Qualify Selection Object in VBA Word - vba

I have a VBA subroutine which performs miscellaneous formatting to Word documents. It relies on the Selection object (Selection.WholeStory) to apply the formatting.
This subroutine is called from VBA Outlook with a Word.Application object.
The problem that arises is: when another instance of Word is open when the macro is called, the Selection Object refers to the Word document already open, not the handler created in my macro.
VBA does not seem to qualify the selection objct, so when you write Selection.PageSetup (ie) and start applying changes, it is applied to the Document already open in Word, not the document you are handling from VBA.
I've looked around for the answer on MSDN and here, but to no luck. If anyone knows how to qualify this object, let me know. Thanks.
create word handler
open attachment in word
With Selection.PageSetup
.LineNumbering.Active = False
.Orientation = wdOrientPortrait
/* etc */
End with
Since "Selection" cannot be qualified, all these changes get made to whatever is already open.
if numTextFiles >= 1 then
for each textFile in textFileNames
'Open text file in word
Set doc = WordApp.Documents.Open(outReportFullDir & "\" & textFile)
'Set the output name of word doc (change .txt to .docx)
reportWordName = left(textFile, len(textFile) - 4)
reportWordName = reportWordName & ".docx"
'Check if out word document already exists
preventOverwrite(outReportFullDir & "\" & reportWordName)
'Format Reports
Private Sub formatReport()
'Added by Ryan to make single-spaced
Selection.Font.Name = "Courier New"
Selection.Font.Size = 8
With Selection.PageSetup
.MirrorMargins = False
.TwoPagesOnOne = False
.BookFoldPrinting = False
.BookFoldRevPrinting = False
.BookFoldPrintingSheets = 1
.GutterPos = wdGutterPosLeft
End With
End Sub

There is probably confusion between Word's selection object and Outlook's selection object.
WordApp.Selection.Font.Name = "Courier New"
(or e.g.
Dim sel as Word.Selection
Set sel = WordApp.Selection
sel.Font.Name = "Courier New"
Set sel = Nothing
So that if WordApp is not in scope, you should be able to use something like
Set sel = doc.Application.Selection
Finally, if you can get away with using Word Range instead, I would do so (e.g. doc.Range or Doc.Content) and avoid the whole Selection thing.

Have you tried something like this? It looks like you're getting a proper reference to the correct document at one stage in the game.
if numTextFiles >= 1 then
for each textFile in textFileNames
'Open text file in word
Set doc = WordApp.Documents.Open(outReportFullDir & "\" & textFile)
'Set the output name of word doc (change .txt to .docx)
reportWordName = left(textFile, len(textFile) - 4)
reportWordName = reportWordName & ".docx"
'Check if out word document already exists
preventOverwrite(outReportFullDir & "\" & reportWordName)
'Format Reports
Call formatReport(doc)
Private Sub formatReport(ByRef doc)
'Added by Ryan to make single-spaced
Selection.Font.Name = "Courier New"
Selection.Font.Size = 8
With Selection.PageSetup
.MirrorMargins = False
.TwoPagesOnOne = False
.BookFoldPrinting = False
.BookFoldRevPrinting = False
.BookFoldPrintingSheets = 1
.GutterPos = wdGutterPosLeft
End With
End Sub


VBA | Word <--> Table Column Alignment

got a problem with the right alignment from columns in a word document.
I'm creating a word document with a table from one of our systems. The first time creating the table and selecting the columns for alignment will work without problems. If the user now creates a new document, overwriting the old one, it will crash. If the new word document is created, without overwriting an old one, no errors occur.
So the combination out of overwriting an existing document, there aren't any word processes running, and selecting columns for right alignment will crash. This is how I try to align the columns.
Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
We have software, where a user can create a Word document. The word document loads a Word Template, in which a bookmark marks the location for creating the table. Before the table is created, the new document from the template will be saved on a network path. If there is already a document from that template, it should be overwritten. After saving the document for the first time and giving the right name, my method creates the table and fills it with content. The creating part will crash as soon as my method tries to align the columns(alignment-part in the code above) if there was a document created before. I took a look at the task manager there were no running word processes left after the first run. If a new word document is created, without overwriting an existing one, there are no problems with the alignment. So I guess the combination of overwriting an existing document and the alignment is responsible for the error.
€dit2 - My Code (I removed unneccessary lines of code like variable declaration):
'That is kind of strange, because even though it should be nothing it skipped that part - But if it tries to use the existing word instance - it crashes with the 462 - remote-server-computer is not available.
If app is Nothing Then
Set app = New Word.Application
Exit Function
End If
Set document = app.Documents.Add(Template:=Template, NewTemplate:=False, DocumentType:=0)
Dim settings As settings
settings = exportWord (document,...)
Private Function exportWord (oDoc As Word.Document, ...) As settings
On Error GoTo Err_WordExport
Dim sets As settings
With sets
.export = False
End With
exportWord = sets
Dim objRange As Word.Range
Dim objTable As Word.Table
With oDoc
Set objRange = .Bookmarks("tbl").Range
.Tables.Add objRange, positionen.Count + 1, 6
Set objTable = .Bookmarks("tbl").Range.Tables(1)
End With
With objTable
With .Rows(1)
.Cells(1).Range.Text = ""
.Cells(2).Range.Text = ""
.Cells(3).Range.Text = ""
.Cells(4).Range.Text = ""
.Cells(5).Range.Text = ""
.Cells(6).Range.Text = ""
.Cells(1).Range.Font.Bold = True
.Cells(2).Range.Font.Bold = True
.Cells(3).Range.Font.Bold = True
.Cells(4).Range.Font.Bold = True
.Cells(5).Range.Font.Bold = True
.Cells(6).Range.Font.Bold = True
End With
End With
Dim i As Long
i = 2
For Each ItemPos In Positionen
'fill the content
Next ItemPos
With objTable.Rows(1).Borders(wdBorderBottom)
.Visible = True
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleDouble
End With
Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
oDoc.SaveAs2 pathToSave
With sets
.export = True
.PathToFile = pathToSave
End With
exportWord = sets
Set objTable = Nothing
End Function
You can avoid selecting the columns by looping through the cells. You can also simplify your code as below:
Set objTable = oDoc.Tables.Add(oDoc.Bookmarks("tbl").Range, Positionen.Count + 1, 6)
With objTable
Dim wdCell As Word.Cell
With .Rows(1).Borders(wdBorderBottom)
.Visible = True
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleDouble
End With
For Each wdCell In .Rows(1).Cells
With wdCell.Range
.Text = ""
.Font.Bold = True
End With
Next wdCell
Dim colIndex As Long
For colIndex = 4 To 6
For Each wdCell In .Columns(colIndex).Cells
wdCell.Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
Next wdCell
Next colIndex
End With
You can refine this even further simply by adding a 2 row table into the template with the formatting already applied. Then all you need is:
Set objTable = oDoc.Bookmarks("tbl").Range.Tables(1)
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To positionen - 1
Next i

VBA Word alignment syntax

I'm trying to format paragraph with a string (today's date) with right align in VBA, using Excel VBA test function as below. This line below I thought was acceptable syntax but I got something wrong here or somewhere else in the function, as date still displays left-aligned when I open the saved document:
wordLetter.Paragraphs(1).Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
This function creates new Word document with Normal template, adds the date, saves it relative to current Excel workbook location.
Otherwise, I understand .Paragraphs(1) exists already when a Word document is created with .Add or .Open method of Documents collection, I only just realised this.
Private Function Test()
Dim objWord As Object: Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
objWord.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wordLetter As Object: Set wordLetter = objWord.Documents.Add
wordLetter.Range.Font.textColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
Dim strDate As String: strDate = Format(Now(), "dddd, mmm d, yyyy")
wordLetter.Paragraphs(1).Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
wordLetter.Paragraphs(1).Range.text = strDate
objWord.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
savePath = ThisWorkbook.path & "\testDoc.docx"
With wordLetter
.SaveAs2 Filename:=savePath, FileFormat:=wdFormatDocumentDefault
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Function
Many thanks any suggestions.
WordLetter.Paragraphs(1).Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight

Word Userform won't open in second, currently active document after opened/unloaded in first document

The headline really says it all, but here's my situation: I have a userform set up to collect user input, then uses that input in a macro and executes it. That, in itself, works exactly like I want it to. The problem comes when more than one document is open.
To illustrate: I have two documents, 'doc a' and 'doc b'. I open both documents, then select 'doc a', open the userform using a show userform macro, input my data, and hit either 'Okay' or 'Cancel' (both of which are set to unload the userform once clicked). The macro runs, and then I select 'doc b' to do the same. This time, however, when I run my 'show userform' macro, 'doc a' is selected and the userform is opened there.
This seems like a pretty basic issue, but I haven't been able to figure out any fixes. After putting 'unload me' failed to work in my button-click subs, I tried creating an unload macro and calling it from those subs instead, but neither is working for me. Any thoughts? (Also, while I'm already here- are there any good tricks to autofill the Userform with the most recently filled data? Not between opening/closing word, which I've seen some solutions for, but just while word is open, and I'm switching between active documents)
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Folder_Name = ""
Tag_Name = ""
Checklist.Value = True
Site_Report.Value = False
Space_Check.Value = False
End Sub
Public Sub Okay_Click()
folder = Folder_Name.Text
tag = Tag_Name.Text
tagtxt = Tag_Name.Text & "[0-9]{1,}"
tagnum = Len(Tag_Name.Text)
If Checklist.Value = True Then
report_type = "cl"
report_type = "sr"
End If
If Space_Check.Value = True Then
space = "yes"
space = "no"
End If
If Len(Folder_Name.Text) > 0 Then
Application.Run "Mass_Hyperlink_v_5_0"
Application.Run "UnloadIt"
Application.Run "UnloadIt"
End If
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Cancel_Click()
Application.Run "UnloadIt"
Unload Me
End Sub
I don't think the issue is with the macros that this userform uses (it runs fine on its own, though the code is likely a bit hackneyed), but here's the code for good measure:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Public tag As String
Public tagtxt As String
Public tagnum As String
Public folder As String
Public space As String
Public report_type As String
Public Sub Mass_Hyperlink_v_5_0()
Dim fileName As String
Dim filePath As String
Dim rng As Word.Range
Dim rng2 As Word.Range
Dim fileType As String
Dim start As String
Dim temp As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
fileType = "jpg"
If space = "Yes" Then
start = "%20("
Else: start = "("
End If
If report_type = "cl" Then
folder = "..\Images\" & folder
Set rng = ActiveDocument.Range
Else: folder = folder
End If
If report_type = "sr" Then
folder = "Images\" & folder
Set rng = Selection.Range
Else: folder = folder
End If
Set rng2 = rng.Duplicate
'tagtxt = tag & "[0-9]{1,}"
If Len(rng) > 0 And report_type = "sr" Then
With rng.Find
.Text = tagtxt
.Forward = False
.MatchWildcards = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
Do While .Execute(findText:=tagtxt) = True
If rng.InRange(rng2) Then
'Selection.start = Selection.start + Len(tag)
Selection.start = Selection.start + tagnum
'ActiveDocument.Range(Selection.start - Len(tag), Selection.start).Delete
ActiveDocument.Range(Selection.start - tagnum, Selection.start).Delete
fileName = Selection.Text
filePath = folder & "\" & Hyperlinker.Tag_Name.Text & start & fileName & ")" & "." & fileType
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection.Range, address:= _
filePath, SubAddress:="", ScreenTip:="", TextToDisplay:= _
(Hyperlinker.Tag_Name.Text & Selection.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart
End With
End If
If report_type = "cl" Then
With rng.Find
.Text = tagtxt
.Forward = False
.MatchWildcards = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
Do While .Execute(findText:=tagtxt) = True
If rng.InRange(rng2) Then
'Selection.start = Selection.start + Len(tag)
Selection.start = Selection.start + tagnum
'ActiveDocument.Range(Selection.start - Len(tag), Selection.start).Delete
ActiveDocument.Range(Selection.start - tagnum, Selection.start).Delete
fileName = Selection.Text
filePath = folder & "\" & Hyperlinker.Tag_Name.Text & start & fileName & ")" & "." & fileType
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection.Range, address:= _
filePath, SubAddress:="", ScreenTip:="", TextToDisplay:= _
(Hyperlinker.Tag_Name.Text & Selection.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub Show_Linker()
End Sub
Sub UnloadIt()
Unload Hyperlinker
End Sub
Working with UserForms in VBA can be tricky, because they're actually a kind of Class. Since VBA tries to make everything exceptionally simple, classes are not obvious, nor is how to work with them correctly. There are situations where they become traps for the unwary.
So VBA makes it possible for you to work with an instance of a UserForm class without you needing to declare and instantiate a new object, as would normally be the case with a class object. The result being that the object can "hang around" and cause unexpected behavior, such as you're seeing.
The more correct way to work with a UserForm may seem like a lot more work (code to type and complexity), but it helps to keep things sorted. Indeed, this approach would theoretically allow you to have a separate UserForm for various documents.
Dim frmHyperlinker as Hyperlinker
Set frmHyperlinker = New Hyperlinker
'Execution waits...
'Now you're done with it, so clean up
Unload frmHyperlinker
Set frmHyperlinker = Nothing
There's an Answer in this discussion that goes into more technical detail, although the topic of that question is different from yours: Add Public Methods to a Userform Module in VBA

Making Certain Text Bold In Excel VBA

I am exporting an excel table into word using VBA. The word document has one bookmark. The code is such that first it writes the TYPE as the heading and then write all the description under that TYPE. I want the headings to be bold and formatted. I have the following code but it does not work. If anyone could suggest something.
If Dir(strPath & "\" & strFileName) <> "" Then
'Word Document open
On Error Resume Next
Set objWDApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If objWDApp Is Nothing Then Set objWDApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
With objWDApp
.Visible = True 'Or True, if Word is to be indicated
.Documents.Open (strPath & "\" & strFileName)
Set objRng = objWDApp.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Bookmark").Range
.Styles.Add ("Heading")
.Styles.Add ("Text")
With .Styles("Heading").Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 12
.Bold = True
.Underline = True
End With
With .Styles("Text").Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 10
.Bold = False
.Underline = False
End With
End With
On Error GoTo 0
i = Start_Cell
idx(1) = i
n = 2
Do ' Search for first empty cell in the table
i = i + 1
If i > Start_Cell + 1 And Cells(i, QB_Type).Value = Cells(i - 1, QB_Type) Then GoTo Loop1
idx(n) = i
n = n + 1
Loop Until IsEmpty(Cells(i + 1, QB_Type).Value)
idxEnd = i
idx(n) = 9999
i = Start_Cell
n = 1
If i = idx(n) Then
strTMP = vbNewLine & vbNewLine & Cells(idx(n), QB_Type).Value & vbNewLine
With objWDApp
'.Selection.Font.Bold = True 'Type Bold (Doesnt Functions!?)
.Selection.Styles ("Heading") 'I tried this as well but not functioning...gives an error here that object does not support this property
WriteToWord objRng, strTMP 'Text written
End With
n = n + 1
End If
strTMP = vbNewLine & Cells(i, QB_Description).Value & vbNewLine
With objWDApp
' .Selection.Font.Bold = False 'Description Not bold (Not functioning!?)
.Selection.Styles("Text") 'This is also not functioning
WriteToWord objRng, strTMP 'Text written
End With
i = i + 1 'Arbeitspunktzähler erhöhen
Loop Until i > idxEnd
Public Sub WriteToWord(objRng, text)
With objRng
.InsertAfter text
End With
End Sub
Try .Selection.Style.Name = "Heading" from here
Edit 2
The following code works as expected. You will need to modify it to fit your needs. I successfully added and then bolded text to an existing word document.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Test()
' Add a reference to Microsoft Word x.0 Object Library for early binding and syntax support
Dim w As Word.Application
If (w Is Nothing) Then Set w = New Word.Application
Dim item As Word.Document, doc As Word.Document
' If the document is already open, just get a reference to it
For Each item In w.Documents
If (item.FullName = "C:\Path\To\Test.docx") Then
Set doc = item
Exit For
End If
' Else, open the document
If (doc Is Nothing) Then Set doc = w.Documents.Open("C:\Path\To\Test.docx")
' Force change Word's default read-only/protected view
doc.ActiveWindow.View = wdNormalView
' Delete the preexisting style to avoid an error of duplicate entry next time this is run
' Could also check if the style exists by iterating through all styles. Whichever method works for you
doc.Styles.Add "MyStyle"
With doc.Styles("MyStyle").Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 12
.Bold = True
.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle
End With
' Do your logic to put text where you need it
doc.Range.InsertAfter "This is another Heading"
' Now find that same text you just added to the document, and bold it.
With doc.Content.Find
.Text = "This is another Heading"
If (.Found) Then .Parent.Bold = True
End With
' Make sure to dispose of the objects. This can cause issues when the macro gets out mid way, causing a file lock on the document
Set doc = Nothing
Set w = Nothing
End Sub
By adding a reference to the object library, you can get intellisense support and compilation errors. It would help you determine earlier in development that Styles is not a valid property off the Word.Application object.

Word VBA to Save in specific Directory with Merge Field as File Name and Prompt

I have created an Excel template to mail merge the fields into a Word document and generate 5 different letters which would go out to ONE customer.
To have the Word VBA code run an automatic mail merge and prompt to save (or Autosave) in a specific directory with a file name which is derived from a mail merge field.
(unique identifier) + Name of First Letter + Date
to be saved in First Letter Folder
(unique identifier) + Name of Second Letter + Date
to be saved in Second Letter Folder
I cannot figure out how to specify the directory or how to insert a mail merge field as a part of the file name.
The following is the code that I have
Sub MailMerge()
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
.SuppressBlankLines = True
With .DataSource
.FirstRecord = wdDefaultFirstRecord
.LastRecord = wdDefaultLastRecord
End With
.Execute Pause:=False
End With
With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSummaryInfo)
.Title = "Letter1Draft" & Format(Now(), "mmddyyyy") & ".doc"
End With
' Then this!
With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
End With
End Sub
The following code picks the directory.
It does not allow you to insert a mail merge field as the file name.
Sub AllSectionsToSubDoc()
Dim x As Long
Dim Sections As Long
Dim Doc As Document
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Doc = ActiveDocument
Sections = Doc.Sections.Count
For x = Sections - 1 To 1 Step -1
ActiveDocument.SaveAs (Doc.Path & "\" & x & ".pdf")
ActiveDocument.Close False
Next x
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub