Where does SQL Server restore backup from if I select Database as the source? - sql

When I restore an SQL server database from backup, I usually do it from a .bak file on the disk. There is also an option to restore from Database as a source - see this picture
Is this backup restored from the database log file?

It's from existing backups from databases that have been created on the server. It's essentially a list of all databases that have at least one recorded backup in the msdb database.
Source: MSDN
Select the database to restore from the drop-down list. The list contains only databases that have been backed up according to the msdb backup history.


How to convert SQL trn files to bak file?

The SQL is backup my database into many .trn files (in backup folder).
The problem is Azure Data Studio can't restore the database from .trn files. It only works with .bak file.
Is there a way to convert .trn to .bak (single file)?
You need a database backup file (typically bak extension) to go with a transaction log backup file (typically trn extension). A transaction log backup alone cannot be restored.
You can read as much in the documentation on transaction log backups:
Minimally, you must have created at least one full backup before you can create any log backups. After that, the transaction log can be backed up at any time unless the log is already being backed up.
And from Restore a Transaction Log Backup
Backups must be restored in the order in which they were created. Before you can restore a particular transaction log backup, you must first restore the following previous backups without rolling back uncommitted transactions, that is WITH NORECOVERY:
The full database backup and the last differential backup, if any, taken before the particular transaction log backup. Before the most recent full or differential database backup was created, the database must have been using the full recovery model or bulk-logged recovery model.
All transaction log backups taken after the full database backup or the differential backup (if you restore one) and before the particular transaction log backup. Log backups must be applied in the sequence in which they were created, without any gaps in the log chain.
If what you have is a database backup file and several transaction log backup files, and you really need just one backup file, you would have to restore it in a location that can accept the transaction log backup files (e.g. locally, or on your programming environment). Then from the restored database, take a database backup which you can then use as a single backup file.

Will another full backup in mirroring disturb the mirroring

I have to restore one database 'XYZ' onto another standalone SQL server.
'XYZ' database is the part of mirroring on principal server. I want to know if I take another FULL backup just prior to restore, will it affect the mirroring or mirroring will get disturbed. What should be the proper steps to do this activity.
Can I do database backups for a mirrored database?
Yes, it is allowed to do database backups in the Principal database.
However, it is not allowed on the Mirror server since which is in the
Restoring state.
with some restrictions : Restrictions on Backup and Restore During Mirroring:
While a database mirroring session is active, the following restrictions apply:
Backup and restore of the mirror database are not allowed.
Backup of the principal database is allowed, but BACKUP LOG WITH NORECOVERY is not allowed.
Restoring the principal database is not allowed.
Check this link for more information

How to create backup .bak file of specific table from database in sql server 2012?

I want to restore new database in my Sql server but need one table from previous database.So I need to create a backup file of specific table so I can restore it in newer version of database.
You can generate Scripts for Schema and Data for that particular table. There are many tools available. You can use SSMS for that.
After you have the table schema and the data you can run that script on the new database.
To back up a database:
After connecting to the appropriate instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine, in Object Explorer, click the server name to expand the server tree.
Expand Databases, and depending on the database, either select a user database or expand System Databases and select a system database.
Right-click the database, point to Tasks, and then click Back Up. The Back Up Database dialog box appears.
In the Database list box, verify the database name. You can optionally select a different database from the list.
You can perform a database backup for any recovery model (FULL, BULK_LOGGED, or SIMPLE).
In the Backup type list box, select Full.
Optionally, you can select Copy Only Backup to create a copy-only backup. A copy-only backup is a SQL Server backup that is independent of the sequence of conventional SQL Server backups.
These are the most important points, the other ones are very intuitive. For more details about here's a link that explain step by step how to create a backup (.bak) for your database.

How to recover SQL database

Is it possible to recover an SQL database if its associated files have been permanently deleted by mistake?
You can recover the database using:
full database backup stored somewhere your admin chose to be stored
a tape backup you don't know even exists, but your datacenter admin knows
a database mirror (you have to break the mirror first)
a database backup (copyonly?) your developer has somewhere as the base for his dev work
an old version SQL Server you have just migrated from
parts of the database hashed all over the xml files your developers store somewhere on their PCs

how do I backup logins and jobs from SQL server 2005?

Is there a script or function in sqlserver2005 that i can backup the jobs and login details of a server from the master database?
Jobs are stored in the MSDB database and logins in the Master database.
You can backup these system databases as you would any other of your user databases. Use the Management Studio GUI or via the "backup database.." TSQL syntax.
See this article on backing up your system databases. With specific considerations for the backing up master and backing up MSDB.