Select statement with offset in like - sql

I have an entry "123456789" in my table.
Select * from map where col like '%1%5%6%7%9'.
I want to retrieve the records where the order of the input sequence matches, but i also want to ensure that the distance between any 2 matching digits is less than 2.
Is there any way i can specify an offset ?
The input is 189, and it selects the record, but i want 1.8.9 to be within 2 of each other. 12879 would be an acceptable output but 123456789 would not be.

Below statement requires 3 to 5 characters between 1 and 5:
SELECT * FROM map WHERE col LIKE '%1___%5%6%7%9' AND col NOT LIKE '%1______%5%6%7%9%'
Using _s you may force any count of characters.
EDIT: Character corrected. Source: SQLite expression
Check in this SQL Fiddle sample.


SQLite3 Order by highest/lowest numerical value

I am trying to do a query in SQLite3 to order a column by numerical value. Instead of getting the rows ordered by the numerical value of the column, the rows are ordered alphabetically by the first digit's numerical value.
For example in the query below 110 appears before 2 because the first digit (1) is less than two. However the entire number 110 is greater than 2 and I need that to appear after 2.
sqlite> SELECT digit,text FROM test ORDER BY digit;
110|One Hundred Ten
Is there a way to make 110 appear after 2?
It seems like digit is a stored as a string, not as a number. You need to convert it to a number to get the proper ordering. A simple approach uses:
SELECT digit, text
FROM test
ORDER BY digit + 0

Extracting number of specific length from a string in Postgres

I am trying to extract a set of numbers from comments like
"on april-17 transactions numbers are 12345 / 56789"
"on april-18 transactions numbers are 56789"
"on may-19 no transactions"
Which are stored in a column called "com" in table comments
My requirement is to get the numbers of specific length. In this case length of 5, so 12345 and 56789 from the above string separately, It is possible to to have 0 five digit number or more more than 2 five digit number.
I tried using regexp_replace with the following result, I am trying the find a efficient regex or other method to achieve it
select regexp_replace(com, '[^0-9]',' ', 'g') from comments;
17 12345 56789
I expect the result to get only
column1 | column2
12345 56789
There is no easy way to create query which gets an arbitrary number of columns: It cannot create one column for one number and at the next try the query would give two.
For fixed two columns:
matches[1] AS col1,
matches[2] AS col2
array_agg(regexp_matches[1]) AS matches
'on april-17 transactions numbers are 12345 / 56789',
) s
regexp_matches() gives out all finds in one row per find
array_agg() puts all elements into one array
The array elements can be give out as separate columns.

SAP HANA SQL - Concatenate multiple result rows for a single column into a single row

I am pulling data and when I pull in the text field my results for the "distinct ID" are sometimes being duplicated when there are multiple results for that ID. Is there a way to concatenate the results into a single column/row rather than having them duplicated?
It looks like there are ways in other SQL platforms but I have not been able to find something that works in HANA.
Distinct ID
From Table1
If I pull only Distinct ID I get the following:
However when I pull the following:
Distinct ID,Text
From Table1
I get something like
I am trying to Concat the Text field when there is more than 1 row for each ID.
What I need the results to be (Having a "break" between results so that they are on separate lines would be even better but at least a "," would work):
I see Kiran has just referred to another valid answer in the comment, but in your example this would work.
You can replace the ',' with other characters, maybe a '\n' for a line break
I would caution against the approach to concatenate rows in this way, unless you know your data well. There is no effective limit to the rows and length of the string that you will generate, but HANA will have a limit on string length, so consider that.

How can I "dynamically" split a varchar column by specific characters?

I have a column that stores 2 values. Example below:
| Column 1 |
|some title1 =ExtractThis ; Source Title12 = ExtractThis2|
I want to remove 'ExtractThis' into one column and 'ExtractThis2' into another column. I've tried using a substring but it doesn't work as the data in column 1 is variable and therefore it doesn't always carve out my intended values. SQL below:
SELECT substring(d.Column1,13,24) FROM dbo.Table d
This returns 'Extract This' but for other columns it either takes too much or too little. Is there a function or combination of functions that will allow me to split consistently on the character? This is consistent in my column unlike my length count.
select substring(col1,CHARINDEX('=',col1)+1,CHARINDEX (';',col1)-CHARINDEX ('=',col1)-1) Val1,
substring(col1,CHARINDEX('=',col1,CHARINDEX (';',col1))+1,LEN(col1)) Val2
from #data
there is duplicate calculation that can be reduced from 5 to 3 to each line.
but I want to believe this simple optimization done by SQL SERVER.

SQL Select where id is in `column`

I have a column that has multiple numbers separated by a comma. Example for a row:
I want to make a query that will select the row only if the number 6 (for example) is in the column numbers.
I cant use LIKE because if there is 66 it'll work too.
You can use like. Concatenate the field separators at the beginning and end of the list and then use like. Here is the SQL Server sytnax:
where ','+numbers+',' like '%,'+'6'+',%'
SQL Server uses + for string concatenation. Other databases use || or the concat() function.
You should change your database to rather have a new table that joins numbers with the row of your current table. So if your row looks like this:
id numbers
1 1,2,6,66,4,9
You would have a new table that joins those values like so
row_id number
1 1
1 2
1 6
1 66
1 4
1 9
Then you can search for the number 6 in the number column and get the row_id