Format Textbox input for phone number MVC -

I am simply using a #Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.PhoneNumber, new { id = "phoneNo")
I am using a regex to limit it to 10 numbers only.
Is there a way I can format the textbox to appear like (555) 444-3333 while they type, but in the model it will simply be passing the 10 numbers, like 5554443333? I meant to automatically create those brackets and - while also checking using regex if they entered 10 numbers?

You can do it with jquery as Matt said at his comment, stated at this question of the site:
Phone mask with jQuery and Masked Input Plugin
Or with plain javascript, as explained by xxx here with alternatives too:
Mask US phone number string with JavaScript
List of alternatives coded for a example input called "phone":
Example code with plain javaScript:
document.getElementById('phone').addEventListener('input', function (e) {
var x =\D/g, '').match(/(\d{0,3})(\d{0,3})(\d{0,4})/); = !x[2] ? x[1] : '(' + x[1] + ') ' + x[2] + (x[3] ? '-' + x[3] : '');
Example code with jQuery but without adding any new dependence():
$('#phone', '#example-form')
.keydown(function (e) {
var key = e.which || e.charCode || e.keyCode || 0;
$phone = $(this);
// Don't let them remove the starting '('
if ($phone.val().length === 1 && (key === 8 || key === 46)) {
return false;
// Reset if they highlight and type over first char.
else if ($phone.val().charAt(0) !== '(') {
// Auto-format- do not expose the mask as the user begins to type
if (key !== 8 && key !== 9) {
if ($phone.val().length === 4) {
$phone.val($phone.val() + ')');
if ($phone.val().length === 5) {
$phone.val($phone.val() + ' ');
if ($phone.val().length === 9) {
$phone.val($phone.val() + '-');
// Allow numeric (and tab, backspace, delete) keys only
return (key == 8 ||
key == 9 ||
key == 46 ||
(key >= 48 && key <= 57) ||
(key >= 96 && key <= 105));
.bind('focus click', function () {
$phone = $(this);
if ($phone.val().length === 0) {
else {
var val = $phone.val();
$phone.val('').val(val); // Ensure cursor remains at the end
.blur(function () {
$phone = $(this);
if ($phone.val() === '(') {
Example code with jQuery using Masked Input Plugin:
$("#phone").mask("(99) 9999?9-9999");
$("#phone").on("blur", function() {
var last = $(this).val().substr( $(this).val().indexOf("-") + 1 );
if( last.length == 3 ) {
var move = $(this).val().substr( $(this).val().indexOf("-") - 1, 1 );
var lastfour = move + last;
var first = $(this).val().substr( 0, 9 );
$(this).val( first + '-' + lastfour );


Need a flexible currency filter in VueJS

I need to modify the currency filter to be able to dictate number of decimal places … i need 0, 2, and 4 decimal places in currency in different places … I am thinking a “ | flexCurrency: 4” but can’t find the necessary documentation to figure out how to override the currency filter. The filter I am in imagining in Angular looks like this:
.filter('flexCurrency', flexCurrencyFilter)
function flexCurrencyFilter($filter) {
return function (input, decPlaces) {
decPlaces = decPlaces || 0;
// Check for invalid inputs
if (isNaN(input) || !input || Math.abs(input) === 0 || (Math.abs(input) > 0 && Math.abs(input) < 1)) {
return '-';
var out = input;
//Deal with the minus (negative numbers)
var minus = out < 0;
out = Math.abs(out);
out = $filter('number')(out, decPlaces);
// Add the minus and the symbol
if (minus) {
return '( $' + out + ')';
} else {
return '$' + out;
The currency filter is in the source code, just adapt it to take an extra arg. This should work:
flexCurrency (value, currency, decimals) {
value = parseFloat(value)
if (!isFinite(value) || (!value && value !== 0)) return ''
currency = currency != null ? currency : '$'
var stringified = Math.abs(value).toFixed(decimals)
var _int = stringified.slice(0, -1 - decimals)
var i = _int.length % 3
var head = i > 0
? (_int.slice(0, i) + (_int.length > 3 ? ',' : ''))
: ''
var _float = stringified.slice(-1 - decimals)
var sign = value < 0 ? '-' : ''
return sign + currency + head +
_int.slice(i).replace(digitsRE, '$1,') +

how to change the phone number format in Textinput using react-native

i want the phone number(work Phone) format to be as shown in the below image, using react-native,can any one help how to work out it,any help much appreciated
You can achieve this with regular expressions... This will format like (555) 222-9999
onTextChange(text) {
var cleaned = ('' + text).replace(/\D/g, '')
var match = cleaned.match(/^(1|)?(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/)
if (match) {
var intlCode = (match[1] ? '+1 ' : ''),
number = [intlCode, '(', match[2], ') ', match[3], '-', match[4]].join('');
phoneNum: number
phoneNum: text
Then on the <TextInput>...
onChangeText={(text) => this.onTextChange(text) }
This is a slightly more involved solution, but it:
Accounts for when the user is backspacing
Formats as they type (e.g. if they only have two digits, it formats as (55 or 5 digits as (555) 55, or 6 as (555) 555-)
function formatPhoneNumber (text, previousText) {
if (!text) return text
const deleting = previousText && previousText.length > text.length
if (deleting) {
return text
let cleaned = text.replace(/\D/g, '') // remove non-digit characters
let match = null
if (cleaned.length > 0 && cleaned.length < 2) {
return `(${cleaned}`
} else if (cleaned.length == 3) {
return `(${cleaned}) `
} else if (cleaned.length > 3 && cleaned.length < 5) {
match = cleaned.match(/(\d{3})(\d{1,3})$/)
if (match) {
return `(${match[1]}) ${match[2]}`
} else if (cleaned.length == 6) {
match = cleaned.match(/(\d{3})(\d{3})$/)
if (match) {
return `(${match[1]}) ${match[2]}-`
} else if (cleaned.length > 6) {
match = cleaned.match(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/)
if (match) {
return `(${match[1]}) ${match[2]}-${match[3]}`
return text

Yadcf - Server side multi select

I used the function yadcf multi_select
When I make my search for two words, the function puts me a pipe between. I do not know how to remove it for that he understands the two words separately.
I found that the pipe would begin with this function :
function doFilterMultiSelect(arg, table_selector_jq_friendly, column_number, filter_match_mode) {
$.fn.dataTableExt.iApiIndex = oTablesIndex[table_selector_jq_friendly];
var oTable = oTables[table_selector_jq_friendly],
selected_values = $(arg).val(),
selected_values_trimmed = [],
settingsDt = getSettingsObjFromTable(oTable);
column_number_filter = calcColumnNumberFilter(settingsDt, column_number, table_selector_jq_friendly);
$(document).data("#yadcf-filter-" + table_selector_jq_friendly + "-" + column_number + "_val", selected_values);
if (selected_values !== null) {
for (i = selected_values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (selected_values[i] === "-1") {
selected_values.splice(i, 1);
for (i = 0; i < selected_values.length; i++) {
if (selected_values_trimmed.length !== 0) {
stringForSearch = selected_values_trimmed.join('narutouzomaki');
stringForSearch = stringForSearch.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
stringForSearch = stringForSearch.split('narutouzomaki').join('|');
if (filter_match_mode === "contains") {
oTable.fnFilter(stringForSearch, column_number_filter, true, false, true);
} else if (filter_match_mode === "exact") {
oTable.fnFilter("^(" + stringForSearch + ")$", column_number_filter, true, false, true);
} else if (filter_match_mode === "startsWith") {
oTable.fnFilter("^(" + stringForSearch + ")", column_number_filter, true, false, true);
} else if (filter_match_mode === "regex") {
oTable.fnFilter(stringForSearch, column_number_filter, true, false, true);
} else {
oTable.fnFilter("", column_number_filter);
} else {
oTable.fnFilter("", column_number_filter);
I can not seem to solve the problem to operate the multi_select.
Thank you for the help
Since you are using a multi select filter on some column yadcf sends strings with | (OR) to your server.
On your server side you have to do the split of the string into array/list of string and construct a proper sql query.
Split in Java
Split in PHP(see code sample in bottom
p.s I'm the author of yadcf

Restricting input to textbox: allowing only numbers and decimal point in Titanium

How can I restrict input to a text-box so that it accepts only numbers and the decimal point?
var textField = Ti.UI.createTextField({
top : 20,
left : 10,
right : 10,
height : 60,
With the help of property keyboardType : Ti.UI.KEYBOARD_NUMBER_PAD you can restrict input of a text-box so that it accepts only numbers and the decimal point
Here is a jsfiddle made by another user of this site, ShreejiShah:
Here is the original question: How to make HTML input tag only accept numbers?
It uses jQuery to detect keystrokes,
jQuery("#myId").keydown(function(event) {
// Allow: backspace, delete, tab, escape, enter and .
if ( jQuery.inArray(event.keyCode,[46,8,9,27,13,190]) !== -1 ||
// Allow: Ctrl+A
(event.keyCode == 65 && event.ctrlKey === true) ||
// Allow: home, end, left, right
(event.keyCode >= 35 && event.keyCode <= 39)) {
// let it happen, don't do anything
else {
// Ensure that it is a number and stop the keypress
if (event.shiftKey || (event.keyCode < 48 || event.keyCode > 57) && (event.keyCode < 96 || event.keyCode > 105 )) {
And if the key isn't a number, backspace, delete, tab, escape, enter or . it "prevents default" action, which would be to show the inputted character in the textbox.
Once again, this is not my code, but it is absolutely brilliant, so I use it hopefully without offending anyone.
you can use below function to validate numbers and digit.
function isDigit(number) {
var letters = /^[0-9. ]+$/;
var bl = false;
if (number.match(letters)) {
bl = true;
return bl;
this is just an example but you can call this function on change event of textField to validate.
Use this:
function removeNumbers(textbox) {
textbox.value = textbox.value.replace(/[^\0-9]/g, "");
<input onKeyPress="removeNumbers(this)">
Here we go! I did this in my code! Enjoy it
function replacePonto(){
var input = document.getElementById('qtd');
var ponto = input.value.split('.').length;
if (ponto > 2)
if (ponto ==2)
//this limit how much numbers after decimal point
if(input.value == '.')
input.value = "";
<input type="text" id="qtd" maxlength="10" style="width:140px" onkeyup="return replacePonto()">
Here is perfect for me:
function validateNumberDouble(event) {
var n = event.key;
k = event.keyCode;
v =;
if (k === 8 || k === 37 || k === 39 || k === 9 || k === 13) {
return true;
} else {
var dot = v.split('.').length;
if ((dot > 1 && n == '.') || (v.length == 0 && dot >= 1 && n == '.')) {
return false;
} else {
if (n.match(/[^0-9.]/)) {
return false;
if(v.indexOf('.')>0 && v.length - v.indexOf('.')>=3){
return false;

Parsing Data in Silverlight [duplicate]

Where could I find some JavaScript code to parse CSV data?
You can use the CSVToArray() function mentioned in this blog entry.
<script type="text/javascript">
// ref:
// This will parse a delimited string into an array of
// arrays. The default delimiter is the comma, but this
// can be overriden in the second argument.
function CSVToArray( strData, strDelimiter ){
// Check to see if the delimiter is defined. If not,
// then default to comma.
strDelimiter = (strDelimiter || ",");
// Create a regular expression to parse the CSV values.
var objPattern = new RegExp(
// Delimiters.
"(\\" + strDelimiter + "|\\r?\\n|\\r|^)" +
// Quoted fields.
"(?:\"([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)\"|" +
// Standard fields.
"([^\"\\" + strDelimiter + "\\r\\n]*))"
// Create an array to hold our data. Give the array
// a default empty first row.
var arrData = [[]];
// Create an array to hold our individual pattern
// matching groups.
var arrMatches = null;
// Keep looping over the regular expression matches
// until we can no longer find a match.
while (arrMatches = objPattern.exec( strData )){
// Get the delimiter that was found.
var strMatchedDelimiter = arrMatches[ 1 ];
// Check to see if the given delimiter has a length
// (is not the start of string) and if it matches
// field delimiter. If id does not, then we know
// that this delimiter is a row delimiter.
if (
strMatchedDelimiter.length &&
strMatchedDelimiter !== strDelimiter
// Since we have reached a new row of data,
// add an empty row to our data array.
arrData.push( [] );
var strMatchedValue;
// Now that we have our delimiter out of the way,
// let's check to see which kind of value we
// captured (quoted or unquoted).
if (arrMatches[ 2 ]){
// We found a quoted value. When we capture
// this value, unescape any double quotes.
strMatchedValue = arrMatches[ 2 ].replace(
new RegExp( "\"\"", "g" ),
} else {
// We found a non-quoted value.
strMatchedValue = arrMatches[ 3 ];
// Now that we have our value string, let's add
// it to the data array.
arrData[ arrData.length - 1 ].push( strMatchedValue );
// Return the parsed data.
return( arrData );
It's a jQuery plugin designed to work as an end-to-end solution for parsing CSV into JavaScript data. It handles every single edge case presented in RFC 4180, as well as some that pop up for Excel/Google spreadsheet exports (i.e., mostly involving null values) that the specification is missing.
Dangerous,'Busta Rhymes','When Disaster Strikes',1997
// Calling this
music = $.csv.toArrays(csv)
// Outputs...
["track", "artist", "album", "year"],
["Dangerous", "Busta Rhymes", "When Disaster Strikes", "1997"]
console.log(music[1][2]) // Outputs: 'When Disaster Strikes'
Oh yeah, I should also probably mention that it's completely configurable.
music = $.csv.toArrays(csv, {
delimiter: "'", // Sets a custom value delimiter character
separator: ';', // Sets a custom field separator character
Update 2:
It now works with jQuery on Node.js too. So you have the option of doing either client-side or server-side parsing with the same library.
Update 3:
Since the Google Code shutdown, jquery-csv has been migrated to GitHub.
Disclaimer: I am also the author of jQuery-CSV.
Here's an extremely simple CSV parser that handles quoted fields with commas, new lines, and escaped double quotation marks. There's no splitting or regular expression. It scans the input string 1-2 characters at a time and builds an array.
Test it at
function parseCSV(str) {
var arr = [];
var quote = false; // 'true' means we're inside a quoted field
// Iterate over each character, keep track of current row and column (of the returned array)
for (var row = 0, col = 0, c = 0; c < str.length; c++) {
var cc = str[c], nc = str[c+1]; // Current character, next character
arr[row] = arr[row] || []; // Create a new row if necessary
arr[row][col] = arr[row][col] || ''; // Create a new column (start with empty string) if necessary
// If the current character is a quotation mark, and we're inside a
// quoted field, and the next character is also a quotation mark,
// add a quotation mark to the current column and skip the next character
if (cc == '"' && quote && nc == '"') { arr[row][col] += cc; ++c; continue; }
// If it's just one quotation mark, begin/end quoted field
if (cc == '"') { quote = !quote; continue; }
// If it's a comma and we're not in a quoted field, move on to the next column
if (cc == ',' && !quote) { ++col; continue; }
// If it's a newline (CRLF) and we're not in a quoted field, skip the next character
// and move on to the next row and move to column 0 of that new row
if (cc == '\r' && nc == '\n' && !quote) { ++row; col = 0; ++c; continue; }
// If it's a newline (LF or CR) and we're not in a quoted field,
// move on to the next row and move to column 0 of that new row
if (cc == '\n' && !quote) { ++row; col = 0; continue; }
if (cc == '\r' && !quote) { ++row; col = 0; continue; }
// Otherwise, append the current character to the current column
arr[row][col] += cc;
return arr;
I have an implementation as part of a spreadsheet project.
This code is not yet tested thoroughly, but anyone is welcome to use it.
As some of the answers noted though, your implementation can be much simpler if you actually have DSV or TSV file, as they disallow the use of the record and field separators in the values. CSV, on the other hand, can actually have commas and newlines inside a field, which breaks most regular expression and split-based approaches.
var CSV = {
parse: function(csv, reviver) {
reviver = reviver || function(r, c, v) { return v; };
var chars = csv.split(''), c = 0, cc = chars.length, start, end, table = [], row;
while (c < cc) {
table.push(row = []);
while (c < cc && '\r' !== chars[c] && '\n' !== chars[c]) {
start = end = c;
if ('"' === chars[c]){
start = end = ++c;
while (c < cc) {
if ('"' === chars[c]) {
if ('"' !== chars[c+1]) {
else {
chars[++c] = ''; // unescape ""
end = ++c;
if ('"' === chars[c]) {
while (c < cc && '\r' !== chars[c] && '\n' !== chars[c] && ',' !== chars[c]) {
} else {
while (c < cc && '\r' !== chars[c] && '\n' !== chars[c] && ',' !== chars[c]) {
end = ++c;
row.push(reviver(table.length-1, row.length, chars.slice(start, end).join('')));
if (',' === chars[c]) {
if ('\r' === chars[c]) {
if ('\n' === chars[c]) {
return table;
stringify: function(table, replacer) {
replacer = replacer || function(r, c, v) { return v; };
var csv = '', c, cc, r, rr = table.length, cell;
for (r = 0; r < rr; ++r) {
if (r) {
csv += '\r\n';
for (c = 0, cc = table[r].length; c < cc; ++c) {
if (c) {
csv += ',';
cell = replacer(r, c, table[r][c]);
if (/[,\r\n"]/.test(cell)) {
cell = '"' + cell.replace(/"/g, '""') + '"';
csv += (cell || 0 === cell) ? cell : '';
return csv;
csvToArray v1.3
A compact (645 bytes), but compliant function to convert a CSV string into a 2D array, conforming to the RFC4180 standard.
Common Usage: jQuery
url: "test.csv",
dataType: 'text',
cache: false
Common usage: JavaScript
csvAsArray = csvAsString.csvToArray();
Override field separator
csvAsArray = csvAsString.csvToArray("|");
Override record separator
csvAsArray = csvAsString.csvToArray("", "#");
Override Skip Header
csvAsArray = csvAsString.csvToArray("", "", 1);
Override all
csvAsArray = csvAsString.csvToArray("|", "#", 1);
Here's my PEG(.js) grammar that seems to do ok at RFC 4180 (i.e. it handles the examples at
= [\n\r]* first:line rest:([\n\r]+ data:line { return data; })* [\n\r]* { rest.unshift(first); return rest; }
= first:field rest:("," text:field { return text; })*
& { return !!first || rest.length; } // ignore blank lines
{ rest.unshift(first); return rest; }
= '"' text:char* '"' { return text.join(''); }
/ text:[^\n\r,]* { return text.join(''); }
= '"' '"' { return '"'; }
/ [^"]
Try it out at or Download the generated parser at
Here's another solution. This uses:
a coarse global regular expression for splitting the CSV string (which includes surrounding quotes and trailing commas)
fine-grained regular expression for cleaning up the surrounding quotes and trailing commas
also, has type correction differentiating strings, numbers, boolean values and null values
For the following input string:
"This is\, a value",Hello,4,-123,3.1415,'This is also\, possible',true,
The code outputs:
"This is, a value",
"This is also, possible",
Here's my implementation of parseCSVLine() in a runnable code snippet:
function parseCSVLine(text) {
return text.match( /\s*(\"[^"]*\"|'[^']*'|[^,]*)\s*(,|$)/g ).map( function (text) {
let m;
if (m = text.match(/^\s*,?$/)) return null; // null value
if (m = text.match(/^\s*\"([^"]*)\"\s*,?$/)) return m[1]; // Double Quoted Text
if (m = text.match(/^\s*'([^']*)'\s*,?$/)) return m[1]; // Single Quoted Text
if (m = text.match(/^\s*(true|false)\s*,?$/)) return m[1] === "true"; // Boolean
if (m = text.match(/^\s*((?:\+|\-)?\d+)\s*,?$/)) return parseInt(m[1]); // Integer Number
if (m = text.match(/^\s*((?:\+|\-)?\d*\.\d*)\s*,?$/)) return parseFloat(m[1]); // Floating Number
if (m = text.match(/^\s*(.*?)\s*,?$/)) return m[1]; // Unquoted Text
return text;
} );
let data = `"This is\, a value",Hello,4,-123,3.1415,'This is also\, possible',true,`;
let obj = parseCSVLine(data);
console.log( JSON.stringify( obj, undefined, 2 ) );
Here's my simple vanilla JavaScript code:
let a = 'one,two,"three, but with a comma",four,"five, with ""quotes"" in it.."'
function splitQuotes(line) {
if(line.indexOf('"') < 0)
return line.split(',')
let result = [], cell = '', quote = false;
for(let i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
char = line[i]
if(char == '"' && line[i+1] == '"') {
cell += char
} else if(char == '"') {
quote = !quote;
} else if(!quote && char == ',') {
cell = ''
} else {
cell += char
if ( i == line.length-1 && cell) {
return result
I'm not sure why I couldn't get Kirtan's example to work for me. It seemed to be failing on empty fields or maybe fields with trailing commas...
This one seems to handle both.
I did not write the parser code, just a wrapper around the parser function to make this work for a file. See attribution.
var Strings = {
* Wrapped CSV line parser
* #param s String delimited CSV string
* #param sep Separator override
* #attribution: (comments closed on blog :( )
parseCSV : function(s,sep) {
var universalNewline = /\r\n|\r|\n/g;
var a = s.split(universalNewline);
for(var i in a){
for (var f = a[i].split(sep = sep || ","), x = f.length - 1, tl; x >= 0; x--) {
if (f[x].replace(/"\s+$/, '"').charAt(f[x].length - 1) == '"') {
if ((tl = f[x].replace(/^\s+"/, '"')).length > 1 && tl.charAt(0) == '"') {
f[x] = f[x].replace(/^\s*"|"\s*$/g, '').replace(/""/g, '"');
} else if (x) {
f.splice(x - 1, 2, [f[x - 1], f[x]].join(sep));
} else f = f.shift().split(sep).concat(f);
} else f[x].replace(/""/g, '"');
} a[i] = f;
return a;
Regular expressions to the rescue! These few lines of code handle properly quoted fields with embedded commas, quotes, and newlines based on the RFC 4180 standard.
function parseCsv(data, fieldSep, newLine) {
fieldSep = fieldSep || ',';
newLine = newLine || '\n';
var nSep = '\x1D';
var qSep = '\x1E';
var cSep = '\x1F';
var nSepRe = new RegExp(nSep, 'g');
var qSepRe = new RegExp(qSep, 'g');
var cSepRe = new RegExp(cSep, 'g');
var fieldRe = new RegExp('(?<=(^|[' + fieldSep + '\\n]))"(|[\\s\\S]+?(?<![^"]"))"(?=($|[' + fieldSep + '\\n]))', 'g');
var grid = [];
data.replace(/\r/g, '').replace(/\n+$/, '').replace(fieldRe, function(match, p1, p2) {
return p2.replace(/\n/g, nSep).replace(/""/g, qSep).replace(/,/g, cSep);
}).split(/\n/).forEach(function(line) {
var row = line.split(fieldSep).map(function(cell) {
return cell.replace(nSepRe, newLine).replace(qSepRe, '"').replace(cSepRe, ',');
return grid;
const csv = 'A1,B1,C1\n"A ""2""","B, 2","C\n2"';
const separator = ','; // field separator, default: ','
const newline = ' <br /> '; // newline representation in case a field contains newlines, default: '\n'
var grid = parseCsv(csv, separator, newline);
// expected: [ [ 'A1', 'B1', 'C1' ], [ 'A "2"', 'B, 2', 'C <br /> 2' ] ]
You don't need a parser-generator such as lex/yacc. The regular expression handles RFC 4180 properly thanks to positive lookbehind, negative lookbehind, and positive lookahead.
Clone/download code at
Just throwing this out there.. I recently ran into the need to parse CSV columns with Javascript, and I opted for my own simple solution. It works for my needs, and may help someone else.
const csvString = '"Some text, some text",,"",true,false,"more text","more,text, more, text ",true';
const parseCSV = text => {
const lines = text.split('\n');
const output = [];
lines.forEach(line => {
line = line.trim();
if (line.length === 0) return;
const skipIndexes = {};
const columns = line.split(',');
output.push(columns.reduce((result, item, index) => {
if (skipIndexes[index]) return result;
if (item.startsWith('"') && !item.endsWith('"')) {
while (!columns[index + 1].endsWith('"')) {
item += `,${columns[index]}`;
skipIndexes[index] = true;
skipIndexes[index] = true;
item += `,${columns[index]}`;
return result;
}, []));
return output;
Personally I like to use deno std library since most modules are officially compatible with the browser
The problem is that the std is in typescript but official solution might happen in the future
For now there is an actively maintained on the fly transpiler
so you can use it simply like this
<script type="module">
import { parse } from ""
console.log(await parse("a,b,c\n1,2,3"))
I have constructed this JavaScript script to parse a CSV in string to array object. I find it better to break down the whole CSV into lines, fields and process them accordingly. I think that it will make it easy for you to change the code to suit your need.
// CSV to object
const new_line_char = '\n';
const field_separator_char = ',';
function parse_csv(csv_str) {
var result = [];
let line_end_index_moved = false;
let line_start_index = 0;
let line_end_index = 0;
let csr_index = 0;
let cursor_val = csv_str[csr_index];
let found_new_line_char = get_new_line_char(csv_str);
let in_quote = false;
// Handle \r\n
if (found_new_line_char == '\r\n') {
csv_str = csv_str.split(found_new_line_char).join(new_line_char);
// Handle the last character is not \n
if (csv_str[csv_str.length - 1] !== new_line_char) {
csv_str += new_line_char;
while (csr_index < csv_str.length) {
if (cursor_val === '"') {
in_quote = !in_quote;
} else if (cursor_val === new_line_char) {
if (in_quote === false) {
if (line_end_index_moved && (line_start_index <= line_end_index)) {
result.push(parse_csv_line(csv_str.substring(line_start_index, line_end_index)));
line_start_index = csr_index + 1;
} // Else: just ignore line_end_index has not moved or line has not been sliced for parsing the line
} // Else: just ignore because we are in a quote
cursor_val = csv_str[csr_index];
line_end_index = csr_index;
line_end_index_moved = true;
// Handle \r\n
if (found_new_line_char == '\r\n') {
let new_result = [];
let curr_row;
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
curr_row = [];
for (var j = 0; j < result[i].length; j++) {
result = new_result;
return result;
function parse_csv_line(csv_line_str) {
var result = [];
//let field_end_index_moved = false;
let field_start_index = 0;
let field_end_index = 0;
let csr_index = 0;
let cursor_val = csv_line_str[csr_index];
let in_quote = false;
// Pretend that the last char is the separator_char to complete the loop
csv_line_str += field_separator_char;
while (csr_index < csv_line_str.length) {
if (cursor_val === '"') {
in_quote = !in_quote;
} else if (cursor_val === field_separator_char) {
if (in_quote === false) {
if (field_start_index <= field_end_index) {
result.push(parse_csv_field(csv_line_str.substring(field_start_index, field_end_index)));
field_start_index = csr_index + 1;
} // Else: just ignore field_end_index has not moved or field has not been sliced for parsing the field
} // Else: just ignore because we are in quote
cursor_val = csv_line_str[csr_index];
field_end_index = csr_index;
field_end_index_moved = true;
return result;
function parse_csv_field(csv_field_str) {
with_quote = (csv_field_str[0] === '"');
if (with_quote) {
csv_field_str = csv_field_str.substring(1, csv_field_str.length - 1); // remove the start and end quotes
csv_field_str = csv_field_str.split('""').join('"'); // handle double quotes
return csv_field_str;
// Initial method: check the first newline character only
function get_new_line_char(csv_str) {
if (csv_str.indexOf('\r\n') > -1) {
return '\r\n';
} else {
return '\n'
Just use .split(','):
var str = "How are you doing today?";
var n = str.split(" ");