SQL - Relationship between a SubQuery and an Outer Table - sql

I need to better understand the rules about when I can reference an outer table in a subquery and when (and why) that is an inappropriate request. I've discovered a duplication in an Oracle SQL query I'm trying to refactor but I'm running into issues when I try and turn my referenced table into a grouped subQuery.
The following statement works appropriately:
FROM table1 t1,
INNER JOIN table2 t2
on t1.id = t2.id
and t2.date = (SELECT max(date)
FROM table2
WHERE id = t1.id) --This subquery has access to t1
Unfortunately table2 sometimes has duplicate records so I need to aggregate t2 first before I join it to t1. However when I try and wrap it in a subquery to accomplish this operation, suddenly the SQL engine can't recognize the outer table any longer.
FROM table1 t1,
FROM table2 t2
WHERE t1.id = t2.id --This loses access to t1
and t2.date = (SELECT max(date)
FROM table2
WHERE id = t1.id)) sub on t1.id = sub.id
--Subquery loses access to t1
I know these are fundamentally different queries I'm asking the compiler to put together but I'm not seeing why the one would work but not the other.
I know I can duplicate the table references in my subquery and effectively detach my subquery from the outer table but that seems like a really ugly way of accomplishing this task (what with all the duplication of code and processing).
Helpful References
I found this fantastic description of the order in which clauses are executed in SQL Server: (INNER JOIN ON vs WHERE clause). I'm using Oracle but I would think that this would be standard across the board. There is a clear order to clause evaluation (with FROM being first) so I would think that any clause occuring further down the list would have access to all information previously processed. I can only assume my 2nd query somehow changes that ordering so that my subquery is being evaluated too early?
In addition, I found a similar question asked (Referencing outer query's tables in a subquery
) but while the input was good they never really explained why he couldn't do what he is doing and just gave alternative solutions to his problem. I've tried their alternate solutions but it's causing me other issues. Namely, that subquery with the date reference is fundamental to the entire operation so I can't get rid of it.
I want to understand what I've done here... Why can my initial subquery see the outer table but not after I wrap the entire statement in a subquery?
That said, if what I'm trying to do can't be done, what is the best way of refactoring the first query to eliminate the duplication? Should I reference table1 twice (with all the duplication that requires)? Or is there (probably) a better way of tackling this problem?
Thanks in advance!
As some have surmised these queries above are not the actually query I'm refactoring but an example of the problem I'm running into. The query I'm working with is a lot more complicated so I'm hesitant to post it here as I'm afraid it will get people off track.
So I ran this by a fellow developer and he had one possible explanation for why my subquery is losing access to t1. Because I'm wrapping this subquery in a parenthesis, he thinks that this subquery is being evaluated before my table t1 is being evaluated. This would definitely explain the 'ORA-00904: "t1"."id": invalid identifier' error I've been receiving. It would also suggest that like arithmetic order of operations, that adding parens to a statement gives it priority within certain clause evaluations. I would still love for an expert to weigh in if they agree/disagree that is a logical explanation for what I'm seeing here.

So I figured this out based on the comment that Martin Smith made above (THANKS MARTIN!) and I wanted to make sure I shared my discovery for anyone else who trips across this issue.
Technical Considerations
Firstly, it would certainly help if I used the proper terminology to describe my problem: My first statement above uses a correlated subquery:
This is actually a fairly inefficient way of pulling back data as it reruns the subquery for every line in the outer table. For this reason I'm going to look for ways of eliminating these type of subqueries in my code:
My second statement on the other hand was using what is called an inline view in Oracle also known as a derived table in SQL Server:
An inline view / derived table creates a temporary unnamed view at the beginning of your query and then treats it like another table until the operation is complete. Because the compiler needs to create a temporary view when it sees on of these subqueries on the FROM line, those subqueries must be entirely self-contained with no references outside the subquery.
Why what I was doing was stupid
What I was trying to do in that second table was essentially create a view based on an ambiguous reference to another table that was outside the knowledge of my statement. It would be like trying to reference a field in a table that you hadn't explicitly stated in your query.
Lastly, it's worth noting that Martin suggested a fairly clever but ultimately inefficient way to accomplish what I was trying to do. The Apply statement is a proprietary SQL Server function but it allows you to talk to objects outside of your derived table:
Likewise this functionality is available in Oracle through different syntax:
What is the equivalent of SQL Server APPLY in Oracle?
Ultimately I'm going to re-evaluate my entire approach to this query which means I'll have to rebuild it from scratch (believe it or not I didn't create this monstrocity originally - I swear!). A big thanks to everyone who commented - this was definitely stumping me but all of the input helped put me on the right track!

How about the following query:
SELECT t2.id,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY t2.id, t2.date ORDER BY t2.date DESC) AS R
FROM table2 t2
) sub
INNER JOIN table1 t1
ON t1.id = sub.id

In your second example you are trying to pass the t1 reference down 2 levels.. you can't do that, you can only pass it down 1 level (which is why the 1st works). If you give a better example of what you are trying to do, we can help you rewrite your query as well.


SQL query efficiency of subquery in select vs inner join

I have a query with the following structure:
FROM [dbo].Table2 AS [Extent4]
WHERE (Table1.Id = [Extent4].Id2)) AS [C1]
This query structure is usually used by LINQ as opposed to the following structure:
FROM Table1
(SELECT COUNT(1) AS [A1], [Extent4].Id2
FROM [dbo].Table2 AS [Extent4]
GROUP BY [Extent4].Id2) AS [C1] ON C1.Id2 = Table1.Id
When I compare them, the second query has a shorter duration. Could someone explain the exact difference in execution of such a query?
And is it worth it to ever have a subquery in your select statement instead of an inner join?
I would expect both queries to have similar performance characteristics. When doing performance comparisons, you have to be sure you do them correctly. For instance, running two queries in a row is not a good comparison, because the table data has been loaded in to memory.
To really compare the queries, you need a quiescent server and cold caches. That said, the execution plan can be a big help in understanding what is happening.
I would expect the correlated subquery to have good performance with the right indexes. For your example, you want an index on Table2(Id2).
Which has better performance in general? Well, it is simple to devise scenarios where the correlated subquery is better. For instance, if TPO_User has 1 row and Table2 has 1,000,000 rows, then the correlated subquery will be better under almost any circumstances.
In my understanding:
the FROM clause is the definition of the target.
the SELECT clause is the projection (line-by-line) definition.
So the FROM clause load the data you need in memory and after that the projection is made on each line of your select statement.
So if you do a query (or call a function...) in the SELECT clause, you say that you want this sub-job to be done for each line of your projection. Seems quite heavy ;)
A little source about the running order of an SQL request : https://www.periscopedata.com/blog/sql-query-order-of-operations
Hope this helps (and do not hesitate people to correct me if I am wrong)
(And if I remember well there is now an automatic feature to optimize queries in sql server. I think it will do the correction by itself, should it not?)

Explanation of using the operator EXISTS on a correlated subqueries

What is an explanation of the mechanics behind the following Query?
It looks like a powerful method of doing dynamic filtering on a table.
FROM tbl T1
FROM tbl T2
T1.amt < T2.amt
Live test of it here on SQL Fiddle
You can usually convert correlated subqueries into an equivalent expression using explicit joins. Here is one way:
SELECT distinct t1.*
FROM tbl T1 left outer join
tbl t2
on t1.id = t2.id and
t1.amt < t2.amt
where t2.id is null
Martin Smith shows another way.
The question of whether they are a "powerful way of doing dynamic filtering" is true, but (usually) unimportant. You can do the same filtering using other SQL constructs.
Why use correlated subqueries? There are several positives and several negatives, and one important reason that is both. On the positive side, you do not have to worry about "multiplication" of rows, as happens in the above query. Also, when you have other filtering conditions, the correlated subquery is often more efficient. And, sometimes using delete or update, it seems to be the only way to express a query.
The Achilles heel is that many SQL optimizers implement correlated subqueries as nested loop joins (even though do not have to). So, they can be highly inefficient at times. However, the particular "exists" construct that you have is often quite efficient.
In addition, the nature of the joins between the tables can get lost in nested subqueries, which complicated conditions in where clauses. It can get hard to understand what is going on in more complicated cases.
My recommendation. If you are going to use them on large tables, learn about SQL execution plans in your database. Correlated subqueries can bring out the best or the worst in SQL performance.
Possible Edit. This is more equivalent to the script in the OP:
SELECT distinct t1.*
FROM tbl T1 inner join
tbl t2
on t1.id = t2.id and
t1.amt < t2.amt
Let's translate this to english:
"Select rows from tbl where tbl has a row of the same ID and bigger amt."
What this does is select everything except the rows with maximum values of amt for each ID.
Note, the last line SELECT * FROM tbl is a separate query and probably not related to the question at hand.
As others have already pointed out, using EXISTS in a correlated subquery is essentially telling the database engine "return all records for which there is a corresponding record which meets the criteria specified in the subquery." But there's more.
The EXISTS keyword represents a boolean value. It could also be taken to mean "Where at least one record exists that matches the criteria in the WHERE statement." In other words, if a single record is found, "I'm done, and I don't need to search any further."
The efficiency gain that CAN result from using EXISTS in a correlated subquery comes from the fact that as soon as EXISTS returns TRUE, the subquery stops scanning records and returns a result. Similarly, a subquery which employs NOT EXISTS will return as soon as ANY record matches the criteria in the WHERE statement of the subquery.
I believe the idea is that the subquery using EXISTS is SUPPOSED to avoid the use of nested loop searches. As #Gordon Linoff states above though, the query optimizer may or may not perform as desired. I believe MS SQL Server usually takes full advantage of EXISTS.
My understanding is that not all queries benefit from EXISTS, but often, they will, particularly in the case of simple structures such as that in your example.
I may have butchered some of this, but conceptually I believe it's on the right track.
The caveat is that if you have a performance-critical query, it would be best to evaluate execution of a version using EXISTS with one using simple JOINS as Mr. Linoff indicates. Depending on your database engine, table structure, time of day, and the alignment of the moon and stars, it is not cut-and-dried which will be faster.
Last note - I agree with lc. When you use SELECT * in your subquery, you may well be negating some or all of any performance gain. SELECT only the PK field(s).

Why is this SQL statement hanging when group by, sum, or where clause is included?

I have a SQL statement:
table t1
inner join table t2 on t1.key = t2.key
inner join table t3 on t1.key2 = t3.key2
t2.type = 'thistype'
and t3.type2 = 'thistype'
group by
t3.item1, t3.item2
If I remove the group by, sum, or where clause it runs fine - but if I add back any of those it hangs forever... any ideas... this is on SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2
Further Testing
so I created a view:
table t1
inner join table t2 on t1.key = t2.key
inner join table t3 on t1.key2 = t3.key2
and I can select top 1000 from the view fine and see the type I want to specifically look at in the data, but when I add the 'where type2 = 'thistype'' it hangs again...
Your joining three tables together with millions of records, this is normal for it take a bit to run.
To answer your question about statistics, they are what the indices utilize to retrieve records faster from your tables. Without accurate or up to date statistics, indices can actually slow your queries down.
I think we'd need to see some table structure and know some more things about your DB before we can give a solid answer. First thing, though, is to run a trace on it and see what that tells you.
At first blush, I have found that issues with aggregate functions (sum, group by, etc) tend to stem from a) overly large data sets (that is: you're just trying to pull back too much data) or b) from overly-complicated structure or relationships on the joined tables.
However, those are just my general rules-of-thumb, and may not apply in a specific situation: run a trace and any other form of profiling you can and see what that tells you.
Has you looked at the execution plan you're getting? That will tell you where the problem is. Do you have covering indices on the columns on which you're joining and grouping?
Is it possible that the execution plan is corrupted?
Try recompiling the plan using sp_recompile

Is derived table executed once or three times?

Every time you make use of a derived table, that query is going to be executed. When using a CTE, that result set is pulled back once and only once within a single query.
Does the quote suggest that the following query will cause derived table to be executed three times ( once for each aggregate function’s call ):
v.[Name] AS VendorName,
COUNT(*) AS OrdersPlaced
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader AS poh
INNER JOIN Purchasing.Vendor AS v ON poh.VendorID = v.VendorID
GROUP BY v.VendorID, v.[Name]
) AS x
No that should be one pass, take a look at the execution plan
here is an example where something will run for every row in table table2
select *,(select COUNT(*) from table1 t1 where t1.id <= t2.id) as Bla
from table2 t2
Stuff like this with a running counts will fire for each row in the table2 table
CTE or a nested (uncorrelated) subquery will generally have no different execution plan. Whether a CTE or a subquery is used has never had an effect on my intermediate queries being spooled.
With regard to the Tony Rogerson link - the explicit temp table performs better than the self-join to the CTE because it's indexed better - many times when you go beyond declarative SQL and start to anticipate the work process for the engine, you can get better results.
Sometimes, the benefit of a simpler and more maintainable query with many layered CTEs instead of a complex multi-temp-table process outweighs the performance benefits of a multi-table process. A CTE-based approach is a single SQL statement, which cannot be as quietly broken by a step being accidentally commented out or a schema changing.
Probably not, but it may spool the derived results so it only needs to access it once.
In this case, there should be no difference between a CTE and derived table.
Where is the quote from?

Sql Server query syntax

I need to perform a query like this:
(SELECT Table1.Column
FROM Table1
INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Table2Id = Table2.Id
) as tmp
FROM Table2 WHERE tmp = 1
I know I can take a workaround but I would like to know if this syntax is possible as it is (I think) in Mysql.
The query you posted won't work on sql server, because the sub query in your select clause could possibly return more than one row. I don't know how MySQL will treat it, but from what I'm reading MySQL will also yield an error if the sub query returns any duplicates. I do know that SQL Server won't even compile it.
The difference is that MySQL will at least attempt to run the query and if you're very lucky (Table2Id is unique in Table1) it will succeed. More probably is will return an error. SQL Server won't try to run it at all.
Here is a query that should run on either system, and won't cause an error if Table2Id is not unique in Table1. It will return "duplicate" rows in that case, where the only difference is the source of the Table1.Column value:
SELECT Table2.*, Table1.Column AS tmp
FROM Table1
INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Table2Id = Table2.Id
WHERE Table1.Column = 1
Perhaps if you shared what you were trying to accomplish we could help you write a query that does it.
SELECT Table1.Column
FROM Table1
ON Table1.Table2Id = Table2.Id
) as tmp
FROM Table2 t
) q
WHERE tmp = 1
This is valid syntax, but it will fail (both in MySQL and in SQL Server) if the subquery returns more than 1 row
What exactly are you trying to do?
Please provide some sample data and desired resultset.
I agree with Joel's solution but I want to discuss why your query would be a bad idea to use (even though the syntax is essentially valid). This is a correlated subquery. The first issue with these is that they don't work if the subquery could possibly return more than one value for a record. The second and more critical problem (in my mind) is that they must work row by row rather than on the set of data. This means they will virtually always affect performance. So correlated subqueries should almost never be used in a production system. In this simple case, the join Joel showed is the correct solution.
If the subquery is more complicated, you may want to turn it into a derived table instead (this also fixes the more than one value associated to a record problem). While a derived table looks a lot like a correlated subquery to the uninitated, it does not perform the same way because it acts on the set of data rather than row-by row and thus will often be significantly faster. You are essentially making the query a table in the join.
Below is an example of your query re-written as a derived table. (Of course in production code you would not use select * either especially in a join, spell out the fields you need)
FROM Table2 t2
(SELECT Table1.[Column], Table1.Table2Id as tmp
FROM Table1
INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Table2Id = Table2.Id ) as t
ON t.Table2Id = Table2.Id
WHERE tmp = 1
You've already got a variety of answers, some of them more useful than others. But to answer your question directly:
No, SQL Server will not allow you to reference the column alias (defined in the select list) in the predicate (the WHERE clause). I think that is sufficient to answer the question you asked.
Additional details:
(this discussion goes beyond the original question you asked.)
As you noted, there are several workarounds available.
Most problematic with the query you posted (as others have already pointed out) is that we aren't guaranteed that the subquery in the SELECT list returns only one row. If it does return more than one row, SQL Server will throw a "too many rows" exception:
Subquery returned more than 1 value.
This is not permitted when the subquery
follows =, !=, , >= or when the
subquery is used as an expression.
For the following discussion, I'm going to assume that issue is already sufficiently addressed.
Sometimes, the easiest way to make the alias available in the predicate is to use an inline view.
, (SELECT Table1.Column
FROM Table1
JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Table2Id = Table2.Id
WHERE Table1.Column = 1
) as tmp
FROM Table2
) v
WHERE v.tmp = 1
Note that SQL Server won't push the predicate for the outer query (WHERE v.tmp = 1) into the subquery in the inline view. So you need to push that in yourself, by including the WHERE Table1.Column = 1 predicate in the subquery, particularly if you're depending on that to make the subquery return only one value.
That's just one approach to working around the problem, there are others. I suspect that query plan for this SQL Server query is not going to be optimal, for performance, you probably want to go with a JOIN or an EXISTS predicate.
NOTE: I'm not an expert on using MySQL. I'm not all that familiar with MySQL support for subqueries. I do know (from painful experience) that subqueries weren't supported in MySQL 3.23, which made migrating an application from Oracle 8 to MySQL 3.23 particularly painful.
Oh and btw... of no interest to anyone in particular, the Teradata DBMS engine DOES have an extension that allows for the NAMED keyword in place of the AS keyword, and a NAMED expression CAN be referenced elsewhere in the QUERY, including the WHERE clause, the GROUP BY clause and the ORDER BY clause. Shuh-weeeet
That kind of syntax is basically valid (you need to move the where tmp=... to on outer "select * from (....)", though), although it's ambiguous since you have two sets named "Table2"- you should probably define aliases on at least one of your usages of that table to clear up the ambiguity.
Unless you intended that to return a column from table1 corresponding to columns in table2 ... in which case you might have wanted to simply join the tables?