bin folder of your web application
2.Add the assembly info in your web.config assemblies section and in the safe controls section.
3.Redeploy the solution.
This should help.

Unable to load proxy factory factory exception

I am having this annoying error while running my Nhibernate project. It was running okey and all of a sudden it just start asking for a file in this path "d:\CSharp\NH\NH\nhibernate\src\NHibernate\Bytecode\AbstractBytecodeProvider.cs" and when cancel, it throws an exception saying it says
Unable to load type 'NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.ProxyFactoryFactory, NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle' during configuration of proxy factory class.
Possible causes are:
- The NHibernate.Bytecode provider assembly was not deployed.
- The typeName used to initialize the 'proxyfactory.factory_class' property of the session-factory section is not well formed.
Confirm that your deployment folder contains one of the following assemblies:
It is become frustrating for me... need help please -:)
Make sure that you have following dlls copied to the output folder and loaded by your process:
And your NHibernate configuration has this line:
<property name="proxyfactory.factory_class">
NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.ProxyFactoryFactory, NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle
As an option, you can try to upgrade to latest version of NHibernate - 3.2. They have a built in proxy generator so it should be simpler for you. You will not need these additional dlls. Just remove the config line above if you use NHibernate 3.2.
If for some reasons you can not upgrade to 3.2 you may consider using different byte code providers. NHibernate supports 3 of them out of the box. Try LinFu or Spring:
Upgrade to the latest version and you will not need an external proxyfactory anymore.