Pentaho bi server and administration-console communications - pentaho

I was deploy pentaho bi server on my running tomcat server ref from here.
Now I want to create JNDI bases datasource so I login through pentaho administration console but in that web page nothing to shows users lists, user role. After googling some times I was found that change console.xml then I was changed my console.xml file as below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- comma separated list of roles (no spaces) -->
then I was stopped administration console and then again start but still it not shows me any user lists, role lists. After that I hard coded as below
DIR_REL=`dirname $0`
cd -
. "$DIR/"
setPentahoEnv "$DIR/../biserver-ce/jre"
but running at it shows not found but in my first steps deploying pentaho bi server on existing tomcat it not mentioned anything about where to copy or set. Can any one knows how to solve this problem?

Short answer: Pentaho 5.0 doesn't have an admin console because both user roles and database connections are easily configured in the user console. It seems you just started to deploy your biserver so I suggest you upgrade to the new version and leave admin console behind. Trust me. You will like it.
Long answer: If you still wish to stay with 4.8 for some strange reason:
Don't change anything in Pac-start.bat, revert to the original version before your changes. If you need to change the default URL or port, then
find biserver-ce\tomcat\conf\server.xml
the default for pentaho user console is 8080, and the default admin console port is 8443. Change those to your preference. Once done,
find biserver-ce\tomcat\webapps\pentaho\WEB-INF\web.xml
change here:
then find the list of trusted Ip's and add additional trusted IP's here (this is somewhere around line 133)
<description>Comma separated list of IP addresses of a trusted hosts.</description>
(Also covered in this article:
Make sure when you start the admin console, pentaho biserver is running already. Admin console will not work if the biserver is not running.
Make sure you use the correct JDK, because a wrong java configuration, or wrong java_home_path can also cause admin console to not stand up.
Really, just go with Pentaho 5.0.1.


User/Role List could not be obtained pentaho

I am installing pentaho 8.1 CE on ubuntu 16.04
have made change of bd from HSQLDB to Mysql, tables have been created, jackrabbit, hibernate and hibernate.
When starting the server, not login, I imagine that the users are missing or not created. ??
the error that throws me in
ERROR [CompositeUserRoleListService] User / Role List could not be obtained.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Target of Bean was never resolved:
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy84.loadUserByUsername(Unknown Source)
Database Jackrabbit no created tables..
any idea?
When changing the back-end database, there's a few things you need to make sure you check.
context.xml (in WEB-INF)
You'll need to confirm the settings for the connection to the new database has been properly configured in all of these different config files. Some additional details on how to config these files for MySQL specifically can be found in the documentation here:
Past that, make sure that you delete the "repository" directory inside of /pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit as this is an index of the repository. If you change your database back-end, then this index needs to be rebuilt. The index is rebuilt automatically if the server sees that "repository" directory doesn't exist at startup.
I've found the same issue on Windows Server 2016 and MySQL8.0, with Pentaho 8.0.2.
Starting Pentaho server from the start-pentaho.bat command, everything was fine.
The problem arise when I was using Tomcat.
The solution was to be sure that Tomcat service was running with the LOCAL SYSTEM account.
If the Tomcat service runs with lower privileges, maybe it can't access to the pentaho-solutions directory and it cannot load the required java beans.
if everything as per the document is configured correctly, then You might be missing the connection change in, please check that.

Odoo LDAP module not working correctly between different Server

I want to use Odoo module name: Authentication via LDAP (by Odoo SA) to authenticate our user from Active Directory (Server 2003).
On my testing server, everything working smoothly, but not on my production server (I had make sure all settings are the same), this error alway report in server log, although username and password are correct.
I can not find out why, but when I check the information of LDAP module, I saw a little bit difference:
I also tried re-install but nothing change. Any help would be much appreciated.
This is the correct setting working with Odoo v9, I change the port form 389 to 3268

IBM Worklight Console - audit trail of tasks performed on console

I am using IBM Worklight 6 and for auditing purposes would like to know if I it is possible to log the details of tasks performed on the Worklight Console, i.e. log the details when deploying new version of app/adapter?
Worklight, or more specifically, the application server that Worklight Server is deployed to (WAS, WAS Liberty profile, Tomcat), does not have the ability to filter logs into seperate files, for example for the purpose you have mentioned.
What you might be able to do is take the server log, and create your own manual filtering (by script, of course). What you will need to do is to find the prefix for each action done and filter using it.
In Eclipse (or your production environment) open server.xml > Logging and change the Console log level from Audit (default) to Info.
This in turn will produce the following log lines in the sever log:
[INFO ] FWLSE0084I: Adapter 'aaa' was deployed successfully. [project test]
In your script you can now filter for FWLSE0084I for adapters and similar prefixes for other actions, likely. I am not sure if all Worklight Console actions have prefixes, but if they are ones that require a connection to the server, then likely that they do.

Could not open "Pentaho User Console" page in browser

I'm working on Java Pos and I'm a newbie. I need (kettle) Pentaho Data Integration in order to integrate the Java POS' database with the database in the ERP. I followed the following manual
and I'm stuck at Part 3- Step 1. When I type localhost address in the browser, instead of getting pentaho login page i'm getting a "HTTP Status 404" error.
Do I've to change the tomcat server port or anything else? Please, help me find out the glitch in this program?
Check your server.xml to see what port is listening on. I assume when you started tomcat it started successfully? ( check the log for errors )
Use google.
Finally, if you want to use ETL/Kettle then you need to start off looking at the Spoon tool - this is the UI for building ETL. So look at that first perhaps.
(you dotn even need the BI server if all you're doing is ETL.)

Permissions issues with SQL 2008, Report Builder 2.0

So here's a bit of context for the horror story:
Win 2003 SP2 64bit running on a VM exposed to outside world for web access.
SQL Server 2008 Std SP2 64bit with Reporting Services (RS) installed for native mode (i.e. not sharepoint mode).
IIS 6 .NET 3.5 web site app written to use the web services from RS. The site has been set to use Windows Authentication and nothing else.
To save writting custom authentication since I don't need it for this demo I have set-up a local account in Win 2003, i.e. servername\myDemoUser, effectively allow fake Windows Authentication.
Default.aspx lists folders on RS and the reports from each folder. It also has a link to the Report Builder 2 on the server.
The rsreportserver.config has been changed so that the only <AuthenticationType> is <RSWindowsNTLM> since <RSWindowsNegoiate> can't work since it's across the internet and users will not be on the same network (hence the local account myDemoUser).
The web site app has url of the form: and the link on it to the Report Builder is of the form:, in this case RS has been configured so the Web services virtual directory is "services".
The web.config for the website app has been set to <identity impersonate="true /> for <locations> for the ASPX pages that access the RS webservice. I even added a <location path="services/reportbuilder"> with the same thing and also to allow anonymous users.
So after all the above I go to the site from a machine that isn't on the network, I get prompted by IE8 for username/password and I enter servername\myDemoUser and the correct password. The homepage is displayed and correctly shows the list of folders and reports from RS. HOWEVER if I click the RS report builder link I get the pop window saying it's doing it's clickonce verfication stuff but after a couple of seconds it shows simple message box saying there was an authentication error. The details button then shows a text file with a bunch of stacktrace stuff in which eventually says that the server returned 401 while accessing the .application file mentioned above.
I turned on failure auditing for logins on the Win 2003 VM and I can see that when the clickonce fails it is trying to use the local machine account I logged into on the external (to my network) machine instead of the credentials I entered into the browser on that machine when testing it.
Much Googling and granting of permissions to Network service, everyone etc... on various folders involved later nothing the Report Builder bit just won't install via clickonce due to permissions or the incorrect use there of.
I'm looking into maybe changing something in the RS to try and grant permissions to the report builder to anonymous but at this point I'm pretty pessimistic that I'll actually find anything. The annoying thing about this is that this a test that doesn't represent the final thing (we'll be using custom authentication in RS) but unfortunately I have to do it, 8(.
Any ideas would be most appreciated.
It turns out that when using fake Windows authentication in this way when the machine you are accessing the site from a machine where you have not logged into the domain then clickOnce won't work because it won't pass the details you enter into the browser as found.
So the solution is to:
1) Log into a (any) domain on the machine that is going to access the clickonce link on your site.
2) In Control Panel go to User Accounts (XP)/Store Users and Passwords (Win 2003), and manage the network passwords for a user (XP) and add in the URL, username and password.
Whenever clickonce fires up for this URL it will pass the username/password specified as opposed to the local machine account.
Either of the above will solve this problem.