WCF client unit test/integration test - wcf

I generated a proxy client to a SOAP web service. I would like to test the request envelop without actually calling the service at the other end (actual endpoint)
for now, i wrap my tests in try/catch block as It will timeout.
is they a way fake the endpoint as I'm only testing the request body?

Use New MockService option from within SoapUI. Here are detailed steps:
Create a new SoapUI project
As a Initial WSDL provide url of you local service (with ?wsdl added) or WSDL of external service
Right click generated endpoint and select Generate MockService option. Select appropriate path and port.
You can edit default response that will be used.


Calling WCF service method from browser?

Since i am new to WCF and Having configured a WCF service endpoint in IIS at Virtual Directory Api ( url goes like
i was looking for ways to make request through web browser something like
would respond with returnd data .I know this requires the binding of web service with the webHttpBinding but i don't know how to do it any help would be great ?
Use WCFSVGHoST application to test WCF applications. Application enables you to key-in parameters value and execute method of your interest.
Link for the same:

CXF Apache WSDL2Java set endpoint

In the beginning I have to warn that I'm not familar with web services, I want to simply generate what I need, and learn the basics of usage.
I recived .wsdl and .xsd files (stored localy). I have generated java code using Apache CXF WSDL2Java tool (I have generated a client). I also have an endpoint (as url without '?WSDL' on the end - whatever this endding means). How can I set this endpoint?
If I use:
Blachblach_Service ss = new Blachblach_Service(new URL(recived_url));
Blachblach port = ss.getBlachblachSOAP();
I get an exception. When I use soapUI to send XMLs to web services, everything works fine.
At first you need to initialize your web service client. See my answer over here how to make this work.
?WSDL ending means that you can see the web service WSDL file in your browser, you can access the web service through SOAP protocol by providing it with some valid request.
If you need to create your web service client using Spring. Here is very good example how to do this.
Yes usually we set params like end point URL on Service class object and retrieve port from it. and from port we invoke web service methods. can you please give details of exception you are getting?

Quick and easy implementation of a WCF web service, given wsdl?

I'm writing a client to access a SOAP webservice, that will be hosted by a third party. I have the WSDL and XSD that define the interface and the data.
I've had no problem in creating a service reference from the WSDL, but I'm having a problem in building a simple web service that implements it, that I can use to test against. (The third party's service isn't ready, yet, but even were it running, I'd still like to do my initial testing against my own test server, not against theirs.)
I've browsed around, and apparently I can use svcutil to generate an interface for the service:
svcutil.exe thewsdl.wsdl thexsd.xsd /language:c# /out:ITestService.cs
This generates a file containing the service interface definition. But now what?
I figured the easiest way to go would be to build a self-hosted service, so I created a new console app, and in it I implemented a class derived from the service interface definition, and fired it up with a ServiceHost.
It runs, and while it was running I was able to create a Service Reference in my client app. But when I try to call it, from the client app, I get an error:
The provided URI scheme 'http' is invalid; expected 'https'.
What is the easiest way to get around this? Is there a simple way to simply turn off authentication and authorization, and simply allow unrestricted access?
I'm adding a bounty to this, as the original question seems to have attracted no attention.
But let's get to the crux. I am trying to write a client against a customer's SOAP service. As a part of the development, I want to create my own test WCF service, that implements the same WSDL.
So I have a downloaded .wsdl file, and an associated .xsd file, and with them I want to create a service that I can test against, with VS2010's debugger.
It's not important to me whether this service runs standalone, or within IIS, or that it be production stable. All I want is a service that accepts the requests that the customer's site would accept, and return the responses to my client that I need it to return, in order to test my handling of them.
How do I get there? I've tried adding a WCF Service Library, and then using svcutil.exe within it to add my new service, but it doesn't seem to populate the app.config with the server-side boilerplate, and my attempts to reconstruct it haven't worked.
Since you want a full fledged service to call instead of mocking it.
Follow these steps:
Create new "WCF Service Application" project
Copy wsdl and xsd into project
select your wsdl file and look in the properties section and copy location from full path
Right click on the project in solution explorer and select "Add Service Reference..."
For the service address, paste the location of your wsdl that was copied in previous step and hit go. It should show the operations you are expecting for the service.
hit ok
It should generate all the objects for you including the interface and config file (although at this point is client side in the config- we will have to switch this to be the service)
Now you should add the service config section in the system.serviceModel section. Since I don't know the specifics of your wsdl what you should do is create the services node inside the system.serviceModel section and copy the endpoint node from the client node generated. For example below of services node, you can blank out the address for now:
<service name="YourService">
<endpoint address=""
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WeatherSoap"
contract="ServiceReference1.WeatherSoap" name="WeatherSoap" />
delete the client node in the config
In the service, it is implementing a different interface when it generated the project so you will want to replace the interface implemented with the one listed in the contract attribute in the endpoint above. Then implement its members and it should explode out the operations available. You can fill in whatever you want the service operations to return.
depending on what the wsdl has in it, we may need to do a few more things to allow the necessary bindings to run - like setting up for wsHttpbinding, netTCPbinding, etc.
I've used Moq to handle this. Basically in the unit tests you specify the interface (this would have been generated for you with adding the service reference or using svcutil) and what you want it to return if you call it.
example setup below:
var mock = new Mock<IFoo>();
mock.Setup(foo => foo.DoSomething("ping")).Returns(true);
So then when you want to moq out your service call
var myObject = new IFoo;
var resp = myObject.DoSomething("whateverwillbeoverriddenbyping");
and resp will be true.
There are other options than using Moq. The options all involve taking the interface and injecting a different version of it. For example, you could also do a constructor injection mock, by passing in the interface to your class constructor.

WCF - Dynamically calling different web service endpoints implementing the same interface

I have a number of different applications that implement the same contract. In my main app, I would like to have one proxy. Then dynamically, given a Uri for a particular application, I would create a web service request and call that. How can that be accomplished? Thanks!
Do these steps:
generate your client-side proxy based on one service
this will generate the C#/VB.NET classes for you, as well as the app.config (or web.config if your client is a web app)
when calling the default service endpoint, you can do something like:
YourServiceClient client = new YourServiceClient();
This will use all the settings from the default service endpoint as defined in your config file
if you need to provide a different endpoint, do this:
YourServiceClient client =
new YourServiceClient("default", "http://server/YourOtherService.svc");
There is an overload for the client constructor which will take two parameters: the name of the endpoint configuration in your client config file (you need to look that up after you've added the service reference), and the endpoint URL you want to connect to (which can be different from what's stored in the config).
If all the other parameters like service contract, binding information etc. stay the same, this method should work and it should allow you to connect to any number of varying endpoints using this second constructor overload.
When you instantiate the service client, you can set the uri
ReconcileSvc.ReconcileClient client = new ReconcileClient();
client.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(uri);
Hope it helps.

WCF Service invoking - without any reference added

I want to invoke a wcf service for testing on the http layer. I do not want to add a service reference and create a proxy and invoke. I want to create a new web test(VSTS) which sends a http request to the service and posts(Http post) the request in http body as an xml.
I have service metadata, with which I can see the datacontracts, but the wsdl:operation has only the operation name, wsdl:input is just blank.
On the Contary, an asmx service will have the soap request in the metadata which can be copied as the http request body, with the parameters replaced.
How to build a wcf service xml body from scratch just by looking at the service metadata (no access to the service logs as well), have got just the end point.
It is something like
But, how to find out this, root has to be some thing like
<FunctionRequest xmlns=""http://schemas...."" xmlns:i=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"">
(tested for a local service and worked)
Now, without having access to service logs(svctraceviewer logs), not able to add a service reference, not able to use svcutil.exe(certificate based service), just only with metadata - wsdl, is there a way to find out the request that is to be sent to service?
Well, you will have to create proxy - either statically by adding a service reference or running svcutil on your service metadata, or you can construct it dynamically totally in code, if you wish.
In that case, you'd have to have your service contract (ISomethingService) at hand, and check out the ChannelFactory < ISomethingService > () concept - that should get you started.
Yes you can, but you have to do a little work first.
Build the service client by running svcutil.exe on the wsdl/xsd metadata. This will generate a c# with your service and data contract objects. Compile that to an assembly using csc.exe.
See the soap envelope body you can create a request object and manually serialize it with data contract serializer. Or you can host the assembly in WcfSvcHost.exe and add wcf logging to the config file. In either case you will only have the correct xml for the body, and even that might be wrong if the real service uses xml serializer instead of data contract serializer.
The next part is the hard part because you need to know the security model for the real service. If it only uses certificates for SSL and server identification, you should be able to send the xml using WebClient. But if it uses mutual certs and/or security tokens, you pretty much have to create a channelfactory by hand with the right bindings.