Why to use access specifiers/Modifiers in Java? - oop

I am learning Java and my question is Why to use access specifiers/Modifiers in Java? why we need to use Public, Private, Protected and Default access to class, Method or variables. If I am programmer then Obviously I know everything from program. If I am end user then I don't know what program is? Then from whom I am hiding details? Where the data hiding comes in picture? Please help me with some examples as point of programmer as well as as point of end user.

Hiding the internals of the object protects its integrity by preventing users from setting the internal data of the component into an invalid or inconsistent state.
A benefit of encapsulation is that it can reduce system complexity, and thus increases robustness, by allowing the developer to limit the inter-dependencies between software components. [1]
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(object-oriented_programming)

As point of software designer: practical and semantic reasons.
Variables describe an object instance's state. Protected variables are inherited. This is practical as classes in the inheritance chain can share structural similarities with each other. Non-inheriting variables remain private. Variables are only public when they are constants (public static final variables).
Methods describe an object's behaviour. The inheritance of protected and the usage of public methods is pretty much the same as with variables, except that while variables describe state, methods describe behaviour. One difference is the usage of package private methods, which approach is usually used inside frameworks.

If you do need a practical example, let's say the details of your FB password is stored as a private variable and your LoginID is stored as a protected variable in a FBDetails class...
Now anyone can inherit the FBDetails class to get your LoginID but apparently no one can access your password.


Is it possible to violate Encapsulation by Reflection in ABAP?

Is it possible to:
Read / Modify the content of a private member variable?
Call a private method?
..from a context where these are not in scope?
Not planning to do any architecture like this, i just want to know if it's possible.
ABAP is an interpreted language. So the interpreter is aware of anything anytime. Even with reflection (RTTI/RTTC) and/or dynamic calls you can not access private members out of scope.
However if you have declared friends, then the friends can access private members of course.
Since the debugger is written in ABAP and the debugger can display the contents of private members, the former is possible (if not easy - you have to do some really risky low-level stuff I'd not recommend for obvious reasons). For calling private methods, I'm not sure but I'd doubt that it's possible.

In OOP programming style, why should we hide object's data member from being directly accessed by others

I just don't know why this is the RULE. and what benifit of this rule?
Could you give me a example that we better follow this rule.
It is also called data hiding which helps to maintain the integrity of the object. It saves the data from misuse and outside interference. The data cannot be accessed directly but access controls can be specified in order to obtain the information. The data or object can be made public or private depending on the needs. The data which is private is not accessible outside the scope of the object. When the data is public it can be accessed by the other parts of the program.
"Preventing users of your class misusing it" is often touted as the reason that encapsulation is so important.
I think that has an implication that you are writing classes for other un-trusted developers to use, which I think is rarely the case. The un-trusted clients argument confuses the issue.
Most of the time the users of your class are "you" and members of your team.
The public methods and properties of your class make up the interface point between your class and the rest of your code. The smaller that interface is the easier it is to use and understand.
The reason you encapsulate is to make the interface for your class as small and succinct as possible.
If your classes are highly cohesive and have small interfaces you can easily "forget" about how they work and focus on another part of your program.
Take the example of a class that makes web requests. It may expose a single public method DownloadFile(url). This class could be extremely complicated but it's simple interface means you can forget about the internals of how it works leaving you more room in your head to focus on the problem you are trying to solve.
The counter example would be a web request class that exposed all it's methods publicly. It make have 20 methods, DownloadBegin, DownloadEnd, ChooseProtocol, etc etc. All of those may be used internally but were never intended to be called externally. In order to use the class you then have to know how it works internally before you can know which methods to call.
One of the virtues of data hiding that gets touted a lot is that it helps to protect your class from misuse. You can't trust the users of your class to do the right thing with it, so you make it impossible to do the wrong thing with it. Most of the time giving a user of your class direct access to any of its members opens up the possibility for that member to be set to some invalid or nonsensical value, or set at the wrong time.
One of the more practical reasons is, you can't change the implementation of a data member. If you have, say, a size member that you make publicly accessible, then later you need to have the class actually do something in response to a change of size, you're stuck. If you have accessor methods, then these methods can be as magical as they need to be.
It's also related to the separation of concerns. If you have public interface and the data is not public, you can change the way the data is represented any time, changing only the class that holds the data. If the data is not hidden and you change it, you have to change all of the code that uses the data.

Who do we protect our classes from?

I'm currently learning C# and I was wondering, what is the point of declaring classes / methods private? Who are we hiding / limiting access to these classes.
Because if someone was editing the source they could just change the tag from private to public. I'm not sure how a user will be able to access these methods and what problems it would cause.
tldr; What's the point of access modifiers.
Member visibility, as this feature is often called, is not a security feature. It is a convenience for the programmer, designed to help limit cross-class dependencies. By declaring a member private, you prevent other code from accessing it directly. This has two advantages:
if you find that a member variable gets manipulated in a way you did not intend, the amount of code you have to check is significantly smaller when the variable is private
you can change the inner workings of a class (everything that is declared private) without breaking the interface (everything declared public)
Member visibility is probably the most important language feature in realizing encapsulation, one of the core principles of object-oriented programming.
This is a basic OO concept - encapsulation and has mostly nothing to do with security per se. To quote from Wikipedia (emphasis mine):
Hiding the internals of the object protects its integrity by
preventing users from setting the internal data of the component into
an invalid or inconsistent state. A benefit of encapsulation is that
it can reduce system complexity, and thus increases robustness, by
allowing the developer to limit the interdependencies between software
It keeps your code tidy. You separate your code into a public interface, and private internals.
That way, you can change your internals without fear of breaking code that depends on your class. You can also safely assume that no other code has modified your internal state while you weren't looking.
Access modifiers are used for encapsulation: they allow you to arrange
your code in packages and classes, and have only an "official" public
interface visible to the outside, while hiding the implementation
details (which you want to do, so that you can later change it without
telling anyone).
This is especially (only?) important, when you release code as a
library for other programmers to use. Even if the code is only used in
your own program, it helps to structure larger programs into several
packages. - Thilo
You can write code in 2 ways: designed for extension and designed for usage as it is.
You may or may not have access to source code.
Access modifiers are most important in code designed for extension where the client programmer (the programmer which extends and uses your code) needs to have access only to the API you expose - basically, to the interface you offer by using these access modifiers.
Access modifiers are used for encapsulation, so that the internals of an object/class are hidden from outside users or classes. This prevents users from accidentally or intentionally breaking an object/class by modifying its instance variables and/or functions.
Encapsulation is an important part of the Open/closed principle, which refers to a class being "open for extension" but "closed for modification". This principle allows the extension of classes without fear that the API of an class may change in the future.

Should protected attributes always be banned?

I seldom use inheritance, but when I do, I never use protected attributes because I think it breaks the encapsulation of the inherited classes.
Do you use protected attributes ? what do you use them for ?
In this interview on Design by Bill Venners, Joshua Bloch, the author of Effective Java says:
Trusting Subclasses
Bill Venners: Should I trust subclasses more intimately than
non-subclasses? For example, do I make
it easier for a subclass
implementation to break me than I
would for a non-subclass? In
particular, how do you feel about
protected data?
Josh Bloch: To write something that is both subclassable and robust
against a malicious subclass is
actually a pretty tough thing to do,
assuming you give the subclass access
to your internal data structures. If
the subclass does not have access to
anything that an ordinary user
doesn't, then it's harder for the
subclass to do damage. But unless you
make all your methods final, the
subclass can still break your
contracts by just doing the wrong
things in response to method
invocation. That's precisely why the
security critical classes like String
are final. Otherwise someone could
write a subclass that makes Strings
appear mutable, which would be
sufficient to break security. So you
must trust your subclasses. If you
don't trust them, then you can't allow
them, because subclasses can so easily
cause a class to violate its
As far as protected data in general,
it's a necessary evil. It should be
kept to a minimum. Most protected data
and protected methods amount to
committing to an implementation
detail. A protected field is an
implementation detail that you are
making visible to subclasses. Even a
protected method is a piece of
internal structure that you are making
visible to subclasses.
The reason you make it visible is that
it's often necessary in order to allow
subclasses to do their job, or to do
it efficiently. But once you've done
it, you're committed to it. It is now
something that you are not allowed to
change, even if you later find a more
efficient implementation that no
longer involves the use of a
particular field or method.
So all other things being equal, you
shouldn't have any protected members
at all. But that said, if you have too
few, then your class may not be usable
as a super class, or at least not as
an efficient super class. Often you
find out after the fact. My philosophy
is to have as few protected members as
possible when you first write the
class. Then try to subclass it. You
may find out that without a particular
protected method, all subclasses will
have to do some bad thing.
As an example, if you look at
AbstractList, you'll find that there
is a protected method to delete a
range of the list in one shot
(removeRange). Why is that in there?
Because the normal idiom to remove a
range, based on the public API, is to
call subList to get a sub-List,
and then call clear on that
sub-List. Without this particular
protected method, however, the only
thing that clear could do is
repeatedly remove individual elements.
Think about it. If you have an array
representation, what will it do? It
will repeatedly collapse the array,
doing order N work N times. So it will
take a quadratic amount of work,
instead of the linear amount of work
that it should. By providing this
protected method, we allow any
implementation that can efficiently
delete an entire range to do so. And
any reasonable List implementation
can delete a range more efficiently
all at once.
That we would need this protected
method is something you would have to
be way smarter than me to know up
front. Basically, I implemented the
thing. Then, as we started to subclass
it, we realized that range delete was
quadratic. We couldn't afford that, so
I put in the protected method. I think
that's the best approach with
protected methods. Put in as few as
possible, and then add more as needed.
Protected methods represent
commitments to designs that you may
want to change. You can always add
protected methods, but you can't take
them out.
Bill Venners: And protected data?
Josh Bloch: The same thing, but even more. Protected data is even more
dangerous in terms of messing up your
data invariants. If you give someone
else access to some internal data,
they have free reign over it.
Short version: it breaks encapsulation but it's a necessary evil that should be kept to a minimum.
I use protected for abstract or virtual methods that I want base classes to override. I also make a method protected if it may be called by base classes, but I don't want it called outside the class hierarchy.
You may need them for static (or 'global') attribute you want your subclasses or classes from same package (if it is about java) to benefit from.
Those static final attributes representing some kind of 'constant value' have seldom a getter function, so a protected static final attribute might make sense in that case.
Scott Meyers says don't use protected attributes in Effective C++ (3rd ed.):
Item 22: Declare data members private.
The reason is the same you give: it breaks encapsulations. The consequence is that otherwise local changes to the layout of the class might break dependent types and result in changes in many other places.
I don't use protected attributes in Java because they are only package protected there. But in C++, I'll use them in abstract classes, allowing the inheriting class to inherit them directly.
There are never any good reasons to have protected attributes. A base class must be able to depend on state, which means restricting access to data through accessor methods. You can't give anyone access to your private data, even children.
I recently worked on a project were the "protected" member was a very good idea. The class hiearchy was something like:
[+] Base
+--[+] BaseMap
| |
| +--[+] Map
| |
| +--[+] HashMap
+--[+] // something else ?
The Base implemented a std::list but nothing else. The direct access to the list was forbidden to the user, but as the Base class was incomplete, it relied anyway on derived classes to implement the indirection to the list.
The indirection could come from at least two flavors: std::map and stdext::hash_map. Both maps will behave the same way but for the fact the hash_map needs the Key to be hashable (in VC2003, castable to size_t).
So BaseMap implemented a TMap as a templated type that was a map-like container.
Map and HashMap were two derived classes of BaseMap, one specializing BaseMap on std::map, and the other on stdext::hash_map.
Base was not usable as such (no public accessors !) and only provided common features and code
BaseMap needed easy read/write to a std::list
Map and HashMap needed easy read/write access to the TMap defined in BaseMap.
For me, the only solution was to use protected for the std::list and the TMap member variables. There was no way I would put those "private" because I would anyway expose all or almost all of their features through read/write accessors anyway.
In the end, I guess that if you en up dividing your class into multiple objects, each derivation adding needed features to its mother class, and only the most derived class being really usable, then protected is the way to go. The fact the "protected member" was a class, and so, was almost impossible to "break", helped.
But otherwise, protected should be avoided as much as possible (i.e.: Use private by default, and public when you must expose the method).
The protected keyword is a conceptual error and language design botch, and several modern languages, such as Nim and Ceylon (see http://ceylon-lang.org/documentation/faq/language-design/#no_protected_modifier), that have been carefully designed rather than just copying common mistakes, don't have such a keyword.
It's not protected members that breaks encapsulation, it's exposing members that shouldn't be exposed that breaks encapsulation ... it doesn't matter whether they are protected or public. The problem with protected is that it is wrongheaded and misleading ... declaring members protected (rather than private) doesn't protect them, it does the opposite, exactly as public does. A protected member, being accessible outside the class, is exposed to the world and so its semantics must be maintained forever, just as is the case for public. The whole idea of "protected" is nonsense ... encapsulation is not security, and the keyword just furthers the confusion between the two. You can help a little by avoiding all uses of protected in your own classes -- if something is an internal part of the implementation, isn't part of the class's semantics, and may change in the future, then make it private or internal to your package, module, assembly, etc. If it is an unchangeable part of the class semantics, then make it public, and then you won't annoy users of your class who can see that there's a useful member in the documentation but can't use it, unless they are creating their own instances and can get at it by subclassing.
In general, no you really don't want to use protected data members. This is doubly true if your writing an API. Once someone inherits from your class you can never really do maintenance and not somehow break them in a weird and sometimes wild way.
I use them. In short, it's a good way, if you want to have some attributes shared. Granted, you could write set/get functions for them, but if there is no validation, then what's the point? It's also faster.
Consider this: you have a class which is your base class. It has quite a few attributes you wan't to use in the child objects. You could write a get/set function for each, or you can just set them.
My typical example is a file/stream handler. You want to access the handler (i.e. file descriptor), but you want to hide it from other classes. It's way easier than writing a set/get function for it.
I think protected attributes are a bad idea. I use CheckStyle to enforce that rule with my Java development teams.
In general, yes. A protected method is usually better.
In use, there is a level of simplicity given by using a protected final variable for an object that is shared by all the children of a class. I'd always advise against using it with primitives or collections since the contracts are impossible to define for those types.
Lately I've come to separate stuff you do with primitives and raw collections from stuff you do with well-formed classes. Primitives and collections should ALWAYS be private.
Also, I've started occasionally exposing public member variables when they are declaired final and are well-formed classes that are not too flexible (again, not primitives or collections).
This isn't some stupid shortcut, I thought it out pretty seriously and decided there is absolutely no difference between a public final variable exposing an object and a getter.
It depends on what you want. If you want a fast class then data should be protected and use protected and public methods.
Because I think you should assume that your users who derive from your class know your class quite well or at least they have read your manual at the function they going to override.
If your users mess with your class it is not your problem. Every malicious user can add the following lines when overriding one of your virtuals:
static Random rnd=new Random();
if (rnd.Next()%1000==0) throw new Exception("My base class sucks! HAHAHAHA! xD");
You can't seal every class to prevent this.
Of course if you want a constraint on some of your fields then use accessor functions or properties or something you want and make that field private because there is no other solution...
But I personally don't like to stick to the oop principles at all costs. Especially making properties with the only purpose to make data members private.
private _foo;
public foo
get {return _foo;}
set {_foo=value;}
This was my personal opinion.
But do what your boss require (if he wants private fields than do that.)
I use protected variables/attributes within base classes that I know I don't plan on changing into methods. That way, subclasses have full access to their inherited variables, and don't have the (artificially created) overhead of going through getters/setters to access them. An example is a class using an underlying I/O stream; there is little reason not to allow subclasses direct access to the underlying stream.
This is fine for member variables that are used in direct simple ways within the base class and all subclasses. But for a variable that has a more complicated use (e.g., accessing it causes side effects in other members within the class), a directly accessible variable is not appropriate. In this case, it can be made private and public/protected getters/setters can be provided instead. An example is an internal buffering mechanism provided by the base class, where accessing the buffers directly from a subclass would compromise the integrity of the algorithms used by the base class to manage them.
It's a design judgment decision, based on how simple the member variable is, and how it is expected to be so in future versions.
Encapsulation is great, but it can be taken too far. I've seen classes whose own private methods accessed its member variables using only getter/setter methods. This is overkill, since if a class can't trust its own private methods with its own private data, who can it trust?

Should you ever use protected member variables?

Should you ever use protected member variables? What are the the advantages and what issues can this cause?
Should you ever use protected member variables?
Depends on how picky you are about hiding state.
If you don't want any leaking of internal state, then declaring all your member variables private is the way to go.
If you don't really care that subclasses can access internal state, then protected is good enough.
If a developer comes along and subclasses your class they may mess it up because they don't understand it fully. With private members, other than the public interface, they can't see the implementation specific details of how things are being done which gives you the flexibility of changing it later.
Generally, if something is not deliberately conceived as public, I make it private.
If a situation arises where I need access to that private variable or method from a derived class, I change it from private to protected.
This hardly ever happens - I'm really not a fan at all of inheritance, as it isn't a particularly good way to model most situations. At any rate, carry on, no worries.
I'd say this is fine (and probably the best way to go about it) for the majority of developers.
The simple fact of the matter is, if some other developer comes along a year later and decides they need access to your private member variable, they are simply going to edit the code, change it to protected, and carry on with their business.
The only real exceptions to this are if you're in the business of shipping binary dll's in black-box form to third parties. This consists basically of Microsoft, those 'Custom DataGrid Control' vendors, and maybe a few other large apps that ship with extensibility libraries. Unless you're in that category, it's not worth expending the time/effort to worry about this kind of thing.
The general feeling nowadays is that they cause undue coupling between derived classes and their bases.
They have no particular advantage over protected methods/properties (once upon a time they might have a slight performance advantage), and they were also used more in an era when very deep inheritance was in fashion, which it isn't at the moment.
The key issue for me is that once you make a variable protected, you then cannot allow any method in your class to rely on its value being within a range, because a subclass can always place it out of range.
For example, if I have a class that defines width and height of a renderable object, and I make those variables protected, I then can make no assumptions over (for example), aspect ratio.
Critically, I can never make those assumptions at any point from the moment that code's released as a library, since even if I update my setters to maintain aspect ratio, I have no guarantee that the variables are being set via the setters or accessed via the getters in existing code.
Nor can any subclass of my class choose to make that guarantee, as they can't enforce the variables values either, even if that's the entire point of their subclass.
As an example:
I have a rectangle class with width and height being stored as protected variables.
An obvious sub-class (within my context) is a "DisplayedRectangle" class, where the only difference is that I restrict the widths and heights to valid values for a graphical display.
But that's impossible now, since my DisplayedRectangle class cannot truly constrain those values, as any subclass of it could override the values directly, while still being treated as a DisplayedRectangle.
By constraining the variables to be private, I can then enforce the behaviour I want through setters or getters.
In general, I would keep your protected member variables to the rare case where you have total control over the code that uses them as well. If you are creating a public API, I'd say never. Below, we'll refer to the member variable as a "property" of the object.
Here's what your superclass cannot do after making a member variable protected rather than private-with-accessors:
lazily create a value on the fly when the property is being read. If you add a protected getter method, you can lazily create the value and pass it back.
know when the property been modified or deleted. This can introduce bugs when the superclass makes assumptions about the state of that variable. Making a protected setter method for the variable keeps that control.
Set a breakpoint or add debug output when the variable is read or written to.
Rename that member variable without searching through all the code that might use it.
In general, I think it'd be the rare case that I'd recommend making a protected member variable. You are better off spending a few minutes exposing the property through getters/setters than hours later tracking down a bug in some other code that modified the protected variable. Not only that, but you are insured against adding future functionality (such as lazy loading) without breaking dependent code. It's harder to do it later than to do it now.
At the design level it might be appropriate to use a protected property, but for implementation I see no advantage in mapping this to a protected member variable rather than accessor/mutator methods.
Protected member variables have significant disadvantages because they effectively allow client code (the sub-class) access to the internal state of the base class class. This prevents the base class from effectively maintaining its invariants.
For the same reason, protected member variables also make writing safe multi-threaded code significantly more difficult unless guaranteed constant or confined to a single thread.
Accessor/mutator methods offer considerably more API stability and implementation flexibility under maintenance.
Also, if you're an OO purist, objects collaborate/communicate by sending messages, not reading/setting state.
In return they offer very few advantages. I wouldn't necessarily remove them from somebody else's code, but I don't use them myself.
Just for the record, under Item 24 of "Exceptional C++", in one of the footnotes, Sutter goes
"you would never write a class that has a public or protected member variable. right? (Regardless of the poor example set by some libraries.)"
Most of the time, it is dangerous to use protected because you break somewhat the encapsulation of your class, which could well be broken down by a poorly designed derived class.
But I have one good example: Let's say you can some kind of generic container. It has an internal implementation, and internal accessors. But you need to offer at least 3 public access to its data: map, hash_map, vector-like. Then you have something like:
template <typename T, typename TContainer>
class Base
// etc.
TContainer container ;
template <typename Key, typename T>
class DerivedMap : public Base<T, std::map<Key, T> > { /* etc. */ }
template <typename Key, typename T>
class DerivedHashMap : public Base<T, std::hash_map<Key, T> > { /* etc. */ }
template <typename T>
class DerivedVector : public Base<T, std::vector<T> > { /* etc. */ }
I used this kind of code less than a month ago (so the code is from memory). After some thinking, I believe that while the generic Base container should be an abstract class, even if it can live quite well, because using directly Base would be such a pain it should be forbidden.
Summary Thus, you have protected data used by the derived class. Still, we must take int o account the fact the Base class should be abstract.
In short, yes.
Protected member variables allow access to the variable from any sub-classes as well as any classes in the same package. This can be highly useful, especially for read-only data. I don't believe that they are ever necessary however, because any use of a protected member variable can be replicated using a private member variable and a couple of getters and setters.
For detailed info on .Net access modifiers go here
There are no real advantages or disadvantages to protected member variables, it's a question of what you need in your specific situation. In general it is accepted practice to declare member variables as private and enable outside access through properties. Also, some tools (e.g. some O/R mappers) expect object data to be represented by properties and do not recognize public or protected member variables. But if you know that you want your subclasses (and ONLY your subclasses) to access a certain variable there is no reason not to declare it as protected.