Castle windsor wire generic irepository with 2 types -

Hi I am trying to change a code example found here
In his example he uses structure map, when I converted it to windsor I can get it to work with the one repository using the following.
But what I really want to do is to map all the irepository based interfacees to thier implementation.
Here is the IRepository, T is the entity, K is the prmiary key type
public interface IRepository<T, K> where T : class
Its implementation Is
public abstract class Repository<T> : IRepository<T, int>, IDisposable where T : DomainEntity<int>
My controller has the interface IPeopleRepository as a constructor paramerter.
public interface IPeopleRepository : IRepository<Person, int>
public class PeopleRepository : Repository<Person>, IPeopleRepository
I want to have one register to register all repositories, something like this, but it wont match and i get the error Service 'Spaanjaars.ContactManager45.Model.Repositories.IPeopleRepository' which was not registered
What am i missing in regards to this? is it because my irepository has 2 generic types?

In order to map all the IRepository based interfaces to their implementations .WithService.AllInterfaces() should be used.
This registration should solve your issue.
There are some tests to test it. I claim they are green.
public class InstallerTest
private IWindsorContainer container;
public void Init()
container = new WindsorContainer().Install(new Installer());
public void ResilveTest_ResolvesViaIRepository()
// act
var repository = container.Resolve<IRepository<Person, int>>();
// assert
public void ResilveTest_ResolvesViaIPeopleRepository()
// act
var repository = container.Resolve<IPeopleRepository>();
// assert
public class Installer : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)


Dependency injection in Hotchocolate GraphQL, ASP.NET Core

Is it possible to do something like this?
class Query<T> : ObjectType<MyQuery<T>> where T : class
protected override void configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor<MyQuery<T>> descriptor)
.Field(f => f.GetItems)
.Description("Return List");
public partial class MyQuery<T> where T : class
private readonly IGenericRepositorty _repo
public MyQuery(IGenericRepositorty repo)
_repo = repo;
public IEnumerable<T> GetItems()
return _repo.GetAll(); // GetAll in generic repo
Now if I am adding my service in Startup.cs as
It works.
But I want to add it as
services.AddQueryType<MyQuery<>>(); or kind of services.AddQueryType(typeOf(MyQuery<>));
The way we inject generic repo like this
So, here at run time it creates an instance.
The same way for query at run time I am trying whether it will be possible to create instance

Service Stack Injecting and Resolving Service in Filter (dot net core 2)

I have a TypeFilterAtrribute which instantiates and ActionFilter. The ActionFilter needs two services injected.
public class ValidateUserAttribute : TypeFilterAttribute
public ValidateUserAttribute() : base(typeof(AuthenticationFilter))
private class AuthenticationFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
private readonly IActiveDirectoryService ActiveDirectoryService;
private readonly MessageService MessageSerivce;
public AuthenticationFilter(IActiveDirectoryService activeDirectoryService, MessageService messageSerivce)
ActiveDirectoryService = activeDirectoryService;
MessageSerivce = messageSerivce;
I have it working with the default IOC container of dot net core 2 but I could not use Funq container to do it.
I am reading from appsettings.json (I think I read on the docs ServiceStack does not support this) and registering
var config = Configuration.GetSection("LdapAuth");
services.AddActiveDirectoryService(options =>
Configuration.GetSection("LdapAuth"));//uses collection.AddTransient<IActiveDirectoryService, ActiveDirectoryService>()
services.AddMessageService(); //same as above
I can't think of a way to inject into the filter a parameterized service.
So this does not work at all because I don't have a default constructor.
public class AuthenticationFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public IActiveDirectoryService ActiveDirectoryService {get; set;};
But this below at least should have worked. I'm not using an interface here though.
public class AuthenticationFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public MessageService MessageService{get; set}; //notice not using interface here although this as default constructor.
Where this gets really ugly is then I have controllers that inherit ServiceStackController and I inject services using ResolveService from the Funq container.
public class MessageController : ServiceStackController
var messageService = ResolveService<MessageService>()
I re-register them.. like below.
public override void Configure(Funq.Container container)
SqlServerDialect.Provider.RegisterConverter<TimeSpan>(new ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer.Converters.SqlServerTimeConverter
Precision = 7
var connectionString = GetConnectionString(AppSettings);
new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, new SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider()));
LdapAuthenticationOptions options = GetLdapAuthenticationOptions(AppSettings); //notice now I have to read from AppSetting.. which is appsettings.txt file.
container.Register(c => new ActiveDirectoryService(options));
container.Register(c => new MessageService());

Ninject request scope and callback

I have a problem with Ninject in a MVC project using Owin.
I have a generic class for UnitOfWork that is not specific to my project :
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
public UnitOfWork(DbContext context)
I define two repositories using my custom DbContext :
public UserRepository : IUserRepository
public UserRepository(MyEntities context)
public OrderRepository : IOrderRepository
public OrderRepository(MyEntities context)
Then I have a ApiController which use the unit of work and the repositories.
public OrderController : ApiController
public OrderController(IUnitOfWork uow, IUserRepository userRepository, IOrderRepository orderRepository)
I configure my Ninject kernel within a module. My bindings are with a request scope.
public class MyModule : Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule
public override void Load()
// Bind all the repositories
this.Bind(x =>
.Configure(c => c.InRequestScope()));
// Bind the DbContext of the application
// To bind the UnitOfWork, I need to specify the real DbContext to use. For that I use a callback which provide argument to constructor :
.WithConstructorArgument("context", GetContext);
private Object GetContext(IContext context, ITarget target)
IResolutionRoot resolver;
ActivationBlock scope;
scope = context.Request.GetScope() as ActivationBlock;
resolver = scope ?? (IResolutionRoot)context.Kernel;
var o = resolver.Get<MyEntities>();
var o2 = resolver.Get<MyEntities>();
var same = Object.ReferenceEquals(o, o2);
return o;
Then I activate Ninject with Owin like this in the Startup class :
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
kernel.Load(new MyModule());
return kernel;
It seems good but there is a big problem. The repositories share the same DbContext, but the DbContext in the UnitOfWork is a different instance.
In the function GetContext, the scope is always null, so the MyContext instance is retrieved from the kernel. The boolean variable same is always false. The problem is here. The Get function of the kernel return a new instance, instead of the instance of the request scope.
Not sure if you still need this... but you can bind the dbcontext to self and then ask for it when you want to use it.
Bind<IUserStoreGuid<User>>().To<UserStoreGuid<User>>().WithConstructorArgument("context", Kernel.GetService(typeof(ApplicationDbContext)));
Although the connection string in the app is called "DefautConnection", you need to use "context" because that is how it is called in the constructor argument. I got this from here

Ninject: How to resolve collection from object type

Just wanted to know if there is a way bind a type and resolve a collection. I dont know if Ninject can do this out of the box. I'm using MVC4 with Ninject3 so I have the NinjectWebCommon.cs where I register the services. There is nowhere I can get the kernel (I read that it was bad practice to access the kernel from elsewhere, but that can certainly be the solution to this).
For example, I'm having this class:
public class CacheManager
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Get<T>() where T : INameValue
I want to be able to send
and obtain the CityRepository class.
Is it this you want to do? :
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Ninject;
using Ninject.Modules;
using Ninject.Syntax;
public class Temp
public interface ICity { }
public class SelectListItem
public class FooCity : SelectListItem, ICity { }
public class BarCity : SelectListItem, ICity {}
public class CityModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
public class CacheManager
private readonly IResolutionRoot resolutionRoot;
public CacheManager(IResolutionRoot resolutionRoot)
this.resolutionRoot = resolutionRoot;
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Get<T>()
return this.resolutionRoot.GetAll<T>().OfType<SelectListItem>();
I'm unclear as to whether you have multiple implementations of T (ICity) or one implementation but several instances (like retrieving a list of city names from the database and creating one instance per name). The later you could solve by a this.Bind>().ToProvider(...) binding.
I ended up doing:
In NinjectWebCommon.cs:
In CacheManager.cs:
public class CacheManager: IDisposable
private IKernel kernel;
public CacheManager(IKernel kernel)
this.kernel = kernel;
public IEnumerable<T> GetAsEnumerable<T>()
var rep = kernel.Get<IDataListRepository<T>>();
return rep.GetAll();
I don't know if this is bad-practice (since kernel in theory should only be used in the initialization phase), but I didn't find any other way to do it.
If better options exist, please let me know.

AutoMapper testing and dependency injection for resolvers

Im writing a test for an automapper map. One of the destination members in the map requires a value resolver, and that value resolver has service dependencies which are injected. I want to use the real implementation for the resolver (since thats part of the map im testing) but Id like to use mocks for the dependencies the resolver has.
Ofcourse I want to try to avoid using an ioc container for in my tests, but how do I easily resolve my value resolver's dependencies without one?
This is my rather simplified example, in the real case there are several resolvers with sometimes many dependencies, and I really dont like to basically implement my own dependency resolver in my tests. Should I use a lightweight ioc container?
public class MapperTest
private IMyService myService;
public void Setup()
Mapper.Initialize(config =>
public T Resolve<T>()
return (T) Resolve(typeof (T));
public object Resolve(Type type)
if (type == typeof(MyValueResolver))
return new MyValueResolver(Resolve<IMyService>());
if (type == typeof(IMyService))
return myService;
Assert.Fail("Can not resolve type " + type.AssemblyQualifiedName);
return null;
public void ShouldConfigureCorrectly()
public void ShouldMapStuff()
var source = new Source() {...};
var child = new Child();
myService = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMyService>();
myService .Stub(x => x.DoServiceStuff(source)).Return(child);
var result = Mapper.Map<ISource, Destination>(source);
public class MyProfile : Profile
protected override void Configure()
CreateMap<ISource, Destination>()
.ForMember(m => m.Child, c => c.ResolveUsing<MyResolver>());
public class MyResolver: ValueResolver<ISource, Destination>
private readonly IMyService _myService;
public MyResolver(IMyService myService)
_myService = myService;
protected override Child ResolveCore(ISource source)
return _myService.DoServiceStuff(source);
Here's one solution, but basically its what iv done already:
The suggestion is to use a service locator which are set up differently depending on test or real implementation.