Doxygen - Ini as a Text? - documentation

I am starting to dokumenting with doxygen and as far as it goes it seems quite easy and helpful !
There is just one file which gives me a headache, my config.ini .
This file has different comments, standards etc. .
I would like to load it as "code", so the page is not interpreted.
How can I achieve this ?
The following didn't work :
; /// #file config.ini
; /// #code
; /// #endcode

Your question is a little unclear but I assume from your question that you do want to see the contents of the .ini file in the documentation.
For what I think you need I'd suggest using #verbatim rather than #code.
If you are not seeing anything at all, then check that .ini is in the list of filename extensions that doxygen will parse? It's a setting in the doxyfile.

You can do what you want as follows:
Define a page that includes the .ini file, for instance test.dox as follows:
/** #page test_ini test.ini
* This is the configuration file:
* #verbinclude test.ini
Then set EXAMPLE_PATH in doxygen's config file to the directory that contains test.ini and don't include .ini files in FILE_PATTERNS (so use the default).


WebStorm's Safe Delete doesn't check XML file

I'm deleting a CSS file that is referenced in an XML file. I select "Safe delete (with usage search)" and "Search in comments and strings" but the reference in the XML file is not found.
The XML file is in a directory included in the project. The XML file contains the complete file name in a string.
Are there some settings for Safe Delete somewhere or something more general that might exclude XML files?
Thanks for any help.
<resourceSet name="HeaderStylesCss" type="css">
<resource path="~/Legacy/Content/Css/HeaderStyles.css"/>
path value is treated as simple string, so CSS file usage is not found and thus not taken into account when deleting a file.
You can try injecting File reference language in path="" value manually via Alt+Enter, Inject language or reference:
but paths starting with ~ won't work there, I'd suggest using relative paths rather than absolute

How to include .iuml path to generate PlantUML diagram in Doxygen

I'm working on the documentation of a component using Doxygen and I want to include UMLdiagrams in between the text.
I know how to do most of it, as I simply need to copy the .tuml source into my .dox file and run doxygen. However, one of my diagrams is a class diagram that includes other .iuml files, like explained in the PlantUML site.
So, basically, I do:
#mainpage main_page MyDoxygen
!include iuml_files/Class01.iuml
!include iuml_files/Class02.iuml
MainClass <|-- Class01
MainClass <|-- Class02
Long story short, I don't know how to make Doxygen understand it must look for the .iuml files in the directory (relative path) I'm giving as argument to the include directive.
If I wasn't clear enough as to what I need, please let me know and I will try make it clearer.
Can I please get some help?
I had a similar problem (I own the Word Add-in for plantuml)
You can specify the java property "plantuml.include.path" in the command line :
java -Dplantuml.include.path="c:/mydir" -jar plantuml.jar atest1.txt
I expect it'll work when you modify the batch file for calling Plantuml
I had a similar request for my Word Addin for Plantuml and here it worked.
The Real Answer
Use the PLANTUML_INCLUDE_PATH = ./someRelativeDir configuration, visible in the Doxygen wizard's DOT panel.
The include path is relative to your Doxygen config, ie the starting directory from which the doxygen config is taken.
A Red Herring
I'm leaving the rest of this answer here in case anyone found it previously.
I wrongly reported a bug because I needed new reading glasses and didn't notice a stray character in my path.
This was resolved as not a Doxygen bug
For any interested parties, this is what I saw.
Running PlantUML on generated file /Users/andydent/dev/touchgramdesign/doxygeneratedTG4IM/html/inline_umlgraph_1.pu
Preprocessor Error: Cannot include /Users/andydent/dev/touchgramdesign/doxygeneratedTG4IM/html/handDrawnStyle.iuml
Error line 2 in file: /Users/andydent/dev/touchgramdesign/doxygeneratedTG4IM/html/inline_umlgraph_1.pu
Some diagram description contains errors
error: Problems running PlantUML. Verify that the command 'java -jar "/Library/Java/Extensions/plantuml.jar" -h' works from the command line. Exit code: 1
This is using the configuration setting
Sharper eyes than mine (at the time) noticed the extra character in the path iuml t ToCopy

How to document Visual Basic with Doxygen

I am trying to use some Doxygen filter for Visual Basic in Windows.
I started with Vsevolod Kukol filter, based on gawk.
There are not so many directions.
So I started using his own commented VB code VB6Module.bas and, by means of his vbfilter.awk, I issued:
gawk -f vbfilter.awk VB6Module.bas
This outputs a C-like code on stdin. Therefore I redirected it to a file with:
gawk -f vbfilter.awk VB6Module.bas>awkout.txt
I created this Doxygen test.cfg file:
INPUT = awkout.txt
To produce the documentation I issued:
doxygen test.cfg
Doxygen complains as the "name 'VB6Module.bas' supplied as the second argument in the \file statement is not an input file." I removed the comment #file VB6Module.bas from awkout.txt. The warning stopped, but in both cases the documentation produced was just a single page with the project name.
I tried also the alternative filter by Basti Grembowietz in Python Again without documentation, again producing errors and without any useful output.
After trials and errors I solved the problem.
I was unable to convert a .bas file in a format such that I can pass it to Doxygen as input.
Anyway, following #doxygen user suggestions, I was able to create a Doxygen config file such that it can interpret the .bas file comments properly.
Given the file VB6Module.bas (by the Doxygen-VB-Filter author, Vsevolod Kukol), commented with Doxygen style adapted for Visual Basic, I wrote the Doxygen config file, test.cfg, as follows:
INPUT = VB6Module.bas
FILTER_PATTERNS = "*.bas=vbfilter.bat"
where: is any Markdown file that can used as the main documentation page.
vbfilter.bat contains:
#echo off
gawk.exe -f vbfilter.awk "%1%"
vbfilter.awk by the filter author is assumed to be in the same folder as the input files to be documented and obviously gawk should be in the path.
doxygen test.cfg
everything is smooth, apart two apparently innocuous warnings:
gawk: vbfilter.awk:528: warning: escape sequence `\[' treated as plain `['
gawk: vbfilter.awk:528: warning: escape sequence `\]' treated as plain `]'
Now test\html\index.html contains the proper documentation as extracted by the ".bas" and the Markdown files.
Alright I did some work:
You can download this .zip file. It contains:
MakeDoxy.bas The macro that makes it all happen
makedoxy.cmd A shell script that will be executed by MakeDoxy
configuration Folder that contains doxygen and gawk binaries which are needed to create the doxygen documentation as well as some additional filtering files which were already used by the OP.
source Folder that contains example source code for doxygen
How To Use:
Note: I tested it with Excel 2010
Extract somehwere (referenced as <root> from now on)
Import MakeDoxy.bas into your VBA project. You can also import the files from source or use your own doxygen-documented VBA code files but you'll need at least one documented file in the same VBA project.
Add "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3" or higher to your VBA Project References (did not test it with lower versions). It's needed for the export-part (VBProject, VBComponent).
Run macro MakeDoxy
What is going to happen:
You will be asked for the <root> folder.
You will be asked if you want to delete <root>\source afterwards It is okay to delete those files. They will not be removed from your VBA Project.
MakeDoxy will export all .bas, cls and .frm files to location:<root>\source\<modulename>\<modulename>(.bas|.cls|.frm)
cmd.exewill be commanded to run makedoxy.cmd and delete <root>\source if you've chosen that way which alltogether will result in your desired documentation.
A logfile MakeDoxy.bas.logwill be re-created each time MakeDoxy is executed.
You can play with configuration\vbdoxy.cfg a little if you want to change doxygens behavior.
There is still some room for improvements but I guess this is something one can work with.

Doxygen How to avoid" Multiple markers at this line"

I Have two files with the same name but in two different directories.
graphic_test ---semLib.c
-- vxWorksApi---semLib.c
I want to build a Html with Doxygen. this is the header of the file semLib.c
* #file semLib.c
And I got this message
Multiple markers at this line
- the name `semLib.c' supplied as the second argument in the \file statement matches the following input files: /home/linuxdev/
Linux_Development_Workspace/graphic_tests/graphic_test/semLib.c /home/linuxdev/Linux_Development_Workspace/graphic_tests/vxWorksApi/semLib.c
- Line breakpoint: semLib.c [line: 2]
How can I avoid this?
From the doxygen documentation for the \file command (emphasis mine):
Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a source or header file with name <name>. The file name may include (part of) the path if the file-name alone is not unique.
So try using \file semLib.c and \file vxWorksApi/semLib.c in the appropriate files.
I had the same issue and making the above change still didn't work:
"So try using \file semLib.c and \file vxWorksApi/semLib.c in the appropriate files."
My situation is different as the files are in separate but parallel folders and this worked for me:
\file xdir/semLib.c and \file ydir/semLib.c in the appropriate files.
For your purposes try adding the full path or a partial path for both:
\file adir/xdir/semLib.c and \file adir/ydir/semLib.c in the appropriate files.
I had the same issue but doesn't help to have only one file changed. You need to have both paths changed

Doxygen: Files having hash ( # ) in name

I have a problem with generating documentation for files with # in their names. I.e. :
Filename ab#cd.h starts with line:
/** #file ab#cd.h some description */
This description is missing in generated Doxygen HTML.
Also all links were wrong but they have been fixed by additional script which exchange # into %23. I'm thinking of another script for renaming file name before and after generation but maybe there is a possibility to deal with the issue in some other way?
Why # char influence Doxygen documentation generation?
Hashes in filenames are a recipe for problems, but in your example you could simply write
/** #file
* some description
No need for the file name, and the description should be put on the next line.
Doxygen uses # for links. I believe you can escape a # with a \, but I'm not positive.