Hello I have custom bootstrapper application. All work fine, but when work is done and i close app process continuing to hang. I've noticed that when i tryed to recompile installer. I have code like this:
protected override void Run()
// set the global message dispatcher
Dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
// Create the model, view model and the view of the main window.
// The view model handles the enitre ui.
Model model = new Model(this);
MainWindowViewModel viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel(model);
MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow(viewModel);
// Create a Window to show UI.
Engine.Log(Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Bootstrapper.LogLevel.Verbose, "Creating UI");
// run the threading dispatcher
// Finalize the installation (with the finalResult) and quit the process.
I've debugged it and certainly it calls the function Engine.Quit(0) every time. Sometimes it work fine but sometimes the process dosen't stop. There is no "Shutting down, exit code: " line in log. And i don't know why. Does anybody have an idea what i do wrong
I've noticed that it happens only when i modify two or more packages.
I’m using JavaFX 8 and JDK 1.8.0_77 in IntelliJ with SceneBuilder. I created a basic pixel editor app. I have two windows(stages). One is a 32x128 matrix of Circle Objects placed in a Grid Pane and the other is a Message Center in Main.
You can see the Message Center window at: https://virtualartsite.wordpress.com/message-center/
I want to save messages using the Message Center app and scroll them on an RGB LED matrix that’s also 32x128. I save the messages in ArrayList<> of Message Objects and I write the ArrayList’s Message’s to a serialized file. I write the file calling writeObjArrayList () and input the file calling readObjArrayList().
I am able to write and read the file successfully and .add all the Message objects to the ArrayList on start-up so the user can edit or delete any message from the viewMessages ComboBox. BUT so far, I can only do so if I use a button event to call readObjArrayList(). This is the problem.
I want to read the file “behind the scenes”, when the app starts. I want to automatically read the file when the program starts up; the user shouldn’t have to click on a button.
My best idea was to use the following code which compiles but doesn’t appear to execute any code:
public void windowEvents(WindowEvent event){
if(event.getSource() == viewMessages) readObjArrayList();
I thought a WindowEvent would be fired with windowEvents=#OnShow for the ComboBox, viewMessages(FX:ID).
Please advise.
Thanks for your help.
According to the javadoc, the WindowEvent is related to Window showing/hiding actions. As Node classes aren't Windows, installing a WindowEvent handler on it won't have any effect.
Since you are using SceneBuilder, I assume that you must have an FXML file that has a fx:controller class defined. In any controller class, you can add a non-arg initialize() method which will be called right after the FXML file has been processed.
public class YourController {
ComboBox viewMessages;
public void initialize() {
private void readObjArrayList() {
I have view models that are being stored in an array list on the application class. So their lifetime continues even if the activity gets destroyed because of rotation (however once isFinishing is true then the view model instance is removed from the list and ceases to exist).
I also have data service singletons that are used by the view models that also live indefinitely. So if I start an async call in my view model using the anko async block i.e.
async {
val data = DataService.instance.getData()
uiThread {
if (data != null) {
//do something
What happens if the user presses the back button before the call completes? IsFinishing will be true and my view model instance will no longer exist. Will the async call exception when it returns or will it die gracefully?
The code within uiThread call won't get executed if the underlying activity/fragment context has been garbage collected. A uiThread call within an async call will hold a WeakReference to the context, so the often encountered context memory leak won't occur. Details here.
I guess it will gracefully die. You could write a small test program in which you debug the behaviour. However, I would strongly suggest to keep a reference/pointer to the asynchronous task and kill it when you press the back button. No need to let it run in the background if you do not need the result / cannot handle the result anymore right
I've seen a few references on Stack Overflow about using the Timer Class to do what I want but I'm not convinced it's the right solution to the problem.
Basically, I have a button (in .NET 4.0) that when clicked will go through a few different subroutines and do certain things:
Restart some services
Launch a command line application that finishes automatically
Launch a second command line application that finishes automatically
Launch a third command line application that finishes automatically
The problem I have right now is that the program just goes through each thing and fires it off as quickly as possible - not a problem except that the third command line application must only fire after the first three are completed.
I had a sleep call in the code, except that this froze the UI and I have a status bar on this application that I wanted to have update to let the user know things are occurring.
I was thinking about a Timer object but I'm not sure that would actually cause there to be a pause before doing the next thing.
I'm using a Process.Start method to fire off the command line applications, so it doesn't actually raise an event. Should I just have my subroutine raise an event and then have the third Process.Start method wait for that event to fire before it goes?
This small snippet might help you. Try to get the idea and implement your own code.
Process myProcess;
myProcess = Process.Start("Notepad.exe");
while (true)
if (!myProcess.HasExited)
// Discard cached information about the process.
// Print working set to console.
Console.WriteLine("Physical Memory Usage: "
+ myProcess.WorkingSet.ToString());
// Wait 2 seconds.
else {
// Close process by sending a close message to its main window.
// Free resources associated with process.
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("The following exception was raised: ");
Working with Flash Builder 4.5 I have implemented a custom preloader by extending SparkDownloadProgressBar. Now I want the preloader to stay on the screen until my Application has loaded in external data. Once the Application external data has loaded, I want to have the preloader dispatch the Event.COMPLETE event.
The intent is to have a 3 phase preloader.
1st load the RSLs,
2nd the SWF,
3rd application will load the data.
I've overridden the initCompleteHandler function so it does not fire the Event.COMPLETE event once the swf is loaded. I have a public function in the preloader called removePreloader which fires the Event.COMPLETE event.
There is a property in the Application named preloader but it's null.
How can my application call the preloader?
I'm not sure if this is the most elegant AS3 solution but it is working. If you have a better method, please post.
In the application mxml, I added the following variable:
public var preloaderFinalFireFunction:Function;
In the preloader (which extends SparkDownloadProgressBar) I override the initCompleteHandler to assign a function that's inside the preloader to the application. When i'm ready for the preloader to be removed, the application calls preloaderFinalFireFunction();
override protected function initCompleteHandler(event:Event):void{
var app:MyApplication = MyApplication(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication);
app.preloaderFinalFireFunction = removePreloader;
protected function removePreloader():void{
var app:MyApplication = MyApplication(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication);
app.preloaderFinalFireFunction = null;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
I'm currently using WCF in monotouch to call an existing service and a custom UIAlertView.
The problem is that if I create an UIAlertView as class instance and the I do the following:
public override void ViewDidAppear()
_alertView.Message = "Loading...";
_client.GetDataCompleted += GetDataCompletedDelegate;
void GetDataCompletedDelegate(object sender, GetDataEventArgs)
// do someting with data
it works but this advice is written in console : UIAlertView: wait_fences: failed to receive reply: 10004003
else, if I try to run this code:
public override void ViewDidAppear()
using(CustomAV _alertView = new CustomAV())
_alertView.Message = "Loading...";
_client.GetDataCompleted += delegate{
// do someting with data
the first time the code run, but now alert is shown. The second time the simulator can't startup. Couldn't register "com.yourcompany.wcftest" with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code. This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.StackTrace. In this case I have to reboot the machine.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you Geoff, I've checked my code and into GetDataCompletedDelegate I've inserted a function that runs inside the UI Thread.
private void doSomething()
// do stuff here
The fency error continues to appear. If I use your solution inside doSomething() method, it works
Why? Maybe I didn't understand, but in the first snippet of code do something() works in the UI thread!! Isn't true?
You have 2 seperate problems here.
1: _alertView.Hide () is not running on the UI thread (this is what causes the fences error)
2: In your second example you're disposing the UIAlertVeiw immediately after creating it, but you have a instance delegate dangled off it. This crashes the runtime in a hard way, and then when you run it again since the old crashed process is still running the simulator wont let you start a second instance.
Use case #1 but do _alterView.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { _alertView.Hide (); });