why Xcode can not find finder.h - objective-c

I'm trying to use FinderApplication and so I want to import Finder.h in my code, but Xcode tell me it can not find the Finer.h.
can anybody tell me how to use FinderApplication ? my platform is mountain lion and Xcode 5.0

I don't know what a "FinderApplication" is. You may want to explain that a bit further.
Nonetheless, in order to use Finder.h, you need to ensure that the CoreServices framework is included in your Xcode project.
Don't worry about trying to import the Finder.h file directly, though. It's imported by CarbonCore, which in turn is imported by CoreServices. If you need an #import statement, just use
#import <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
and you should be good to go.


Obj-C - Import (Swift Compiler Recognise?)

I'm migrating from Obj-C to Swift and have just migrated from PSGameScene.h and PSGameScene.m to GameScene.swift.
When I build the app, I get an error stating that PSGameScene isn't a recognised symbol.
GameScene.swift is added to the "compile list", I've tried adding GameSCene-swift.h to the source, but it doesn't see it..
Where am I going wrong?
I can confirm that both the bridging header and the .swift file area added to the compile scheme.
In the .h and .m files, it does recognise the class, and when I imoprt trying to use (GameScene-swift.s it complains that the file isn't there...
I'm. little lost...
Any posters would be helpful...
Sounds like you want to use your new Swift class in Objective-C, check out this answer about how to mix and match the two in the same project.
The gist is: import the generated -Swift.h header in your .m file that you want to use the Swift class on (you can't import it in a .h, check the above answer for more):
// SomeImplementationFile.m
#import "ProjectName-Swift.h"
You can double check the name of your -Swift.h header in Build Settings / Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name.
The issue turned out to be related to the build settings. As defines module was set to NO, it didn't like the import. When the DEFINES_MODULE (defines module) setting was set to YES it all clicked into place.
This probably happened as it related to an old project which spans back to Xcode 4 days. It appears that the newer releases of Xcode don't take into account some settings.
Thanks for the answers..

(ObjC) Unable to add libraries-Help please

I'm following an objC book and I need to use readline() to obtain a string.
However, before I can even get to that, I need to add the library that contains it. Therefore, I go into Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries -> Press the + ->Search and Add addlibreadline.dylib
After I do this, I have an icon under my top-level item that has the name of this library. BUT when I go into my code in main.m, NOTHING is imported. There is no #import
WHY? I have tried different things for hours and am frustrated!
Am I not understanding something about importing and libraries?
Btw: I am using Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a) and Yosemite 10.10.1 (14B25)
Thank you,
Since you've got the libraries linked, try adding this:
#import <readline/readline.h>
Then you should be able to use readline().

Failed to import bridging header

I've read a lot of questions and answers that deal with a similar issue, but I have yet to find a solution. If anyone could shed some light, that would be wonderful.
I created a Swift project and now I want to combine it with some Objective-C. My "failed to import bridging header" only occurs when I attempt to #import my Chartboost.h file. So, as long as I don't have anything in my bridging header file, Xcode finds it and gives me no issue. But once I add this:
#import <Chartboost/Chartboost.h>
I get the error along with 38 other errors saying "Swift Compiler Error - Function definition not allowed here".
I've correctly imported my framework. And my framework search path is correct. And it's only when I import the Chartboost framework. UIKit and Foundation work fine.
Here is what I did leading up to the issue....First, I created a new Obj-C file and then clicked "Yes when Xcode gave me a pop-up asking if it could configure a bridging header. This created "FunFacts-Bridging-Header.h"
Then I made sure Objective-C Bridging Header path was correct under Swift Compiler - Code Generation.
I even put in a very specific path /Users/me/Desktop/FunFacts/FunFacts-Bridging-Header.h
and it still says "Failed to import".
I've also set Defines Module to "Yes" (because I heard that may help). And my product module name is FunFacts.
Why is FunFacts-Bridging-Header.h failing to import when I try to add #import ?
I answered this in another post: Chartboost integration issues with XCode 6.1
It seems like some pods and libraries don't bother importing the basic frameworks as they expect your code to already have them. This doesn't work with Swift as the way to import frameworks changed.
All you need to do is to add the frameworks needed in your bridging header file.
It depends on what errors the compiler throws.
If it complains about NSObject, NSString, etc... you need to add
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> in the top of your bridging header file.
If it complains about UIView, UIButton, etc... you need to add #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> in the top of your bridging header file.
I figured out 2 solutions!
1) This isn't the prettiest way to do it, but I copy and pasted all my code from my Chartboost.h file into my Bridging-Header.h file instead of importing . This worked. But I knew there was a better way, so I kept hunting...
2) The correct solution, I believe, is what I did next. My project's (not target) Framework Search Paths was empty. So, I went ahead and added the path to the Chartboost SDK like so: /Users/me/Desktop/Apps/SDKs/Chartboost
Now it builds and runs with no problem and I didn't have to copy and paste everything into the bridging header. All that was needed was
#import <Chartboost/Chartboost.h>
If anyone is having a similar issue, just read what I did in my question, and then follow it up with this answer.
Had a nearly identical issue and found a solution that worked for me.
My problem was that the Bridging Header was not in ALL my targets.
It was in my project but not my UnitTest target. So I added it to by my UITest and UnitTest and it started working without issue.
The problem like your's puzzled me.
But I found a solution.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
You should put this code (↑) before your code.
This is just my solution (↓).
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Chartboost/Chartboost.h>
Good luck!
This is how I solved it (and works!):
Create yourProjectName-Bridging-Header.h file at the root of your project
Include in that file the .h of the classes you want to expose and use into your swift project
Go to yourProject->Build Settings->Search Paths, and set to Yes the "Always Search User Paths" key.
Set "User Header Search Paths" to your project root path.
That's it.
Apparently, Xcode miss out on third party folders when they are copied into your project
I am on Xcode 6.3 , swift 1.2.
The answer is really very simple.
Make sure you are adding your bridging header path in SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER under the target section instead of the project section.
If you use CocoaPods this could save your time.
1) The first what you need to do is to check your Podfile it will be like:
target 'YourProjTests' do
inherit! :search_paths
target 'YourProjUITests' do
inherit! :search_paths
2) Open baseproj configuration and set for test targets correct Pods-Proj.debug , see attached image:
If you have these lines in you bridging header:
#ifndef Bridging_Header_h
#define Bridging_Header_h
#endif /* Bridging_Header_h */
Just delete them, it will solve the problems of Foundation and UIKit.
One case is that if import <Chartboost+Extention/Chartboost+Extention.h> ,
The right way is to import <Chartboost**_**Extention/Chartboost+Extention.h> ,
Just because Pod build will change the framework name of Chartboost+Extention into Chartboost_Extention

Drawing Text in OpenGL on Mac OSX using GL3_Text sample method

So I found Apples great sample called GL3 Text.(LINK) Seems to be doing exactly what I need using included libraries.
I imported the toolkit folder from the sample as it contains everything I need to make it work.
In order to declare a variable type I need, as well as use some methods they had setup in the sample, I need to import OpenGLText.h in my openglview class.
Problem is, when I do this another file from the sample, OpenGLContainers.h, gets errors on these 3 lines
#import <map>
#import <string>
#import <vector>
The error says, for example, "'map' file not found."
If I take out the OpenGLText.h import line, everything compiles fine and I'm able to right click -> jump to definition, on those 3 lines that previously had errors.
I've already double checked that I'm includeing the frameworks they use in the sample. Cocoa, OpenGL, and GLKit.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Seems like theres something conflicting with the imports.
If you don't know how to fix, but have suggestions on other simple ways to render text on an opengl surface on Mac let me know!
Have you tried the advice in the stack overflow posts below?
.h file not found
XCode - #include <map> in ml.hpp : No such file or directory
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue with "#import <map>
Best Regards,
Those are C++ headers. You have to compile the sources using those headers as C++ or Objective-C++.

can't import AssetsLibrary.h

I want to use AssetsLibrary framework to use picture from users photo library. But i have a very strange issue. I see that everybody is importing this framework like this
#import <AssetsLibrary/AssetsLibrary.h>
But i can't and the compiler is showing errors. I even can't find it when adding frameworks in "Link Binaries With Libraries". As if this framework doesn't exist.
Maybe anybody has some similar issues and knows the solution?
Apparently the framework is missing, I've looked for it in the framework dir and it wasn't there, so i chose to redownload new xcode. If anybody has some similar problems I recommend to first look if the framework is not missing in /System/Library/Frameworks/.